+ core + #pragma once instead of include guards (tdf#143148) [Lorenzo Lovato] + && Make Boundaries independent from NPC (tdf#163537, tdf#131253) [Heiko Tietze] + 'use strict' is of no use here... [Stephan Bergmann] + +WARN is the default with an unset SAL_LOG env var, anyway [Stephan Bergmann] + - A bit more accurate Glow effect for texts in shapes (tdf#161826) [Balazs Varga] + - Add a donate button to the start center (tdf#161796) [Heiko Tietze] + - Add uniform Glow effect for texts in shapes (tdf#161826) [Balazs Varga] + - Adjust boundary color for dark mode (tdf#143848) [Heiko Tietze] + - Basic Macro Organizer: After renaming a (tdf#163515) [Jim Raykowski] + - Command to retain source cell on cut (tdf#64028) [Heiko Tietze] + - COPYDELETE must not update references (tdf#64028) [Heiko Tietze] + - Customization for non-printable character color (tdf#80054) [Heiko Tietze] + - Customization of comment background color (tdf#61242) [Heiko Tietze] + - Disentangle boundaries options (tdf#163856) [Heiko Tietze] + - Fix font color issue in Calc (tdf#159541) [Heiko Tietze] + - Fix font color must not change depending on background (tdf#159541) [Heiko Tietze] + - Hide sidebar tab button (tdf#162450) [Heiko Tietze] + - Hiding non-hierarchical styles should not just dim it (tdf#162927) [Heiko Tietze] + - Improve UX for SQL dialog (tdf#140298) [Heiko Tietze] + - Improvements for text boundaries options (tdf#74386) [Heiko Tietze] + - Individual labels for TOXes in the UI (tdf#161574) [Heiko Tietze] + - Keyboard shortcut conflict: Ctrl+F5 (tdf#146906) [Heiko Tietze] + - Label change on gtk3 together with icon (tdf#161796) [Heiko Tietze] + - Long comments must not enlarge properties dialog (tdf#163689) [Heiko Tietze] + - Long label must not overside sidebar in start center (tdf#162615) [Heiko Tietze] + - Make shipped palette names translatable (tdf#105000) [Heiko Tietze] + - Make Text Boundaries independent from non-printable chars (tdf#74386) [Heiko Tietze] + - Minimize document properties dialog size (tdf#160937) [Heiko Tietze] + - Move "Summary below data" UI tests to (tdf#162262) [Balazs Varga] + - Name the sidebar find deck (tdf#163049) [Heiko Tietze] + - ooxml import export correctly cell protection (tdf#160536) [Balazs Varga] + - Option to disable "only active sheet" (tdf#33714) [Heiko Tietze] + - Preserve sorting in SvxStyleToolBoxControl (tdf#160626) [Heiko Tietze] + - Remove hard-coded access to split window (tdf#146906) [Heiko Tietze] + - Respect app color for text with lines breaks (tdf#142120) [Heiko Tietze] + - Revert (tdf#160937, tdf#162738) [Heiko Tietze] + - sc: odf import/export of "Summary below data" (tdf#162262) [Balazs Varga] + - Select data area before select all (tdf#161641) [Heiko Tietze] + - Show document info for respective fields (tdf#137298) [Heiko Tietze] + - Suppress variable line height when skia is off (tdf#153223) [Heiko Tietze] + - TC author colors inherit anchor colors (tdf#162435) [Heiko Tietze] + - Terminology in foot/endnote dialog (tdf#140347) [Heiko Tietze] + - Toggle module-specific file types in MRU (tdf#161725) [Heiko Tietze] + - Unexpected sidebar opening in Math (tdf#163971) [Jim Raykowski] + - Update default bullets (tdf#108697) [Heiko Tietze] + - Update donate icon (tdf#161796) [Heiko Tietze] + - WCAG 2.1 compliant luminance for isDark() (tdf#161766) [Heiko Tietze] + --with-doxygen is only relevant with --enable-odk since b0228e4d3 [Moritz Duge] + -Werror,-Wdeprecated-literal-operator [Stephan Bergmann] + -Werror,-Wgnu-folding-constant [Stephan Bergmann] + -Werror,-Wunused-function [Stephan Bergmann] + -Werror,-Wunused-variable [Stephan Bergmann] + -Werror=maybe-uninitialized in sfx2 [Julien Nabet] + .NET Bindings: Add DotnetLibrary class to gbuild [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Add DotnetTest class to gbuild [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Add netmaker (.NET codemaker) [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Create nuget package for LO SDK [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Fix netmaker and net_basetypes [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Improve DotnetLibrary gbuild class [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Move built .NET libraries into instdir [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Native bridge for .NET [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Ported examples for Native bridge [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Remove absolute path check in DotnetLibrary [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Switch for old windows CLI bindings [RMZeroFour] + .NET Bindings: Upgrade --enable-dotnet to --with-dotnet [RMZeroFour] + [API CHANGE] a11y: Switch AccessibleRelationType to enum [Michael Weghorn] + [API CHANGE] XDocumentDigitalSignatures: remove deprecated / unused functions [Miklos Vajna] + [Power Query] export connections.xml (tdf#158857) [Bayram Çiçek] + [Power Query] export xl/drawings/drawing*.xml (tdf#158857) [Bayram Çiçek] + [RFE] Add a "Remove Duplicate Records" command (tdf#85976) [Sahil Gautam] + `ImplGetSVData()->mpDefInst` is `this` here [Stephan Bergmann] + a little more natural to unconditional iterate after use [Caolán McNamara] + A mechanism for annotating the embindmaker-generated JS UNOIDL data [Stephan Bergmann] + A more precise SAL_WARN message [Stephan Bergmann] + a SdrPage* is sufficient, don't need to case to SdPage* [Caolán McNamara] + a11y tests: Double the timeout for UI tests [Michael Weghorn] + a11y tests: Map DESCRIBED_BY relation type to AT-SPI [Michael Weghorn] + A11y: Add global Accessibility check options for (tdf#157233) [Balazs Varga] + a11y: Add test for accessible IDs expected by Orca (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Clarify XAccessibleHyperlink doc [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Clean up XAccessibleAction doc [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Drop intermediate local variable [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Introduce weld::Widget::get_accessible_id() (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Leave accessible description text view on simple tab key [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Only send active-desc-changed event when ValueSet has focus [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Return early in AccessibleBrowseBox::getAccessibleAtPoint [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Return early in AccessibleFactory::createAccessibleContext [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Return early in AccessibleGridControl::getAccessibleAtPoint [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Return early in AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleAtPoint [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Return early in OAccessibleMenuBaseComponent::GetChildAt [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Return early in VCLXAccessibleTabPage::getAccessibleAtPoint [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Send value change event when checkbox value changes [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Set "Paragraph style" as a11y name for that combobox [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Set a11y name for "Font Name" combobox [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Set a11y name for "Font Size" combobox [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Set accessible ID for WeldEditView (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + a11y: Set accessible ID that Orca expects (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + ability to Quickly Get Word Count of Sections (tdf#63967) [Jim Raykowski] + aboutdialog.ui: Define grid children in order (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + adapt comphelper::ThreadPool to Emscripten's threading needs [Stephan Bergmann] + adapt experimental Emscripten --enable-qt6 to recent Qt6 upstream [Stephan Bergmann] + adapt function EASTERSUNDAY to ODF 1.4 (tdf#162177) [Regina Henschel] + adapt to generation of .worker.js files gone from 3.1.68 [Stephan Bergmann] + adapt to LLVM 20 trunk QualType::isAtLeastAsQualifiedAs