Re: MU Tech: download-problems ?

From: Reinhard Ross ([email protected])
Date: Sat Dec 16 2000 - 09:05:00 CET

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Gruner <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 4:20 PM
Subject: MU Tech: download-problems ?

> hi,
> is there anyone, who has problems extracting the
> downloaded mulinux-11r2.tgz file, too ? I tryed to
> download the file and extract it, but there was the
> error gunzip: mulinux-11r2.tar.gz: invalid compressed
> data--format violated
> what's wrong ??
> cu micha


I would test the data format with "file" and use the correct program to
extract it.

I had similar problems trying extract the addons EXT.tgz , X11.tgz, VNC.tgz
and TEX.tgz.

Then I tested these files with file and knew, that these files are in the
bzip2 format.

I tryed to extract the files with bzip2, but there was an error "invalid
compressed data-format".

Then I moved the files *.tgz in *.tar.bz2 and could extract the files with


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