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OrgaDoc 0.8

1. Goals of orgadoc  
2. Installation  
3. OrgaDoc features  
4. How to use it  
5. Templates  
6. Configuration file  
7. Usage of OrgaDoc with CVS  
8. CGI binary  

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1. Goals of orgadoc

OrgaDoc has been designed to easily copy and maitain a pool of documents between computers. You can synchronise your documents pool with rsync or unison. You don't need to install a database server (like MySql or PostgreSql), a HTTP server, a script language (like php, perl, ...). You only need orgadoc to generate html pages and to perform queries.

OrgaDoc is easy to use : only the creation of some xml files describing your documents is needed. These files can be generated. Read the section (see section 4. How to use it) for details.

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2. Installation

Needed software to compile orgadoc:

Needed software to run orgadoc_init_readmes:

OrgaDoc uses the autoconf/automake facilities, therefore the end user should use the provided configure script (some options are available) to generate architecture specific.

First of all, some environment variables have to be defined if your compiler and libraries are not located in the standard path. Here is a list of variables:

GOBO_EIFFEL: specify the eiffel vendor (se, ise or ve), default value
is se (for Smart Eiffel)
GOBO: specify the location of the gobo library, default path is
SmartEiffel: give the location of SmartEiffel cluster, for exemple :

To compile OrgaDoc, run these commands in user mode:

tar xzvf orgadoc-0.8.0.tar.gz
cd orgadoc-0.8.0
and to install OrgaDoc, run in super user mode:
make install

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3. OrgaDoc features

Orgadoc uses XML files to describe your documents and convert them to another format using one of the available backend:

Orgadoc also includes a search tool to perform regexp queries on the documents pool and a CGI mode to enable queries via html.

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4. How to use it

A directory hierarchy of documentation is needed, for example:


To describes documents which are in these directories, you need to have an xml file per directory which describes them. This file contains a <document> node for each document of this directory. A document node contains a number of subnodes:

Here is an example of an xml file describing a directory:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <title>An Introduction To Neural Networks</title>
    <author>Ben Krose, Patrick van der Smagt</author>
    <date>November 1996</date>
    <summary>Neural networks, terminology, theory, topoloy,
    applications, implementations</summary>
    <part>Introduction and terminology</part>
    <part>Perceptron and Adaline</part>
    <part>Recurrent Networks</part>
    <part>Self-Organising Networks</part>
    <part>Reinforcement learning</part>
    <part>Applications (vision, robotics, etc...)</part>
    <part>Implementations (software, hardware, etc...)</part>
      <author_name>Julien Lemoine</author_name>
      <content>This is a comment</content>
    <title>Neural Network and Its Application in IR</title>
    <author>Qin He</author>
    <summary>neural networks and applications in information retrieval

Some documentation can contain a piece of this information, for example pdf documents contains the author, the number of pages... This information can be extracted using the orgadoc_init_readmes script. This script takes a directory in argument, explores it recursively and generates a readme.xml file per directory containing extractable informations. XML section that can not be extracted are filled with a FIXME.

Exemple of orgadoc_init_readmes usage:

$ orgadoc_init_readmes docs
Entering directory [docs]
Leaving directory [docs]
Entering directory [docs/artifical_intelligence]
Leaving directory [docs/artifical_intelligence]
Entering directory [docs/artifical_intelligence/neural_networks]
Leaving directory [docs/artifical_intelligence/neural_networks]
Entering directory [docs/artifical_intelligence/pattern_recognition]
Leaving directory [docs/artifical_intelligence/pattern_recognition]
Entering directory [docs/graphics]
Leaving directory [docs/graphics]
Entering directory [docs/graphics/nurbs]
Leaving directory [docs/graphics/nurbs]
Entering directory [docs/graphics/rendering]
Leaving directory [docs/graphics/rendering]

readme.xml files are now created, please edit the FIXME lines $ Exemple of generated readme.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<title>Neural Nets Report.PDF</title>
<date>Tue Aug 17 17:19:35 1999</date>
<author>Qin He</author>
<language>FIXME: LANGUAGE</language>
<summary>FIXME: SUMMARY</summary>
<part>FIXME: PART</part>

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5. Templates

Orgadoc supports many backends. For each backend it use a template to output data in a particular way. Templates are located into /etc/orgadoc/templates, you can edit them to personalize your backend output. A template is constitued of four files (orgadoc replaces specific tokens by data in these files, for example %%TITLE%% is remplaced by the title of the document)

There is currently five orgadoc backends:

Once all the xml files have been written, the orgadoc binary can be used to generate a html tree decribing these documents (or an other kind of backend) and perform queries on your documents pool using the orgadoc binary (orgadoc -s) or the cgi binary. For details on orgadoc binary, please consult the man page.

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6. Configuration file

The orgadoc configuration file use the standard unix format for configuration files, you can comment a line with the caracter #.

Here is a list of configuration variable and there utility:

Example of orgadoc.conf file:

XmlFile                 = readme.xml
HtmlFile                = index.html
BibTexFile              = orgadoc.bib
LaTexFile               = orgadoc.tex
InputPath               = /var/www/docs/xml/orgadoc
OutputPath              = /var/www/docs/html
HttpdDocPath            = http://docs.happycoders.org
Mode                    = HTML
EnablePrivateDoc        = True
Recursive               = True
TemplatePath            = /etc/orgadoc/templates

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7. Usage of OrgaDoc with CVS

When more than one person use orgadoc to manage a pool of documents, there is some synchronisation problems with xml files. To solve this problem, the suggested solution is to store xml files into a cvs server. Keeping xml files in a different directory than documentation is not a problem for orgadoc, therefore storing xml files in cvs works fine. You simply need to to a "cvs update" before running orgadoc.

To simplify the upload of documentation on a main server, a script is provided with orgadoc. It commits a readme.xml file and uploads document on server with scp. A readme.xml file and a section have to be supplied and the script do the remaining part of the work.

For example:

./orgadoc_add_docs /tmp/readme.xml artificial_intelligence/neural_networks
will commit changes into readme.xml file of
artificial_intelligence/neural_networks section and scp new
documentation files.

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8. CGI binary

You can use the orgadoc cgi binary to perform regexp search on your document pool, you simply need to send the query variable to cgi.

Here is a example of HTML form to use with this cgi :

<FORM ACTION="cgi-bin/orgadoc_cgi" xmethod="PRE">
<P>Regexp search :
<INPUT NAME="query" SIZE="10">

[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

Table of Contents

1. Goals of orgadoc
2. Installation
3. OrgaDoc features
4. How to use it
5. Templates
6. Configuration file
7. Usage of OrgaDoc with CVS
8. CGI binary

[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

Short Table of Contents

1. Goals of orgadoc
2. Installation
3. OrgaDoc features
4. How to use it
5. Templates
6. Configuration file
7. Usage of OrgaDoc with CVS
8. CGI binary

[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

About this document

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where the Example assumes that the current position is at Subsubsection One-Two-Three of a document of the following structure:

This document was generated by Julien Lemoine on March, 25 2004 using texi2html