Re: [POLIT] Re: Protect your own

From: Unit 4 ([email protected])
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 05:19:12 CEST

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:25:13 GMT, MPfeifer wrote:

}hi raven and others,
}well, since this list has been politicized lately, another comment here.
}> The first thign i have agreed with that our president has said is that this
}> is an act of war. All our country has ever done to those people was to try
}> and keep them from killing each other. Maybe things would be best if America
}this is a very interesting posting. which shocks me quite a lot but shows a bit
}the view on the world of US-citicens.
}don't understand me wrong, i don't choose side for the attackers, i really
}condamn this action and in general what islamic extremists do. but you shouldn't
}say that US is helping people out when they kill each other. the main reason for
}the US is because they have interests in the different countries.

I am a US veteran. I have 3 honorable discharges, the last awarded after
injury in the line od duty. I offered my life to this country. I have sworn
to defend it from all enemies.

However, I have ancestors that were pushed off the lands they'd lived on
for centuries, herded onto land that was barely suitable for life, and had
genocide commited upon them.

This is precisely what happened to Palestine. I know their anger. The fact
that a few extremists took unspeakable actions does not invalidate the
anger of the millions.

The US needs to take responsibility for all its actions, good and bad, and
own up to them. By trying to deny its past, it perpetrates the same around
the world. This in no way validates the terrorism. It is merely maturing
into a responsible member of the world community.

We have been a bully. We should be a leader.
Our "interests" are based on greed. They should be based on mutual benefit.
We should protect all who are wronged, not just the "enemy of my enemy".
We need to start listening to all sides, not try to make the sides agree
with each other.

We are starting to realize this. If not the leaders, then the younger
people. Sooner or later, this must change, or we are doomed to a perpetual
war with the evil we have helped to create.

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