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--- The Detailed Node Listing ---

First use

Catalog management guide

Full text search

Catalog tables

Configuration files

External representation

Template files introduction

Catalog template files

SQL template files

CGI introduction

Catalog CGI

SQL manipulation CGI

Catalog and HTTP server

Node:Introduction, Next:, Previous:Top, Up:Top


Catalog is a perl program that allows to create, maintain and display Yahoo! like directories. The user interface is 100% HTML. It requires a MySQL database to run.

The general idea behind the design of Catalog is that creating a catalog is mainly a matter of organizing objects in a structured tree. For Catalog the objects are records in a table of the SQL database. The structured tree is a set of tree nodes and relations between these nodes. The maintainer of the catalog is in charge of building the tree and placing objects in this tree.

Catalog makes no assumption about the data contained in the records. It is not designed specifically to build a catalog of URLs, despite the fact that we mainly use it to classify URLs. It can be used to classify companies, bug reports and so on.

Special care has been taken to allow easy customization of a catalog, from the programmer point of view and from the HTML page designer point of view. Although the program structure is not documented at present, the choice of simple perl object orientation should ease the specialization for specific purposes. The HTML display is completely controlled by a set of template files. The template files structure has been kept as simple as possible so that only minimal comprehension is necessary from the HTML page designer. In particular it behaves well with page composer tools like Dreamweaver or PageMill.

Here is a list of the characteristics of Catalog:

  • Display structured trees of resources.
  • Display chronologically ordered resources and associated calendar.
  • Display alphabetical indexes of resources.
  • Allow full text search in the resources and the category names.
  • Powerful HTML based administration of catalogs.
  • On-Line editing of resource records.
  • Handle an arbitrary number of catalogs.
  • High performances using mod_perl and Apache.
  • Easy customization of the user view using HTML template files.
  • It is possible to define more than one view of the same catalog.
  • Load and unload a thematic catalog in XML.
  • Create an HTML dump of a structured tree to publish a static version.
  • Complete documentation including a guide and a reference manual.
  • Ready to use example.
  • 100% Perl.
  • Distributed under the GNU General Public License.
  • Commercial support.

Node:Getting Catalog, Next:, Previous:Introduction, Up:Top

Getting Catalog

The home site of Catalog is Senga It contains the software, a working example, online documentation, formated documentation and related software for various platforms.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

Node:Setup, Next:, Previous:Getting Catalog, Up:Top


Catalog requires perl5.006 or higher and MySQL-3.23.39 or higher to run. More detailed instructions may be found in the distribution.

Since the user interface to Catalog is only HTML and not command line oriented, the installation process will install a cgi-bin on the local machine. Before installing Catalog you should therefore know where are located your cgi-bin (let's say it's the CGIDIR directory).

To install the Catalog software follow these steps:

  • gtar -zxvf Catalog-1.03.tar.gz
  • cd Catalog-1.03
  • perl Makefile.PL
  • make all
  • make test
  • make install

If something went wrong, check See FAQ.

Now that the software is installed you should be able to display the HTML control panel page. Check that your MySQL server is running. Assuming that your machine is the URL for the control panel should be something like

Copy this URL, change with your host name. If you are reading this documentation in HTML format with your browser, open a new browser window and place it beside the window containing this documentation. Now go to the URL you've just edited.

You should now see the control panel. The following chapter is a guide that shows you how to create your first catalog from scratch. If you don't get the control panel, See FAQ.

The Catalog management guide chapter will show you how to build a fully functional catalog, using an example installed with Catalog, See Catalog management guide.

Node:First use, Next:, Previous:Setup, Up:Top

First use

We will guide you on a step by step tour of the Catalog functionalities. This tour assumes that you've successfully completed the setup , See Setup.

During all the tour the machine name taken in example will be, an anonymous GNU Linux box.

Node:Control Panel, Next:, Previous:First use, Up:First use

Control Panel

First display the control panel using the URL images/controlpanel.png

Click on the Yes, setup a catalog button to create the administrative tables needed by Catalog. The page displayed in response should be something like : images/controlpanel2.png

The line beginning with Create ... shows a menu that contains the list of all the tables of the current database. In this example we've used the mysql database, which is the default database created when you install MySQL.

The Create a demo table link at the bottom of the page creates a sample table for the purpose of the demo. This table, named urldemo contains two fields : an URL and a COMMENT. Click on the link to create the table. When the table is created, the control panel is displayed again. You can now see the urldemo table when scrolling the menu that lists all the tables of the database. images/controlpanel3.png

Please chose the urldemo item in the menu and click on the Create it button on the right of the menu.

Node:Creation form, Next:, Previous:Control Panel, Up:First use

Creation form

The catalog creation page shows all the information that describe the catalog being created. In this case we will just fill the name of the catalog with urlcatalog as shown below. images/catalogcreate.png

You should then click on the Create it button and the catalog will be created. As a result the program will display the control panel and you should see a line for the newly created catalog. images/controlpanel4.png

Node:Catalog editing, Next:, Previous:Creation form, Up:First use

Catalog editing

Now that the catalog urlcatalog is ready for classifying the records of the table urldemo, we would like to create categories and put entries in them. First click on the edit link on the control panel to get the catalog editing screen that shows the root of the catalog. images/rootedit.png

At present the catalog does not contain anything, therefore the editing screen does not show much. Our first step will be to create three categories, Software, Sport and Movies. To create the first category, click on the icon and type Software in the Category name field. images/categoryinsert.png

Then click on the Create it! button. Repeat the same procedure for the Sport and Movies categories. When finished you should get the following screen: images/categoryinsert2.png

You can then click on the Software link to insert sub categories of the Software category in the same way you created the top level categories Software, Sport and Movies. Let's insert the sub categories Language and Freeware. Note that the path of the current category is shown before the Sub categories label so that you know where you're inserting categories. images/categoryinsert3.png

Node:Inserting entries, Next:, Previous:Catalog editing, Up:First use

Inserting entries

Now that we've created a category tree, we can populate it with entries. Let's assume we are editing the Software category. images/categoryinsert3.png

Since the urldemo table is empty we should create an new record and place it in the Software category. The icon does exactly this. Please click on it to get the following screen: images/entryinsert.png

This is an insertion form for the urldemo table. Fill the url and comment field as shown on the screen shot and click on insert. The Software category is displayed again and the newly created entry is shown. images/entryinsert2.png

Node:Browsing, Next:, Previous:Inserting entries, Up:First use


Although our catalog does not contain a lot of entries, we are now able to browse it to see it from the user point of view instead of the administrator point of view. You can go back to the Control Panel using the link at the bottom of the screen and then click on browse link. images/browse.png

Node:Conclusion, Previous:Browsing, Up:First use


This short demonstration demonstrates how to initialize a new catalog from scratch. In the following chapter is a complete guide based on a ready to use example.

Node:Catalog management guide, Next:, Previous:First use, Up:Top

Catalog management guide

Node:Goal, Next:, Previous:Catalog management guide, Up:Catalog management guide


This chapter will explain the most common usage of Catalog using an example set of catalogs created when you installed the product. You will not have to create a catalog by yourself. Everything is ready to use and we will only comment what have been done. You should sequentially read this chapter since concepts are introduced in each section and are needed to understand the following section.

Ideally the example provided with the Catalog distribution will allow you to build your own catalogs in a few cut and paste operations, without the need to fully read and understand the reference documentation.

Node:Create a table, Next:, Previous:Goal, Up:Catalog management guide

Create a table

In the example used in this chapter, the urldemo table contains the data used in all the catalogs. Since your own application is likely to require a different kind of data you will have to create your own table.

A few requirements must be met when creating a table that will be used by catalogs (thematic, alphabetical or chronological).

  • The table must contain a numerical field named rowid which is the primary key so that Catalog can use it. Here is a typical example:
    create table urldemo (
      rowid int autoincrement,
      unique urldemo1 (rowid)
  • The table field names must only be alphanumerical. Specifically it may not contain underscore which is a reserved character for Catalog.
  • It is best if you take care not to use any field names used in the catalog administrative tables. Although this will never be a real problem, it will force you to always disambiguate the field names by prepending the name of the table in front of it. For a complete list of the field names used by Catalog, See Catalog tables.

If you're not sure how to create a new table, please refer to the MySQL documentation. If you want to do it quick and dirty you can guess from the table creation listed in the Catalog tables chapter.

At present we will use the urldemo table, you don't have to worry about creating a new table.

Node:Example installed, Next:, Previous:Create a table, Up:Catalog management guide

Example installed

When Catalog is installed, it builds an example database and copies two catalog configuration profiles. An HTML page gives access to the example and is installed in the same directory as the documentation (HTMLDIR when Catalog is installed). If you've installed the documentation in the HTMLDIR/Catalog/ directory, the URL will display the following page: images/example.png

The admin configuration is stored in a subdirectory of the cgi-bin directory (CGIDIR when Catalog is installed). It customizes the administration interface of the catalogs.

The browse configuration is stored in a subdirectory of the cgi-bin directory. It customizes the user view of the catalogs.

The resources database is a set of URLs, stored in the urldemo table that have the following structure:

create table urldemo (
  # Table management information
  rowid int auto_increment not null,
  created datetime not null,
  modified timestamp not null,

  info enum ('active', 'inactive') default 'active',
  url char(128),
  comment char(255),

  unique cdemo1 (rowid)

The rowid member and the cdemo1 index are mandatory. The url field stores the URL of a WEB site, the comment field stores a comment that shortly explains the purpose of the WEB site, the created field is the date of the insertion of the record in the database.

The URLs found in the urldemo table relate to full text indexing and searching the WEB. Based on this table we have created three catalogs:

is a thematic tree that classifies the resources found in the urldemo table. This catalog defines a small hierarchical tree containing /Directory, Full text/Conferences, Full text/Software and so on. The classification is done by associating each record in the urldemo table to a specific category in the thematic tree. This association is maintained in an administrative table of the urlcatalog and is not contained in the urldemo table.
is a chronological catalog. We have chosen to chronologically order the records of the urldemo table according to their creation date (created field). All what is needed when creating a chronological catalog is to specify which table to use and which field in this table contains the date field to consider. The chronological presentation is inferred from the dates contained in each record.
is an alphabetical catalog. We have chosen to alphabetically order the records of the urldemo table according to the content of the comment field. All what is needed when creating a alphabetical catalog is to specify which table to use and which field in this table contains the character field to consider. The alphabetical presentation is inferred from the strings contained in each record.

It must be clearly understood that any number of catalog can be created for a given table (urldemo for instance) with no need to duplicate the data of this table. The catalogs are maintained using administrative tables that are not directly related to the table containing the records classified.

The example database created is named catalog_example and is loaded with three catalogs (urlcatalog, urldate and urlalpha) based on the urldemo table. The database may be dropped if you want to get rid of it at a later time with the following MySQL instruction:

drop database catalog_example;

In short the example is installed in the following files/bases:

The entry point.
Catalog administration configuration.
Catalog user view configuration.
catalog_example database
The example database.

Node:Quick tour, Next:, Previous:Example installed, Up:Catalog management guide

Quick tour

Using the example entry point (HTML page located in, you can quickly browse the example provided. The Control panel link shows that three catalogs exist, as displayed in the following figure: images/examplecontrolpanel.png

The urldate catalog shows the urldemo records in the order in which they have been created (created field). The urlalpha catalog display an alphabetical index of the records in the urldemo table, based on the comment field. The urlcatalog catalog classifies the URLs in a thematic tree. If you click on the browse link next to the name of each catalog, you will be able to see what it looks like. When using these links, no interface customization is active : you see the display using all the default values and templates. The following figure shows the display of the /Directory category of the urlcatalog catalog. images/examplecbrowse1.png

You can also click on the edit button for the urlcatalog catalog to see the administration interface that allows you to create categories, insert records etc. images/examplecedit1.png

Going back to the example entry point (HTML page located in, you will have access to a customized version of the urlcatalog catalog administration interface thru the link Edit URL catalog. You can compare the display with the non customized version for the /Directory category, as shown in the following figure: images/examplecedit2.png

The example entry point (HTML page located in then shows links to access the customized user view for the three catalogs (the Browse URL catalog (urlcatalog), Chronological history of the URL catalog (urldate) and Alphabetical URL catalog (urlalpha) links). You can compare them with what you saw when clicking on the browse links in the control panel.

The following sections will explain how to configure Catalog to achieve these effects. This is mostly a simple process that requires to modify some template HTML files.

Node:Records ordering, Next:, Previous:Quick tour, Up:Catalog management guide

Records ordering

When the urlcatalog was created it was bound to the urldemo table. In addition, the order of the urldemo records displayed in a given category was set to ascending lexicographic order on the comment field. The following figure shows the complete configuration of the catalog (you can access it by clicking on the catalog name in the the control panel): images/exampleurlcatalog.png

The urldate and urlalpha catalogs were configured in the same way.

Node:Record layout (urlcatalog), Next:, Previous:Records ordering, Up:Catalog management guide

Record layout (urlcatalog)

Our purpose is to understand how the template for the administration of urlcatalog was modified to display the urldemo records in a user friendly way. This is the only customization performed for the administration but it is a crucial one. Without customization, the records are displayed in this fashion: images/examplelayout1.png

We want them to be displayed in this fashion instead: images/examplelayout.png

The cedit.html template is used to display the current category in the administration interface. The template files are simple HTML files used by the cgi-bin to display their results. Special markers are detected and allow the cgi-bin to:

  • display a value
  • conditionally show a part of the template
  • repeat a part of the template to display lists of values

The _NAME_ tags (always in uppercase, surrounded by underscores) are replaced by values. The HTML comments that look like <!- start entry -> and <!- end entry -> define parts of the template that may be included conditionally or repeated to display a list.

For instance, in the following cedit.html template, the part enclosed between <!- start categories -> and <!- end categories -> will only be included if the displayed category has at least one sub category. Otherwise it will be completely omitted.

It is therefore very important to take great care not to remove the HTML comments, unless you know exactly what your are doing : they are used to display the results of the cgi-bin.

Here is a commented version of the default cedit.html template:

<title>Edit category _CATEGORY_</title>

<center><h3><font color=red>_COMMENT_</font></h3></center>

This is a form to search the catalog
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=name value=_NAME_>
<input type=hidden name=context value=csearch>
<input type=hidden name=mode value=_CONTEXT_>
<input type=text size=40 name=text value='_TEXT-QUOTED_'>
<input type=submit value='search'><br>

These are buttons to perform actions on the category
<h3>Edit category _CATEGORY_</h3>
<a href='_CENTRYINSERT_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/new.png alt='Insert a new record and link it to this category' border=0></a>
<a href='_CENTRYSELECT_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/link.png alt='Link an existing record to this category' border=0></a>
<a href='_CATEGORYINSERT_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/open.png alt='Create a sub category' border=0></a>
<a href='_CATEGORYSYMLINK_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/plus.png alt='Create a symbolic link to another category' border=0></a>
<a href='_CONTROLPANEL_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/control.png alt='Control panel' border=0></a>

This part is only shown if there are sub categories
<!-- start categories -->
<h3>Sub categories</h3>
<!-- params 'style' => 'table', 'columns' => 2 -->
<!-- start row -->
<!-- start entry -->
<td> _LINKS_ <a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a> (_COUNT_) </td>
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- end row -->
<!-- end categories -->

Display the records in this category
<h3>Records in this category</h3>
<!-- start entry -->
<table border=1><tr><td>_LINKS_</td> _DEFAULTROW_</tr></table>
<!-- end entry -->

This part is only shown if there is more than one page of records (page length is 10 records)
<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

Since we want to change the display of the records, we only have to modify the relevant portion of the template, that is:

<h3>Records in this category</h3>
<!-- start entry -->
<table border=1><tr><td>_LINKS_</td> _DEFAULTROW_</tr></table>
<!-- end entry -->

The entry part (delimited by the <!- start entry -> and <!- end entry -> HTML comments) will be repeated for each record in the category. We want to preserve the _LINKS_ tag that displays the buttons to perform actions on the record (remove, unlink and edit). But we want to change _DEFAULTROW_ to display only the fields of interest. The values of the fields of the urldemo table for the displayed record are available with the following tags : _URL_, _COMMENT_ and _CREATED_. The rationale of the tag substitution when a record is displayed is quite simple: each field name of the record is translated to uppercase and surrounded by underscores. This substitution is done automatically: there is no need to explicitly map the field names to tag names. This is very convenient when you add a new field to the records: the new fields can be displayed by including a new tag matching the field name in the template file.

In addition, a variation of the value is available by appending the -QUOTED string to the field name. This variation replaces HTML reserved characters such as quote (') or double quote (") by the appropriate HTML elements. This is useful to include a value in quotes, for instance. Here is the modified template part:

<!-- start entry -->
<dt><a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_COMMENT_</a>
<a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_URL_</a>
<i><font size=-1>Created _CREATED_</font></i><br>
<!-- end entry -->

Note that we have used _URL-QUOTED_ instead of _URL_ in the href instruction. The record layout is now exactly what we expect.

Node:Overriding a template (urlcatalog), Next:, Previous:Record layout (urlcatalog), Up:Catalog management guide

Overriding a template (urlcatalog)

We have modified the cedit.html template and now we would like Catalog to use it instead of the default template. The simplest method would be to create a file named cedit.html in the cgi-bin/admin directory. The default templates used by Catalog are included in the code of the application, therefore you will not find a cedit.html file anywhere. You will have to create it, copying it from the example or from this documentation. When the Catalog cgi-bin executes, it looks for templates in it's current working directory which is the cgi-bin directory, at least if you're using Apache.

This method is not suitable for us because we want (for the sake of the demonstration) to keep the default cedit.html and add a new one that would be activated only if we ask for it. This is achieved very simply by the use of the style cgi-bin parameter and the templates.conf configuration file.

What happens if you call the cgi-bin with an additional argument style=urlcatalog (you will see that the link Edit URL catalog in the example HTML entry point has this parameter) ? When the cgi-bin looks for a specific template (cedit.html in our case), it first searches the templates.conf file for a renaming instruction. For instance, in the template.conf file of the example (CGIDIR/admin/templates.conf) you can see these lines:

    # Catalog customization
                # Catalog editing
                cedit.html = urlcatalog_cedit.html
                # Search results
                csearch.html = urlcatalog_csearch.html

This must be understood as : if the style is urlcatalog then use urlcatalog_cedit.html template instead of the default cedit.html. We should therefore create a urlcatalog_cedit.html file and copy the modified template HTML code in it.

In short, the modified cedit.html template is put in the urlcatalog_cedit.html file and cedit.html is mapped to urlcatalog_cedit.html for the urlcatalog style in the templates.conf file.

We have covered all the actions necessary to customize the administration interface of urlcatalog as shown in the example. We will now explain how to customize the user view of the catalog.

Node:Customizing user view (urlcatalog), Next:, Previous:Overriding a template (urlcatalog), Up:Catalog management guide

Customizing user view (urlcatalog)

The basic concepts of template customization have been covered in the previous sections, while explaining how the administration interface was modified to show a better display of the records. We will now explain how the user view of the catalog urlcatalog was modified to display as shown in the following figures:

  • The root of the catalog. images/examplecbrowse2.png
  • The display of a category containing records. images/examplecbrowse3.png

There are two differences between the administration interface for at thematic catalog and its user view:

  • The top level category (root category) is displayed using a separate template.
  • The editing buttons are not available.

The display of the top level category uses the cbrowse_root.html template and all other categories are displayed using the cbrowse.html template. This was done to allow a different display for the top level category because it is often needed. The default cbrowse_root.html and cbrowse.html are almost identical.

