Re: [POLIT] Re: Protect your own

From: Gerrit Lammert ([email protected])
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 12:12:45 CEST

Hi Harsha,

> Tell me why the Euros are
> unappreciateive of Eschelon :-)

Ah, we like it. Whenever we are alone, we pick up a phone and can be
sure someone listens ;-)

> I realise that Germany has a handicap with Jews (but not with Israel)
> Equating the two is illogical (and very similar to US=John Doe).

No, I didn't say that all the jews thonk like the isr#aelis or vice
versa. But when germans criticize israel, this is very dangerous. The
israelis see it like this: For hundreds of years they have been pushed
around. And they fear that "the arabians" are trying to do the same. And
germany is not in a position to criticize their defending themselfs.
Its just that germans have to be very careful with everything that
remembers anyone of the holocaust.
To the US=John Doe thing:
I (and many europeans) can't understand the american patriotism,
marching on the 4. of july and that stuff. We wonder, how any court can
judge that somebody has to be given millions of dollars, because she
burnd herself with too hot coffee. They have a president which doesn't
seem to be quite bright. The bigest fear europeans seem to have is that
Bush continues to act as a cowboy instead of acting as the leader of the
most powerful nation.
I _dont't_ think, that americans in general are stupid. Those who have
the power (in economy and politics) surely aren't.
I just think they feel much to important in contrast to others.

> Leave the wars to the hatemongers and gun-toting bullies.

That is exactly the wrong way. There should be pacifistic and fearful
people in all armys. There wouldn't be war anymore...


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