From: Gerrit Lammert ([email protected])
Date: Sat Dec 02 2000 - 10:37:05 CET
Hi Karl-Heinz,
> Example: when listening to people from Swabia you will allmost
> allways notice that they do NOT try to hide their Swabian accent
> and they are right: WHY SHOULD THEY?
You are right, but they (at least those who have contact to "foreign"
people) should be _able_ to supress theit accent.
Ich bin mal in Dresden gelandet. Der Koffer war unterwegs kaputt gegeangen
und ich mußte in irgendein Büro. Die Dame dort wollte wissen, was der denn
gekostet habe, fragte aber ständig "was kommt der". Nach dem dritten mal
konnte ich dann schließen, was sie meinte. Sie hingegen hatte keine Ahnung,
warum ich nicht antworte ;-)
> In my opinion there is NO need to refuse to speak in the public
> just because you are ashame because of speaking with a southern
> accent, really!
Oh, it might be very shameful if you speak with an southern accent. Or Jim
Bean btw. ;-))
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