From: Angel Martín Alganza ([email protected])
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 11:38:52 CET
On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Michele Andreoli wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 05:41:58PM +0100, Gerrit Lammert nicely wrote:
> > I perfectly understand your point (that is I think so), but there ARE some
> > advantages (More space on 1st Disk, independece of versions, so you can use
> > an old base with a new addon...).
> Trasferring all the "intelligence", from the base floppy, on the
> various addons. Isn't true?
> MuLinux is *as is* (i.e. 'resource based', not 'addon based') primarily
> for historic raisons: the 'addon' concept was born after the
> 'resource' concept, so I implemented the addon as simple resource.
If I understand the point right, you are discusing whether or not moving
documentation relative to add-ons to each add-on would be a good idea. I
also understand Michele point, which I think it is important.
But, how about a hybrid solution? What I'm thinking about is
removing from the BASE floppy all docs about add-ons and put them on a
documentation floppy, which could hold lots and lots of information
loadable during the first boot and as an option during next boots. In such
a way, we could have the space at the BASE while still being able to
access to the documentation for each add-on whithout needing to load them
Mmmhhhh... info pages could even not be loaded to RAM, but kept on
the floppy, which should be inserted into the floppy drive whenever is
needed to access the info.
Not sure whether I explained very clearly, but I hope you get the
idea of what I mean. And yes, this is the same guy who wrote a few days
ago he was afraid of muLinux growing far too much :) I now have a much
better idea of what add-ons are and how they work than I did then :)
What do you think about it?
Thanks a lot for the great muLinux.
Angel Martin Alganza Tel: +34 958 248 926
Departamento de Genetica Fax: +34 958 244 073
e Instituto de Biotecnología
Universidad de Granada
C/ Fuentenueva s/n mailto:[email protected]
E-18071 Granada - Spain
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