From: Christian Mainardi ([email protected])
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 08:55:26 CEST
Michele Andreoli wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2000 at 10:38:08AM +0200, Christian nicely wrote:
> > I'm newbie, I've installed muLinux (umsdos) successfully within all
> > available packages. After the whole setup a I tried to find a way to add
> > a new users/account right now but commands like "adduser" o "useradd"
> > seems not present. Dir. /sbin/ are "empty"like many others, there is
> > only one file... Inside X I tried to looking for a some tools to help me
> > but no results......uhmmm I'm thinking, I'm not able to use it!
> >
> I think your images are corrupted or something bad happened loading them.
> Multi-user is in EXT floppy: you have a very-good "passwd" command,
> to change password:
> # passwd user-name
> You can add users in the system using my AWK script adduser
> # adduser
> Please, check the existence of this commands using:
> # which passwd
> # which adduser
> <EN>
Hi, "passwd" command exists quitly but "adduser" cmd does not recognized in
the path."df" cmd outputs like this:
/dev/hda1 343Mb.tot - 299Mb.used - 13Mb.avail - 96%.capac - /mounted
Ok, it seems that EXT addon is not present, right? Strange it, because no
error messages harm me in the bootstrap sequence. Typing "setup -l" show up
the correct "configured" near EXT,X11,GCC labels.
And another, cmd "man -l" displays only 15 items "help-able", such as
ar,as,awk....and qb2c,yacc, is correct this?
In specific intervals (about 5 min) system beeps, why this?
passwd viene riconosciuta ma adduser no. Il com. "df" in output mi da un
output come sopra, manca quindi l'addon EXT? Nessun messaggio d'errore mi
appare all'avvio. Ho guardato vari log ma non ho scoperto niente...
Altre cose: ho notato di avere un "man" un po' limitato, e' corretto questo?
Ad intervalli di circa 5 min. si sente un beep, dove e' impostato questo?
PS: provero' oggi a scaricare ancora una volta tutti i pacchetti, poi ti
faro' sapere...
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