change [Stephan Bergmann] + adapt to ODF 1.4 (tdf#162686, tdf#162690, tdf#162687) [Xisco Fauli] + adapt to RPM 4.20 [Stephan Bergmann] + adapting basegfx.py due to blocking in some situations [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + add "f" suffix to literals of type float [Stephan Bergmann] + add 'Handle Duplicate Records' button to the notebookbar (tdf#85976) [Sahil Gautam] + add --with-docrepair-fonts option (tdf#161941) [Caolán McNamara] + add --with-package-format=emscripten [Stephan Bergmann] + add --with-package-format=emscripten to distro-configs/LibreOfficeWASM32.conf [Stephan Bergmann] + add a 'simple-html' export to editeng [Caolán McNamara] + add a --with-system-java-websocket [Caolán McNamara] + add a comment about possible use of standard functions, when/if available [Mike Kaganski] + add a comment of an example where this dialog appears [Caolán McNamara] + add a comment to avoid symbols localization (tdf#158092) [Mike Kaganski] + add a couple of tests for tools::BigInt [Noel Grandin] + add a CUPS config header [Michael Weghorn] + add a Help button in FD & FW to open respective Help documentation (tdf#161534) [AhmedHamed] + add a note about autogen.input into autogen.sh --help output [Mike Kaganski] + add a rtf to pdf fuzzer [Caolán McNamara] + add a static_assert for sizes of m_nFieldTagAlways and m_nFieldTagBad [Caolán McNamara] + add a toDelete parameter to Module.throwUnoException [Stephan Bergmann] + add a visitor contraption to avoid Reference counting costs [Caolán McNamara] + add AbortOnLoadFailure to optionally assert on failure to load [Caolán McNamara] + add an autotext 'common' directory like templates/common [Caolán McNamara] + add an EMPTY_OUSTRING in OUString header [Noel Grandin] + add an UNO command to close all documents (tdf#159380) [AungKhantOo] + add asserts to a unit test [Mike Kaganski] + add autofillpreviewtooltip type for LOK_CALLBACK_TOOLTIP [Bayram Çiçek] + add comment about unittest (tdf#152919) [Xisco Fauli] + add context menu for comments & some other changes [Mohit Marathe] + add experimental support for Emscripten JSPI [Stephan Bergmann] + add extended tip to definedatabaserangedialog.ui [Olivier Hallot] + add Extended Tips for Page Sidebar Deck (tdf#113803) [Dione Maddern] + add extended tips for Skia options (tdf#137680) [Olivier Hallot] + add extended tips to newtabledialog.ui [Olivier Hallot] + add extended tips to styles sidebar [Olivier Hallot] + add file stats to check-missing-unittests.py [Adam Seskunas] + add fill cells to tables imported wrongly from RTF (tdf#152839) [Oliver Specht] + add French (Republic of Guinea) {fr-GN} [0x940C] (tdf#163903) [Eike Rathke] + add French (Republic of Guinea) {fr-GN} locale data (tdf#163903) [Eike Rathke] + add Histogram chart in sidebar (tdf#163084) [Julien Nabet] + add hyphenation settings to sidebar (tdf#125032, tdf#162491) [László Németh] + add IgnoreTabsAndBlanksForLineCalculation compat opt to dialog (tdf#153138) [Adesola Samuel] + add initial implementation of the Histogram Chart (tdf#82716) [varshneydevansh] + add Line Style to Impress standard toolbar (tdf#139619) [Kira Tubo] + add loext:text-indent supporting font-relative units (tdf#36709) [Jonathan Clark] + add minimal vcl weld example application [Hossein] + add missing option to tables' context menu (tdf#145262) [Yuki Joou] + add more tsan suppression [Noel Grandin] + add more tsan suppressions [Noel Grandin] + add NaN payload check at the start of sc_ucalc test sequence (tdf#152943) [Sakura286] + add new LOK CALLBACK for vertical ruler [Darshan-upadhyay1110] + add newline at end of file [Taichi Haradaguchi] + add ODF 1.3 Extended / ODF 1.4 versions to configuration and UI [Xisco Fauli] + add polymorph function for VCL/ui specific string escaping [Moritz Duge] + add Santali (Ol-Chiki) languagepack (sat-Olck) [Christian Lohmaier] + add Santali, Ol Chiki {sat-Olck-IN} [0x06B3] to language list [Eike Rathke] + add SdrModel "IsImpress" function. [Gökay Şatır] + add SfxItemType to SfxPoolItem [Oliver Specht] + add sign with default certificate to save dialog (tdf#159040) [Sarper Akdemir] + add source location to ComError [Mike Kaganski] + add support for gte attribute in conditional format (tdf#162948) [Xisco Fauli] + add support for Windows touch gestures (panning,zooming) (tdf#85677) [Tibor Nagy] + add test code for UNO attributes implemented in JS [Stephan Bergmann] + add Thai Autocorrect Support, coding part (tdf#158454) [Theppitak Karoonboonyanan] + add title to Japanese normal Writer template (tdf#163203) [Laurent Balland] + add uniform Glow effect for texts in shapes (tdf#161826) [Balazs Varga] + add Unit Test (tdf#128460) [Adam Seskunas] + add Unit test (tdf#131288) [Adam Seskunas] + add unit test (tdf#161346) [Michael Stahl] + add Unit test (tdf#120629, tdf#160301, tdf#54862) [Adam Seskunas] + add Unit Test (tdf#135709) [Adam Seskunas] + add Unit test (tdf#61309, tdf#127048, tdf#61000, tdf#56738) [Adam Seskunas] + add Unit Test (tdf#122452) [Adam Seskunas] + add Unit test (tdf#135710) [Adam Seskunas] + add unit test (tdf#158504) [Bjoern Michaelsen] + add Unit test (tdf#89731) [Adam Seskunas] + add unit test to set valid pages for footnote links PDF export. (tdf#142741) [MelvinYG] + add unittest (tdf#116412) [Xisco Fauli] + add warning and progress to AutoFormat [Oliver Specht] + add WidgetBuilder::createMenu, use to abstract from VCL-specifics (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + add X.509 in static labels for PDF signing. (tdf#113278, tdf#115884, tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + add XInitialization to PathSettings [Caolán McNamara] + add zoom defaults to Writer options (tdf#132274) [Oliver Specht] + added fallback for media files in MediaWindowImpl (tdf#158510) [Vladislav Tarakanov] + added license header and vim footer [lovatico21] + added pyuno demo for key and mouse handlers and listeners. [Moritz Duge] + adding a tint/shade values to the model (tdf#156333) [Vladislav Tarakanov] + aGraphic.IsNone was checked above [Mike Kaganski] + align conditional re dotnet/netmaker - only use in --enable-odk case [Christian Lohmaier] + allow an exemption to be made for a specific host [Caolán McNamara] + allow building against emsdk that uses Emscripten trunk [Stephan Bergmann] + allow creating rich content comments via .uno:InsertAnnotation args [Caolán McNamara] + allow editeng html import to treat divs as inserting a newline [Caolán McNamara] + allow LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_SIZE_CHANGED during paint (cool#9735) [Caolán McNamara] + allow replies with rich text content from command arguments [Caolán McNamara] + allow special characters filtering by Unicode value (tdf#111816) [Mike Kaganski] + allow user to change all Footnotes to Endnotes and vice versa (tdf#89352) [Jim Raykowski] + also set TMP in addition to TMPDIR [Christian Lohmaier] + alt fix for Initialization or destruction ordering is unspecified (cid#1557682) [Caolán McNamara] + an exit on a failed hwpfilter import is an atypical solution [Caolán McNamara] + an unsaved new document don't allow moving (tdf#163448) [Jim Raykowski] + android, compilerplugins: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + android-viewer translated using Weblate [Weblate] + android: Drop obsolete '@TargetApi(19)' [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unnecessary semicolon [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused CairoImage.FORMAT_INVALID [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused DisplayMentrics#toJSON [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused Event#getTypeString [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused import [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused imports [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused IntSize#nextPowerOfTwo(float) [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused local var [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused mAlpha member from Cursor [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused TextLayer class [Michael Weghorn] + android: Drop unused ViewportMetrics class [Michael Weghorn] + android: