From: Dave Houghton ([email protected])
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 02:08:23 CET
Dear Mr. Andreoli,
Please excuse Dave's continued absence from the
muLinux mailing list. On the 21/08/99 he was involved in a road traffic
accident while riding his motorbike to work. He suffered broken leg, arm
and ribs and serious head injuries resulting in his being unconscious
for nearly two and a half weeks. I am glad to say that the broken bones
are now fully healed although his head injuries have left him mentally a
bit slower than he was (Dave says no one will notice the difference <g>
so at least his humour hasn't been affected). Hopefully this should
improve but it will be a long process. At the moment we are at the
office for the first time since his accident and Dave is off bossing the
staff about and making some muLinux disks for some friends he made while
in hospital. Some things never change :^)
Dave's wife
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