Re: [mu TECH] Midnight Commander's F3 View starts slow?

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 10:56:17 CET

On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 04:20:58AM -0500, Alfie Costa nicely wrote:
> Hello List,
> To run good ol' Midnight Commander, I've installed VNC.tgz on a mu 7r10b
> system. Now it seems that mc's F3 key, which views files, takes about 8
> seconds to load a file. Shouldn't be my hardware, as F3 takes no time at all
> in Debian.
> In at least one other mc version, F3 calls mcedit, with a command line switch
> that runs it in view mode. There's no mcedit program to be found in the mu
> directory tree though. I'm curious what mc is calling, if not mcedit. This
> suggests a unix novice question: is there some way to monitor what program mc
> calls when F3 is hit?

I do not know how MC works, but I know it is highly configurable using
a lot of text files. You should be able to assign to F3 what you wish.

You find this configuration file in /usr/vnc/etc/mc.

For the general question of monitor a binary, there is in Linux
a very nice command called "strace", which saved me more times.
If you type:

                # strace /bin/ifconfig 2>log

you can track all system-call, opened files, etc used by the command,
in this example "ifconfig".

Do not tell me how it works: I consider this command a true miracle.

No strace in muLinux, but I will put a copy in the MISC section.

Probabily, it do not work with NCURSES app as MC, but you can try with

                # strace mc 2>log

and to ispect the file "log".


I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
remember any. Would two negative ones do?       -- Woody Allen
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