RE: Your opinion

From: Jim Wilson ([email protected])
Date: Sat Oct 12 2002 - 15:23:37 CEST

>No list manager software can prevent spam and viruses without
moderation and/or allowing only subscriber posting. Both
>setups are possible with "our" software as well.

Can we try this first?
This problem existed on another list I subscribed to and changing to
only allowing subscription posting did wonders (note: I am not saying it
is perfect) could we try this and if it doesn't work, then swap?
-----Original Message-----
From: Michele Andreoli [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, 12 October 2002 11:10 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Your opinion

Sunsite.Dk are asking me is we really wish to move
the list and the website at SourceForge.
I need your opinion.


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