Make constant final [Michael Weghorn] + android: Make constant static [Michael Weghorn] + android: Port from deprecated "archivesBaseName" [Michael Weghorn] + android: Set minSdkVersion without "=" [Michael Weghorn] + android: Show all gradle warnings [Michael Weghorn] + android: Update Android Gradle Plugin to 8.5.1 [Michael Weghorn] + android: Update Android Gradle Plugin to 8.6.1 [Michael Weghorn] + android: Use String.equals for string comparison [Michael Weghorn] + angle unit import for cell text rotation (tdf#161483) [Regina Henschel] + annot: add annotation marker for free text annotation [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: add custom selection overlay for the annotation object [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: add support to import Stamp annotation from PDF [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: add test that checks annotations after page is duplicated [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: Add tests for annotations - insert, delete, undo/redo [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: add tests that checks annotation after an text edit [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: add undo to annotations inserter when synching [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: AnnotationObject should be the size as the text content [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: change include to forward declaration [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: clone annotations in SdrObjects when the page is duplicated [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: document new annotation classes and methods [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: don't render objects marked as annotation in PDF export [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: don't show the annot. object if LOK and not PDF document [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: fix for annotation with 0 size (tdf#161911) [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: make all keys work when writing in annotation window [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: make annotation pop-up window working again [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: make sure the annotation subtypes in PDFium match with ours [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: new Annotation sdr object, replacing annotation tags [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: read PDF FreeText annotation "DS" and "RC" keys [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: remove too much "using namespace ..." declarations [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: rename testAnnotationUpdate and add comments [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: simplifx getting the proper window for popup [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: support fill and line transparence for PDF annotations [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: trigger selection of the current annotation (tdf#161994) [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: update annotation object when annotation position changes [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: update annotation position, size, text when those change [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: update object text when annotation text changes [Tomaž Vajngerl] + annot: use createBitmapFromBuffer also when rendering the PDF [Tomaž Vajngerl] + apply character properties to SYMBOL field (tdf#161864) [Oliver Specht] + argument cannot be negative (cid#1608155) [Caolán McNamara] + assert when SfxObjectItems are modified while in a pool [Noel Grandin] + assign immediately [Caolán McNamara] + autocorrect: Add unittest (tdf#162911) [Xisco Fauli] + AutoCorrect: fix broken [All] dictionaries (tdf#141773) [László Németh] + avoid -Werror,-Wcast-function-type-mismatch [Stephan Bergmann] + avoid -Werror,-Wunused-command-line-argument in CompilerTests [Stephan Bergmann] + avoid -Werror,-Wunused-function [Stephan Bergmann] + avoid a ton of temporary OUString (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + avoid allocation in ContentNode::Insert (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + avoid C4847 with --with-latest-c++ when compiling CLR [Stephan Bergmann] + avoid checking exact interface type of Any value [Mike Kaganski] + avoid COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE (cid#1608488) [Caolán McNamara] + avoid deadlock [Mike Kaganski] + avoid deadlock because of recursive lock [Mike Kaganski] + avoid dynamic_cast (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + avoid excessive progress updates unconditionally. [Michael Meeks] + avoid intermediate copy in B2DPolygon::append [Noel Grandin] + avoid Missing move assignment operator (cid#1371295, cid#1634864) [Caolán McNamara] + avoid nedless buffer initialization [Mike Kaganski] + avoid OUString construction in lcl_GetDelimitedString [Noel Grandin] + avoid OUString temporary [Noel Grandin] + avoid potential negative array index access to cached text. [Michael Meeks] + avoid premature handling of following notifications (tdf#163697) [Mike Kaganski] + avoid signed integer overflow [Stephan Bergmann] + avoid slicing in operator== [Mike Kaganski] + avoid some macOS loplugin warnings around SQLWChars [Stephan Bergmann] + avoid some temporary OOXMLPropertySet (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + avoid temporary OUString in lcl_getSingleCellAddressFromXMLString [Noel Grandin] + avoid UBSan when negating the most negative sal_Int64 value [Stephan Bergmann] + avoid unnecessary work (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + avoid using SQLBulkOperations with SQL_UPDATE_BY_BOOKMARK (tdf#148367) [Mike Kaganski] + avoid white title on Vivid and BlueCurve (tdf#156047) [Laurent Balland] + avoid wrong "no replacement graphic" state when updating OLE graphic [Mike Kaganski] + avoid wrong "unknown attribute" warnings for nested tables [Mike Kaganski] + back to fixed size, but increase it a bit (tdf#134791) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + base Fields in Report Label Display Clipped (tdf#144702) [Noel Grandin] + BASIC Macro dialog Assign should select the macro (tdf#163770) [Jim Raykowski] + basic QA new unit test for IF THEN statement [Alain Romedenne] + basic: align implementation now with the now function in calc (tdf#161469) [Andreas Heinisch] + be conservative on allowed temp font names [Caolán McNamara] + beehive Impress template: correct fit-to-size [Laurent Balland] + best effort to print more details about caught UNO exception [Stephan Bergmann] + better the user key selection and test sign with default (tdf#162206, tdf#159040) [Sarper Akdemir] + big parameter passed by value (cid#1618765, cid#1603632, cid#1603617, cid#1603630) [Caolán McNamara] + bin: Add script to check the latest version of external libraries [Xisco Fauli] + bin: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + blueprint Plans Impress template SVG background [Laurent Balland] + bogus Overflowed constant (cid#1608541) [Caolán McNamara] + BOOK VIEW: Switching page view to book view (tdf#152440) [Jim Raykowski] + boost: upgrade to 1_86_0 [Xisco Fauli] + boost::unordered_map to std::unordered_map in configmgr::Partial [Noel Grandin] + BootstrapFixture: get rid of mxComponentContext [Xisco Fauli] + break out of loop once data flavor is set (tdf#161461) [Peter Hagen] + bring bullet combobox height down (tdf#161662) [Caolán McNamara] + buffer NameOrIndex Items for fast Surrogates (tdf#161875) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + build failure (ofz#70572) [Caolán McNamara] + bump minimum emsdk to known-good 3.1.46 [Stephan Bergmann] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + bump these allowed fuzzer input sizes [Caolán McNamara] + bump to latest Glade - no changes [Olivier Hallot] + bundle fonts of Google's DocRepair Project [Andras Timar] + bypass some logic for toggle properties (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + bypass some more logic for toggle properties (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + