[mu Setup] How to create an Addon Floppy

From: zaltar ([email protected])
Date: Sun Feb 09 2003 - 20:56:17 CET

  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: [mu Setup] How to create an Addon Floppy"

    Hi, folks!
    There's an italian newbie out there who's trying to learn Linux so, please, be kind and explain me how to create an addon floppy disk.
    I've already read the help session so don't dare to tell me "Poor Newbie, I can't waste my time teachin' U something so simple that's explained on the help docs". Be fair, buddies! MuLinux is kinda powerful if we consider Andrea handled it only using floppies, but I think he thought the documentation part of the OS was an optional and specially boring duty. It's available the 13r2 version and the Readme stuff are updated on the 4r0!
    Well, I'm waiting for a plain answer, guys.
    How to prepare a home-made addon floppy, it isn't fair use the setup floppy because it creates the addon only after creating the boot diskette and it isn't affordable to make a boot floppy everytime you need to create an addon floppy.
    See ya,

    P.S. I'm interested in particular to prepare a WKS diskette.

  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: [mu Setup] How to create an Addon Floppy"

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