From: [email protected]
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 20:36:59 CET
Hi everybody!
Ok, I understand now what I was doing wrong, I only need ONE file called "mulinux-12r2.tgz" what I did was to download ALL the files from the folder "CURRENT" so when I executed "unpack" it wanted to unpack all files......
but I still have a problem, when I try to clone MuLinux to my harddrive it looks like this:
I execute: CLONE
-I do the fdisk thing
-I choose where the files shoud be store /dev/hda1
-I I choose to have lilo
and finally it says:
I have to choose where to store LILO in /dev/fd0 or in my harddrive, I want to have it on my harddrive so I choose: /dev/hda1
I even tested /dev/hda but without success, I got this message:
Please help me!
Jose Marin
> Hi!
> I want to install MuLinux in my Compaq Prolinea 4/66 but untill now without any success...:( I have 54 mb memory and a harddrive at 1200 mb.
> I downloaded all the files for Current release 12r2 "Babilonia" and done as it says in the Install from DOS instruction.
> 1-unzinp dosstools
> 2-run unpack.bat
> 3-makefi
> I got a "Installation Disk", then I booted it, I got to a screen telling me that I have to choose how I want to install MuLinix, but I want to install permanetelly in the harddrive. So I choose maintenance to get the prompt then I wrote: CLONE
> I answered a few questions, where the files was and where I wanted to install muLinux.
> Then I gott a question if I wanted to install Lilo and I want that, then I got a question where I want to intall Lilo and only 1 alternative is given: /dev/fd0 but how do I do to install in the harddrive, in MBR?? I mean what should I write there?
> OK, I choose anyway the /dev/fd0 alternative, then the creation of the boot,root,usr disk starts but it fails when MuLinux try to create the boot disk it saids fdformat does not exist!
> Then I verify that and boot again but with a DOS startdisket and fdformat exist! in C:\mulinux
> What is happening??
> Somenthing I forgot is, that I burned a CD containing all the MuLinux files then put all files in my compaq prolinea box.
> Thanks!
> Jose Marin
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