Here is the default cbrowse_root.html:


<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=name value=_NAME_>
<input type=hidden name=context value=csearch>
<input type=hidden name=mode value=_CONTEXT_>
<input type=text size=40 name=text value='_TEXT-QUOTED_'>
<input type=submit value='search'><br>


<!-- start categories -->
<h3>Sub categories</h3>
<!-- start entry -->
<li> <a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a> (_COUNT_)
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- end categories -->
<!-- start entry -->
<p> <table border=1><tr>_DEFAULTROW_<tr></table>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

In the example database we know that no records will be displayed at the top level because we will never insert a record in the top level category. Therefore we can remove the part of the template used to display records (starting from the <!- end categories -> comment up to the end of the template).

Instead of displaying the categories using a bullet list, we want to display them as a two columns table. We want images/examplelayout2.png

instead of images/examplelayout3.png

We will have to modify the part of the template that is between <!- start categories -> and <!- end categories ->. Within this part there is a nested part delimited by <!- start entry -> and <!- end entry -> that is repeated for each sub category of the top level category (in the same way the records are displayed).

Obviously this does not allow us to display a two columns table. We have to substitute the entry part with something else. Fortunately, the row part is precisely designed for this purpose. Here is the final result:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<title>The Senga Resources Catalog</title>

<center><h3>The Senga Resources Catalog</h3></center>
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=name value=_NAME_>
<input type=hidden name=context value=csearch>
<input type=hidden name=mode value=_CONTEXT_>
<input type=text size=40 name=text value='_TEXT-QUOTED_'>
<input type=submit value='search'><br>

<!-- start categories -->
<!-- params 'style' => 'table', 'columns' => 2 -->
<!-- start row -->
<!-- start entry -->
<td> <b><a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a></b> (_COUNT_) </td>
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- end row -->
<!-- end categories -->

We have substituted the <ul> with a <table> to start the table. The comment <!- params 'style' => 'table', 'columns' => 2 -> instructs the display mechanism that we will use a table instead of a list ('style' => 'table') and that this table will have two columns ('columns' => 2). When this declaration is present we can wrap the entry part with a row part that will only be repeated every two columns. We are finished with the cbrowse_root.html template.

Now we want to customize the cbrowse.html template to display the categories in the same fashion and to display the records as defined when customizing the administration interface in the previous sections. The only noticeable detail is that the records are not displayed in a table but in a <dl>. The table was needed to correctly display the actions buttons in the administration interface but is not needed here because we do not show them. Here is the modified cbrowse.html template:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>

<b>Category</b> _PATH_
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=name value=_NAME_>
<input type=hidden name=context value=csearch>
<input type=hidden name=mode value=_CONTEXT_>
<input type=text size=40 name=text value='_TEXT-QUOTED_'>
<input type=submit value='search'><br>

<!-- start categories -->
<!-- params 'style' => 'table', 'columns' => 2 -->
<!-- start row -->
<!-- start entry -->
<td> <b><a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a></b> (_COUNT_) </td>
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- end row -->
<!-- end categories -->

<!-- start entry -->
<dt><a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_COMMENT_</a>
<a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_URL_</a>
<i><font size=-1>Created _CREATED_</font></i><br>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

Since we want to preserve the default display we will use the templates.conf file to re-map the cbrowse_root.html and cbrowse.html default templates when the style urlcatalog is activated. We will modify the templates.conf file located in CGIDIR/browse/templates.conf (instead of CGIDIR/admin/templates.conf for the administration interface) as follows:

# Templates system configuration
        # Catalog customization
                # Search results
                csearch.html = urlcatalog_csearch.html
                # Root of Catalog browsing
                cbrowse_root.html = urlcatalog_cbrowse_root.html
                # Pages of Catalog browsing
                cbrowse.html = urlcatalog_cbrowse.html

Node:Customizing search results (urlcatalog), Next:, Previous:Customizing user view (urlcatalog), Up:Catalog management guide

Customizing search results (urlcatalog)

Now that the browsing interface for urlcatalog is customized, we still have to customize the search result display so that the records are displayed in the same way. The default template used to display the search results is csearch.html and contains:

<title>Search results for _TEXT_</title>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=text size=40 name=text value='_TEXT-QUOTED_'>
<input type=submit value='search'><br>
<!-- start categories -->
<center>Categories matching <b>_TEXT_</b> (_COUNT_)</center>
<!-- start entry -->
<li> <a href=_URL_>_PATHNAME_</a>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->
<!-- end categories -->
<!-- start nocategories -->
<center>No category matches the search criterion</center>
<!-- end nocategories -->

<!-- start records -->

<center>Records matching <b>_TEXT_</b> (_COUNT_)</center>

<table border=1>
<!-- start entry -->

<!-- start category -->
<tr><td colspan=20><a href=_URL_>_PATHNAME_</a></td></tr>
<!-- end category -->

<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->
<!-- end records -->
<!-- start norecords -->
<center>No record matches the search criterion</center>
<!-- end norecords -->

This template is hairy because it contains many alternatives that define the HTML code to display:

  • if categories match the search criterion (categories part)
  • if we only want categories and no categories match the search criterion (nocategories part)
  • if records match the search criterion (records part)
  • if no categories and no records match the search criterion (norecords part)

Assuming that we search for records in the example database, the default display looks like this: images/examplecsearch1.png

To customize the records display we only have to change the records part to duplicate what was done in the cbrowse.html template. You will notice that the entry part have a sub part named category:

<!-- start records -->

<center>Records matching <b>_TEXT_</b> (_COUNT_)</center>

<!-- start entry -->

Sub part of entry that only shows once for a given category
<!-- start category -->
<dt><b>Category</b> <a href=_URL_>_PATHNAME_</a>
<!-- end category -->
<dt><a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_COMMENT_</a>
<a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_URL_</a>
<i><font size=-1>Created _CREATED_</font></i><br>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->
<!-- end records -->

This subpart must always be in the entry part. It will be displayed to show the category of the displayed record each time the category changes. Since the search results are sorted to group the records in the same category together, this will prevent showing the category name multiple times.

To continue with the renaming scheme used in the previous section we re-map csearch.html into urlcatalog_csearch.html in the templates.conf file.

# Templates system configuration
        # Catalog customization
                # Search results
                csearch.html = urlcatalog_csearch.html
                # Root of Catalog browsing
                cbrowse_root.html = urlcatalog_cbrowse_root.html
                # Pages of Catalog browsing
                cbrowse.html = urlcatalog_cbrowse.html

The search results when searching for www is now: images/examplecsearch2.png

At this point we have covered all the operations needed to customize the user view of the urlcatalog thematic catalog as shown when clicking on the Browse URL catalog (urlcatalog) link in the example HTML entry point. By defining a new style you could create a new display. All we needed to implement this customization are four files : templates.conf, urlcatalog_csearch.html, urlcatalog_cbrowse_root.html and urlcatalog_cbrowse.html.

Node:Customizing chronological browsing (urldate), Next:, Previous:Customizing search results (urlcatalog), Up:Catalog management guide

Customizing chronological browsing (urldate)

The urldate catalog displays the entries of the table urldemo in chronological order. Using the browse link in the control panel, you will see the following screen: images/examplecdate1.png

The default display of a chronologically ordered catalog contains a calendar. Only the days for which at least a record exists are shown. The records themselves are shown in the last part of the display. The years, months and days of the calendar are hypertext links that will only display the corresponding year, month or day.

The template used is cdate_default.html. It contains two logical parts : the display of the calendar and the display of the records.

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<title>Date catalog</title>
Display the calendar
<!-- start years -->

  <!-- start months -->
    <!-- params format => '%M' -->

    <!-- start days -->
      <!-- params format => '%W, %d' -->
      <li> <a href=_DAYLINK_>_DAYFORMATED_</a> (_COUNT_)
    <!-- end days -->

  <!-- end months -->

<!-- end years -->

Display the records
<!-- start records -->
<!-- start entry -->
<p> <table border=1><tr>_DEFAULTROW_<tr></table>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

<!-- end records -->

The part of the template that displays the records is identical to the cbrowse.html or csearch.html templates. It is wrapped in the records part. If the records part is omitted, only the calendar will be displayed.

The part of the template that displays the calendar contains three nested parts : days is included in months, itself included in years. If the chronological display is required without specifying a specific time interval, all the records are taken in account. Thru the use of the date cgi-bin parameter, however, it is possible to require that the cgi-bin only displays a given time interval. For instance, if date is set to 1999, it will only consider the records of year 1999. If the date is set to 199902 it will only consider the records of February 1999. If the date is set to 19990219 it will only consider the records of February, 19 1999. Here is a display for this specific day: images/examplecdate2.png

We could customize the record part and keep the calendar in this format. This is the simple solution if you're in a hurry. To further demonstrate the customization of the chronological display we will show how to configure a different display according to the time interval. We want a different display when the time interval is:

  • unbounded (cdate_default.html). images/examplecdate3.png
  • a specific year (cdate_year.html). images/examplecdate4.png
  • a specific month (cdate_month.html). images/examplecdate5.png
  • a specific day (cdate_day.html). images/examplecdate6.png

As you can see on the figures above, the records are only displayed when the time interval is limited to a specific day. In all other cases only the calendar is shown. If the time interval is not bounded, only the years are displayed. If the time interval is limited to a specific year, only the months of the year are displayed. If the time interval is limited to a specific month, only the days of this month are displayed. On top of the display, hypertext links allow to widen the time interval.

The first thing to understand is how we differentiate the templates used. By default only cdate_default.html is used but we want to use four different templates for unbounded, year, month and day. This is achieve by using the template cgi-bin parameter. For instance, if the chronological display is called with


then it will use the template cdate_year.html instead of cdate_default.html.

Let's start with the customization of cdate_default.html. Here is the customized template:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<title>Chronological history of the URL catalog</title>
<center><h3>Chronological history of the URL catalog</h3></center>
<!-- start years -->
<li>  <a href=_YEARLINK_&template=year>_YEARFORMATED_</a> (_COUNT_)
<!-- end years -->

The records part has been removed because we don't want to display them. The months and days parts of the years part have been removed because we don't want to go into details in this calendar. At this point the customization is really simple since we only had to remove parts to get a list of years. Each year is associated with a hypertext link (_YEARLINK_) that leads to the chronological display limited to the current year. We have appended the &template=year parameter to this tag so that the cdate_year.html is used instead of cdate_default.html.

Let's now configure the cdate_year.html template. Here is the customized template:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>

<!-- start years -->
<title>URL catalog in _YEARFORMATED_</title>
[ <a href=_SCRIPT_?name=urldate&context=cbrowse>Show all years</a> ]
<h3>URL catalog in _YEARFORMATED_</h3>

  <!-- start months -->
    <!-- params format => '%M' -->
    <li> <a href=_MONTHLINK_&template=month>_MONTHFORMATED_</a> (_COUNT_)

  <!-- end months -->

<!-- end years -->

As for cdate_default.html, we have removed the parts that are not wanted : records and days since we only want to show the months of the year. In order to show the current year in the title we had to move the title (<title>) inside the years part. This is necessary because the _YEARFORMATED_ is only substituted in the years part. Since we know that this template will only be used for a specific year, there is not risk that the title be repeated more than once.

In the months part we use the same method as in cdate_default.html to force the usage of the cdate_month.html template when following the hypertext link to a specific month : we append &template=month.

One more trick is used to control the format of the _MONTHFORMATED_ tag. By default _MONTHFORMATED_ is substituted with the English name of the month followed by the year in four digit format (February 1999, for instance). However, since we clearly show the year in the title there is no need to repeat it for every month. The <!- params format => '%M' -> comment in the months part controls the format of the _MONTHFORMATED_ tag. The string in single quotes is a MySQL date format specification (more information may be found in the MySQL date_format function documentation). The %M says that we only want the name of the month. The same format control method applies to the _YEARFORMATED_ and _DAYFORMATED_ tags.

Let's now configure the cdate_month.html template. Here is the customized template:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<!-- start years -->
  [ <a href=_SCRIPT_?name=urldate&context=cbrowse>Show all years</a> |
  <a href=_YEARLINK_&template=year>Months of _YEARFORMATED_</a> ]

  <!-- start months -->
    <!-- params format => '%M %Y' -->

<h3>URL catalog in _MONTHFORMATED_</h3>
<title>URL catalog in _MONTHFORMATED_</title>
    <!-- start days -->
      <!-- params format => '%W, %d' -->
      <li> <a href=_DAYLINK_&template=day>_DAYFORMATED_</a> (_COUNT_)
    <!-- end days -->

  <!-- end months -->

<!-- end years -->


There is no new concept in this template. The title (<title>) has been moved to the months part to show the current month using _MONTHFORMATED_ because this tag is only substituted in the months part. It's a bit strange to put the title so far in the HTML code but that's the only way to do it.

The list of links on top of the page now contain a link to display all the months of the year.

Lastly, the cdate_day.html template is built as follows:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<!-- start years -->
  [ <a href=_SCRIPT_?name=urldate&context=cbrowse>Show all years</a> |
  <a href=_YEARLINK_&template=year>Months of _YEARFORMATED_</a> |

  <!-- start months -->
    <!-- params format => '%M %Y' -->
  <a href=_MONTHLINK_&template=month>Days of _MONTHFORMATED_</a> ]

    <!-- start days -->
      <!-- params format => '%W, %d %M %Y' -->
<h3>URL catalog _DAYFORMATED_</h3>
<title>URL catalog _DAYFORMATED_</title>
    <!-- end days -->

  <!-- end months -->

<!-- end years -->

<!-- start records -->
<!-- start entry -->
<dt><a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_COMMENT_</a>
<a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_URL_</a>
<i><font size=-1>Created _CREATED_</font></i><br>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

<!-- end records -->


We now see the records part which looks exactly the same as in the cbrowse.html template.

We are finished with the customization of the chronological catalog. This method allows you to exactly controls the display while retaining a very simple default method.

Node:Customizing alphabetical browsing (urlalpha), Next:, Previous:Customizing chronological browsing (urldate), Up:Catalog management guide

Customizing alphabetical browsing (urlalpha)

The urlalpha catalog displays the entries of the table urldemo in alphabetical order, based on the comment field. Using the browse link in the control panel, you will see the following screen: images/examplecalpha1.png

Each letter and digit is shown. If there is at least one record for which the comment field starts with a specific letter (case insensitive), the letter becomes an hypertext link and the number of records is appended. If there is no record for which the comment field starts with a specific letter, the letter alone is shown.

When you click on a letter, the following screen is shown: images/examplecalpha2.png

Two templates are used : calpha_root.html for the first page and calpha.html to display a specific letter.

The default calpha_root.html template is as follows:

<title>Alphabetical Navigation</title>

<h3>Alphabetical Navigation</h3>

_A_ _B_ _C_ _D_ _E_ _F_ _G_ _H_ _I_ _J_ _K_ _L_ <p>
_M_ _N_ _O_ _P_ _Q_ _R_ _S_ _T_ _U_ _V_ _W_ _X_ <p>
_Y_ _Z_ _0_ _1_ _2_ _3_ _4_ _5_ _6_ _7_ _8_ _9_ <p>

What we want is a nice GIF for each letter instead of the ugly text and that the GIF files used be different (grayed) if there are no records for a specific letter. In short we want this: images/examplecalpha3.png

The modified template (calpha_root.html) is quite long and we only show a few relevant lines:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<title>Alphabetical URL catalog</title>

<h3>Alphabetical URL catalog</h3>

<table border=1>
  <a href=_AURL_>
   <img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/letter_ALETTER_.png border=0>
  <font size=-1>_ACOUNT_</font>
  <a href=_BURL_>
   <img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/letter_BLETTER_.png border=0>
  <font size=-1>_BCOUNT_</font>

We have done two things : put the letters in a table and expand the default _A_ style tags. By default these tags are replaced by an hypertext link if appropriate. Since we want to show images, we have to control the expansion of the hypertext link. For this purpose we have three tags:

is the URL that shows the records for letter A.
is the number of records for the letter A.
is either the letter A in lower case (a), if there is at least one record for which the comment field starts with an A, or the string a0 if there are no records. This tag allows us to dynamically build a different GIF file name according to the population associated with the letter. The GIF file named lettera.png is shown if there are records and the GIF file named lettera0.png is shown if there are no records.

The lines specifying the display for one letter must be duplicated for each letter. Note that we use the _HTMLPATH_ tag to locate the images installed by Catalog. If you are using your own GIF file you will not need this tag.

The customization of the page displaying the records for a specific letter (calpha.html) is much simpler. The default template is as follows:

<title>Alphabetical Navigation _LETTER_</title>

<h3>Alphabetical Navigation _LETTER_</h3>

<table border=1>
<!-- start entry -->
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

It contains a part that should now be familiar (entry) to display the records. We modify it to be compliant with the templates created so far:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<title>URL catalog letter _LETTER_</title>

<h3>URL catalog letter _LETTER_</h3>

<!-- start entry -->
<dt><a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_COMMENT_</a>
<a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_URL_</a>
<i><font size=-1>Created _CREATED_</font></i><br>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

Note that the _LETTER_ tag is substituted with the letter being displayed, in uppercase. It may be used to display a GIF file, for instance.

Node:More customization, Previous:Customizing alphabetical browsing (urlalpha), Up:Catalog management guide

More customization

In this chapter we have focused on the definition of the catalogs and the customization of the user interface. We have only shown how to customize the record layout for the administration of a thematic catalog. You will find that the reference chapters list all the templates used in by the administration interface of Catalog. You can modify all of them to fit your needs.

Node:Full text search, Next:, Previous:Catalog management guide, Up:Top

Full text search

Node:Default full text, Next:, Previous:Full text search, Up:Full text search

Default full text

The search mechanism of Catalog is implemented using the regexp operator of MySQL. For instance, when searching for the word foobar, the regexp used will be:

REGEXP '[[:<:]][fF][oO][oO][bB][aA][rR][[:>:]]'

This basically means that only the isolated foobar word will be found and not the word foobarnitz, See Catalog search (csearch).

This method can be really slow if the catalog contains a lot of data. We are working on this.

If the encoding of the catalog is not ISO-8859-* a the query is taken to be only one word and is searched using the SQL truncation operators, See Catalog configuration file.

like '%word1 word2%'

Node:Real full text, Previous:Default full text, Up:Full text search

Real full text

An automatic mechanism builds a full text index for every record in the SQL database. The full text index contains enough information to find which record of which table contains a specific word, See Hook Fulcrum configuration file.

To activate the automatic indexation of a MySQL database set the hook attribute of the mysql.conf file to either Catalog::tools::hook_mifluz or Catalog::tools::hook_fulcrum, See MySQL configuration file.

This mechanism currently specific to the Fulcrum full text engine and quite complex to tune.

Node:Catalog tables, Next:, Previous:Full text search, Up:Top

Catalog tables

Node:Catalog tables introduction, Next:, Previous:Catalog tables, Up:Catalog tables

Catalog tables introduction

The catalog table has a record for every existing catalog. The other tables have names that end with the name of the catalog (NAME).

None of these tables have to be created explicitly. They are described here to facilitate the understanding of the mechanism behind Catalog.

The externalid that appear in each table is designed to ease the importation/exportation of the catalog structure. This field can contain a unique identifier used in another catalog system.

