From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 23:17:59 CET
On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 05:41:58PM +0100, Gerrit Lammert nicely wrote:
> Hi Michele,
> I perfectly understand your point (that is I think so), but there ARE some
> advantages (More space on 1st Disk, independece of versions, so you can use
> an old base with a new addon...).
Trasferring all the "intelligence", from the base floppy, on the
various addons. Isn't true?
MuLinux is *as is* (i.e. 'resource based', not 'addon based') primarily
for historic raisons: the 'addon' concept was born after the
'resource' concept, so I implemented the addon as simple resource.
> > All that is perfectly possible, but think about that: the new muLinux
> > user does boot the first time the floppy disk. It do not know nothing
> > about addons and theyr containt. After "login:", it must load by hand
> > its preferred addons.
> I don't agree with this, when I download mulinux, I see the Addons with
> names like X11, SRV... And before that I was on that Homepage, where every
> Addon is described. Its the other way, that confuses the newbie, as you have
> a menu-entry for lynx, but no lynx (error message) cause it is on some addon
> you did not install.
It is for this raison that I show at the first boot every addon INFO
screen, with the short description about its contains. The containt list
is never perfect, because I often move binaries from a point to another,
and forget to upgrade every info screen. But what I write on the homesite
is more and more obsolete, if compared with info screens!
> But you point leads me to something:
> I installed Suse 7.0 by downloading a floppy-image with network-support, and
> it connected to and fetched everything i need.
> It shouldn't be too difficult to implement in muLinux (correct me if I'm
> wrong).
> To only download what you actually need (at least the base floppy, it has
> network-support (if not sound anymore ;-) ) and then "upgrade" via ftp, if
> it happens, that you need something else.
> Sure, you must have the right addon in the right internet-ftp-folder.
> With the suggested system (or something similar) it could just search the
> "current"-folder and gets the most up-to-date addon. There could even be an
> "update now"-button...
This is possible without to break the current implementation and, finally,
also very exciting to do using the simple "ftpget" command.
I will implement an upgrade-wizard via FTP, if you like, but all that
seems to me a sort of "grandeur mania".
"it connected to and fetched everything i need"?
I'm at jurassik stage as far internet bandwith is concerned,
but, please, what kind of connection you are using for a similar task?
> With high hopes and gratitude for what you already did... ;-)
Often, I also get excited from some new idea, such to rewrite all
by scratch. My experience teach me: to rewrite by scratch is a success
only if the improvement is sensible. Otherwise, it is better to
open the file and add some new function.
Example: I opened the /setup/fun/LOADER file today and added this
new capability: the addon_loader, before to ask for a floppy-disk, first
try to locate the addon in the /DOS directory.
Ok, it is a little thing and, also, it apply only for UMSDOS
installations, but it is very useful. If the UMSDOS user download a new
addon from Windows and put it a directory in the DOS disk, muLinux is
able to find it at next boot.
-- In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave you with, I don't. Would you take two negative messages? - Woody Allen --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [email protected] For additional commands, e-mail: [email protected]
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