DareDevils Bugs and Patchs PageBug
If you have found a bug please read the F.A.Q. and if this is the case You can be inspired by the next basic bug mail or fill this bug form. Yeah baby you have a bug ! In : daredevils [ ] daredevils_pvn [ ] daredevils_strip [ ] daredevils_octree [ ] Type : (While :) configuration failed [ ] (./configure) compilation warning [ ] (make) compilation error [ ] (make) installation crash [ ] (make install) execution -> boum! [ ] (daredevils) simulation incoherent [ ] (playing) 3D problems [ ] (playing) Error message / Description of the problem : (Brain damage is all in your head. -- Karl Lehenbauer) (Connection reset by some moron with a backhoe) Your feeling / solution on this problem : (if any) (It's not easy, being green. -- Kermit the Frog) (Sattinger's Law: It works better if you plug it in.) Your configuration : CPU : (386 SX) Video Card : (Trident 9400) O.S./Distribution : (Debian GNU/Hurd) S.D.L. Version : (0.1a) Good continuation. Alan C. Patch