ByteGrabber does not need a mutex (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + cache SwDocStyleSheet (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + CairoSDPR: (tdf#163131) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Activate globally to check builds/tests [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Adapt WrongSpell Primitive to View-Independent [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Add outline to direct text rendering [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Add support for Relief for Text Rendering [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Add support for SVG Gradient direct rendering [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Added more care to TransparencyGradient [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Better support for XOR [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Direct support for RGBA Gradients (I) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Direct support for RGBA Gradients (II) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Direct support for RGBA Gradients (III) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: direct text rendering using Cairo [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Finetuning some Cairo-Values [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Fix regression in freeing unified buffers (tdf#163428) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Fixed a problem with cairo_clip (see comments) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Handle EmphasisMarks [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Handle FillGraphicPrimitive2D better [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + CairoSDPR: Improve animated tiled fills [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Improve BColorModified Bitmaps [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + CairoSDPR: Let VclPixelProcessor2D use RedLining decompose [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Make PixelSnap better aligned [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: make use of RGBA PolyPolygon in more cases [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Make using SDPR dependent of ExperimentalMode [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Need to apply 'damage' to gtk (tdf#163457) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + CairoSDPR: PixelSnap corrections (tdf#163234) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Prepare BitmapAlphaPrimitive2D [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Simplify EditEngine text decomposition [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Support alpha for BitmapPrimitives [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Support ColorPolygon with AlphaGradient [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Support direct RGBA for convertToBitmapEx [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + CairoSDPR: Support direct RGBA paint of PolyPolygons [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Support direct transparency for gradients [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Support TextBackgroundFill [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Support TextDecoration [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Take virtual OutDevs into account (tdf#163125) [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Text render needs MultiSalLayout support [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + CairoSDPR: Use integer & shifting in LuminanceToAlpha conversion [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + calc jsdialog autofilter send disabled entry information (cool#9704) [Jaume Pujantell] + calculate line height differently in FORMTEXT (tdf#163956) [Oliver Specht] + calculate paragraph height in RTF/DOCX (tdf#137335) [Oliver Specht] + calculate row height incl. border if 'atLeast' is set (tdf#155229) [Oliver Specht] + call fillDecimal() in SvxTabStop constructor [Noel Grandin] + call PathSettings::initialize after utl::Bootstrap::reloadData [Caolán McNamara] + call to EndListening here no longer necessary [Noel Grandin] + can only be mbInsPolyPoint or IsInsertGluePoint() [Caolán McNamara] + can use member list initialization here (cid#1634864) [Caolán McNamara] + canvas: simplify calcRectToOriginTransform [Xisco Fauli] + canvas: simplify calcTransformedRectBounds [Xisco Fauli] + canvas: simplify getViewStateTransform/getRenderStateTransform [Xisco Fauli] + catch exceptions thrown when notifying individual listeners [Stephan Bergmann] + catch invalid ranges at export [Caolán McNamara] + change "Group" to "Group Shapes" and remove duplicated node. (tdf#155153) [Bogdan Buzea] + change corners to points for polyline and polygon context strings (tdf#154018) [TH Huang] + change from Module.intiUno() to Module.uno_init promise [Stephan Bergmann] + change image compression dialog string (tdf#145161) [Aditya Sahu] + change label from "Handle Duplicate Records" to "Duplicates" (tdf#85976) [Sahil Gautam] + change labels as suggested in comment 73 on the ticket (tdf#85976) [Sahil Gautam] + change labels in the protect sheet dialog (tdf#136003) [Sahil Gautam] + change misleading var prefix [Caolán McNamara] + change pdf and image compression dialog string (tdf#145161) [Aditya Sahu] + change some string types to avoid unnecessary allocations [Mike Kaganski] + change the sal_uLong to tools::Long and sal_Int32 in svtools (tdf#114441) [Deepanshu Sharma] + change width,height to tools::Long in starmath (tdf#114441) [Deepanshu Sharma] + changed Korean Font priority for LibreOffice UI (tdf#157029) [DaeHyun Sung] + changed Korean word counting to use words (tdf#150621) [Jonathan Clark] + changes in TC manager dialog should be in order of (tdf#161811) [Jim Raykowski] + chart2: move histogram calcualtion into HistogramChartType [Tomaž Vajngerl] + chart2: No need to pass mxComponent around [Xisco Fauli] + chart2: Resave insertaxisdlg.ui with glade 3.40 [Michael Weghorn] + check GetDocShell() (tdf#163543) [Xisco Fauli] + check if split is forced when calculating fixed-height row's min height [Mike Kaganski] + check if there's a matching singing cert only when saving (tdf#162405) [Sarper Akdemir] + check of thread-shared field evades lock acquisition (cid#1608030, cid#1606773, cid#1620539, cid#1555824) [Caolán McNamara] + check stream state [Caolán McNamara] + checkForUniqueItem should take a reference parameter [Noel Grandin] + checking Any's value type is anti-pattern (tdf#163748) [Mike Kaganski] + CiaroSDPR: Small optimizations [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + cid#e608033 silence bogus Overflowed array index read [Caolán McNamara] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in basctl [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in basic [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in binaryurp [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in canvas [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in chart2 [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in connectivity [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in cui [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in dbaccess [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in desktop [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in drawinglayer [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in extensions [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in filter [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in fpicker [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in framework [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in oox [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in reportdesgn [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in sal [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in sc [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in sd [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in sfx2 [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in svx [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in sw [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in various [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in vcl [Noel Grandin] + clang-tidy: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in xmloff [Noel Grandin] + clarify MsgBox buttons handling code [Mike Kaganski] + clarify that XText::insertTextContent only accepts range that belongs to it [Mike Kaganski] + clarify the logic a bit [Mike Kaganski] + clarify this a little [Caolán McNamara] + clean up conditions in Module_unoidl [Stephan Bergmann] + clean up excessive const_cast'ing (tdf#90341) [Usman Akinyemi] + clean-up Primitive2D XML dump [Tomaž Vajngerl] + cleanup notebookbar.ui for draw [Hossein] + cleanup notebookbar.ui for sc [Hossein] + codesign *.jnilib files like *.dylib and remove $other_files variable [Patrick Luby] + colibre: fix typehistogram_16.png icon [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + com::sun::star -> css [Mike Kaganski] + compare fallback to what "serif" resolves to (tdf#162072) [Caolán McNamara] + compat15 layout: restrict body fly to PAGE_PRINT_AREA (tdf#143899) [Justin Luth] + comphelper, msicreator, odk: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + comphelper: move tostring to hash.hxx so it can be reused [Tomaž Vajngerl] + comphelper: test uno::Any parsing from JSON [Miklos Vajna] + comphelper: Use C++20 contains() instead of find() and end() (tdf#158237) [Sakura286] + configure.ac: Drop bashism [Đoàn Trần Công Danh] + configure.ac: support cross-compiling with KDE 6 [Đoàn Trần Công Danh] + configure: Clean up kf5/kf6 version checks [Michael Weghorn] + confine a hack to known-broken --enable-pch [Stephan Bergmann] + consider dflt char format 'applied', even if it apparently is not (tdf#159168) [Bjoern Michaelsen] + consider page body frame height to allow the split (tdf#163285) [Mike Kaganski] + consider pinned items for the scroll bar in the start center (tdf#162510) [Andreas Heinisch] + consider VndSunStarExpand an exotic protocol [Caolán McNamara] + consistenly terminate statements with semicolons in JS code [Stephan Bergmann] + consistently 'use strict' for JS code [Stephan Bergmann] + consistently name UITest targets [Stephan Bergmann] + consistently return -1 in SvFileStream::PutData [Noel Grandin] + consolidate common code [Stephan Bergmann] + consolidate to one VclBuilder::get method (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + consolidated duplicated kashida justification code (tdf#163105) [Jonathan Clark] + container-overflow in SvMemoryStream::GetData (ofz#71490) [Caolán McNamara] + context-fill/context-stroke can also use gradients (tdf#163212) [Xisco Fauli] + convert #define to 'enum' (tdf#145614) [Chizoba ODINAKA] + convert #define to enum class (tdf#145614) [Oromidayo Owolabi] + convert functions list in FD & FW into collapsible sections (tdf#161296) [AhmedHamed] + convert KernArray from sal_Int32 to double [Noel Grandin] + convert OKeySetValue to a struct [Noel Grandin] + convert sal_uIntPtr to size_t a more appropriate integer type (tdf#75280) [Chizoba ODINAKA] + convert sal_uLong to sal_uInt32 (tdf#114441) [Sohrab Kazak] + convert SwFindNearestNode to regular class [Noel Grandin] + convert TASKHANDLING constants to scoped enum [Noel Grandin] + COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE (cid#1632252, cid#1608453, cid#1555756, cid#1556086, cid#1556978, cid#1557639, cid#1555201, cid#1610739, cid#1556968, cid#1609594, cid#1555415, cid#1607431, cid#1554835, cid#1555646, cid#1608349, cid#1608488, cid#1634477, cid#1555812, cid#1546189, cid#1545961, cid#1557718, cid#1620321, cid#1555223, cid#1557346, cid#1554691, cid#1632260, cid#1557397, cid#1556131, cid#1609652, cid#1554754, cid#1556026, cid#1557492, cid#1556474, cid#1556583, cid#1608336, cid#1554763, cid#1554688, cid#1634530, cid#1558088, cid#1556058, cid#1554702, cid#1545593, cid#1616089, cid#1545821, cid#1554709, cid#1557694, cid#1554717, cid#1554791, cid#1607892, cid#1557746, cid#1546226, cid#1557545, cid#555593, cid#1618310, cid#1554844, cid#1557708, cid#1556879, cid#1556160, cid#1555767, cid#1616498, cid#1633347, cid#1554775, cid#1608424, cid#1555847, cid#1616525, cid#1546429, cid#1556624, cid#1616524, cid#1555259, cid#1545729, cid#1554685, cid#1556502, cid#1609598, cid#1556442, cid#1556212, cid#1608236, cid#1556472, cid#1545993, cid#1608554, cid#1555070, cid#1556141, cid#1554704, cid#1545605, cid#1557699, cid#1607284, cid#1633260, cid#1555417, cid#1557644, cid#1634808, cid#1607356, cid#1555694, cid#1555167, cid#1555210, cid#1557276, cid#1633779, cid#1607395, cid#1555386, cid#1607327, cid#1557618, cid#1555652, cid#1554812, cid#1555009, cid#1556123, cid#1608568, cid#1620317, cid#1555255, cid#1557731, cid#1634574, cid#1554837, cid#1546123, cid#1555587, cid#1556875, cid#1556887, cid#1608463, cid#1555526, cid#1555789, cid#1557980, cid#1632259, cid#1545560) [Caolán McNamara, Julien Nabet] + COPY_PASTE_ERROR (cid#1633859) [Julien Nabet] + correct grammar in strings for A11y [Dione Maddern] + correct usage of premultiply for ENABLE_WASM_STRIP_PREMULTIPLY [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + correctly handle font width on Windows (tdf#162259) [Mike Kaganski] + cpdb: Don't include cpdmgr.hxx if not building CPDB support [Michael Weghorn] + CPP unit test for Crash in SwTextFrame::MapModelToView Fix (tdf#159023) [Samuel Adesola] + CPPUNIT Test for fix swlo!sw::WriterMultiListener::StartListening (tdf#140061) [Samuel Adesola] + CppunitTest_dbaccess_embeddeddb_performancetest: fix dependencies [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_dbaccess_embeddeddb_performancetest: use maTempFile [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_dbaccess_macros_test: remove redundant test [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_package2_test: Add unittest for 0fb25ce9ff9a3 [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sc_copypaste: inherit from ScModelTestBase [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sc_jumbosheets_test: inherit from ScModelTestBase [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sc_scriptforge_test: remove misleading comments [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sc_tiledrendering2: move to tiledrendering folder [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sc_tiledrendering: factor out common code [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sc_ucalc: these tests are not related to copy/paste at all [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sc_uicalc: Test pasting with return key [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sd_annotation_tests: remove redundant ProcessEventsToIdle [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sd_tiledrendering2: move to tiledrendering folder [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sd_tiledrendering: factor out common code [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_autocorrect: move some more tests here [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_autocorrect: move some tests here [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_autocorrect: split into different tests [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_htmlexport: simplify a bit [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_htmlexport: split in two [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_layoutwriter2: split in two [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_layoutwriter3: split in two [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_mailmerge: factour out common code [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_mailmerge: replace usage of parseDump [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_mailmerge: simplify a bit [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_odfimport: add assert [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport12: remove dead code [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport12: simplify a bit [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport13: fix dead code [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_tiledrendering2: move to tiledrendering folder [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_tiledrendering2: try to make this more stable [Miklos Vajna] + CppunitTest_sw_tiledrendering: