Re: To refuse going to Firenze???

From: winsor SMP ([email protected])
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 04:11:30 CET

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Michele,

To quote you:
My arguement is muLinux.
And quite a good arguement you have.
MuLinux could take many forms, from tiny embedded devices, to huge(relative) multi module workstations to thinclients to hobby class webservers.
As I've also said about my beloved "Slackware", with muLinux you can install as little or as much as you like, and it'll still run just fine.
Let's see the commercial O/S's make that same claim....and furthermore, even if they do make that claim, let's see them fit as much as you have on the "base"(IMHO the true "core" of muLinux) floppy, while still allowing an easy, and entirely modular upgrade path based entirely from within the "base" disk itself. available for use via ramdisk or installing at any time.
It might be a good idea to bring a few sets of floppies along too, to demonstrate the modular upgrade approach you've developed.


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