Re: e3 flavors

From: Albrecht Kleine ([email protected])
Date: Sat Dec 02 2000 - 10:26:10 CET

Michele wrote:

> > If there's such a list, I could add another mode, perhaps
> > on the level of pico editor. As mentioned in other mail,
> > using UPX compressor there is now some free space again.
> >
> I also have my *desiderata* list: it is possible, in e3vi command-line
> mode, to call "ex" command such "1,$ s/X/Y"?

This extension is on my to-do list since some weeks (to be exactly
since first mention at e3 0.9). Unlike else it is not an assembler
question, but more a general Unix question I have to study a little bit.
OTOH it's in the human nature to do _at_first_ the EASY stuff like
adding the proposed editor mode. So I have not forgotten your idea,
but please be patient ;-)


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