Re: [OT] Installing muLinux from floppy

From: Brett G. Castleberry ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 06:21:25 CET

Thanks, winsor,
    Good stuff. Let a thousand 386/486 muLinuxes bloom!
    Re: Michele's comments about Windows, may I call muLinuxers" atttention
to a fine essay by science-fistion author Neal Stephenson, "In the Beginning
Was The Command Line," in which some interesting insights are offered on
OSes, computer history, and post-mod culture.

[email protected]
Tallahassee, Florida
----- Original Message -----
From: "winsor" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] Installing muLinux from floppy

> As an alternative to lilo and an EXT2 install you could try this:
> for a UMSDOS install......
> I know I have in the past simply used a "DOS er uh win95 er uh win98(for
> over a 2 GIG HDD) boot/startup disk" and did a
> "sys C:" from A: after formatting C:, with the boot disks formatting
> utility....I believe that the cd command under DOS/95/98 is integrated
> into as well as copy??? or at least included on the disk.
> therefore the boot disk files themselves could be copied to the hard
> disk after the sys c: is done.....then the linux batch file would boot
> the system.
> kinda' like this:
> boot from a:
> type in
> format c:<enter>
> sys C:<enter>
> copy *.* C:<enter>
> remove the boot disk and restart the computer.
> If it boots to a C prompt(it should)
> C:\>
> type in
> md linux<enter>
> Then put in your muLinux boot disk, reboot the computer let it boot and
> follow the instructions for using the clone command, use the UMSDOS
> install as your choice.
> One could even write an impromptu autoeexec.bat file containing simply:
> cd \linux
> linux
> and mulinux would boot upon starting the machine.
> Boot disks files are well under 1 meg inclusive.
> Just try not to use an illegal boot disk please8^P
> Good Luck
> signed
> winsor

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