Node:catalog, Next:, Previous:Catalog tables introduction, Up:Catalog tables


Describe all the existing catalogs.

create table catalog (
  # Table management information
  rowid int autoincrement,
  created datetime not null,
  modified timestamp not null,

  # Name of the catalog
  name varchar(32) not null,
  # Name of the table whose records are cataloged
  tablename varchar(60) not null,
  # Navigation scheme
  navigation enum ('alpha', 'theme', 'date') default 'theme',
  # State information
  info set ('hideempty'),
  # (alpha, date only) last update time
  updated datetime,
  # Order clause
  corder varchar(128),
  # Where clause
  cwhere varchar(128),
  # (alpha, date only) name of the field for sorting
  fieldname varchar(60),
  # (theme only) rowid of the root in catalog_category_NAME
  root int not null,
  # (theme only) full path name of the location to dump pages
  dump varchar(255),
  # (theme only) the location from which the dumped pages will be accessed
  dumplocation varchar(255),

  unique catalog1 (rowid),
  unique catalog2 (name)

Node:catalog_category_NAME, Next:, Previous:catalog, Up:Catalog tables


Describe a category (theme only).

create table catalog_category_NAME (
  # Table management information
  rowid int autoincrement
  created datetime not null,
  modified timestamp not null,

  # State information
  info set ('root'),
  # Full name of the category
  name varchar(255) not null,
  # Total number of records in this category and bellow
  count int default 0,
  # External identifier to synchronize with alien catalogs
  externalid varchar(32) not null default '',

Node:catalog_category2category_NAME, Next:, Previous:catalog_category_NAME, Up:Catalog tables


Link two categories (theme only).

create table catalog_category2category_NAME (
  # Table management information
  rowid int autoincrement,
  created datetime not null,
  modified timestamp not null,

  # State information
  info set ('hidden', 'symlink'),
  # Rowid of father
  up int not null,
  # Rowid of child
  down int not null,
  # Category name replacement
  replacement varchar(255),
  # External identifier to synchronize with alien catalogs
  externalid varchar(32) not null default '',

Node:catalog_entry2category_NAME, Next:, Previous:catalog_category2category_NAME, Up:Catalog tables


Link a record from the cataloged table with a category (theme only).

create table catalog_entry2category_NAME (
  # Table management information
  created datetime not null,
  modified timestamp not null,

  # State information
  info set ('hidden'),
  # Rowid of the record from cataloged table
  row int not null,
  # Rowid of the category
  category int not null,
  # External identifier to synchronize with alien catalogs
  externalid varchar(32) not null default '',

Node:catalog_path_NAME, Next:, Previous:catalog_entry2category_NAME, Up:Catalog tables


Maps category id to category path (theme only).

create table catalog_path_NAME (
  # Full path name of the category
  pathname text not null,
  # MD5 key of the path name
  md5 char(32) not null,
  # Full path name translated to ids
  path varchar(128) not null,
  # Id of the last component
  id int not null,

  unique catalog_path_NAME1 (md5),
  unique catalog_path_NAME2 (path),
  unique catalog_path_NAME3 (id)

Node:catalog_alpha_NAME, Next:, Previous:catalog_path_NAME, Up:Catalog tables


Count information for each letter (alpha only).

create table catalog_alpha_NAME (
  # Table management information
  rowid int autoincrement,
  created datetime not null,
  modified timestamp not null,

  # The letter
  letter char(1) not null,
  # Count of records of the cataloged table have
  # a field starting with this letter.
  count int default 0,

Node:catalog_date_NAME, Previous:catalog_alpha_NAME, Up:Catalog tables


Count information for each period (date only).

create table catalog_date_NAME (
  # Table management information
  rowid int autoincrement,

  # The date interval
  tag char(8) not null,
  # Count of records of the cataloged table have
  # a field starting with this letter.
  count int default 0,

  unique catalog_date_NAME1 (rowid),
  unique catalog_date_NAME2 (tag)

Node:Configuration files, Next:, Previous:Catalog tables, Up:Top

Configuration files

The Catalog software is made of separate Perl packages. All these packages have a configuration file that is read at startup time. They are found in the current working directory if no CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set, See Environment variables.

The instructions found in the configuration files alter the behavior of Catalog. For instance, they can be used to change the display of an HTML page. The general structure of a configuration file is an ASCII file where lines beginning with a dash (#) are ignored as well as empty lines.

A configuration instruction has the following form

keyword = value


keyword : value

The prefered form is using the equal sign instead of colon.

The keyword can contain alpha-numerical characters, underscore (_) and dash (-). The value can contain any character except newline or carriage return. There is no way to specify a multi-line value for a given keyword.

Here is a simple example of a configuration file:

# Name of the database to connect.
base = test

Configurations instructions may be nested. If a keyword is not followed by an equal sign, it is considered to be the start of a sub section of the configuration file. The end of a sub section is marked by the keyword end, alone on a line. Here is a simple example:

# Parameters for set and enum built from tables instead of builtin types
        name = mydict

Nesting can be recursive. Note that the leading white spaces are cosmetic only and are ignored by the configuration file parser. Here is an example of recursively nested instructions:

# Parameters for set and enum built from tables instead of builtin types
        name = mydict
                where = valid = 'yes'

The white space characters surrounding the keyword and the value are always ignored. This means that there is no way to specify a value that would contain leading or trailing white space.

In the following chapters you will find a complete description of the configuration files available in Catalog.

Node:Catalog configuration file, Next:, Previous:Configuration files, Up:Configuration files

Catalog configuration file

Used by the Catalog package ( It influences the global behavior of Catalog.

path_separator (optional, default /)
The string that separates path components of the _PATH_ tag in the navigation pages of the catalog, See cedit.html.
path_root_label (optional, default Root)
Label shown for the root of the path shown as the _PATH_ tag in the navigation pages of the catalog, See cedit.html.
pathcontext_params (optional)
Parameters that must be used in the pathcontext context, See Intuitive navigation (pathcontext). If set it must contain the name parameter that specifies the name of the catalog to display.
search (optional, nested)
Specifies fields searched and extracted when searching records and the order in which they are displayed, See Catalog search (csearch).

<catalog name> (optional, nested)
The following instructions only apply to the thematic catalog whose name is catalog name. All the field names must belong to the table associated with the named catalog.

searched (optional)
A comma separated list of fields to be searched. These fields must be of type char, varchar or text. If not specified, all the fields of the listed types are used. All the fields must be fully qualified by prepending the name of the table in the following way: table.field.
extracted (optional)
A comma separated list of fields to be extracted. If not specified, all the fields of the table are extracted and available for display, See csearch.html. This instruction is used to limit the number of fields extracted from the database, if the records are made of many fields and only a few are needed for display. All the fields must be fully qualified by prepending the name of the table in the following way: table.field.
order (optional)
An ORDER BY clause to sort the records found. The fields mentioned in this clause must be fully qualified by prepending the name of the table in the following way: table.field.

Here is an example configuration file:

# configuration file
# HTML code that separates two component of the path
path_separator = &nbsp;/&nbsp;
# Label for the root of the hierarchy tree
path_root_label = <b>Ze root</b>
# When cgi-bin is invoked with path_info instead of regular arguments,
# pretend that these parameters were used. It must at least contain
# the name of the catalog (name=NAME) and may also contain a style, for instance.
# The id and path parameters are automaticaly calculated from the path_info.
pathcontext_params = name=urlcatalog
# Search specifications
        # Specifications for urlcatalog thematic catalog
                # Search these fields
                searched = urldemo.url,urldemo.comment
                # Only extract these fields for display
                extracted = urldemo.url,urldemo.comment,urldemo.created
                # ORDER BY clause to sort the records found
                order = urldemo.url asc
# Encoding of the catalog data (default is ISO-8859-1)
#encoding = ISO-8859-1

Node:MySQL configuration file, Next:, Previous:Catalog configuration file, Up:Configuration files

MySQL configuration file

Used by the mysql package ( It defines which base must be used and parameters for the connection.

base (mandatory)
Name of the MySQL database to connect. Equivalent of base parameter in mysql command.
host (optional, default localhost)
Hostname of the machine where the database is located. May be omitted if the database is on the same machine as the application. Equivalent of the -host option of the mysql command.
port (optional, default 3306)
Port number of the MySQL server. May be omitted if the port number is the standard MySQL port number. Equivalent of the -port option of the mysql command.
unixport (optional, default /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock)
Socket file used for communications between the server and the client when they reside on the same machine. Equivalent of the -socket option of the mysql command.
user (optional)
Name of the user used to connect to the MySQL database, if the authentication system is active. If it is deactivated (-skip-grant-tables) this instruction may be omitted. Equivalent of the -user option of the mysql command.
passwd (optional)
Password of the user used to connect to the MySQL database, if the authentication system is active. If it is deactivated (-skip-grant-tables) this instruction may be omitted. Equivalent of the -password option of the mysql command.
auto_created (optional)
If this instruction exists and its value is set to yes, the field named created is treated in a special way in every table. It must be of type datetime not null. Each time a record is inserted using the mysql package, if the created field does not contain any value, it is set with the current date.
hook (optional)
The fully qualified name of the package that implements the integration of a full text search engine. At present these values are available:
See Hook Fulcrum configuration file.
See Hook Mifluz configuration file.

Here is an example configuration file:

# MySQL client configuration file
# Name of the database to connect. Mandatory.
base = interbat
# Host name. Comment if using localhost.
#host = enkidu
# Port number. Comment if using default.
port = 8301
# File name of the socket for local communications. Comment if
# using a remote host or if mysql does not support non-TCP/IP
# communications on local host.
unix_port = /usr/local/lib/interbat/db/8401.sock
# User name. Comment if authentification is off.
#user = myname
# Password. Comment if authentification is off.
#passwd = mypass
# Uncomment to trigger special handling of the created field.
# If active, field whose name is 'created' will be filled with the
# current date during insert.
auto_created = yes
# Every update/delete/insert is passed to this hook
hook = Catalog::tools::hook_fulcrum

Node:CGI configuration file, Next:, Previous:MySQL configuration file, Up:Configuration files

CGI configuration file

Used by the cgi package (

Catalog depends on a modified package. This configuration file deals with the additions specific to Catalog.

The absolute pathname of the directory that will be used. When CGI is called recursively it creates a file in this directory that contains the stack frame of the call. The file will be deleted when the CGI returns.

Here is an example configuration file:

# Derived cgi class (Catalog::cgi) configuration file
# Directory that will contain the saved execution contexts.
fct_dir = /usr/local/lib/interbat/cache

Node:Install configuration file, Next:, Previous:CGI configuration file, Up:Configuration files

Install configuration file

Used by the sqledit package (

This configuration file is created during the installation. It is used by sqledit to find the location of the Catalog components.

cgidir (optional)
The absolute path of the cgi-bin directory.
cgipath (optional)
The absolute location of the cgi-bin directory.
config_dir (optional)
The absolute path of the directory containing configuration files.
htmldir (optional)
The absolute location of the cgi-bin directory.
htmlpath (mandatory)
Absolute location of the Catalog HTML material (/Catalog for instance). It contains the documentation, examples and an images subdirectory (/Catalog/images for instance). This parameter will be available with the _HTMLPATH_ tag in every template.
infodir (optional)
The absolute path of the Emacs info directory where the documentation was installed.

Here is an example configuration file:

# Emacs info format documentat directory
infodir =
# cgi-bin directory
cgidir = /home/httpd/cgi-bin
# cgi-bin directory HTML path
cgipath = /cgi-bin
# configuration files (*.conf) installation directory
config_dir = /home/httpd/cgi-bin
# Catalog material directory
htmldir = /home/httpd/html/Catalog
# Catalog material HTML path
htmlpath = /Catalog

Node:SQL editor configuration file, Next:, Previous:Install configuration file, Up:Configuration files

SQL editor configuration file

Used by the sqledit package ( This module implements an HTML interface to an SQL database. The instructions of this configuration file modifies the behavior of the interface.

context_allow (optional, default *)
The list of allowed values for the context cgi-bin parameter. The complete list of available context values is listed in the table of content. Each value is described in a section and the name of the section ends with the value of the context parameter, See Catalog CGI.

Alternatively, context_allow may be set to star (*, the default) to allow every operations.

If the user is denied a specific operation, the following error message will be displayed:

"%s context is not allowed"
See Messages translation.

Assuming that you want to give read-only access to your catalog, use the following:

context_allow = cbrowse

encoding (optional, default ISO-8859-1)
Defines the encoding of the user interface. The HTML pages sent to the client navigator will all be encoded using this encoding. All the input parameters received from HTML forms must be encoded in the same way. The internal charset of Catalog is UTF-8. Input and output is converted to and from UTF-8 using XPG4 iconv thru the Text::Iconv interface.
functions (optional, nested)
Defines functions that may be used as values for the normalize and match instructions in the check nested instruction.

The keyword is the name of the function and the value is the body of the function. The body of the function must be a piece of Perl code that returns a function pointer when evaluated. Most of the time it is a simple lambda (sub { ... }). No parameters are passed to the function, however the $_ variable contains the current value of the field for which the function was called. See the description of the match and check instructions for a description of the return values expected from these functions.

Since the available libraries are not documented you can only rely on the standard Perl libraries here.

        normalize_lc = sub { $_ = lc; return 1; }
        check_alnum = sub { /[a-z0-9]+/ || "alphanumerical" }

check (optional, nested)
Defines the checking that must be done on each field of each table of the current database (the current database is defined in the mysql.conf file). The structure of this instruction is as follow:
                        normalize = <function>
                        match = <function>
                        mandatory = yes

We will define bellow the instructions that may be associated with each field.

normalize (optional, default returns 1)
The <function> may be either a valid Perl function or a function defined in the function section of this configuration file. The $_ variable contains the value of the field for the current record.

The normalize function is called when the value of the field is updated or a new value is inserted.

The return value of the function must be

  • 1 if the normalization of the value was a success.
  • 0 if the value cannot be normalized.

If the return value is 1, the $_ variable is expected to contain the normalized value when the function returns.

If the return value is 0, the following error message will be issued to the end user:

table %s : field %s : value %s normalize failed %s
See Messages translation.
match (optional, default returns 1)
The <function> may be either a valid Perl function or a function defined in the function section of this configuration file. The $_ variable contains the value of the field for the current record.

The match function is called when the value of the field is updated or a new value is inserted.

The return value of the function must be

  • 1 if the value matches the constraint.
  • a string if the value does not match the constraint.

If the return value is a string, the following error message will be issued to the end user:

table %s : field %s : value %s match failed %s
See Messages translation.

where the last %s is replaced by the string returned by the function, thus providing precise error messages.

mandatory (optional)
If present, the associated field must always contain a value that is not empty.

The mandatory check is done when the value of the field is updated or a new value is inserted.

If the new value is null (only contains white space), the following error message will be issued to the end user:

table %s : field %s must be set
See Messages translation.

dictionaries (optional, nested)

Parameters that apply to the dictionaries as defined by the relational specifications, See Relational constraints. Keep in mind that dictionaries are handled as if they were native enum or set types of MySQL. This instruction allows to control the display of such dictionaries.

                where = <where clause1>
                order = <order clause1>
                where = <where clause2>
                order = <order clause2>

where (optional)
The <where clause> may be any expression valid in a SQL where clause. The beginning of the SQL order is something like select * from tablename. The values displayed to the user will only be those matching the where clause, for more information on how to display a dictionary See Template files introduction.
order (optional)
The <where clause> may be any expression valid in a SQL order clause. The beginning of the SQL order is something like select * from tablename. The menu generated for this dictionary will show the values listed according to this clause. If not provided, no specific order can be expected.

display (optional, nested)
Controls the generation of HTML code for menus and lists of checkboxes associated to dictionaries. Basically it is a matter of choosing how many columns you want, what kind of separator should be displayed etc.

The structure of this instruction is as follow:

                        multiple = <number of lines>
                        labelnull = <HTML text>
                                multiple = <number of lines>
                                labelnull = <HTML text>
                        columns = <number of columns>
                        font = <font ...>
                                columns = <number of columns>
                                font = <font ...>

In both select and table, there is a special table name, general, that provides the default for all the table names not specifically listed.

Provides instructions for customizing a select HTML tag.

multiple (optional, default 4)
The value of the multiple parameter in the select tag.
labelnull (optional, default ---------)
When the list of values of the dictionaries is generated, the empty value is prepended and the text visible to the user is the value of this attribute.

Provides instructions for customizing the display of a set of radio buttons or checkboxes within a table.

columns (optional, default 4)
The number of columns used for the table containing the radio buttons or the checkboxes.
font (optional)
An HTML font change specification that will be duplicated in every cell of the table.

nph (optional, default no)
Set it to yes if your script is nph (non parsed header). This changes the header sent by Catalog. For more information on nph cgi-bin see the Apache documentation and the documentation.

Node:Template configuration file, Next:, Previous:SQL editor configuration file, Up:Configuration files

Template configuration file

style (optional, nested)
Maps template file names according to style names.

The structure of this nested instruction is as follows:

                templatepath = othertemplatepath

The templatepath must be a template path name as defined for the current application, See Template files introduction.

# Templates system configuration
                cbrowse_root.html = liensacteurtop.html
                cbrowse.html = liensacteur.html
                cbrowse_root.html = liensthemetop.html
                cbrowse.html = lienstheme.html
                calpha_root.html = liensalphatop.html
                calpha.html = liensalpha.html

Node:Hook Fulcrum configuration file, Previous:Template configuration file, Up:Configuration files

Hook Fulcrum configuration file

serial (mandatory)
The unique identifier used for fulcrum fields. We advise to use 230. Each fulcrum field generated from the database/tables specification will be associated with an identifier in the range <serial> and up.

chunksize (mandatory)
The maximum number of updates or deletions that can be done with fulcrum. We advise to use 1000. This is mainly to prevent SQL query buffer overflow for tables that contain a lot of records.

<sql database> (nested)
All other keywords at the top level of the configuration file are interpreted as SQL database names. The nested configuration instructions describe the coupling between this database and the fulcrum search engine.

params (mandatory, nested)
Database wide parameters.

table (mandatory)
The name of the fulcrum table that will contain the indexed data.

tables (mandatory, nested)
All the keywords are SQL tablenames.

<sql tablename> (mandatory, nested)

params (optional, nested)

where (optional)
A where clause applied on the SQL table that will limit the scope of records taken in account during indexing.

merge (optional, nested)
Import fields values from the designated table for every indexed record of the current table. The designated table must have an entry in database/table and the listed fields must be mapped to fulcrum fields.

table (mandatory)
An SQL table linked to the current table, See Relational constraints.
fields (mandatory)
The list of fields from the table that must be imported.

fields (mandatory, nested)
All the keywords must be valid fieldnames of the SQL table.

<sql fieldname>

The name of the fulcrum field that will contain a copy of the value from the SQL field.

query (mandatory, nested)
Specifications to build the full text query.

table (mandatory)
The name of the fulcrum table to use for the query.
divide_or (optional)
The division factor applied to or query in each group.
extract (mandatory)
The list of fields that contains the rowid of the records that are to be retrieved from the SQL database. Those fields all begin with r_. If an order clause is present must also contain all the fields mentioned in the order clause (due to fulcrum limitations).
relevance (mandatory)
The relevance method used. If an order clause is present must also contain all the fields mentioned in the order clause (due to fulcrum limitations).
order (optional)
Order by clause.
constraint_weight (optional)
If a constraint matches in a given group, give it the weight mentioned in here.
templates (optional, nested)
Re-map each automatically generated sub template name.

groups (mandatory, nested)

<group number> (mandatory nested)
Each group number is taken in numerical order to build the query.

where (optional)
The record must match the where condition in addition to the generated full text query.
weight (mandatory)
Records matching the literal or all the words from the query will have this weight. Records matching at least one word from the question will have this weight divided by the divide_or parameter.
constraint (optional)
If specified list the fields on which a constraint may be applied.
fields (mandatory)
The list of fulcrum table fields that will be searched during the full text search process.

