Re: New way to install.. was Re: another mod...

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 11:29:30 CET

On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:00:47AM +0100, Dumas Patrice nicely wrote:
> But what do you think about that stuff nevertheless ? Does it seems non sense or
> ininterresting ? It seems to me to be backward compatible, and only add one
> ressource with an only think to change, that is add a command line switch in LOADER
> that permits to choose an offset instead of 0 used for Addons other than usr.

The solution is good, surely. But if you has in mind really third-part
addons, we can run in some trouble if I change the Setup behaviour (new
functions, etc) and it still has to face with some old .fun located in
the addon.

Maybe, it is better if Setup call 2-3 standard scripts located in the
addon: bin/prolog, bin/prepare and bin/configure, for example. The
drawback is that this scripts can't share 'intelligence' and common
code with Setup, but the advantage is that they become independent
from Setup.


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