GNOME Commander

A powerful filemanager for the Gnome desktop environment

Tips and tricks for Gnome Commander

Tips and tricks:

This page contains some very simple tips and tricks on using and getting the most out of Gnome Commander.

Handling archives

GCMD still lacks built in browsing of compressed archives. However the program can be configured so that working with archives becomes quite practical anyway. This is how you do it:

You can now right click any file or folder and choose Create archive... to compress it and right click compressed files and choose Extract archive... to extract it.

Using removable devices

If you use removable devices such as cd's, floppies and cameras a lot you can make GC automaticly take care of mounting them by following this guide:

Using a nice nautilus icon theme

This is outdated info since Nautilus and later Gnome versions no longer uses these kind of themes.

The default icon theme that comes with GC lacks icons for a lot of file types and only looks good at icon size 16. There are other themes around though, that are more complete and looks better in bigger sizes. Unscalable Gorilla by Jimmac is one example and can be used in GC by following theese steps:

This guide should work for all other nautilus icon themes as well.

Open a full terminal

Sometimes you want a quick way of opening a full teminal window with the current directory as the terminals working directory. Well, that is easy, just type  sh , or maybe  bash  if you prefer, in the gcmd command line and hit SHIFT ENTER - there you have it.

Ok, that is all for now.

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