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Skencil / Mailing lists


Sketch-list is the main discussion list for Skencil. On topic is everything related to Skencil. The only exception is the development of Skencil.

[ Archives | Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Preferences ]

To post to the list, send mail to [email protected].

In March 2006 the sketch list moved to You can browse the old sketch-list archiv at sf.


Sketch-devel intended for discussions directly related to the development of Skencil.

[ Archives | Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Preferences ]

To post to the list, send mail to [email protected].

In August 2002 the Devel list moved to Savannah. You can browse the old sketch-devel archiv at sf.
In March 2006 the Devel list moved to You can browse the old sketch-devel archiv at savannah.