The general structure of the file is as follows:

# Link fulcrum with SQL database
# Fulcrum field numbering start from serial and up (suggested 230)
serial = <number>
# How many fulcrum deletions/update can be done in one
# request (suggested 1000)
chunksize = <number>
# SQL base name
<sql database>
    # General parameters for base
        # Name of the fulcrum table
        table = <fulcrum tablename>
    # SQL tables mapping
        <sql tablename>
                # Only records matching this where
                # clause will be inserted
                where = <sql where clause>
                # Merge part of a linked row into
                # each entry. Link must be defined in
                # relations.spec.
                    table = <sql tablename>
                    fields = <sql fieldname,sql fieldname,...>
                <sql fieldname>
                    field = <fulcrum fieldname>
            # Name of the fulcrum table
            table = <fulcrum tablename>
            # Reduce factor for or'ed terms (suggested 100)
            divide_or = <number>
            # When a row is found, retrieve only these fields
            extract = <fulcrum fieldname>,<fulcrum fieldname>,...
            # Relevance method
            relevance = relevance(<fulcrum relevance>) as rel,
                        <fulcrum orderby fields>
            # When querying the order by clause is order
            order = <fulcrum orderby>
            # If a constraint is matched, apply this weight
            # (suggested 1000)
            constraint_weight = <number>
            # Map table names to template names
                <sql table,sql table,...> = <template basename>
            <group number>
                where = <fulcrum where clause>
                weight = <number>
                constraint = <constraint re>
                fields = <fulcrum fields>

Here is a complete example:

# Link fulcrum with SQL database
# Fulcrum field numbering start from serial and up
serial = 230
# How many deletions/update can be done in one request
chunksize = 1000
# Mysql base name
    # General parameters for base
        # Name of the fulcrum table
        table = intersmall
    # Mysql tables mapping
                # Only records matching this where
                # clause will be inserted
                where = find_in_set('interbat', typesociete)
                    field = so_typesociete
                    field = so_nomaffiche
                    field = so_raisonsociale
                    field = so_raisonsocialec
                    field = so_sigle
                    field = so_motscles
                    field = so_descriptif
                    field = so_descriptiflong
                    field = so_activite
                    field = so_url
                    field = so_mail
                    field = so_adresse
                    field = so_codepostal
                    field = so_ville
                    field = so_pays
                    field = so_tel
                # Only records matching this where
                # clause will be inserted
                where = disabled = 'no'
                    field = st_descriptif
                    field = st_url
                    field = st_debut
                    field = st_fin
                # Only records matching this where
                # clause will be inserted
                where = publiable = 'yes'
                # Merge part of a linked row into
                # each entry. Link must be defined in
                # relations.spec
                    table = societe
                    fields = typesociete
                    field = pe_nom
                    field = pe_url
                    field = pe_mail
                    field = pe_fonction
                    field = pe_adresse
                    field = pe_codepostal
                    field = pe_ville
                    field = pe_pays
                    field = pe_tel
                # Only records matching this where
                # clause will be inserted
                # where =
                    field = pn_texte
                    field = pn_nom
                    field = pn_url
                    field = pn_debut
                    field = pn_fin
                # Only records matching this where
                # clause will be inserted
                # where =
                # Merge part of a linked row into
                # each entry. Link must be defined in
                # relations.spec
                    table = societe
                    fields = typesociete
                    field = ma_marque
                    field = ma_descriptif
            # Name of the fulcrum table
            table = interall
            # Reduce factor for or'ed terms
            #divide_or = 100
            # When a row is found, retrieve only these fields
            extract = r_societe,r_marque
            # Relevance method
            relevance = relevance('2:2') as rel,ma_marque
            # When querying the order by clause is order
            order = rel desc,ma_marque
            # If a constraint is matched, apply this weight
            constraint_weight = 1000
            # Map table names to template names
                societe,start = start
                marque,societe = marquebatibase
                personne,societe = personnebatibase
                produitsnouveaux,societe = produitsnouveaux
                societe = societebatibase
                where = so_typesociete contains 'interbat' weight 0
                weight = 900
                constraint = so_.*
                fields = so_raisonsociale,so_sigle,so_motscles
                where = so_typesociete contains 'interbat' weight 0
                weight = 900
                constraint = ma_.*
                fields = ma_marque,ma_descriptif
                where = (pn_debut < now() and pn_fin > now())
                weight = 800
                constraint = pn_.*
                fields = pn_nom,pn_texte,pn_url
#               where = (st_debut < now() and st_fin > now())
                weight = 700
                constraint = st_.*
                fields = st_url,st_descriptif
                weight = 700
                # st_url,ho,pa,tx
                constraint = (ho|pa|tx|e_text)
                fields = e_text
                where = so_typesociete contains 'batibase' weight 0
                weight = 130
                constraint = so_.*
                fields = so_raisonsociale,so_sigle,so_motscles
                where = so_typesociete contains 'batibase' weight 0
                weight = 130
                constraint = ma_.*
                fields = ma_marque,ma_descriptif
                weight = 50
                constraint = so_.*
                fields = so_url,so_mail,so_adresse,so_codepostal
                weight = 50
                constraint = pe_.*
                fields = pe_nom,pe_url,pe_mail,pe_fonction,pe_adresse

Node:External representation, Next:, Previous:Configuration files, Up:Top

External representation

The thematic catalogs have an external representation that allow easy transportation of their content. The format used is XML. The file containing the XML representation of a catalog is named with the .rdf extension. When the XML/RDF conventions will be better supported the catalogs will eventually use these conventions, hence the extension. You should not invest too much on the current XML format because it is likely to change drastically in the next few monthes. Nevertheless, we've found very convinient to have a text representation of the catalogs, specially for importing data from various sources.

Node:XML short example, Next:, Previous:External representation, Up:External representation

XML short example

Here is a short example of an XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<RDF xmlns:rdf=""

CREATE TABLE urldemo (
  rowid int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
  created datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
  modified timestamp(14),
  info enum('active','inactive') DEFAULT 'active',
  url char(128),
  comment char(255),
  UNIQUE cdemo1 (rowid)




 <Record table="urldemo">
  <comment>Medias Link</comment>


Node:XML document encoding, Next:, Previous:XML short example, Up:External representation

XML document encoding

The encoding of an XML document is specified in the <?xml ... ?> line at the beginning. Accepted encodings are:

  • ISO-8859-1
  • ISO-8859-2
  • ISO-8859-3
  • ISO-8859-4
  • ISO-8859-5
  • ISO-8859-6
  • ISO-8859-7
  • ISO-8859-8
  • ISO-8859-9

More encodings should be available as the XML manipulation library evolve.

Node:XML structure, Next:, Previous:XML document encoding, Up:External representation

XML structure

When an element is said to describe a record it means that it contains elements whose name are record field names and contains the value of the field. For instance:

<Record table=urldemo>

defines a record of the urldemo table with two fields (url and comment) whose values are, respectively and Senga.

Contains a unique SQL order that will create a table.
Describes a record of the catalog table, See catalog. The remaining of the file will relate to the catalog described in this element. There must be only one Catalog element in a given file.
Describes a record of the catalog_category table, See catalog_category_NAME. The pseudo field parent will build a record in the catalog_category2category table linking the category to its parent, See catalog_category2category_NAME.
Describes a record of the catalog_entry2category table, See catalog_entry2category_NAME.
Describes a record of the table named by the table attribute.
Describes a record of the catalog_category2category table, See catalog_category2category_NAME. The info field of the record is automaticaly set to symbolic.
When this element is seen during the parsing of the file, administrative information is recomputed for the catalog. This should only occur once, at the end of the file., Previous:XML structure, Up:External representation

The site provides a dump of their catalog data. The format of the dump is a custom XML that looks like RDF but is not really. Since the XML format of and the XML format of Catalog are not compatible, the convert_dmoz command is provided to perform a translation. It must be called from the command line.

Since the catalog has specific requirements, a specialized version of Catalog is also provided. If you access Catalog using the CGIDIR/dmoz cgi script instead of CGIDIR/Catalog, you will use this specialized version.

The easiest way to reach it is to start from the home page of Catalog that is installed with the product at http://localhost/Catalog/ and follow the DMOZ Control Panel link. Alternatively you can jump directly to http://localhost/cgi-bin/DMOZ/dmoz?context=ccontrol_panel.

We have loaded a version of that contains approximately 1 500 000 records and around 250 000 categories on a Pentium 450. It leads to a 500Mb MySQL database. It takes about one hour to load. The response time when navigating the categories is excellent, provided you are using Apache + mod_perl.

The memory used during the load is around 70Mb during the conversion and 10Mb for loading.

In order to load data using Catalog you must follow the steps listed below. This procedure assumes that you have created a database named dmoz and a catalog of named dmoz within this database. A dmoz database has been created during the installation process. If you don't have it create it with the following command:

mysql -e "create database dmoz"
If you have a database named dmoz, go to the URL http://localhost/cgi-bin/DMOZ/dmoz?context=ccontrol_panel and a catalog named dmoz will automatically be created.
  • Load the content.rdf.gz file from
  • Run
    convert_dmoz -exclude '^/Adult' -what content content.rdf.gz
    It prints a dot from time to time to show that it does not hang. This script produces the following files:
    • category.txt (table catalog_category_dmoz)
    • entry2category.txt (table catalog_entry2category_dmoz)
    • category2category.txt (table catalog_category2category_dmoz)
    • dmozrecords.txt (table dmozrecords)
  • Load the files into the database using the following command
    convert_dmoz -load all ~/dmoz
  • Click on browse link in the Control Panel and check that the catalog displays well. Warning the first time you click on browse Catalog will rebuild some internal tables and it will take some time to display. While working Catalog sends white space characters to keep the connection busy and prevent timeouts. These characters also tells you that Catalog is working and not hanging. One character is printed for each category. If you have 200 000 categories you should expect to download 200KB.
  • Click on the count link in the Control Panel to calculate how many entries each category contains. It taks about the same time to complete. One character is printed for each category. If you have 200 000 categories you should expect to download 200KB.

After a while, you will want to reload a new version of the data. It can be done using the same commands. The problem is that while you do that the catalog will be unavailable to the users. The data are first removed and then populated. Catalog does not currently offer support for user transparent reloading. Instead we suggest you follow these steps:

  • Load dmoz on another machine.
  • Swap the MySQL database files when done.

Node:Template files introduction, Next:, Previous:External representation, Up:Top

Template files introduction

The template files are the HTML files used by the cgi-bin to interact with the user. Every interaction step is associated with the file name of a template, the content of this file is read and analyzed by the cgi-bin and portions of it are replaced according to the action taken.

The simplest of all templates is the error template. It looks like this:


When an error occurs in a cgi-bin the error template is used. The _MESSAGE_ tag is replaced by the actual error message and the result is sent to the user.

The templates file names are located in the current directory if the TEMPLATESDIR environment variable is not set. If it is set it must contain a list of colon separated directories. The directories are explored in order to find the template file. If no file is found a default in-core version is used.

A template is often divided is parts, sometimes recursively. The general syntax of this subdivision is as follows:

bla bla...
<!-- start part -->
bla bla...
<!-- start subpart -->
bla bla...
<!-- end subpart -->
bla bla...
<!-- end part -->
bla bla...

The template contains a part named part. This part contains a subpart named subpart. This kind of subdivision is used when a component of the template must be repeated or conditionally included. Note that the specifications for parts are included in HTML comments to prevent interferences when editing the template with a wysiwyg editor.

Within a part, it is possible to specify arbitrary parameters to the cgi-bin using the params specification.

<!-- params 'var1' => 'value1', 'var2' => 'value2'... -->

The exact variables allowed in such an instruction and the interpretation of their values depend on the cgi-bin.

The tags of a template are strings that will be replaced by actual values by the cgi-bin. The tags are always surrounded by underscores and the strings are in upper case. If two strings appear in the same tag they are separated by a dash (-). These are valid tags:


These are not valid tags:

  • _mycomment_

The tags found in a part or subpart of a template may be the same, this does not mean that they will be replaced by the same string. All the parts and subparts have a separate name space. Always refer to the template documentation to find out which tags are defined.

The exact semantic associated to these subdivisions completely depends on the action associated to the template.

Node:Templates switch table, Next:, Previous:Template files introduction, Up:Template files introduction

Templates switch table

In order to allow multiple template files to coexist, the template package configuration file allows arbitrary mapping of the template file names listed in this chapter to other file names, See Template configuration file. The choice of a specific name map depend on the style parameter, See Style parameter.

Node:Fixed tags, Next:, Previous:Templates switch table, Up:Template files introduction

Fixed tags

The following tags are always available in any template or a template part.

Absolute path of the cgi-bin script (/cgi-bin/Catalog for instance). It may be used to set the action part of a FORM HTML tag.
Absolute location of the Catalog HTML material (/Catalog for instance). It contains the documentation, examples and an images subdirectory (/Catalog/images for instance).

Node:Fixed params, Next:, Previous:Fixed tags, Up:Template files introduction

Fixed params

The following params are always available in any template or a template part.

Name of, or reference to, a function to call before filling in the corresponding part of a template. The function can return a reference to a modified deep-copy of the template hash.
Name of, or reference to, a function to call after filling in the corresponding part of a template. The function can return a modified copy of the expanded HTML.

Here's an example:

   <!-- start entry -->
    <!-- params pre_fill => \&MyCat::pre_fill_entry, post_fill => \&MyCat::post_fill_entry -->
    <LI><a href='_URL-QUOTED_'>_URL_</a> &nbsp;- _DESCRIPTION_ <!-- _COUNT_ -->
    <!-- end entry -->

The MyCat::pre_fill_entry will be called with two parameters: a reference to the template hash and a reference to an array of 'parent' templates, which may be empty. The function must at least return the template hash reference. Note that you should always modify a deep-copy of the template and not the original because changes to the original will be permenant within mod_perl.

The MyCat::post_fill_entry will be called with three parameters: the first two are the same as for pre_fill_entry. The third is the generated HTML. The function must return an HTML string. Here's an example that adds an arrow gif for symbolic links:

    package MyCat;
    use Catalog;
    @ISA = qw(Catalog);


    sub post_fill_entry {
    my ($template, $parents, $html) = @_;
    return $html if @$parents > 0; # needed for mysterious reasons
    my $a = $T->{assoc};
    if ($a->{_COUNT_} && $a->{_COUNT_} eq "@") {
        $html .= q{<IMG SRC="_SCRIPT_/../images/arrow.png" ALT="-&gt;" WIDTH="19" HEIGHT="8">};
    return $html;

Note that in order for _COUNT_ to be in the $template->{assoc} hash, it must appear within the template. If you don't want _COUNT_ to appear in the output then put it inside an HTML comment, as shown above.

At the moment there is no direct way for the functions to access the current Catalog CGI object. You could replace the C<selector()> call in the example above with calls to:

    my $self = MyCat->new();
    undef $self;

The pre_fill and post_fill functions could then refer to $self.

Node:Database table tags, Next:, Previous:Fixed params, Up:Template files introduction

Database table tags

Most templates display fields from tables and they all follow the same conventions. If the template documentation states that a record from table table is available in a specific part of the template, a set of tags is automatically available.

The value of the field, verbatim. As a special case, if the field is of type blob, and img tag is generated to display the content of the field. It must be a GIF file.
The value of the field, with all characters that would cause problems in HTML (quote, double quote, lower than and greater than) replaced by their symbolic form. This is suitable for insertion in the value part of an input tag, for instance.
The value of the field, with all characters that would cause problems in an URL (space, ampersand and all so called unsafe characters) replaced by their hexadecimal form. This is suitable for insertion in the URL part of an a tag, for instance.
Only suitable for fields of type set or enum. Display the current value of the field within a select style menu listing all the allowable values of the field. If the type of the field is set, the menu generated allows multiple selection. The exact display generated depends on the definitions found in the sqledit.conf file, See SQL editor configuration file.
Only suitable for fields of type enum. Display the current value of the field within a table of radio buttons. The radio button associated with the current value is checked. The exact display generated depends on the definitions found in the sqledit.conf file, See SQL editor configuration file.
Only suitable for fields of type set. Display the current values of the field within a table of checkboxes. The check boxes associated with the current values is checked. The exact display generated depends on the definitions found in the sqledit.conf file, See SQL editor configuration file.

The tags listed above may be prefixed by the name of the table to disambiguate.


This form is only necessary if to tables have the same field name and a part of the template provide a record from both of them.

Each datatype has a default display form that is used when nothing is specified in the template. Here is an association between the MySQL datatypes and the default display associated with them.

char of size 1
Input text of size two.
char of size > 30 and < 1000
Input text of size thirty.
char of size > 1000
Text area of six rows and thirty columns.
Input text of size ten.
date or time
Input text of size twenty.
File upload.
Table of checkboxes, See SQL editor configuration file.
Single choice menu, See SQL editor configuration file.

Node:Record list part, Next:, Previous:Database table tags, Up:Template files introduction

Record list part

In many templates there are template parts (see the introduction at the beginning of this chapter) used to display a list of records from the database. All of them (with the notable exception of the query by example search result, See sqledit_search.html.) use the same library and comply to the following part description for their display.

Params and Parts
If there is a style parameter in the enclosing part and that the value associated with this parameter is table, then the part used to display the search results will be row. Otherwise the part used will be entry.
style = {table,vtable}
Use row part. The columns parameter is the number of columns generated. For each record, the entry part is repeated. If the entry part has been repeated columns times, the row part is displayed with the generated entries.

If style value is table the columns are ordered horizontaly, if style value is vtable the columns are ordered verticaly.

<!-- params 'style' => 'table', 'columns' => 2 -->
<!-- start row -->
<!-- start entry -->
<td> <a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a> (_COUNT_) </td>
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- end row -->

style = *
Use entry part, repeated as many times as there are records.
<!-- start entry -->
<li> <a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a> (_COUNT_)
<!-- end entry -->

If no records are found, the row or entry parts are not displayed.

In some cases, the entry part (within a row part or stand alone) may be subdivided as shown below:

<!-- start entry -->

<!-- start company -->
<!-- end company -->

<!-- start customer -->
<!-- end customer -->

<!-- end entry -->

This subdivision is always an alternative, that is, either the company part or the customer part will be displayed, never both. This is mainly used to specify a part that many contain records from different tables so that they are displayed in a specific way. The exact semantic associated with these subparts is defined by the cgi-bin.

Within the entry part, the following tags are defined.

table tags
All the automatically generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Node:Multipage results template, Next:, Previous:Record list part, Up:Template files introduction

Multipage results template

All the cgi-bin that want to display their result using more than one HTML page use the same module to implement this functionality. For instance, when searching the database, the first page displayed only contains the first ten results. A footer is added to the page with links to the next pages. The default footer looks like this: images/pager.png

The footer is called the pager section. In the example it shows the total number of pages on one line. The next line shows the current page as a page number not associated with a link. All other page numbers are associated with a link that gives direct access to the page.

If no pager template part is found, the display is automatically switched to a one page display. Here is an example pager part :

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->
Is the total number of pages available.
Is a fixed format list of links that give direct access to the first twenty pages and indirect access to the others, as shown in the example output above.

List of hidden fields necessary to perform the search. Must be included in each form.

