Re: New way to install.. was Re: another mod...

From: Jochen Cichon ([email protected])
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 09:52:54 CET

> Actually, if you load ad addon with Setup, in a RAM mulinux, then save
> the profile setup -s, at next boot the system try do load automatically
> the addon. For this functionality, "load" has to store some info in
> the profile.

That can be done so at any time later teh Setup shows only
        Insert Disk with Label : X11
or something similar.

> All that is perfectly possible, but think about that: the new muLinux
> user does boot the first time the floppy disk. It do not know nothing
> about addons and theyr containt. After "login:", it must load by hand
> its preferred addons.

Thats ok. If I clone to another system I want to add any needed Addon
not some addon stored before (sure thats not real cloning...)
But with the file mentioned above where all LABELS can be stored...

OK you have nothing about the setup on that disk. OK point to U.

But that can also be stored?! Have to think about that... But possible!
And not really hard.

> Maybe, the problem is not clear for you as for me: Setup actually
> not only install and configure the stuff, but it also "present" the
> addon. How it can "to present" the addon if the help screen is
> on the top of a (not existent) diskette? May I base myself on the
> home-site reading, by the user, about addon's content, etc?

> Final problem: in the actual implementation, the system configure
> every resource *after* the last addon is loaded. With the new one,
> the process must be inverted, because new commands are available
> only after loading the addon.

Hm, do we need some commands in the setup which are only available later?



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