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cfg_opt_t Struct Reference

Data structure holding information about an option. More...

#include <confuse.h>

Data Fields

char * name
 The name of the option.

cfg_type_t type
 Type of option.

unsigned int nvalues
 Number of values parsed.

cfg_value_t ** values
 Array of found values.

cfg_flag_t flags

 Suboptions (only applies to sections).

cfg_defvalue_t def
 Default value.

cfg_func_t func
 Function callback for CFGT_FUNC options.

void * simple_value
 Pointer to user-specified variable to store simple values (created with the CFG_SIMPLE_* initializers).

cfg_callback_t parsecb
 Value parsing callback function.

cfg_validate_callback_t validcb
 Value validating callback function.

cfg_print_func_t pf
 print callback function

Detailed Description

Data structure holding information about an option.

The value(s) are stored as an array of fundamental values (strings, numbers, etc).


cfgtest.c, reread.c, and simple.c.