Re: [mu Setup] How to create an Addon Floppy

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 14:34:23 CET

  • Next message: zaltar: "[mu Setup] Addon"

    On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 08:56:17PM +0100, zaltar nicely wrote:

    > MuLinux is kinda powerful if we consider Andrea handled it only using floppies,

    Thanks to Andrea. Uh ... who is Andrea?

    > How to prepare a home-made addon floppy,
    > P.S. I'm interested in particular to prepare a WKS diskette.

    Your scope is to add a new addon and to integrate it in mu?

    If yes, let me say that this part of the muLinux structure is the
    worse aspect in Mu.

    Not only the structure was wrong at the beginning, but I , stickyng with
    crazyness on this error, in a form of supreme autolesionism, I did worse,
    integrating every /setup/fun/*.fun in a single /setup/fun/,
    and introducing symlinks.

    Do not ask me why. Maybe, a the time, a good raison was there.

    Well, because /setup/fun/ is on the base floppy, you must
    modify the base floppy, in order to expand mulinux.

    Basically, if your addon is XYZ, you must:

    1) add info_XYZ() and default_XYZ() in
    2) create the symlink>
    3) add XYZ in the /setup/model/addons list

    The default_XYZ() function contain the two variables:

            MOUNT_POINT="/usr/XYZ" (as example)
            INIT="/usr/XYZ/bin/prolog" (as example)

    These are the most important part in your development.


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