
1. Download the lastest version from the download page

2. Uncompress the archive by using

tar -zxvf ecp-x.y.z.tar.gz

Where x.y.z is the version number

3. Enter the ecp directory that was created.

cd ecp

4. Compile and install ecp using make

make install

This will install it in /usr/local/bin
If you dont have permission to install it in /usr/local you can copy the binary manually.

cp ecp ~/bin

This will copy the ecp program to 'bin' in your home directory


Getting help

To get the usage for ecp, run:

ecp --help

This will also give a basic description for each option

Basic copying

In its most basic invocation, ecp works similarly to the traditional cp command.

ecp foo /tmp/bar

Will copy the file foo in the current directory to /tmp and call the resulting file bar.
The exception to this is when /tmp/bar is a directory. In this case, the file 'foo' will be copied as /tmp/bar/foo

You can copy multiple files at once, as long as the destination is a directory.

ecp foo bar /tmp

Will copy the files foo and bar in the current directory to /tmp
You can use globbing to specify multiple files more easily.

ecp /tmp/e* ./

Will copy all the files in /tmp that begin with the letter e to the current directory.

If you want to copy a directory and all its contents, you must use the recursive option.

ecp -R /var/www /var/new_www


ecp --recursive /var/www /var/new_www

Will copy the directory /var/www and all its contents to /var/new_www
However, if /var/new_www exists and is a directory, all the items in /var/www will be copied to /var/new_www/www

Now, if you want to see a total progress for the copy operation - and you will, its very cool - you can use the total option.

ecp -R -t /var/www /var/new_www


ecp --recursive --total /var/www /var/new_www

Will display a progress meter for all the transfers, givingg you an indication of how far along in the transfer you are.

If you want to use ecp as if it was mv (such as to rename a file, or save you deleting the original later) you can use the kill option.

ecp -k foo /tmp/bar


ecp --kill foo /tmp/bar

This will copy foo to /tmp/bar and remove the file foo. It is the same as

mv foo /tmp/bar

This can be used along with ecp's other options and features.

Remote copying

ecp can be used to copy files to and from ftp servers easily. The format of the command is almost identical to the basic copying functions, but incorporates some extra features. The basic idea is to replace some (or all) of the sources or destination with a file in the format

ftp://user:[email protected]/dir/file

Note, that if you do not need a username or password, 'user:pass@' can be omitted

So, to get a file archive.tar.gz in the directory 'downloads' on the server you would:

ecp /tmp

Easy as pi. This downloads it to /tmp on your computer. However, you can do this:


And it downloads it to your current directory, saving you 2 keystrokes.

This also works in reverse:

ecp /tmp/foo

Will put the file /tmp/foo unto the ftp site

If the remote server is running the ftp service on an unusual port, you can use the port option.

ecp --port 100

This will connect to port 100 on the remote machine to get the file.
Again, this works in reverse.

Finally, if your connection was interrupted while you were downloading a file, use the resume option.

ecp --resume

If the server supports it, you will be able to continue downloading from when the connection was interrupted.