Re: re:mu[OT]Note for teacher

From: Rik Hughes ([email protected])
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 14:27:17 CET

> Dear Mr. Andreoli,
> Please excuse Dave's continued absence from the
> muLinux mailing list. On the 21/08/99 he was involved in a road traffic
> accident while riding his motorbike to work. He suffered broken leg, arm
> and ribs and serious head injuries resulting in his being unconscious
> for nearly two and a half weeks. I am glad to say that the broken bones
> are now fully healed although his head injuries have left him mentally a
> bit slower than he was (Dave says no one will notice the difference <g>
> so at least his humour hasn't been affected).

Well lets face it, I'm sure he still couldn't be as bad as a Microsoft

> Hopefully this should
> improve but it will be a long process. At the moment we are at the
> office for the first time since his accident and Dave is off bossing the
> staff about and making some muLinux disks for some friends he made while
> in hospital. Some things never change :^)

Whilst sat at home, pondering a large peration to solve Osteoarthritis in my
shoulders, I hope he gets better soon...


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