Re: [mu TECH] Midnight Commander's F3 View starts slow?

From: Alfie Costa ([email protected])
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 14:29:12 CET

On 11 Feb 00, at 10:56, Michele Andreoli <[email protected]> wrote:

> I do not know how MC works, but I know it is highly configurable using
> a lot of text files. You should be able to assign to F3 what you wish.
> You find this configuration file in /usr/vnc/etc/mc.

Couldn't find them there, was that a typo for /usr/vnc/lib/mc? If it wasn't a
typo then maybe mc can't find something that should be in /usr/vnc/etc/mc...

Haven't found any function key config options so far. mc seems to have set
those permanently in it's code. There is a config file "mc_menu" for the F2
menu's various tricks. Another file, "mc.ext" sets how the F3 view command
works by checking a file's extension.

> For the general question of monitor a binary, there is in Linux
> a very nice command called "strace", which saved me more times.

Thanks! I DL'd the powerful strace from MISC at sunsite, and it's just as you
say. I had cruder MsDos-based programs in mind that didn't do 1/10 as much.
Ran strace on mc, but haven't been able to understand what mc is doing yet.
Alas, strace does so much more than the crude programs I've used, the learning
curve logically ought to be 1000% steeper. Time to shift the bicycle of study
to a lower gear...

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