From: Mark Roberts ([email protected])
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 13:35:30 CEST
On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Vesa-Pekka Palmu wrote:
> I can remember using a parnelk prot on a old 286 to connect it to the
> C64 disk drive (1451 if I remember) And I think that I have seen some
> programs for DOS to fake a commodore device using parnel port. So i
> think that if you get the info about the commodore serial line,
> you can ...
Alas the PET has no serial line. And no software built in to access the
ports it has as fake serial ports. It was intended for do-it-yourself
types and manual readers. I'm a manual reader myself, luckily.
> ... build a cablöe and programs that you can use to create a commoderi
> device to the serial line and read and write that device to transfer the
> commands to the Linux machine.
> So I think that the best thing would be to leave the user port alone and
> go for the serial line. You could also ask this in some commodore
> newsgruops, because i think that from there you might be able to get
> even complette listings for andling that serial line.
Thanks for these tips. I will report if I get it working.
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