This page is going to contain user documentation, FAQ, useful tips and tricks, file management scripts that can be connected to Gnome Commander and so on. Today there is not much information here, but hopefully there will be. Check this page from time to time, or you could maybe contact the author of these pages at under the username jemamo and suggest/contribute with some content of this part of the website.
Since Gnome has changed to follow the standard of handling mimetypes, the editing of preferred programs in Gnome Commander is currently broken (v 1.1.7). We do have this in our TODO file, but until GCMD can handle edititing of preferred programs, there are two other ways of managing this on user basis; use nautilus or manually edit the configuration files that controls mime types in your home directory. Using Nautilus for doing this can feel quite awkward for Gnome Commander users, we usually do not use Gnome Commander because we like using Nautilus.. Anyway, here is how to do it the manual way:
These configuration files usually lives in ~/.local/share/applications
There are three types of files here:
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=display MimeType=image/png;image/jpeg; Exec='/usr/bin/display' Type=Application Terminal=false NoDisplay=true
[MIME Cache] audio/mpeg=xmms-usercreated.desktop;mpg123-usercreated.desktop; image/png=display-usercreated.desktop
[Default Applications] audio/mpeg=xmms-usercreated.desktop image/png=display-usercreated.desktop
Please refer to or your distribution of choise for further details.