Downloading Py@Cron

Official releases

Laura release (0.1.1) - 11th of June 2004

Here is the first public release of this Py@Cron project. Feel free to report any bugs either on the user list or with our bugs management system on Savannah.
A small bug in the package building process produced a buggy 0.1.0 release. This 0.1.1 is intended to correct this and should run on Fedora Core 1 & 2 without problems.


We (the Py@Cron team) will maintain an RPM package for the Fedora GNU/Linux distribution.
Any contribution for other platforms are welcomed

Fedora Core 2

Source from CVS

Py@Cron source code is stored on the Savannah CVS server.
To get the source code, just type the following in a terminal:
export CVS_RSH="ssh"
cvs -z3 -d:ext:[email protected]:/cvsroot/pyatcron co pyatcron