Re: After freeing some disk space...

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 11:34:09 CET

On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 11:48:56PM -0800, Bob Romprey nicely wrote:
> Jochen,
> After stripping most of the user apps and docs(I kept quark and rna, but broke rna when converting it from elvis to e3).

The current RNA do not works, sorry. Maybe, Alfie left it in insane
state. I re-used the RNA from the v6r4 and it work now, also with the
Smail MTA. About "e3": you haven't to change RNA: you have to change the
EDITOR variable in setup/misc. In this case, "vi" will run "e3".


In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave
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