Re: Re: SVGA X Server setup

From: Philippe Raufast ([email protected])
Date: Thu Sep 26 2002 - 06:00:48 CEST

>> And where is the mulinux mailing-list achive gone ? The link on the mulinux homepage doesnt work !
>> Thanks, Philippe.
>Do you click on ?

The mailing-list archive link is but send you to a ZDnet page !

>If you want i can send NS2 addon to you...
       No thanks, i've already got it in my mulinux directory (the one i install mulinux from, using boot ) but when i run the setup utility it doesnt appears in the "Load the addons : SRV WKS X11 GCC TCL VNC TEX PERL EMU" menu on the top of the screen .
OK, added NS1 in /setup/model/addons file and now NS1 appear in the setup menu but when i run it i have :
"Resource NS1 not found, exit."

Is it because it's only v11r12 and i need a more recent mu ? (how to upgrade without beginning from scratch ?)
Or should i copy NS1.tgz directly into a mu system directory ?
Inside /setup/cnf/ i dont have NS1.cnf should i create it ?
How to load an addon from a floppy ?
   Hope someone could help...

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