Node:Server side includes, Next:, Previous:Multipage results template, Up:Template files introduction

Server side includes

A limited support of the server side include syntax is provided in the template files. If an include instruction is found, the cgi expands it. For instance:

<!--#include virtual="/dir/file.html" -->

will be expanded with the content of the file found at $DOCUMENT_ROOT/dir/file.html. This is done again and again until no more include instruction is found, allowing nested inclusions. Note that the tag substitution is done before expanding the included file. Therefore, no tag substitution will occur in the included files.

Node:Actions that takes a long time, Previous:Server side includes, Up:Template files introduction

Actions that takes a long time

Some cgi-bin actions may take a very long time, such as catalog loading or dumping. When an action is likely to take a long time, the cgi-bin emits white space characters from time to time to provide a user feedback. When the action begins a blank page is shown to the user and the status bar of the navigator shows that some characters are received.

This feedback serves two purposes : it shows that the action is doing something and keeps the connection alive so that the HTTP server does not timeout.

Node:Catalog template files, Next:, Previous:Template files introduction, Up:Top

Catalog template files

Node:ccontrol_panel.html, Next:, Previous:Catalog template files, Up:Catalog template files


Top level entry point for catalog management.

Here is an example template:

<title>Catalog control panel</title>

<center><h3>Catalog control panel</h3></center>

<center><h3><font color=red>_COMMENT_</font></h3></center>
<table border=1>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=middle><b>Configuration files</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>MySQL</td><td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=confedit&file=mysql.conf>edit</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>CGI</td><td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=confedit&file=cgi.conf>edit</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Catalog</td><td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=confedit&file=catalog.conf>edit</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>sqledit</td><td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=confedit&file=sqledit.conf>edit</a></td></tr>
<table border=1>
<tr><td colspan=5 align=middle><b>Existing catalogs</b></td></tr>
<!-- start catalogs -->
 <td><b><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=ccatalog_edit&name=_NAME_>_NAME_</a></b></td>
 <td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=cbrowse&name=_NAME__ID_>browse</a></td>
 <td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=_COUNT_&name=_NAME_>count</a></td>
 <td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=cdestroy&name=_NAME_>destroy</a></td>
 <!-- start theme -->
 <td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=cedit&name=_NAME__ID_>edit</a></td>
 <td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=cdump&name=_NAME_>dump</a></td>
 <td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=cimport&name=_NAME_>load</a></td>
 <td><a href=_SCRIPT_?context=cexport&name=_NAME_>unload</a></td>
 <!-- end theme -->
<!-- end catalogs -->
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=context value=cbuild>
Create _NAVIGATION_ catalog on table _TABLES_
<input type=submit value='Create it!'>
<a href=_SCRIPT_?context=cimport>Load from file</a><br>
<a href=_SCRIPT_/>Simplified browsing</a><br>
<a href=_SCRIPT_?context=ccontrol_panel>Redisplay control panel</a><br>
<a href=_SCRIPT_?context=cdemo>Create a demo table (urldemo)</a><br>
<a href=_HTMLPATH_/catalog_toc.html><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/help.png alt=Help border=0 align=middle></a>


This part is repeated for each existing catalog in the current database.
This part must be included in the catalogs part. It is only included if the catalog is a theme catalog.

Warning and messages from the last action.
Name of the catalog.
Parameter containing the identifier of the root category (only available for theme catalogs). It has the form &id=<number>.
Context value depending on the navigation type of the catalog. It will trigger an action that resets the count associated to each level of the catalog tree (category_count, cdate_count or calpha_count).
Select box of all navigation type for the catalog (theme, alpha, date). The name of the value is navigation.
Select box of all tables in the database. The name of the value is table.

Node:calpha_root.html, Next:, Previous:ccontrol_panel.html, Up:Catalog template files


Root node of alphabetical navigation.

Here is an example template:

<title>Alphabetical Navigation</title>

<h3>Alphabetical Navigation</h3>

_A_ _B_ _C_ _D_ _E_ _F_ _G_ _H_ _I_ _J_ _K_ _L_ <p>
_M_ _N_ _O_ _P_ _Q_ _R_ _S_ _T_ _U_ _V_ _W_ _X_ <p>
_Y_ _Z_ _0_ _1_ _2_ _3_ _4_ _5_ _6_ _7_ _8_ _9_ <p>
In the following tags description, [A-Z0-9] stands for all the tags generated by replacing the expression in brackets with any letter in the specified interval.
The letter in uppercase, wrapped in an hypertext link giving access to the list of records starting with this letter in the catalog. If there are not records starting with this letter in the catalog, the letter is not associated with an hypertext link.
The letter in uppercase if there are records starting with this letter in the catalog (A, B, ...). The letter in uppercase followed by 0 (A0, B0, ...) if there are no records starting with this letter in the catalog.
The number of records starting with the letter in the catalog.
The URL to display all the records of the catalog starting with this letter. If there are no entries in the catalog for this letter, the special letter none is used and triggers an appriopriate warning message when hit.

Node:calpha.html, Next:, Previous:calpha_root.html, Up:Catalog template files


Leaf node of alphabetical navigation.

Here is an example template:

<title>Alphabetical Navigation _LETTER_</title>

<h3>Alphabetical Navigation _LETTER_</h3>

<table border=1>
<!-- start entry -->
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

Each record found is displayed using the standard method, See Record list part.

The result is paginated, See Multipage results template.

The initial letter of the record being displayed.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Node:cedit.html, Next:, Previous:calpha.html, Up:Catalog template files


Catalog edition.

Here is an example template:

<title>Edit category _CATEGORY_</title>

<center><h3><font color=red>_COMMENT_</font></h3></center>
<h3>Edit category _CATEGORY_</h3>
<a href='_CENTRYINSERT_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/new.png alt='Insert a new record and link it to this category' border=0></a>
<a href='_CENTRYSELECT_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/link.png alt='Link an existing record to this category' border=0></a>
<a href='_CATEGORYINSERT_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/open.png alt='Create a sub category' border=0></a>
<a href='_CATEGORYSYMLINK_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/plus.png alt='Create a symbolic link to another category' border=0></a>
<a href='_CONTROLPANEL_'><img src=_HTMLPATH_/images/control.png alt='Control panel' border=0></a>

<!-- start categories -->
<h3>Sub categories</h3>
<!-- params 'style' => 'table', 'columns' => 2 -->
<!-- start row -->
<!-- start entry -->
<td> _LINKS_ <a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a> (_COUNT_) </td>
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- end row -->
<!-- end categories -->

<h3>Records in this category</h3>
<!-- start entry -->
<table border=1><tr><td>_LINKS_</td> _DEFAULTROW_<tr></table>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

The general structure of the parts is as follows:
<!-- start categories -->
Sub categories as Record list part and
recursive categories display.
<!-- end categories -->
Catalog entries as Record list part.

<!-- start symlink -->
<!-- end symlink -->

The symlink part is only shown in symbolic link selection context.

Each record found is displayed using the standard method, See Record list part.

The result is paginated, See Multipage results template.

The categories part may contain another categories part such as:

<!-- start categories -->
  <!-- start categories -->
  <!-- end categories -->
<!-- end categories -->
also called recursive category display. The nested categories part will display the children of the current category whose info field contains the displaygrandchild value. This is mostly usefull for root pages that want to display the top level categories plus some second level categories for each of them.
A report from the action that displayed the template.
List of current parameters, except context and path. Suitable for inclusion in a href.
List of current parameters, except context and path. Suitable for inclusion in a HTML form.
Full path of the current category, as built by the navigation of the user, See Catalog configuration file. May not be the shortest path.
Path component of the current category. _PATH0_ is the leftmost component of the path.
Full path of the current category, as built by the navigation of the user, See Catalog configuration file. In this path the characters white space, slash, simple quote and double quote have been replaced by underscore. Therefore _PATHFILE_ can ben used as the name of a file, hence the name. For instance /Sport and amusement/Vacations/ will be _Sport_and_amusement_Vacations_
Path component of the current category, transformed in the same was as _PATHFILE_. _PATHFILE0_ is the leftmost component of the path.
_PATHFILE<perl range>_
Path components of the current category. The perl range specification refer to the Perl notation for range of elements in an array. For instance 0..1 stands for the first two elements, -2..-1 the last two. For more information see the Perl manual pages. Since the minus sign and the dot are forbiden in tags, you must use FILEual equivalents: MINUS for the minus sign and DOTDOT for the two dots. Hence, to specify the first two elements of the path you can use _PATHFILE0DOTDOT1_ and to specify the last two you can use _PATHFILEMINUS2DOTDOTMINUS1_.
Full path of the current category, as built by the navigation of the user, See Catalog configuration file.
Path component of the current category, as built by the navigation of the user. _PATHTEXT0_ is the leftmost component of the path.
_PATHTEXT<perl range>_
Path components of the current category. The perl range specification refer to the Perl notation for range of elements in an array. For instance 0..1 stands for the first two elements, -2..-1 the last two. For more information see the Perl manual pages. Since the minus sign and the dot are forbiden in tags, you must use textual equivalents: MINUS for the minus sign and DOTDOT for the two dots. Hence, to specify the first two elements of the path you can use _PATHTEXT0DOTDOT1_ and to specify the last two you can use _PATHTEXTMINUS2DOTDOTMINUS1_.
The name of the current category.
The numerical identifier of the current category.
URL to create a new record in the catalogued table and link it to the current category.
URL to select an existing record in the catalogued table and link it to the current category.
URL to create a new category that will appear as a sub category of the current category.
URL to select an existing category and link it as a sub category of the current category.
URL to display the root of the catalog.
URL to display the control panel of the Catalog software, See ccontrol_panel.html.

Tags in categories part
The tags are in the Record list subpart. The table used is catalog_category_NAME, See catalog_category_NAME.

Replaced by a link to remove the corresponding sub category from the catalog.
Replaced by a link to navigate the corresponding sub category.
Name of the sub category.
Total number of records stored in this category and all its descendants.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Tags in record list part

Replaced by the following links:

Unlink entry
Destroy the link between the corresponding record and the current category. The record is not destroyed, other links are preserved.
Remove entry
Destroy all the links in all categories of the catalog and remove the corresponding record from the catalogued table.

table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Tags in symlink part

URL to select the current category and return to the caller.

Node:cbrowse_root.html, Next:, Previous:cedit.html, Up:Catalog template files


Display the root of the theme catalog. The handling of this template is strictly identical to cedit.html, See cedit.html.

Here is an example template:



<!-- start categories -->
<h3>Sub categories</h3>
<!-- start entry -->
<li> <a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a> (_COUNT_)
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- end categories -->
<!-- start entry -->
<p> <table border=1><tr>_DEFAULTROW_<tr></table>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

Node:cbrowse.html, Next:, Previous:cbrowse_root.html, Up:Catalog template files


Display an internal node of the theme catalog. The handling of this template is strictly identical to cedit.html, See cedit.html.

Here is an example template:



<!-- start categories -->
<h3>Sub categories</h3>
<!-- start entry -->
<li> <a href='_URL_'>_NAME_</a> (_COUNT_)
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- end categories -->
<!-- start entry -->
<p> <table border=1><tr>_DEFAULTROW_<tr></table>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

Node:csearch.html, Next:, Previous:cbrowse.html, Up:Catalog template files


Display the result of a full text search on a thematic catalog.

Here is an example template:

<title>Search results for _TEXT_</title>

<!-- start simple -->
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=text size=40 name=text value='_TEXT-QUOTED_'>
<input type=submit value='search'><br>
<a href=_SCRIPT_?context=csearch_form&querymode=advanced&_PARAMS_>Advanced Search</a>
Example: <b>+catalog senga -query</b>
<!-- end simple -->

<!-- start advanced -->
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<textarea name=text cols=50 rows=6>_TEXT-QUOTED_</textarea>
<input type=submit value='search'>
Advanced search syntax examples:
<dt> Boolean operators
<dd> <b>catalog and senga and not query or freeware near software</b>
<dt> Precedence
<dd> <b>catalog and ( query or freeware )</b>
<dt> Fields
<dd> <b>comment: ( catalog and query ) or url: edu</b>
<!-- end advanced -->

<!-- start categories -->
<center>Categories matching <b>_TEXT_</b> (_COUNT_)</center>
<!-- start entry -->
<li> <a href=_URL_>_PATHNAME_</a>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->
<!-- end categories -->
<!-- start nocategories -->
<center>No category matches the search criterion</center>
<!-- end nocategories -->

<!-- start records -->

<center>Records matching <b>_TEXT_</b> (_COUNT_)</center>

<table border=1>
<!-- start entry -->

<!-- start category -->
<tr><td colspan=20><a href=_URL_>_PATHNAME_</a></td></tr>
<!-- end category -->

<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->
<!-- end records -->
<!-- start norecords -->
<center>No record matches the search criterion</center>
<!-- end norecords -->

The simple and advanced parts are not mandatory, for backward compatibility. If none of them is present, the query form is assumed to be at the top level part of the template.


Shown if the querymode parameters is set to simple.
Shown if the querymode parameters is set to advanced.
Shown if a match is found in the categories and the what parameter is not set or set to categories. The list of categories found is displayed according to the rules described in Record list part, See Record list part. A pager may also be included, See Multipage results template.

The URL to display the category found.
The full path name of the category found
The total number of categories found.
The original query.
The original query with HTML reserved characters quoted.

Shown if no category is found and the what parameter is set to categories.
If the what parameter is set to records, this part is shown if a match is found in the records. If the what parameter is no set, this part is shown if no match is found in the categories and a match is found in the records. The list of categories found is displayed according to the rules described in Record list part, See Record list part. The fields shown are all the fields of the table associated with the catalog, unless specified otherwise in the catalog.conf configuration file, See Catalog configuration file. A pager may also be included, See Multipage results template.

The total number of records found.
The original query.
The original query with HTML reserved characters quoted.

This part is a mandatory sub part of the part that displays an individual record in the records part. The exact location of this part depends on the Record list part display used, See Record list part. It is displayed once for the first record. It is then displayed only when the category of the record differ from the previous record shown.

The URL to display the category of the record.
The full path name of the category of the record.

If the what parameter is set to records, this part is shown if no record is found. If the what parameter is not set, this part is shown if no category is found and no record is found.


The total number of records or categories found.
The original query.
The original query with HTML reserved characters quoted.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform a new search. Must be included in a form. It includes the mode, context and name parameters.
List of current parameters, except context. Suitable for inclusion in a href.
A popup menu to select the what parameter.
A popup menu to select the querymode parameter.

Node:cdate_default.html, Next:, Previous:csearch.html, Up:Catalog template files


Default template for display of date catalog nodes.

Here is an example template:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<title>Date catalog</title>
<!-- start years -->

  <!-- start months -->
    <!-- params format => '%M' -->

    <!-- start days -->
      <!-- params format => '%W, %d' -->
      <li> <a href=_DAYLINK_>_DAYFORMATED_</a> (_COUNT_)
    <!-- end days -->

  <!-- end months -->

<!-- end years -->

<!-- start records -->
<!-- start entry -->
<p> <table border=1><tr>_DEFAULTROW_</tr></table>
<!-- end entry -->

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->

<!-- end records -->

The months, days, records and pager can be omitted, if appropriate.

Repeated for each year for which there is at least one record in the period involved.
Repeated for each month for which there is at least one record within the current year.
Repeated for each day for which there is at least one record within the current month of the current year.
This part is included only if there is at least one record to display. It can be omitted if you only want to display dates and not records. The records displayed are extracted from the table associated with the current catalog. The inner parts of the records part follows the rules described in Record list part, See Record list part. A pager may also be included, See Multipage results template.

Date format

The years, months and days parts can contain a date format parameter. The form of the date format parameter is :

<!-- params format => '<MySQL date format>' -->

The MySQL date format string can be any format acceptable for the date_format function of MySQL. See the MySQL documentation for more information.


The total number of records for the year (in years part), the month (in months part) or the day (in days part).
A link to display only the period from January 1st 00:00 to December 31 23:59 of the current year.
The current year formated according to the date format specified (see above). If no date format is specified the year is formated with the string %Y.
A link to display only the period from the first day current month 00:00h to last day of the month 23:59h.
The current month formated according to the date format specified (see above). If no date format is specified the month is formated with the string %M %Y.
A link to display only the period from the current day 00:00h to 23:59h.
The current day formated according to the date format specified (see above). If no date format is specified the day is formated with the string %d %M %Y.

Node:cdestroy.html, Next:, Previous:cdate_default.html, Up:Catalog template files


First step of complete catalog destruction.

Here is an example template:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>


<h3>Confirm removal of catalog _NAME_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=submit name=remove value=remove>


Name of the catalog.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.

Node:centryremove_all.html, Next:, Previous:cdestroy.html, Up:Catalog template files


First step of complete removal of catalogued record.

Here is an example template:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>


<h3>Confirm removal of record from  _TABLE_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=submit name=remove value=remove>


Name of the catalog.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.

Node:catalog_theme_insert.html, Next:, Previous:centryremove_all.html, Up:Catalog template files


Create a thematic catalog. When the user click on the submit button the parameters tablename, navigation and name must be filled.

Here is an example template:

<title>Create _NAVIGATION_ catalog on table _TABLENAME_</title>

<h3>Create _NAVIGATION_ catalog on table _TABLENAME_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=tablename value=_TABLENAME_>
<input type=hidden name=navigation value=_NAVIGATION_>
<tr><td><b>Catalog name*</b></td><td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ORDER BY</b></td><td><input type=text name=corder size=60></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>WHERE</b></td><td><input type=text name=cwhere size=60></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Dump path</b></td><td><input type=text name=dump size=60></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Dump location</b></td><td><input type=text name=dumplocation size=60></td></tr>
<input type=submit value='Create it!'>



Always set to theme.

Set the the value of the tablename cgi-bin parameter.

List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags. The table used is catalog, for a list of the fields available in this table, See catalog.

Node:catalog_theme_edit.html, Next:, Previous:catalog_theme_insert.html, Up:Catalog template files


Edit the properties of a thematic catalog.

Here is an example template:

<title>Edit _NAVIGATION_ catalog _NAME_</title>
<h3>Edit _NAVIGATION_ catalog _NAME_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=submit name=update value=update>
<tr><td><b>Table name</b></td><td>_TABLENAME_</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ORDER BY</b></td><td><input type=text name=corder size=60 value='_CORDER-QUOTED_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>WHERE</b></td><td><input type=text name=cwhere size=60 value='_CWHERE-QUOTED_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Dump path</b></td><td><input type=text name=dump size=60 value='_DUMP-QUOTED_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Dump location</b></td><td><input type=text name=dumplocation size=60 value='_DUMPLOCATION-QUOTED_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Last modified</b></td><td>_MODIFIED_</td></tr>

The content of the comment cgi-bin parameter.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags. The table used is catalog, for a list of the fields available in this table, See catalog.

Node:catalog_alpha_insert.html, Next:, Previous:catalog_theme_edit.html, Up:Catalog template files


Create a alphabetical catalog. When the user click on the submit button the parameters tablename, navigation, fieldname and name must be filled.

Here is an example template:

<title>Create _NAVIGATION_ catalog on table _TABLENAME_</title>

<h3>Create _NAVIGATION_ catalog on table _TABLENAME_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=tablename value=_TABLENAME_>
<input type=hidden name=navigation value=_NAVIGATION_>
<tr><td><b>Catalog name*</b></td><td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Field name*</b></td><td><input type=text name=fieldname></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ORDER BY</b></td><td><input type=text name=corder size=60></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>WHERE</b></td><td><input type=text name=cwhere size=60></td></tr>
<input type=submit value='Create it!'>



Always set to alpha.

