Re: [OT] Installing muLinux from floppy

From: winsor ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 05:48:26 CET

As an alternative to lilo and an EXT2 install you could try this:
for a UMSDOS install......
I know I have in the past simply used a "DOS er uh win95 er uh win98(for
over a 2 GIG HDD) boot/startup disk" and did a
"sys C:" from A: after formatting C:, with the boot disks formatting
utility....I believe that the cd command under DOS/95/98 is integrated
into as well as copy??? or at least included on the disk.
therefore the boot disk files themselves could be copied to the hard
disk after the sys c: is done.....then the linux batch file would boot
the system.
kinda' like this:
boot from a:
type in

format c:<enter>
sys C:<enter>
copy *.* C:<enter>

remove the boot disk and restart the computer.
If it boots to a C prompt(it should)
type in
md linux<enter>

Then put in your muLinux boot disk, reboot the computer let it boot and
follow the instructions for using the clone command, use the UMSDOS
install as your choice.

One could even write an impromptu autoeexec.bat file containing simply:

cd \linux

 and mulinux would boot upon starting the machine.
Boot disks files are well under 1 meg inclusive.
Just try not to use an illegal boot disk please8^P

Good Luck

Michele Andreoli wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 23, 2000 at 09:52:22PM -0000, Owen Kelly nicely wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This is a trivial question, but is it possible to get mulinux to boot from a
> > hard disk, rather than a floppy?
> muLinux ran in RAM, but can be "cloned" in HD. Recent muLinux run also
> from read-only devices. Please, issue "clone" a the prompt but, first,
> issue "help" and read any doc you find, or you destroy your data.
> >Ive been trying with tomsrtbt disk, to no
> > success, but Im no guru either. I have an old 486 laptop with 8 megs of
> > ram, and a 4 gig disk, but no OS on the disk, Id primarily like to use Linux
> > on it and run it as a web server in a tiny little corner of my office, but I
> > havent had much luck getting things to run so far. What I basically want to
> > do is have a minimal OS on the disk, and perhaps add in the extras disks
> > from muLinux to also end up on the hard disk aswell.
> muLinux is perfect for that. But if you has no OS on your first disk,
> you have to install LILO on it, to boot muLinux.
> 1) issue, clone and select Ext2 model of cloning
> 2) specify /dev/null when clone ask you for a BOOT partition
> When cloning process finished, issue
> # liloconfig
> this will put LILO on your bootable disk.
> If you got problem installing LILO, use the first floppy to start
> muLinux. When the string "boot:" appairs, write that:
> boot: mulinux root=/dev/hdxy
> If your disk is primary, and has only a partition,
> root=/dev/hda1
> do the work.
> >
> > Is there a simple way to do this? Or am I being naive, and someone else has
> > already documented it? ;)
> Thousand people cloned muLinux: I hope it works also for you.
> Michele
> --
> I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't
> remember any. Would two negative ones do? -- Woody Allen
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