From: Schiehallion, Telecomms ([email protected])
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 15:33:32 CET

Before you clone you must run mulinux in RAM I think.
What I have always done (and I have succeeded on 3 PC's and a laptop) is
either (for a machine with RAM > 128M) made floppies and inserted one at a
time as requested, then when it is running past the login type clone and
select either UMSDOS if the machine only has a windows /DOS partition with
loadlin or if a small machine, I have copied all the downloads to a
directory then select option 2 from the installer disk.

I have done one machine directly to a ext2 partition using floppies only to
load into RAM then clone but I think it would also be possible to do this
from running mulinux from a UMSDOS installation and typing clone a second
time if the hard drive had two partitions, one for the UMSDOS and containing
the Mulinux downloads and the other partition as ext2 (maybe a third swap
partition also.
It sounds as though you want to use the clone command before mulinux is
running, I don't think this will work.
There is another possibility, I have seen somewhere on the mulinux site a
download for the UMSDOS linux directory already done. If you download this
onto your DOS partition, then run linux.bat (using DOS startup only) then
this should run mulinux straight away, it would be possible to then clone to
a ext2 partition if you had is set up ready.

Good luck, keep persevering, its worth the trouble.

Adrian W

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 04 February 2002 12:34
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mu INSTALLATION]


I want to install MuLinux in my Compaq Prolinea 4/66 but untill now without
any success...:( I have 54 mb memory and a harddrive at 1200 mb.

I downloaded all the files for Current release 12r2 "Babilonia" and done as
it says in the Install from DOS instruction.

1-unzinp dosstools
2-run unpack.bat

I got a "Installation Disk", then I booted it, I got to a screen telling me
that I have to choose how I want to install MuLinix, but I want to install
permanetelly in the harddrive. So I choose maintenance to get the prompt
then I wrote: CLONE

I answered a few questions, where the files was and where I wanted to
install muLinux.

Then I gott a question if I wanted to install Lilo and I want that, then I
got a question where I want to intall Lilo and only 1 alternative is given:
/dev/fd0 but how do I do to install in the harddrive, in MBR?? I mean what
should I write there?

OK, I choose anyway the /dev/fd0 alternative, then the creation of the
boot,root,usr disk starts but it fails when MuLinux try to create the boot
disk it saids fdformat does not exist!

Then I verify that and boot again but with a DOS startdisket and fdformat
exist! in C:\mulinux

What is happening??

Somenthing I forgot is, that I burned a CD containing all the MuLinux files
then put all files in my compaq prolinea box.

Jose Marin

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