Set the the value of the tablename cgi-bin parameter.

List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags. The table used is catalog, for a list of the fields available in this table, See catalog.

Node:catalog_alpha_edit.html, Next:, Previous:catalog_alpha_insert.html, Up:Catalog template files


Edit the properties of an alphabetical catalog.

Here is an example template:

<title>Edit _NAVIGATION_ catalog _NAME_</title>
<h3>Edit _NAVIGATION_ catalog _NAME_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=submit name=update value=update>
<tr><td><b>Table name</b></td><td>_TABLENAME_</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Field name</b></td><td><input type=text name=fieldname value='_FIELDNAME_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ORDER BY</b></td><td><input type=text name=corder size=60 value='_CORDER-QUOTED_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>WHERE</b></td><td><input type=text name=cwhere size=60 value='_CWHERE-QUOTED_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Last cache update</b></td><td><input type=text name=updated value='_UPDATED_'</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Last modified</b></td><td>_MODIFIED_</td></tr>

The content of the comment cgi-bin parameter.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags. The table used is catalog, for a list of the fields available in this table, See catalog.

Node:catalog_date_insert.html, Next:, Previous:catalog_alpha_edit.html, Up:Catalog template files


Create a chronological catalog. When the user click on the submit button the parameters tablename, navigation, fieldname and name must be filled.

Here is an example template:

<title>Create _NAVIGATION_ catalog on table _TABLENAME_</title>

<h3>Create _NAVIGATION_ catalog on table _TABLENAME_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=tablename value=_TABLENAME_>
<input type=hidden name=navigation value=_NAVIGATION_>
<tr><td><b>Catalog name*</b></td><td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Field name*</b></td><td><input type=text name=fieldname></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ORDER BY</b></td><td><input type=text name=corder size=60></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>WHERE</b></td><td><input type=text name=cwhere size=60></td></tr>
<input type=submit value='Create it!'>



Always set to date.

Set the the value of the tablename cgi-bin parameter.

List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags. The table used is catalog, for a list of the fields available in this table, See catalog.

Node:catalog_date_edit.html, Next:, Previous:catalog_date_insert.html, Up:Catalog template files


Edit the properties of a chronological catalog.

Here is an example template:

<title>Edit _NAVIGATION_ catalog _NAME_</title>
<h3>Edit _NAVIGATION_ catalog _NAME_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=submit name=update value=update>
<tr><td><b>Table name</b></td><td>_TABLENAME_</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Field name</b></td><td><input type=text name=fieldname value='_FIELDNAME_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ORDER BY</b></td><td><input type=text name=corder size=60 value='_CORDER-QUOTED_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>WHERE</b></td><td><input type=text name=cwhere size=60 value='_CWHERE-QUOTED_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Last cache update</b></td><td><input type=text name=updated value='_UPDATED_'</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Last modified</b></td><td>_MODIFIED_</td></tr>

The content of the comment cgi-bin parameter.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags. The table used is catalog, for a list of the fields available in this table, See catalog.

Node:cdump.html, Next:, Previous:catalog_date_edit.html, Up:Catalog template files


Ask for confirmation before dumping the content of a thematic catalog

Here is an example template:

<title>Dump _NAME_ catalog in HTML</title>

<h3>Dump _NAME_ catalog in HTML</h3>

<center><h3><font color=red>Warning! All files and subdirectories of the specified path will first be removed.</font></h3></center>
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<tr><td><b>Full path name*</b></td><td><input type=text name=path size=50 value='_PATH_'></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Location*</b></td><td><input type=text name=location size=50 value='_LOCATION_'></td></tr>
<input type=submit value='Dump it!'>



List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.
Name of the catalog.
Full path name of the directory where the catalog will be dumped.
HTML base location used to navigate the dumped catalog. If _PATH_ is something like /home/http/htdocs/directory, the location is likely to be /directory.

Node:cimport.html, Next:, Previous:cdump.html, Up:Catalog template files


Query parameters for loading a thematic catalog from a file.

Here is an example template:

<title>Load a thematic catalog</title>
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=context value=cimport_confirm>
<tr><td><b>Catalog name</b></td><td><input type=text name=name value=_NAME_></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>File path</b></td><td><input type=text name=file></td></tr>
<input type=submit value='Load it!'>


Name of the catalog.

Node:cexport.html, Previous:cimport.html, Up:Catalog template files


Query parameters for unloading a thematic catalog to a file.

Here is an example template:

<title>Unload a thematic catalog</title>
<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=context value=cexport_confirm>
<input type=hidden name=name value=_NAME_>
<tr><td><b>Catalog name</b></td><td>_NAME_</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>File path</b></td><td><input type=text name=file></td></tr>
<input type=submit value='Unload it!'>


Name of the catalog.

Node:SQL template files, Next:, Previous:Catalog template files, Up:Top

SQL template files

Node:sqledit_search_form.html, Next:, Previous:SQL template files, Up:SQL template files


<title>Search form for _TABLE_</title>

<h3>Search form for _TABLE_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=submit value=search>


The name of the database table.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the search. Must be included in each form.
A two column table showing the name of the field and an input area, See Database table tags. The input area is filled with the values from the cgi-bin parameters, if any. If no value is specified the input area is left undefined, the default value of the field, if any, is not used.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULT_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Node:sqledit_sinsert_form.html, Next:, Previous:sqledit_search_form.html, Up:SQL template files


<title>Insert form for _TABLE_</title>

<h3>Insert form for _TABLE_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST  enctype=multipart/form-data>
<input type=submit value=insert>


Note the enctype=multipart/form-data, necessary if the table contains blobs, optional otherwise.

The name of the database table.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the insertion. Must be included in each form.
A two column table showing the name of the field and an input area, See Database table tags. The input area is filled with the values from the cgi-bin parameters, if any. If no value is specified the input area is set with the default value as defined in the database.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULT_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Node:sqledit_edit.html, Next:, Previous:sqledit_sinsert_form.html, Up:SQL template files


<title>Edit form for _TABLE_</title>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data>
<input type=submit name=update value=update>

Note the enctype=multipart/form-data, necessary if the table contains blobs, optional otherwise.

The name of the database table.
A small comment from the action taken before the display of the template.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the update. Must be included in each form.
A two column table showing the name of the field and an input area, See Database table tags. The input area is filled with the values from the cgi-bin parameters, if any. If no value is specified the input area is set with the default value as defined in the database.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULT_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Node:sqledit_search.html, Next:, Previous:sqledit_edit.html, Up:SQL template files


<title>Search _TABLE_</title>


<table border=1>
<!-- start entry -->
<tr>_MARGIN_ _LINKS_</tr>
<!-- end entry -->
<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->


This part is repeated for each record found. For more information about which records from which tables are displayed, See Search table (search).
See Multipage results template.

The name of the database table.
Indentation including the name of the table.
Cells listing the name of all the columns of the database. The order of the labels is the same as the order of the values from _DEFAULTROW_. The background of the cells is gray to improve readability.
Hypertext links leading to actions on the displayed rows.
See Remove confirm (remove_confirm).
See Record edit form (edit).

Cells listing the values of all the fields of the current row. The order of the labels is the same as the order of the values from _DEFAULTTITLE_.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Node:hook_search.html, Next:, Previous:sqledit_search.html, Up:SQL template files


<title>Search _TABLE_</title>


<table border=1>
<!-- start entry -->

<!-- start table1,table2 -->
<!-- end table1,table2 -->

<!-- start table2,table3 -->
<!-- end table2,table3 -->

<!-- end entry -->
<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->


This part is repeated for each record found. For more information about which records from which tables are displayed, See Search table (search).

The sub parts of entry have a name built from the list of tables for which a match was found. Most of the time the list only contains one table name, See Hook Fulcrum configuration file.

See Multipage results template.

The name of the database table.
Cells listing the values of all the fields of the current row.
table tags
All the automaticaly generated tags for the database table are available, provided that _DEFAULTROW_ was not found in the template, See Database table tags.

Node:sqledit_remove.html, Next:, Previous:hook_search.html, Up:SQL template files


<body bgcolor=#ffffff>


<h3>Confirm removal of record from  _TABLE_</h3>

<form action=_SCRIPT_ method=POST>
<input type=submit name=remove value=remove>
<input type=hidden name=context value=remove_confirm>


The name of the database table.
List of hidden fields necessary to perform the removal. Must be included in each form.

Node:sqledit_remove_confirm.html, Next:, Previous:sqledit_remove.html, Up:SQL template files


<body bgcolor=#ffffff>


<h3>Record removed from  _TABLE_</h3>


The name of the database table.

Node:error.html, Next:, Previous:sqledit_remove_confirm.html, Up:SQL template files


<body bgcolor=#ffffff>

The text of the error message.

Node:sqledit_requests.html, Previous:error.html, Up:SQL template files




<table border=1>
<!-- start entry -->
<td bgcolor=#c9c9c9>Search <a href='_SCRIPT_?context=search_form
<td><a href='_SCRIPT_?context=edit
<td><a href='_SCRIPT_?context=remove
<!-- end entry -->
<a href='_SCRIPT_?context=insert_form
    &table=sqledit_requests'>Insert a request</a>
<a href='_SCRIPT_?context=search_form
    &table=sqledit_requests'>Search a request</a>

<!-- start pager -->
Number of pages _MAXPAGES_
<!-- end pager -->


This part is repeated for each request. See Search table (search).
See Multipage results template.

Note that most of the following tags are indeed fields of the sqledit_requests table and may be substituted with all legal variations, See Database table tags.
Name of the table of the request.
Where clause of the request.
Relational scheme specification used to display records, pushed in the links_set parameter, See Search table (search).
Order by clause of the request.
Textual label describing the purpose of the request.
Absolute location of the cgi-bin script.

Node:CGI introduction, Next:, Previous:SQL template files, Up:Top

CGI introduction

The invocation style of cgi-bin programs is to specify the kind of action to be taken using the context parameter. This parameter may be seen as the name of the function to call, the functionality to be activated. It is therefore a mandatory parameter of all the cgi-bin invocations.

Should you use the POST or GET method ? The library works with both methods. Using only POST or only GET is recommended, however, because mixing the two may have surprising results when navigator caches are used.

Node:Diagram, Next:, Previous:CGI introduction, Up:CGI introduction


At the beginning of each chapter describing a set of cgi-bin actions, a diagram shows a box for each action. It describes the dependencies between the different actions of the cgi-bin. After each textual description of the action a list of string is shown in parenthesis. The first string is the value of the context parameter, the unique identifier of the action, See CGI introduction. Next, if appropriate, the word recursive may appear, See Recursive CGI call. Finally, the name of the template used to display the end result is shown.

In some cases, the template file match the template file name used by another action. It means that when this action completes, the action logically attached to this template is called to display the result page.

Node:Notation, Next:, Previous:Diagram, Up:CGI introduction


Each cgi-bin action is described in a separate section. The name of the section is followed by the unique string that identifies the action (the context parameter value).

In the description of the parameters associated with an action, the name of the parameter is followed by two strings in parenthesis. The first indicates if the parameter is mandatory or not, the second shows the default value, if optional, of the imposed value if any.

In each parameter list, the parameter name (for instance context) may be used in a URL in this fashion:

Node:Style parameter, Next:, Previous:Notation, Up:CGI introduction

Style parameter

All the cgi-bin accept the style parameter. It is used by the template handling library to locate the appropriate template for a given application. The template configuration file is searched for a template file map whose name equals the value of the style parameter. If no map is found, the template file name is the default file name. If a map is found but no entry exist for the default file name, the default file name is used. If an entry exists for the default file name, the file name associated with it is used in place of the default file name.

Here a portion of the template.conf file that illustrate this behavior.

                sqledit_search.html = custom_search.html

If the value of style is custom, the results of a search will be displayed using the custom_search.html template instead of the sqledit_search.html template. For a definition of the template.conf file, See Template configuration file.

Node:Database table parameters, Next:, Previous:Style parameter, Up:CGI introduction

Database table parameters

When a database record is modified or inserted, the HTML form must name the cgi-bin parameters in a consistent way so that the cgi-bin knows what was changed and modified.

The basic rule is that the parameter is named after the field name. Thus for a table containing a field named comment, when setting the value of the field to the comment, the parameter will have to be comment=the%20comment.

This convention is simple but ambiguous, if two fields of two different tables have the same name, for instance. To cope with this situation, the name of the parameter may be prefixed by the name of the table. This is always optional.

When a list of values is proposed to the user, using a menu or a set of checkboxes, it is sometimes possible to accept a new value. For instance if the user is prompted to select the Internet provide he uses, an additional input box may be added to allow him to type the name of his provider, if it is not listed. This can be achieved using a special tag, only available for dictionaries based on tables and not on the native set or enum type of MySQL, See Relational constraints. The name of this tag is the name of the field suffixed with _alt.

Here is an artificial example regrouping all the database parameters.

Simple case
<input type=text name=url size=20>
Table name specified
<input type=text name=company_name size=20>
<input type=text name=customer_name size=20>
Alternate value within a list
<select name=provider>
<option value=hrnet>HRNet
<option value=eunet>EUNET
<input type=text name=provider_alt size=20>

Here is the generic form of parameter names for database records.


Node:Primary parameter, Next:, Previous:Database table parameters, Up:CGI introduction

Primary parameter

The cgi-bin invocations dealing with a single record will use the primary parameter to carry the unique identifier of this record in the database. If the table manipulated does not have a unique integer identifier, most cgi-bin will not work properly.

The field containing the primary key is usually named rowid and is not type int autoincrement. Although such a field indeed exists for all the tables created by this library, it need not be named rowid. The library will identify the primary key by using the output of the show table command.

Node:Recursive CGI call, Next:, Previous:Primary parameter, Up:CGI introduction

Recursive CGI call

The explanation is much clearer if we begin with an example. Imagine that a cgi-bin action, named New entry in catalog, does the following:

  • get values for an insertion in a catalog
  • insert a record containing these values
  • link this record at some point of the catalog

The first two actions may be performed by an existing cgi-bin action, the one in charge of proposing an insert form to the user and insert the record in the database, See Record insert form (sinsert_form). When designing the New entry in catalog action, we first want to call the Record insert form action, then perform the third action (link record at the current point of the catalog) using the record just created.

Simply put, a recursive CGI call occurs when a cgi-bin make use of another cgi-bin action to perform its action. From the user point of view, the action that makes use of recursive CGI is always a multi step interaction process.

The cgi-bin parameters that are visible in the URLs and are related to the recursive calls are the following:

  • fct_name
  • fct_args
  • fct_stack
  • fct_returned

When a cgi-bin behaves in a different way if called recursively, it will base it's action on those tags.

Node:CGI called with PATH_INFO, Next:, Previous:Recursive CGI call, Up:CGI introduction

CGI called with PATH_INFO

Assuming that you have a cgi-bin script accessed by /cgi-bin/Catalog, if you try to access /cgi-bin/Catalog/Sport/Cars/, then you call the cgi-bin with PATH_INFO instead of regular parameters. This may be very convenient if you want to give users an intuitive access to a thematic catalog. Catalog provides support for this kind of usage in the following way.

If the PATH_INFO environment variable is set when the navigation cgi-bin is called, Catalog behaves as if called with the pathcontext context and the pathname parameter is set with the value of PATH_INFO, See Intuitive navigation (pathcontext),

Node:Multipage results parameters, Previous:CGI called with PATH_INFO, Up:CGI introduction

Multipage results parameters

Some cgi-bin will display their result on more than one page to reduce the overhead. By default the first ten units are shown and a footer shows links that allow visualization of the following pages.

The number of units shown on a page and the page number is controlled by the following parameters.

page_length (default 10)
page (default 1)

The associated template part is described elsewhere, See Multipage results template.

Node:Catalog CGI, Next:, Previous:CGI introduction, Up:Top

Catalog CGI

This chapter lists all the invocations of the Catalog package and is a reference for the available parameters, the template used and the functionality provided. images/fctcatalog.png

Node:Control panel (ccontrol_panel), Next:, Previous:Catalog CGI, Up:Catalog CGI

Control panel (ccontrol_panel)


Display a panel that shows all existing catalogs, allows creation of new catalogs, shows links to edit or browse each catalog and have links to edit the configuration files.
Template file
See ccontrol_panel.html.
context (mandatory, ccontrol_panel)

Node:Ask for catalog destruction (cdestroy), Next:, Previous:Control panel (ccontrol_panel), Up:Catalog CGI

Ask for catalog destruction (cdestroy)


First step of catalog removal. Shows a screen asking for confirmation of the removal.
Template file
See cdestroy.html.
context (mandatory, cdestroy)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node:Catalog destruction (cdestroy_confirm), Next:, Previous:Ask for catalog destruction (cdestroy), Up:Catalog CGI

Catalog destruction (cdestroy_confirm)

Effective destruction of the named catalog.
Template file
See ccontrol_panel.html.
context (mandatory, cdestroy_confirm)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node:Reset count on alpha catalog (calpha_count), Next:, Previous:Catalog destruction (cdestroy_confirm), Up:Catalog CGI

Reset count on alpha catalog (calpha_count)

Reset the count of entries for an alphabetically ordered catalog. The values contained in the field name used for ordering are listed. Each alphanumerical character (A thru Z, 0 thru 9) that appear in first position is counted. The result is stored in a table for use by the Browse alphabetical catalog root action.

This operation is not needed in normal operation since it will be automatically calculated every 24 hours. It may be called for immediate update, after a large update operation, for instance.

Template file
See ccontrol_panel.html.
context (mandatory, calpha_count)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node:Reset count on theme catalog (category_count), Next:, Previous:Reset count on alpha catalog (calpha_count), Up:Catalog CGI

Reset count on theme catalog (category_count)

Reset the count of entries for an category tree ordered catalog.

Each node of the tree contains the number of entries it contains plus the total number of entries contained in all its sub categories. Thus, the root node contains the total number of entries in the catalog.

The symbolic links are ignored when updating the counts. This is to prevent counting entries twice.

This operation is never needed in normal operation. It may be used after an accidental update of the count using a direct SQL order.

Template file
See ccontrol_panel.html.
context (mandatory, category_count)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node:Build a new catalog (cbuild), Next:, Previous:Reset count on theme catalog (category_count), Up:Catalog CGI

Build a new catalog (cbuild)


Recursion on insertion
The recursion is done on Record insert form, See Record insert form (sinsert_form).
Create a new catalog. This is done by inserting a new record in the catalog table. The information that should be filled in this record depends on the type of catalog created.

Here is a list of the fields:

Common to all types
name (mandatory)
The name of the catalog. May contain alphanumerical characters only (A thru Z, 0 thru 9). It must be unique.
corder (optional)
The ORDER BY SQL clause that will be used when displaying the catalogued table entries at one level of the catalog.
cwhere (optional)
The WHERE SQL clause that will be used to find the entries that will be displayed. This may be used to put in the catalog only part of the records of the table.

Alphabetical and Chronological catalogs
fieldname (mandatory)
The name of the field from the catalogued table that will be considered for alphabetical or chronological ordering.

Template files
See catalog_theme_insert.html.
See catalog_alpha_insert.html.
See catalog_date_insert.html.

context (mandatory, cbuild)
navigation (mandatory)
table (mandatory)
Name of the database table for which the catalog will be created.

