Re: Add new users/accounts

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 09:23:59 CEST

On Tue, Apr 18, 2000 at 08:55:26AM +0200, Christian Mainardi nicely wrote:
> Hi, "passwd" command exists quitly but "adduser" cmd does not recognized in
> the path."df" cmd outputs like this:
> (summarized:)
> /dev/hda1 343Mb.tot - 299Mb.used - 13Mb.avail - 96%.capac - /mounted
> on
> Ok, it seems that EXT addon is not present, right?

Ehmm ... pardon, a mistake of mine: "df" is not useful for you, because
you installed in UMSDOS. Your addons are cabled in the filesystem: EXT
is /usr/local for you. Anycase, "adduser" in in /usr/bin

>Strange it, because no
> error messages harm me in the bootstrap sequence. Typing "setup -l" show up
> the correct "configured" near EXT,X11,GCC labels.
> And another, cmd "man -l" displays only 15 items "help-able", such as
> ar,as,awk....and qb2c,yacc, is correct this?
> In specific intervals (about 5 min) system beeps, why this?

!!!! But do you installed a release one year old? Maybe the jurassik release
I forgotten at Firenze Linux User group?

> PS: provero' oggi a scaricare ancora una volta tutti i pacchetti, poi ti
> faro' sapere...

Si, ma scarica l'ultima versione da, ok?


I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
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