From: Mark Roberts ([email protected])
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 13:30:45 CEST
> On Tue, 3 Oct 2000 00:50:39 +0200 (MEST), Mark Roberts wrote:
> }Important note: I am looking for information about standard protocols, so
> }that I can implement them for the PET. I am not looking for information
> }about the user port itself, because I have the full manual here already.
> }But since I would need to implement the protocol bit by bit, I need a
> }precise desciption of what usually goes on inside a serial modem cable, or
> }a aprallel cable.
> With 8 pins you're stuck with serial. Parallel requires more.
I have eight data pins. If I reread the manual I may find that the other
pins (lots of them! lemme see ... 24 pins, of which 8 are bidirectional
and fully programmable) can be used for handshaking and the like. What
would I need for parallel? And on the other hand: how easy is it to access
the PC ports pin-wise? Surely given the IO address and using C it is as
simple as using BASIC on the PET?
> Old serial standard is RS-232-C. Pin numbers on a port may differm but their
> functions are standardized.
Thank you very much, this will probably be a lot of help.
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