Node:Modify catalog properties (ccatalog_edit), Next:, Previous:Build a new catalog (cbuild), Up:Catalog CGI

Modify catalog properties (ccatalog_edit)


Recursion on edition
The recursion is done on Record edit form, See Record edit form (edit).
Modify the properties of an existing catalog.

Here is a list of the modifiable fields:

Common to all types of catalog
name (mandatory)
The name of the catalog. May contain alphanumerical characters only (A thru Z, 0 thru 9). Must be unique.
corder (optional)
The order by SQL clause that will be used when displaying the catalogued table entries at one level of the catalog.
cwhere (optional)
The where SQL clause that will be used to find the entries that will be displayed. This may be used to put in the catalog only part of the records of the table.

Alphabetical and Chronological catalog
fieldname (mandatory)
The name of the field from the catalogued table that will be considered for alphabetical ordering.

Template files
See catalog_theme_edit.html.
See catalog_alpha_edit.html.
See catalog_date_edit.html.

context (mandatory, ccatalog_edit)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node:Browse alphabetical catalog root (calpha), Next:, Previous:Modify catalog properties (ccatalog_edit), Up:Catalog CGI

Browse alphabetical catalog root (calpha)


Display the root page of the alphabetically ordered catalog. This page contains one entry for each letter and digit. This entry is associated to an hypertext link if there exists records in the catalogued table. The number of records founds for each letter is displayed next next to the letter.

The count associated with each letter is recalculated every 24 hour. There may be differences between the count shown in this page and the actual records shown by the Browse alphabetical catalog action.

Template file
See calpha_root.html.
context (mandatory, calpha)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node:Browse alphabetical catalog (calpha), Next:, Previous:Browse alphabetical catalog root (calpha), Up:Catalog CGI

Browse alphabetical catalog (calpha)


Display the records from the catalogued table for which the field value begins with the letter parameter letter. The field name used for this operation is the value of the fieldname field of the record describing the catalog.

This action is implemented using the Search table action, See Search table (search).

Template file
See sqledit_search.html.
context (mandatory, calpha)
letter (mandatory)
The letter used for the search, may be (A thru Z, 0 thru 9).
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node:Browse theme catalog root (cbrowse_root), Next:, Previous:Browse alphabetical catalog (calpha), Up:Catalog CGI

Browse theme catalog root (cbrowse_root)

Provides exactly the same functionality as the Browse theme catalog action. The only difference is the name of the template file used to display the result.
Template file
See cbrowse_root.html.

Node:Browse theme catalog (cbrowse), Next:, Previous:Browse theme catalog root (cbrowse_root), Up:Catalog CGI

Browse theme catalog (cbrowse)

Provides the same basic functionalities as the Edit panel for a category node action. The differences are listed below:
Category hiding
If a category is empty and the hideempty flag of the catalog is set, do not display the category.
Editing tags
The tags that allow editing of the catalog are not available.
context parameter
Is set to cbrowse instead of cedit
Template file
Is cbrowse.html instead of cedit.html.

Template file
See cbrowse.html.
context (mandatory, cbrowse)
other tags
Same as cedit, See Edit panel for a category node (cedit).

Node:Intuitive navigation (pathcontext), Next:, Previous:Browse theme catalog (cbrowse), Up:Catalog CGI

Intuitive navigation (pathcontext)

This context is implicitly called when the cgi-bin call has a PATH_INFO component, See CGI called with PATH_INFO. The PATH_INFO environment variable is available in the pathname parameter. The name of the catalog to browse and other parameters are extracted from the pathcontext_params instruction found in the catalog.conf configuration file, See Catalog configuration file. The pathname parameter is converted to a category id using the catalog_path_NAME table. Finally, the cbrowse context is called for the category.

It must be noted that the results are not paginated when browsing a catalog in this way. This restriction is meant to simplify the implementation, in particular for dumping the catalog in HTML pages.

The handling of symbolic links is different when browsing with pathcontext. With cbrowse the symbolic links are displayed as normal sub categories. For instance, if /a/b contains a symbolic link to /c, browsing /a/b to go in /c will show the full path name /a/b/c. When browsing with pathcontext, going to /c will show the full path name /c. In other words symbolic links retain their original full path name when browsing with pathcontext.

Template file
See cbrowse_root.html. See cbrowse.html.

Node:Catalog search (csearch), Next:, Previous:Intuitive navigation (pathcontext), Up:Catalog CGI

Catalog search (csearch)


Searching a thematic catalog is a two step process, if not specified otherwise by the what parameter. First, the category names are searched with the search criterion (text parameter). If categories are found, they are displayed. If no category matches the search criterion, the records are searched with the same criterion. A new search form is shown on top of the search results, giving the opportunity to the user to change the search criterion or to search in the records instead of the categories.

The search criterion specified in the text parameter is parsed using the same rules than AltaVista simple search. If the querymode parameter is set to advanced, the AltaVista advanced search syntax is used instead.

When searching the categories, the search is done on the name field, See catalog. The ordering of the categories is ascending alphabetical.

When searching the records, the search is done using all the fields of type char, varchar or text, if not specified otherwise in the catalog.conf configuration file, See Catalog configuration file. The first order criterion of the records is the name of the category they belong to so that every record in the same category are displayed together. Optional additional order criterion may be specified in the catalog.conf configuration file, See Catalog configuration file.

Template file
See csearch.html.

context (mandatory, csearch)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog. It must be the name of a thematic catalog.
text (mandatory)
The search criterion. Each alphanumerical and dash (-) sequence of character of this parameter is a distinct search criterion.
what (optional)
Specifies the domain of the search. If set to categories, only the category names will be searched. If set to records, only the records will be searched. If not set the categories will be searched first and, if no category matches, the records will be searched.
mode (optional, default cbrowse)
Specifies the context in which the search is made. It can be either cbrowse, cedit, pathcontext or static. The href links displayed in the result page will use the specified context. The static context allows to include a search form that uses the static dump of a catalog.

When set to static, the _SCRIPT_ tag will be replaced by the dump location stored in the dumplocation field of the record describing the catalog, See Dump a thematic catalog (cdump_confirm). If you want to include a search form in the results of the search, make sure that the templates contains the explicit location of the cgi-bin script to use instead of _SCRIPT_.

querymode (optional, default simple)
Specifies syntax of the search string. If set to simple, AltaVista simple search syntax is used. If set to advanced, AltaVista advanced search syntax is used.

Node:Browse chronological catalog (cdate), Next:, Previous:Catalog search (csearch), Up:Catalog CGI

Browse chronological catalog root (cdate)


Display the records associated with a date field included in the period specified by the date argument of the cgi-bin. A calendar of the period is displayed for each period that contains at least one record and the number of records is calculated for each period.

The period used to find records to display can be different from the period used to find entries displayed in the calendar. This is achieved by using the index_date and records_date cgi-bin parameters.

To improve performances, the number of entries for each period is cached in a temporary table. The cache is refreshed every 24h. If an immediate refresh is necessary, the cdate_count action may be used to flush the cache.

Template files

See cdate_default.html.
This template will be used if the template cgi-bin parameter is set. This is typically the case if you want a different display to display all the years of the current period, only one year, only one month or only one day. See the template parameter description below.

context (mandatory, cdate)

name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
template (optional, default default)
Modifies the name of the template used to display the results. If omitted it defaults to the string default. The template name used is calculated in the following manner:

This is typically used to differentiate templates that display years, months and days.

date (optional)
Specify the period for both calendar and records displayed. It may have the following forms:
Defines the period from January 1st 00:00 to December 31 23:59 of the YYYY year.
Defines the period from the first day of YYYYMM month 00:00h to last day of the same month 23:59h.
Defines the period of the YYYYMMDD day from 00:00h to 23:59h.

Same syntax as parameter date but only applies to the display of records.
Same syntax as parameter date but only applies to the display of the calendar.

Node:Edit panel for a category node (cedit), Next:, Previous:Browse chronological catalog (cdate), Up:Catalog CGI

Edit panel for a category node (cedit)


Display the sub-categories and entries of a given node in the category tree. Buttons will be displayed to allow modification of each element in the page.

The information displayed is:

  • The list of sub categories
  • The path, starting from the root of the catalog, that leads to the current category node.
  • The list of entries of the catalogued table linked to the current category node.
  • The name of the current category.

List of actions that modify the displayed category:

Create a new record in the table associated with the catalog and link it to the current category, See Create and link a catalog entry (centryinsert).
Display a search form that will allow you to choose a record in the table associated with the catalog and link this record to the current category. In short, add a link to an existing record in this category. This effectively allows you to include a given record in many categories of the category tree, See Link a catalog entry (centryselect).
Create a new sub category, See Insert a category (categoryinsert).
A link to create a sub category that is a symbolic link to an existing category, See Create a symbolic link (categorysymlink).
A link to go back to the control panel, See Control panel (ccontrol_panel).

The list of actions associated with each sub-category of the current category:

Remove this sub-category. Note that only empty sub-categories can be removed. See Remove a category (categoryremove).
Edit the properties of this sub-category.

The list of actions associated with each entry in the current category:

Destroy the link between the record and the current category, See Unlink a catalog entry (centryremove). The record itself is not removed from the table associated with the catalog.
Remove the record and all links in all categories, See Ask to remove a catalog entry (centryremove_all).
Edit the record, See Record edit form (edit). When the record is updated the current category is displayed.

The display of the path requires some explanation. The path of a category is the list of category nodes used by the user to reach a given point of the catalog. When the path is displayed, each component is a link that gives direct access to the corresponding category. The last component of the path is the currently displayed category node and is therefore not shown as an hypertext link. The components of the path are separated by a string (by default / ) taken from the catalog configuration file, See Catalog configuration file. The label displayed to represent the root of the catalog is Root by default or is taken from the catalog configuration file, See Catalog configuration file.

If the path is omitted (in normal operation it is fully specified in the parameter list of the cgi, see below), it will be rebuilt using the path from the category node designated by the id parameter and the root of the catalog that does not include any symbolic links.

Template file
See cedit.html.
context (mandatory, cedit)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category node to display. The rowid is relative to the catalog_category_NAME table, See catalog_category_NAME.
path (optional, default to shortest path)
The coma separated list of rowids used to reach the category node or the shortest path from id to root.
fct_name (optional)
If set to select, the symlink part of the template is generated. Otherwise the part is omitted.

Node:Remove a category (categoryremove), Next:, Previous:Edit panel for a category node (cedit), Up:Catalog CGI

Remove a category (categoryremove)

Remove the category designated by the child parameter.

If the category is indeed a symbolic link to another category, it is remove regardless.

If the category is not as symbolic link and contains entries or sub categories, it is not removed and an error message is displayed.

Template file
See cedit.html.
context (mandatory, categoryremove)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category containing the child category.
child (mandatory)
The rowid of the category to be removed.

Node:Insert a category (categoryinsert), Next:, Previous:Remove a category (categoryremove), Up:Catalog CGI

Insert a category (categoryinsert)


Recursion on insertion
The recursion is done on Record insert form, See Record insert form (sinsert_form). The table used is catalog.

The name of the new category must not contain a slash (/). It may contain white spaces and accented characters.

Insert a new category.

Here is the list of fields that can be filled when creating a category:

The name of the category
A unique key, imported from an external catalog.

Template file
See cedit.html.
context (mandatory, categoryinsert)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category that will contain the new category.

Node:Link a catalog entry (centryselect), Next:, Previous:Insert a category (categoryinsert), Up:Catalog CGI

Link a catalog entry (centryselect)


Recursion on selection
The recursion is done on Search table, See Search table (search). The catalogued table is used for the table argument.
The selected record of the catalogued table is linked to the current category. When this is done the current category is displayed and shows the newly inserted entry.
Template file
See cedit.html.
context (mandatory, centryselect)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category that will contain the new entry.

Node:Create and link a catalog entry (centryinsert), Next:, Previous:Link a catalog entry (centryselect), Up:Catalog CGI

Create and link a catalog entry (centryinsert)

Recursion on insertion
The recursion is done on Record insert form, See Record insert form (sinsert_form). The catalogued table is used for the table argument.
The insertion form for the catalogued table is shown. The user may enter values for the various fields of the table. The constraints related to the catalogued table is not defined here and depend on the application.

Once the insertion is done, the inserted record of the catalogued table is linked to the current category and the current category is displayed and shows the newly inserted entry.

Template file
See cedit.html.
context (mandatory, centryinsert)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category that will contain the new entry.

Node:Create a symbolic link (categorysymlink), Next:, Previous:Create and link a catalog entry (centryinsert), Up:Catalog CGI

Create a symbolic link (categorysymlink)


Recursion on navigation
The recursion is done on Edit panel, See Edit panel for a category node (cedit). The catalog used is the catalog named by the name parameter.
The objective is to chose a category that will be added as a sub-category of the current category. However, instead of creating a brand new category, we want to select an existing one and create a symbolic link to it.

To select a category, the category editor is called recursively, See Recursive CGI call. This allows you to browse the catalog hierarchy. Note that you will see an additional link that says Select this category as a symbolic link. If you click on this link you will effectively chose the current category as the end point of the symbolic link to be created.

Template file
See cedit.html.
context (mandatory, categorysymlink)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category that will contain the new symbolic link to another category.

Node:Unlink a catalog entry (centryremove), Next:, Previous:Create a symbolic link (categorysymlink), Up:Catalog CGI

Unlink a catalog entry (centryremove)

The record from the catalogued table designated by the row parameter is unlinked from the current category. The record itself is not removed and the links to this record that appear in other categories of the same catalog are not touched.
Template file
See cedit.html.
context (mandatory, centryremove)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category that will contain the new symbolic link to another category.
row (mandatory)
The primary key of the record from the catalogued table.

Node: Ask to remove a catalog entry (centryremove_all), Next:, Previous:Unlink a catalog entry (centryremove), Up:Catalog CGI

Ask to remove a catalog entry (centryremove_all)

First step of entry removal.
Template file
See centryremove_all.html.
context (mandatory, centryremove_all)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category that will contain the new symbolic link to another category.
row (mandatory)
The primary key of the record from the catalogued table.

Node:Remove a catalog entry (centryremove_all_confirm), Next:, Previous: Ask to remove a catalog entry (centryremove_all), Up:Catalog CGI

Remove a catalog entry (centryremove_all_confirm)

The record from the catalogued table designated by the row parameter is removed from the catalogued table. All the links to this record in the current catalog are removed, including the link in the current category.
Template file
See cedit.html.
context (mandatory, centryremove_all_confirm)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
id (mandatory)
The rowid of the category that will contain the new symbolic link to another category.
row (mandatory)
The primary key of the record from the catalogued table.

Node:Ask for confirmation before dump (cdump), Next:, Previous:Remove a catalog entry (centryremove_all_confirm), Up:Catalog CGI

Ask for confirmation before dump (cdump)

Ask for confirmation before the dump of a thematic catalog. The user has the opportunity to change the path where the pages will be dumped and the HTML location from where they will be read. The initial values of the path and location fields are read from the catalog description (in the catalog table).
Template files
See cdump.html.
context (mandatory, cdump)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node:Dump a thematic catalog (cdump_confirm), Next:, Previous:Ask for confirmation before dump (cdump), Up:Catalog CGI

Dump a thematic catalog (cdump_confirm)

Each page of the thematic catalog is written to disk (starting from the full path name specified with the path location). All the files and sub directories of path will be removed before dump. Make sure it does not contain valuable data. Each category is written in an index.html file located in a sub directory of the path. The sub directory name is the complete category path of the category. In each files the links to other categories are built as if the location parameter was the cgi-bin script. When the operation is finished, the control panel is redisplayed.
Template files
See cbrowse_root.html. See cbrowse.html.
context (mandatory, cdump_confirm)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
path (mandatory)
Full path name of an existing directory. Saved in the dump field of the catalog table.
location (mandatory)
The HTML location used as base for links in the dumped pages. Saved in the dumplocation field of the catalog table.

Node:Query parameters for load (cimport), Next:, Previous:Dump a thematic catalog (cdump_confirm), Up:Catalog CGI

Query parameters for load (cimport)

Output a form so that user can specify the name of the thematic catalog to load (name parameter) and the file containing an XML representation of the catalog (file parameter).
Template files
See cimport.html.
context (mandatory, cimport)
name (optional)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node: Load a thematic catalog from file (cimport_confirm), Next:, Previous:Query parameters for load (cimport), Up:Catalog CGI

Load a thematic catalog from file (cimport_confirm)

Build or rebuild a catalog from the external XML representation found in the file specified by the file parameter, See External representation.
Template files
See ccontrol_panel.html.
context (mandatory, cimport)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
file (mandatory)
Path name of the file containing the external representation, See External representation.

Node:Query parameters for unload (cexport), Next:, Previous: Load a thematic catalog from file (cimport_confirm), Up:Catalog CGI

Query parameters for unload (cexport)

Output a form so that user can specify the name of the thematic catalog to unload (name parameter) and the file that will containi an XML representation of the catalog (file parameter).
Template files
See cexport.html.
context (mandatory, cexport)
name (optional)
Unique name of the catalog.

Node: Unload a thematic catalog to file (cexport_confirm), Previous:Query parameters for unload (cexport), Up:Catalog CGI

Unload a thematic catalog to file (cexport_confirm)

Build an external XML representation for the catalog specified by the name parameter in the file specified by the file parameter, See External representation.
Template files
See ccontrol_panel.html.
context (mandatory, cexport)
name (mandatory)
Unique name of the catalog.
file (mandatory)
Path name of the file containing the external representation, See External representation.

Node:SQL manipulation CGI, Next:, Previous:Catalog CGI, Up:Top

SQL manipulation CGI

This chapter lists all the invocations of the sqledit package and is a reference for the available parameters, the template used and the functionality provided. images/fctsqledit.png

Node:Record edit form (edit), Next:, Previous:SQL manipulation CGI, Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Record edit form (edit)


Generate an HTML form that displays the content of the record from table, pointed by primary, with suitable input boxes for modification of the values contained in each field.
Template file
See sqledit_edit.html.
context (mandatory, edit)
table (mandatory)
primary (mandatory)
comment (optional)
The free text that will be instantiated as the _EDITCOMMENT_ tag.
table parameters
See Database table parameters.

Node:Record update (update), Next:, Previous:Record edit form (edit), Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Record update (update)


Change the values of the fields of the record from table, pointed by primary, with the values from the parameters. The HTML page displayed as a response it the edit form for the modified record, See Record edit form (edit).

The _EDITCOMMENT_ tag of the result page will be replaced with a list of the modified fields.

To set the value of a field to the empty string, one should fill the input box with a white space. An empty input box means that no modification is required for this field. This way of reseting the content of a field may seem a bit strange but it is necessary because there is no way in HTML to distinguish a parameter that was set to the empty string by the user from a parameter that was originally the empty string.

Template file
See sqledit_edit.html.
context (mandatory, update)
table (mandatory)
primary (mandatory)
table parameters
See Database table parameters.

Node:Search form (search_form), Next:, Previous:Record update (update), Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Search form (search_form)


The HTML form to search in a table may either be generated by a cgi-bin or be a static HTML page. The advantage of generating the search form is that you don't have to explicitly list all the search criterion, they can be generated automatically by the cgi-bin.

The search form works as a basic query by example. Each parameter may contain a value. The search process will retrieve all the records of the table that match all the provided values.

For instance, if a table has the url field and that the parameter url is provided with the value, only the records whose field url contains will be retrieved.

The values from the parameters are translated to SQL expressions according to the data type of the corresponding field. All the expressions generated are joined with the and keyword. The resulting expression is used as a where clause to retrieve records.

Here is a table that shows which where expression is generated depending on the data type of the field and the value entered by the user.

integer or time
field = value
< value
field < value
> value
field > value

like 'value'
set or enum
like '%value%'

It is not possible to specify a negation, search for null fields or to change the and keyword to or.

Note that the default values for fields are not shown on the search form.

Template file
See sqledit_search_form.html.
context (mandatory, search_form)
table (mandatory)
table parameters
See Database table parameters.

Node:Record insert form (sinsert_form), Next:, Previous:Search form (search_form), Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Record insert form (sinsert_form)


The HTML form to insert a new record into the designated table may either be generated by a cgi-bin or be a static HTML page. The advantage of generating the insert form is that you don't have to explicitly list all the fields, they can be generated automatically by the cgi-bin.

The table field names parameters of the cgi-bin may carry values that will be used as default values of the generated HTML form. If no value is provided in the parameter list, the default value, as defined by the database description will be used instead. If there is no default value in the database description for a given field, the value is set to the empty string.

Template file
See sqledit_sinsert_form.html.
See SQL editor configuration file.
context (mandatory, sinsert_form)
table (mandatory)
table parameters
See Database table parameters.

Node:Record insert (sinsert), Next:, Previous:Record insert form (sinsert_form), Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Record insert (sinsert)

Request to insert a record into the table designated by the table parameter. The record is initialized with the values specified by the table parameters, See Database table parameters. When the insertion is complete, the record editing form is called with the comment parameter set to Record inserted, thus allowing to check that the inserted record is indeed what was expected.
Template file
See sqledit_edit.html.
context (mandatory, sinsert)
table (mandatory)
table parameters
See Database table parameters.

Node:Record remove (remove), Next:, Previous:Record insert (sinsert), Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Record remove (remove)

Request to remove a record as designated by primary from table. The record will not be removed immediately. Instead a form is generated to ask for confirmation, See Remove confirm (remove_confirm).
Template file
See sqledit_remove.html.
context (mandatory, remove)
table (mandatory)
primary (mandatory)

Node:Remove confirm (remove_confirm), Next:, Previous:Record remove (remove), Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Remove confirm (remove_confirm)

This action should only be called after a first request from the user to remove a record, See Record remove (remove). The record whose primary key matches primary is deleted from the table table.
Template file
See sqledit_remove_confirm.html.
context (mandatory, remove_confirm)
table (mandatory)
primary (mandatory)

Node:Search table (search), Next:, Previous:Remove confirm (remove_confirm), Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Search table (search)


This action is run after the search form was filled. A where clause is built on the basis of the query by example defined by the user, See Search form (search_form).

The records found are ordered using the order parameter.

In addition to the query by example defined by the user, the limit expression limit the context of the search. It must be a valid where expression.

The records found are displayed paginated, See Multipage results template.

The links_set parameter, if defined, is used to display records linked to each record found according to the relational specifications described in the relations.spec configuration file, See Relational constraints. Please note that links_set may only refer to tables described in the relations.spec file. Each record found is displayed below the current record with a margin, as shown on the screen shot above.

The generic syntax of links_set is a tree description using nested parentheses.

links_set: table or

tree_spec: table or
           tree_spec,tree_spec or

table: name of a table

For instance let's pretend that you have a database with the following relational structure, properly described in the relations.spec file.

table1 ----------> table2 ----------> table4
       |---------> table3

You would like to display the records from table2 for each record found in table1. The value of links_set you should use for this purpose will be:



If you would like to display the records from table4 linked indirectly to table1 thru table2, the value of links_set you should use for this purpose will be:



If you would like to display the records from table2 and table3 both linked to table1, the value of links_set you should use for this purpose will be:



When a table is linked to another in the relational specification, it is always possible to specify links in both ways. To continue the example above, all the following case would be legal, with different results, of course.


Whenever the exploration of the records dive deeper in the relational specification described in links_set, the _MARGIN_ tag becomes wider. Let's continue with the example above and a links_set set to table1(table2(table4)). When displaying the records from table1 the _MARGIN_ and _MARGINTABLE_ tags are the empty string. When displaying the records from table2 the _MARGIN_ tag is one (empty) cell table wide and _MARGINTABLE_ tag is one cell table wide, filled with the string table2. When displaying the records from table4 the _MARGIN_ tag is two (empty) cells table wide and _MARGINTABLE_ tag is two cells table wide, the last one filled with the string table4.

The only, very important constraint, is that the first table mentioned in the links_set parameter must be the same as the value of the table parameter.

Template file
See sqledit_search.html.
See SQL editor configuration file.
context (mandatory, search)
table (mandatory)
page (optional, default 1)
page_length (optional, default 10)
order (optional)
The order clause of the generated SQL order.
links_set (optional)
Display tree specification of the form table1(table2,table3(table4),table5). The table must have the value table1.
limit (optional)
A valid where expression that will be added to the generated where expression using the and keyword.
If set to select, the select link is added to the _LINKS_ tag. The associated action is to return to the calling cgi-bin with the primary key of the corresponding record.
table parameters
See Database table parameters.

Node:Hook search (hook_search), Previous:Search table (search), Up:SQL manipulation CGI

Hook search (hook_search)

Search the full text database coupled with the SQL database and display the records found. The query is built following the instructions found in the configuration file, See Hook Fulcrum configuration file.
Template file
See hook_search.html.
context (mandatory, hook_search)
query_text (optional)
The query typed by the user.
query_flexion (optional)
The possible values are:
  • French
  • none
If the value of this parameter is null or set to none, the words from the user question are used verbatim.

If the value of this parameter is set to French, the words from the question are transformed according to the rules of the French language for plural and conjugation. The resulting list of words is searched instead of the original word.

query_expand (optional)
The possible values are:
  • or
  • and
  • phrase

If the value of this parameter is null, the question is rephrased to express that we are much interested to find the records that match the question exactly; still quite interested to find the records that match all the words of the question, even if they are scattered over the text; less interested by the documents that contain at least one word from the question but not all of them.

If the value of this parameter is or, we are equally interested by all the records that contain at least one word from the question.

If the value of this parameter is and, we are only interested by the records that contain all the words from the question, even if they are scattered over the text.

If the value of this parameter is phrase, we are only interested by the records that contain the exact phrase that we wrote as a question, each word in order.

query_<fieldname> (optional)
Each of these parameters must be built with a valid full text database fieldname as defined in the configuration file for instance, See Hook Fulcrum configuration file.

Node:Relational constraints, Next:, Previous:SQL manipulation CGI, Up:Top

Relational constraints

The relational specification file captures a portion of the relational database definition not covered by the table definitions. It defines the links between the tables and the tables that should be treated as dictionaries. The semantics of this description is rather limited compared to the full power of the relational model. However it allows to do simple things that would otherwise be quite complex to implement.

The general structure of a relation file is an ASCII file where lines beginning with a dash (#) are ignored as well as empty lines.

The name of the relation file is relations.spec and will be found either in the current directory or in the directory pointed by the CONFIG_DIR environment variable.

Link between two tables
The two tables are linked together thru a n-1 or n-n relation. The line describing this relation is structured as follows:
table1:field1   table2:field2

It means that table1 is linked to table2 using the values in field1 and field2.

Dictionary with a single possible value
Two tables are linked thru a n-1 relation. One table, the dictionary, provides a list of possible values and the other table uses this list as dictionary.

The line describing this relation is structured as follows:

table:field     dict:key        L       dict:label

The dictionary is the dict table. The table table refers to it by the field field that contains a value linked to a value of the key field of the dict table. The third field always contain L indicating that this line describe a List. The last field specify that the user readable value associated to key can be found in the label field.

Dictionary with a multiple value
This is a bit more complex here since three tables are involved in a multiple value dictionary. The table that contains the list of possible values, the table that contains the records and the table that link those two.

The line describing this relation is structured as follows:

table:field     dict:key        M       dict:label      table2dict

The dictionary is the dict table. The field field of table is a fake field name that will be used to refer to the list of the values associated to a single record of table if necessary. The table must contain a field named rowid that is the primary key of the table. The table2dict table must contain two fields named table and dict. The table2dict.table field refer to the table.rowid field and the table2dict.dict field refer to the dict.key table.

Here is an example relations.spec file:

# Table dependencies
start:societe                   societe:rowid
personne:societe                societe:rowid
marque:societe                  societe:rowid
lecteur:personne                personne:rowid
produitsnouveaux:personne       personne:rowid
produitsnouveaux:societe        societe:rowid
images:produitsnouveaux         produitsnouveaux:rowid
# Dictionaries
# Societe table
societe:ca              ca:rowid                L       ca:libelle
societe:effectif        effectif:rowid          L       effectif:libelle
societe:statut          statut:rowid            L       statut:statut
societe:activite        activite:rowid          L       activite:activite
societe:pays            pays:rowid              L       pays:pays
societe:naf             naf:rowid               L       naf:libelle
societe:q               q:rowid                 M       q:q     q2societe
# Lecteur table
lecteur:navigateur      navigateur:rowid        L       navigateur:navigateur
lecteur:os              os:rowid                L       os:os
lecteur:provider        provider:rowid          L       provider:provider
lecteur:connexion       connexion:rowid         L       connexion:connexion
# Personne table
personne:pays           pays:rowid              L       pays:pays
personne:profil         profil:rowid            L       profil:profil

Node:Messages translation, Next:, Previous:Relational constraints, Up:Top

Messages translation

All the packages use a library that maps English messages to strings specified in a configuration file. The file used for messages translations is messages.conf. It's structure is as follows:

original message: replacement line part 1
                  replacement line part 2
                  replacement line part 3
original message: replacement line part 1
                  replacement line part 2
                  replacement line part 3

The original message will be replaced by a concatenation of the replacement lines, concatenated together. The continuation of the replacement message must start with a white space or the parse will think that it's another original message.

When the original message contains one or more occurrence of the %s tag, they will appear in the same order in the replacement message. If you want to get rid of the string that will replace the %s tag, just include it in HTML comments, as shown in the example below.

The configuration file is located using the same method as other configuration files, See Configuration files.

Throughout this document, all messages followed by a reference to this chapter may be translated using this configuration file. If you want to find all the possible messages, refer to the concept index a look at all the documentation pages pointed at the message string entry.

Here is a message translation file example:

# messages
table %s : field %s must be set
        <!-- Dans la table %s : --> La saisie du champ %s est obligatoire.

table %s : field %s : value %s is too long (max %s bytes)
        Dans la table %s : le champ %s dont la valeur est
        %s est trop long (maximum autoris&eacute; %s octets)

table %s : field %s : value %s match failed %s
        <!-- table %s --> Le champ %s (valeur %s) doit %s

table %s : field %s : value %s normalize failed %s
        <!-- table %s --> Le champ %s (valeur %s) doit %s

no entries for this letter in liensalpha
        Il n'existe pas d'entr&eacute;es pour cette lettre dans le
        classement alphab&eacute;tique des liens sur le net.

found nothing
        Aucun enregistrement ne correspond &agrave; votre requ&ecirc;te

Node:Catalog and HTTP server, Next:, Previous:Messages translation, Up:Top

Catalog and HTTP server

Node:Apache, Next:, Previous:Catalog and HTTP server, Up:Catalog and HTTP server


Add the following entries to httpd.conf

  • PassEnv CONFIG_DIR

If your configuration files are not located in the same place as the cgi-bin you will need to run the httpd server with a modified CONFIG_DIR variable. The PassEnv instructions instruct httpd to communicated these environment variables to the cgi-bin. If not specified it will hide them. The same applies for TEMPLATESDIR.

The performances of the Apache server highly depend on the use of the mod_perl. If you chose to use mod_perl (see the following chapter) you must be careful about the number of http processes that you will run. Each of them will connect to the database and contain all the Catalog software compiled with dependent libraries. In this case you should carefully set the MaxRequestsPerChild, StartServers, MinSpareServers, MaxSpareServers, MaxClients parameters.

Node:Cgi-bin errors, Next:, Previous:Apache, Up:Catalog and HTTP server

cgi-bin errors

When an error occurs in a cgi-bin it may either display an explicit error message result to the user, using the error.html template file, or simply crash. If the cgi-bin crashes, the error messages will appear in the HTTPD server log or whatever file contains the output of the error channel of the cgi-bin process.

If you're running Apache, the file is very likely to be named error_log.

Node:Using mod_perl, Previous:Cgi-bin errors, Up:Catalog and HTTP server

Using mod_perl

All the libraries have been tested with the mod_perl Apache module. The cgi-bin can be registered with the Registry module. For more information refer to the mod_perl home page.

The advantage of using mod_perl is that the cgi-bin executes in an perl interpretor embedded in the Apache. This is much faster than running the cgi-bin with a separate perl process.

Here are the lines that must be added to the access.conf file:

<Location /cgi-bin/Catalog>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlSendHeader On
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI

In addition, the Apache::DBI module has the ability to cache the database connection that use the DBI package. Since Catalog uses DBI to connect to MySQL, it saves the overhead of connecting and disconnecting each time an action is run.

To enable Apache::DBI add the following line to httpd.conf:

PerlModule Apache::DBI

Node:Glossary, Next:, Previous:Catalog and HTTP server, Up:Top


An ordered collection of records. The order may be alphabetical in which case we speak of alphabetically ordered catalog. The catalog may be a tree of categories, each category being linked to one or more records.
catalogued table
The table for which a catalog order records.
A node of a thematicaly ordered catalog. It is part of the category tree.
Name of the Perl package derived from and providing a few additional functionalities like recursive CGI calls.
Path name of the configuration file of the cgi package.
Generic name for a configuration file line containing a keyword and an value.
link an entry
Linking an entry means to associate a record from the catalogued table with a category of a given catalog. This implies to create a new record in the catalog_entry2category_NAME table.
Name of the Perl package that implements the library on top of the MySQL DBI package, providing relational constraints, dictionaries based on external tables etc.
Path name of the configuration file of the mysql package.
Name of the Perl package that implements the HTML interface to MySQL database.
Path name of the configuration file of the sqledit package.
Usually used to designate the strings of the form _TAG_ found in templates and replaced by actual values by a cgi-bin.
A file containing tags and used by cgi-bin to display the output.
unlink an entry
Break the link between a record of a catalogued table and a category of a given catalog. This implies to remove a record from the catalog_entry2category_NAME table.
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a data format for structured document interchange on the Web.
XML attribute
An XML attribute a key/value pair found in the opening tag of an element. For instance <tag attr=val> contains the attr=val attribute.
XML element
An XML element is a <tag> bla bla </tag> pair. Elements may be nested.

Node:Environment variables, Next:, Previous:Glossary, Up:Top

Environment variables

A few environment variables modify the behavior for Catalog. These variables have reasonable defaults for most applications.

CONFIG_DIR (default .)
The directory where all configuration files leave, See Configuration files.
TEMPLATESDIR (default .)
A : separated list of directories that contain template files. These directories are considered in order when searching for a template file. The first directory that contains the template file wins, See Template files introduction.

Node:FAQ, Next:, Previous:Environment variables, Up:Top


How do I load dmoz data ?
It's in another chapter of the documentation, See
I loaded dmoz data and it does not display
Check that your database tables (catalog_category_dmoz, catalog_entry2category_dmoz, catalog_category2category_dmoz, dmozrecords and catalog_path_dmoz) contain data.

If the catalog_path_dmoz table is empty or contains very few records simply drop the table and try to browse the catalog again. Be patient, the first browse operation will rebuild the catalog_path_dmoz table from scratch.

I loaded dmoz data and got duplicate errors
The dmoz catalog contains very long path that do not fit in the catalog_category_dmoz table path field. At the time of this writing there are 4 of them which are obvious errors such as: /Bookmarks/B/bobbitt/Mozoo/Undecided/Test/Links /URL/http/www/domain/name/net/default/more/sites /I/have/emailed/to/me/in/newsletters/and/which /I/then/will/move/into/the/proper/Open/Directory /Project/sub/cats/

Since these duplicates are not fatal errors you can safely ignore them.

I loaded dmoz but the category counts are all 0
Click on the count button in the Control Panel.
I don't want to display the empty categories in dmoz
Go to the Control Panel, click on configure and set the hideempty flag.
I have a 'lost connection' message when running tests.
This problem is apparently transient. You should be able to get rid of it by trying again. Please fill a bug report describing the conditions in which it occurs at
Why do I have a blank page when loading/unloading a catalog ?
This is because the action takes a long time. Incoming characters show that the action is running, See Actions that takes a long time.
My /tmp is filled with files created by Catalog
If fct_dir is set to /tmp, See CGI configuration file, these files come from recursive cgi calls that never returned. This may happen if you create a catalog, get the HTML form and decide that, after all, you don't want to create it and click on the Back button in your navigator. There are a number of situations that leads to this case.

The solution is to run a process that will delete old Catalog files from time to time.

recursive cgi call failed, check logs
This typically happens when you try to create a symbolic link to a category while creating a symbolic link to a category. Catalog uses recursive cgi-bin calls to implement functions such as create a new catalog, edit the record describing a catalog and so on. To prevent accidental stacking of recursive calls, a message is issued if you try to enter a recursive operation while running a recursive operation.

To get rid of this message reload the Catalog control panel and start again.

cannot execute select <table>.rowid from <table>
This error message in the logs of the HTTP server is related to the fact that you've created a catalog for a table that do not have a unique numerical key named rowid, See Catalog management guide.
I get an error when clicking on the edit link for my newly created catalog
If the associated error message in the logs is cannot execute select <table>.rowid from <table>, see the corresponding entry in this chapter.
Where are the error messages ?
If you're running Apache they are in the error_log file.
Why do I get weird results when using links_set ?
Have you checked that the first table mentioned in the links_set parameter is the same as the table mentioned in the table parameter ?
Why setting the links_set does not show anything ?
You've probably forgot to define the relational structure of your database in the relations.spec file, See Relational constraints.
I can't reset the value of a field to NULL, why ?
In a HTML form you must put a white space in the input box to reset the value of the field to the empty string. It is not possible to specify that you want to set it to NULL. See Record update (update).
I have a Document contains no data error. What's happening ?
This error may occur for numerous reasons when executing the Catalog cgi-bin from your WEB browser. It means that a system error has occurred. It may be a straight bug, an error in the composition of the template files or a data corruption. Whatever happens, the first thing to do is to look in the HTTP server logs. The last lines will show the reason of the error.
[Wed Jan 13 08:33:49 1999] Catalog: cannot open ./mysql.conf for writing :
       Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Catalog/tools/
       line 2170

I keep getting the error message that suggests editing the MySQL configuration file.
The MySQL server is probably not running. Check that at least one mysqld process is running. There may be more on systems that show threads on the ps output. images/cannotconnect.png

If it is running, the permissions are probably wrong. By clicking on the editing mysql.conf link you will be able to change the user name and the password used to connect to the MySQL database. The mysql.conf edition page looks like this: images/mysqlconfedit.png

Change the line beginning with user with the MySQL user name and the line beginning with passwd with the password of this user in the MySQL database. If you are not sure about which user name and password to use, contact the system administrator of your machine. Note that white space characters around the password and the user name are ignored.

To save the modified configuration file click on the save button. The modified configuration file is displayed again for edition and you should see a line at the bottom of the screen that says mysql.conf saved.

You are now ready to come back to the control panel by clicking on the Back to Catalog Control Panel link on the top of the page.

For a guide on how to build a sample catalog, See First use.

My table named catalog_foobar was destroyed !
All the table names beginning by catalog are reserved by Catalog and may not be used for other purpose. The removal of your table has probably been done by the Catalog software. Sorry.

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