factor out common code [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_sw_uiwriter3: avoid font fallback in testTdf133967 [Miklos Vajna] + CppunitTest_sw_writerfilter_ooxml: turn on set_non_application_font_use [Miklos Vajna] + CppunitTest_toolkit: simplify code [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_unoxml_domtest: merge BasicTest and serializerTest [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_vcl_pdfexport2: relax testPdfImageHyperlink a bit [Miklos Vajna] + CppunitTest_vcl_pdfexport2: simplify a bit [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_vcl_pdfexport: simplify a bit [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_vcl_pdfexport: simplify a bit more [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_xmloff_draw: remove leftover [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_xmloff_draw: simplify a bit [Xisco Fauli] + CppunitTest_xmlsecurity_signing: simplify a bit [Xisco Fauli] + crash after notes pane loses focus in impress (tdf#162004) [Noel Grandin] + crash in "Target in Document" in Hyperlink dialog (tdf#162772) [Noel Grandin] + crash in async dialog use after free (tdf#163275) [Caolán McNamara] + crash on saving in Math Formula editor (tdf#162728) [Noel Grandin] + crashtesting in abiword doc [Noel Grandin] + crashtesting tdf135164-3.docx [Noel Grandin] + crashtesting: assert on fdo87790-1.ods [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: avoid null deref on failure of cairo_image_surface_create [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: crash on import of rtf exported from forum-en-32886.odt [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: fix font-dependent infinite loop in kashida justification [Jonathan Clark] + crashtesting: fix ImplCalcMapResolution assert [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: invalid iterator on load of forum-de-1233.odt docx export [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: null deref in swxtextframe_createtextcursorbyrange.sample [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: null-deref on loading fdo36711-1.doc [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: use after free [Caolán McNamara] + create BaseContent with the state required and drop mutex [Caolán McNamara] + create hanging indent on paragraph without one (tdf#156374) [Kira Tubo] + create method for doing the "dispose-on-destruct" [Noel Grandin] + crypto: add AES256 test, document Encrypt, Hash conv. function [Tomaž Vajngerl] + CryptTools: simplify the define conditions a bit [Tomaž Vajngerl] + cui a11y: Specify mnenomic-widget in "Alt Text" dialog (tdf#119931) [Michael Weghorn] + cui tparea: always save changed Fill Lists (tdf#163824, tdf#103916) [Justin Luth] + cui, dbaccess, desktop, external, filter, librelogo: fix issues found by [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + cui: Don't set temporary title for spelling dialog (tdf#163802) [Michael Weghorn] + cui: Fix a UI string in a11y check options [Ming Hua] + cui: Move checkbox out of button box (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + cui: Resave insertrowcolumn.ui with glade 3.40 [Michael Weghorn] + cui: Resave tipofthedaydialog.ui with glade 3.40 [Michael Weghorn] + culmus: upgrade to 0.140 [Xisco Fauli] + data race condition (cid#1555162, cid#1554974, cid#1555929, cid#1607345, cid#1556833, cid#1607636, cid#1606901, cid#1557590, cid#1606693, cid#1608068, cid#1608381, cid#1606905, cid#1556822, cid#1606585, cid#1608473, cid#1557069, cid#1607746, cid#1607338, cid#1607401, cid#1608448, cid#1607861, cid#1556052, cid#1556892, cid#1607055, cid#1607477, cid#1555723, cid#1607905, cid#1607010, cid#1608390, cid#1556166, cid#1555697, cid#1557611, cid#1608069, cid#1608220, cid#1555171, cid#1608230, cid#1607945, cid#1608281, cid#1607801, cid#1608061, cid#1607958, cid#1608000, cid#1607783, cid#1555042) [Caolán McNamara, Noel Grandin] + data race condition (MISSING_LOCK) (CID#1607066) [Noel Grandin] + dbaccess complex/DataSource.java to extras/dataSource.cxx [Adam Seskunas] + dbaccess/qa - Seperate database connection so it can be reused [Adam Seskunas] + dbaccess: Fix --without-java build [Xisco Fauli] + dbaccess: use createTempCopy instead of doing it in make [Xisco Fauli] + DBTestBase: Add createDBDocument [Xisco Fauli] + DBTestBase: call close at tearDown [Xisco Fauli] + declare missing methods and constants to synchronize with JDBC 4.3 [Julien Nabet] + decrease rounding errors a bit [Mike Kaganski] + deduplicate a bit [Mike Kaganski] + deduplicate and unify using vcl::GetBitmap [Mike Kaganski] + deduplicate some code [Mike Kaganski] + define default Comments style attributes (tdf#161657) [Kira Tubo] + delay parsing of formula in EnhancedCustomShape2d [Noel Grandin] + delegate match to main internal starts/endsWith* [Mike Kaganski] + delete useless parts of GalleryCodec::Read [Caolán McNamara] + demonstrate that Embind is not multi-threading capable [Stephan Bergmann] + dereference after null check (cid#1619696, cid#1618704, cid#1607792) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference null return value (cid#1604131, cid#1604130, cid#1618703, cid#1619294, cid#1619429) [Caolán McNamara] + deselect all when clicking outside of all list items (tdf#150461) [Mike Kaganski] + desktop: Fix '--enable-gui --without-x' build [Michael Weghorn] + desktop: fix crash in forceSetClipboardForCurrentView() [Miklos Vajna] + diff-pdf-page.py: allow use of "magick" (on Windows) [Justin Luth] + diff-pdf-page.py: change assumed background to transparent [Justin Luth] + diff-pdf-page.py: remove intermediate composite step [Justin Luth] + diff-pdf-page.py: use magick order for -composite [Justin Luth] + different smart pointers managing same raw pointer (cid#1616072, cid#1554789) [Caolán McNamara] + disable most of tdf159102 UITest again [Noel Grandin] + disentangle this undo code a little (cid#1556149) [Caolán McNamara] + display reference text on thread [Mohit Marathe] + DNA Impress template: smarter DNA chain (tdf#162229) [Laurent Balland] + do not apply macOS fix to non-macOS platforms (tdf#148569) [Patrick Luby] + do not assert TableRef inner reference for dumb sequence, (tdf#159343) [Eike Rathke] + do not hardcode --with-locales=en for Emscripten build [Stephan Bergmann] + do not show OpenType features if the font has "morx" table (tdf#163213) [Julien Nabet] + do not try to notify, if the thread is already killed [Mike Kaganski] + doc export: don't change "margin" to "page" (tdf#162458) [Justin Luth] + doc import layoutInCell: vert page->margin, *->top (tdf#91632) [Justin Luth] + doc import NOT-layoutInCell: do not change char into margin (tdf#162542) [Justin Luth] + doc import NOT-layoutInCell: hori-para => PAGE_PRINT_AREA (tdf#162541) [Justin Luth] + DOCPROPERTY:fix spurious text outside IF field (tdf#125038) [Justin Luth] + document LIBO_TEST_DEFAULT_DESKTOP environment variable [Mike Kaganski] + document the Emscripten threads issue [Stephan Bergmann] + docx im/export: better precision percent<->value (tdf#125469) [Justin Luth] + docx import NOT-layoutInCell: hori-para => PAGE_PRINT_AREA (tdf#162541) [Justin Luth] + DOCX import: optimize the check if the header/footer is empty (tdf#162295) [Miklos Vajna] + docx: export empty GrabBag elements as self-closing xml tags [Andras Timar] + docx: export empty GrabBag elements as self-closing xml tags - 2 [Andras Timar] + doesn't look safe to move this dxarray [Caolán McNamara] + don't add any fonts in the system "reserved fonts" folder (tdf#163000) [Patrick Luby] + don't add any fonts with an 'hvgl' font table (tdf#163000) [Patrick Luby] + don't always need this object [Caolán McNamara] + don't call std::string::erase with end() [Caolán McNamara] + don't change the initial URL when using fallback (tdf#158510) [Vladislav Tarakanov] + don't deref null m_pDocShell [Caolán McNamara] + don't expand combobox when grid expands (tdf#162015) [Caolán McNamara] + don't expect _LIBCXXABI_DTOR_FUNC to be available [Stephan Bergmann] + don't fix already correct data [Mike Kaganski] + don't hide paragraph with empty mail merge fields (tdf#161264) [Oliver Specht] + don't ignore CRCs when fuzzing (ofz#71606) [Caolán McNamara] + don't need to const_cast away constness for SdPage [Caolán McNamara] + don't need to ctor + assign, ctor is enough [Caolán McNamara] + don't need to send both text and html [Caolán McNamara] + don't need to use dlsym for cairo_surface_set_device_scale... [Caolán McNamara] + don't pass unused optional agrument [Mike Kaganski] + don't save bullet changes when dialog was cancelled [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + don't show Help button when there is no help (cool#9699) [Hubert Figuière] + don't store iterators [Mike Kaganski] + don't throw on a no-op [Mike Kaganski] + don't use GetItemSurrogates in SwFrame::GetVirtPageNum [Noel Grandin] + don't use GetItemSurrogates in SwNode::FindPageDesc [Noel Grandin] + don't use GetItemSurrogates in SwPageNumberFieldType::ChangeExpansion [Noel Grandin] + don't use iterateItemSurrogates for EE_FEATURE_FIELD [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxBoxItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxBrushItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxColorItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxFontItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvXMLAttrContainerItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxOverlineItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxShadowItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxTabStopItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxUnderlineItem [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SwFormatField [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SwFormatINetFormat [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SwFormatRefMark [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SwFormatRuby [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SwFormatURL [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SwTableBoxFormula [Noel Grandin] + dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SwTOXMark [Noel Grandin] + double lock (cid#1608414) [Caolán McNamara] + double unlock (cid#1607424) [Caolán McNamara] + double-locked-pattern Data race condition (cid#1555171) [Caolán McNamara] + downscale excessively large pinned document icons (tdf#163086) [Patrick Luby] + draw a guide line while resizing the comment sidebar (tdf#162855) [Rafael Lima] + drawinglayer: getHeight() -> getWidth() [Xisco Fauli] + drawpage::getCount is expensive [Noel Grandin] + drop [[fall-through]] and expand in the case [Caolán McNamara] + drop a redundant line [Mike Kaganski] + drop a static [Caolán McNamara] + drop always null SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::pHead (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop bSelected param for SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::PaintEmphasis (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + drop DECL_LINK missed in commit [Jim Raykowski] + drop extra quoting [Stephan Bergmann] + drop GraphicFilter's bUseConfig [Mike Kaganski] + drop IconChoiceFlags::SelectingRect (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop newly unused Broadcast argument [Caolán McNamara] + drop newly unused ToggleUnicodeCodepoint::CharsToDelete [Mike Kaganski] + drop now unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SelectAll (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop now unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SelectRange (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop now unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SelectRect etc. (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop obsolete "Ideas for an UNO bridge implementation" [Stephan Bergmann] + drop obsolete comment [Stephan Bergmann] + drop redundant code [Mike Kaganski] + drop requirement that there is internal/shared autotext. [Caolán McNamara] + drop StyleSheetCreated [Noel Grandin] + drop SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::bHighlightFramePressed (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::bUpdateMode (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetSelectionCount (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::MouseButtonUp (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop SvxIconViewFlags::POS_LOCKED (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop SvxIconViewFlags::POS_MOVED (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop the fuzzer workaround now [Caolán McNamara] + drop these fuzzers to short lengths temporarily [Caolán McNamara] + drop unused copy ctor (cid#1555574) [Caolán McNamara] + drop unused eventtesting cmd line option [Caolán McNamara] + drop unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetPredecessorGrid (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InitPredecessors (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InvalidateEntry (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + drop unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetEntryPos (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::{Set,Find}EntryPredecessor (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + drop VclBuilder::m_pStringReplace (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + dubious to enable/disable help button based on IsContextHelpEnabled [Caolán McNamara] + editeng a11y: Drop "typedef std::pair RD" [Michael Weghorn] + editeng a11y: Use range-based for [Michael Weghorn] + editeng RTF export: fix broken offsets into the para style table (tdf#163883) [Miklos Vajna] + editeng: add convenience creators to ESelection All, NotFound [Tomaž Vajngerl] + editeng: avoid using fake outline depth (tdf#163598) [Justin Luth] + editeng: Improve kashida position validation (tdf#151748) [Jonathan Clark] + editeng: Layout for font-relative first-line indent (tdf#36709) [Jonathan Clark] + editeng: unnedded assigment [Xisco Fauli] + EditEngine::GetTextHeightNTP is unused [Noel Grandin] + eliminate unnecessary DateTime conversions [Eike Rathke] + embind: A nicer unoObject construction function [Stephan Bergmann] + embind: Add the lifecylce fix also for attribute getter return values [Stephan Bergmann] + embind: Centrally initialize via Module.initUno() in a new uno.js [Stephan Bergmann] + embind: Fix C++ UNO exception catching [Stephan Bergmann] + embind: Fix lifecycle of UNO any and sequence values returned from JS to C++ [Stephan Bergmann] + embind: Implement UNO interface attributes as JS accessor properties [Stephan Bergmann] + embind: Let unoObject return a css.uno.XInterface reference [Stephan Bergmann] + embind: Missing support for UNO polymorphic struct types [Stephan Bergmann] + EMPTY_FRAMELIST can be constexpr [Noel Grandin] + emscripten: Clean up SolarMutex [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Document how Qt builds its own freetype, but we link against LO's [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Enable the WebDAV UCP [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Establish a channel between browser and LO main threads [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Experimental -sPROXY_POSIX_SOCKETS support [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Explicitly set -sEXPORT_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_HELPERS [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: For executables, only build .js files, not .html files [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Increase the main thread stack size [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Module.uno_scripts are relative to document.baseURI [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Move -sEXPORT_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_HELPERS to gb_LinkTarget_LDFLAGS [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Move the Qt event loop off the JS main thread [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Only resolve Module.uno_init after Module.uno_mainPort is set [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Run external code on LO's main thread [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Show actual Emscripten version in "About" [Michael Weghorn] + emscripten: Silence -Wlimited-postlink-optimizations [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: Support --disable-gui [Stephan Bergmann] + emscripten: workerID is only defined under -sASSERTIONS [Stephan Bergmann] + emscritpen: Use WorkerGlobalScope.importScripts [Stephan Bergmann] + enable building with Xcode 16.0 beta 3 on macOS 15.0 public beta [Patrick Luby] + enable chart read text rotate angle unit (tdf#161483) [Regina Henschel] + enable context menu key in online [NickWingate] + enable kashida justification for AAT fonts (tdf#163215) [Jonathan Clark] + enable LO to read ODF angle units (tdf#161483) [Regina Henschel] + enable start center in Emscripten build [Stephan Bergmann] + enhance the searching functionality in FD & FW (tdf#161543) [AhmedHamed] + enhancement to identify click on tracked change (tdf#161717) [Jim Raykowski] + enhancement to identify click on tracked change in the (tdf#161717) [Jim Raykowski] + ensure SplitWindow has enough space for splitter (tdf#148830) [Caolán McNamara] + escape filepaths for password dialog. (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + evaluate for loop's end and step once in VBA support mode (tdf#150458) [Mike Kaganski] + expand and drop getContext [Caolán McNamara] + explicitly .delete() one more interface object in uno.js [Stephan Bergmann] + explicitly .delete() type and interface objects in uno.js [Stephan Bergmann] + explicitly make buttons gain focus on activatation (tdf#162538) [Caolán McNamara] + explicitly return after JNI ThrowNew (cid#1607586) [Caolán McNamara] + explicitly set current frame as active frame (tdf#141577) [Caolán McNamara] + export formats for FIELD_ID_ANNOTATION (tdf#163703) [Mike Kaganski] + export property TotalsRow to ODF (tdf#162963) [Regina Henschel] + exportepub.ui Define frames in order (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + expose WorkWindow fullscreen mode via new XTopWindow3 [Stephan Bergmann] + extended tips for Style General page (tdf#153600) [Olivier Hallot] + external/freetype: Enable debug logging support for --enable-dbgutil [Stephan Bergmann] + external/freetype: Enabling debug logging only works for DISABLE_DYNLOADING [Stephan Bergmann] + external/libexttextcat: Only pass gb_DEBUGINFO_FLAGS in debug builds [Stephan Bergmann] + external/zxing: Missing include (for std::nullptr_t) [Stephan Bergmann] + external: remove a couple of gcc9 patches [Xisco Fauli] + extract NaN payload test from single unit test [Sakura286] + F401 Remove unused imports. (tdf#158803) [Leonard Sasse] + F821: fix a number of undefined names and related issues in wizards/ (tdf#158803) [Leonard Sasse] + F821: xrange undefined, should be range in py3; remove some unused variables (tdf#158803) [Leonard Sasse] + factor out conversion of awt::XBitmap to BitmapEx in vcl [Mike Kaganski] + FB fix request for getFunctions (tdf#105112) [Julien Nabet] + feat(invert): Allow inverted background on init [Skyler Grey] + feat(invert): Allow specifying a theme [Skyler Grey] + feat(json): Allow serializing any [Skyler Grey] + feat(lok): Add extra impress export formats [Skyler Grey] + fill in more SfxItemType values [Noel Grandin] + filter by author & time [Mohit Marathe] + find-unneeded-includes: add option to detect IWYU failures [Gabor Kelemen] + find-unneeded-includes: nicer output with --finderror option [Gabor Kelemen] + fix "lets see" -> "let's see" [Andrea Gelmini] + fix "lets" -> "let's" [Andrea Gelmini] + fix "NatNum12" preview string format (tdf#162819) [Henry Castro] + fix --disable-firebird-sdbc build [Noel Grandin] + fix --with-package-format=emscripten [Stephan Bergmann] + fix @since tags [Noel Grandin] + fix accessibility check sidebar deck is too wide (tdf#162258) [Balazs Varga] + fix and simplify the ItemInstanceManager mechanism [Noel Grandin] + fix asan build [Noel Grandin] + fix Assertion failure Accessibility page on GTK (tdf#162250) [Balazs Varga] + fix basegfx.py [Noel Grandin] + fix Basic Macro Organizer library list after import of library [Jim Raykowski] + fix bug in XclExpXF::Init related) (tdf#163667) [Noel Grandin] + fix build breakage [Patrick Luby] + fix build failure (ofz#71782) [Caolán McNamara] + fix build with Java 8 [Fridrich Štrba] + fix build: move CrashReporter code to vcl/source/window/builder.cxx [Mike Kaganski] + fix button alignment in the manage conditions dialog in Calc [Szymon Kłos] + fix casting of SpzFrameFormat [Noel Grandin] + fix certain build configurations [Stephan Bergmann] + fix clang crash [Noel Grandin] + fix comment [Noel Grandin] + fix comment panel showing only latest comment (tdf#163040) [Mohit Marathe] + fix comments sidebar resizing issue (tdf#162999) [Mohit Marathe] + fix crash when formatting data series in Histogram chart (tdf#162136) [Julien Nabet] + fix crash when opening Bullets and Numbering dialog a second time (tdf#162174) [Julien Nabet] + fix CURLSHOPT_UNLOCKFUNC function signature [Stephan Bergmann] + fix dotnet build issues on WSL Linux build [Hossein] + fix empty page inserted into specific file (tdf#161538) [Juergen Funk] + fix enabled-mergelibs-more build [Juergen Funk, Noel Grandin] + fix experimental Emscripten --enable-qt6 build resource issues [Stephan Bergmann] + fix filter comments by author bug (tdf#163551) [Mohit Marathe] + fix fixed-length strings assignment (tdf#163680) [Mike Kaganski] + fix for Add an UNO command to close all documents (tdf#159380) [AungKhantOo] + fix for missing flags in single click obj creation (tdf#163251) [AshSinc] + fix formatting of dates [Mike Kaganski] + fix GetBackColorFilterEntries missing colors [Noel Grandin] + fix GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: invalid cast from 'GtkImage' to 'GtkLabel' [Caolán McNamara] + fix Gtk-warning in condformatmanager.ui [Julien Nabet] + fix Help build with --with-lang=... [Olivier Hallot] + fix IDs in context attributes (tdf#149085) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + fix ImpCurrencyToString to handle SAL_MIN_INT64 [Mike Kaganski] + fix implementation of loplugin::isDerivedFrom [Stephan Bergmann] + fix in some missing SfxItemTypes [Noel Grandin] + fix indent [Caolán McNamara] + fix indentation [Stephan Bergmann] + fix insert comment not working after document load. [Darshan-upadhyay1110] + fix issues detected by pyflakes (tdf#158803) [Evaggelou Panagiotis] + fix Linux cppuhelper_detail_findSofficePath [Stephan Bergmann] + fix macos build with clang 16 [Noel Grandin] + fix memcpy in ImplExpandCompressedPortion [Noel Grandin] + fix missing quotation [Stephan Bergmann] + fix MSVC build [Mike Kaganski] + fix no-pch build [Mike Kaganski] + fix O(n^2) behaviour when fetching field info from EditEngine [Noel Grandin] + fix OTools::ThrowException [Mike Kaganski] + fix Python: use is None/is not None instead of == None/!= None [Julien Nabet] + fix raptor build when using system-icu [Christian Lohmaier] + fix redefinion of Emscripten __cxxabiv1::__cxa_exception [Stephan Bergmann] + fix regex example in tip of the day (tdf#162952) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + fix regression from 27be65a7d5326608f75839e3964ac322e88224a1^! [Julien Nabet] + fix regression Gtk-CRITICAL+Gtk-WARNING on vcl/wizard.ui [Julien Nabet] + fix Repository.mk after 'add --with-docrepair-fonts option' (tdf#161941) [Andras Timar] + fix resize for cert listings (GtkBox instead of GtkGrid) (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + fix resizing and behavior for "View Certificate" dialog. (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + fix SectionPropertyMap::ApplyProperties_ [Noel Grandin] + fix skia m117 sha value [Noel Grandin] + fix solver crashing with unset parameters (tdf#162760) [Rafael Lima] + fix some copypaste errors in IDL documentation [Mike Kaganski] + fix SVG and add PNG format from the clipboard (tdf#160267) [Oliver Specht] + fix SwInsFootNoteDlg's next/prev button state check (tdf#144717) [Mike Kaganski] + fix textual data length sent to SQLBindCol (tdf#68676) [Mike Kaganski] + fix the vertical panning gesture in Impress (tdf#85677) [Tibor Nagy] + fix the warning description [Mike Kaganski] + fix the wrong detection of hidden autofilter button [Gülşah Köse] + fix thinko re JS for...in loop [Stephan Bergmann] + fix tip for Insert Field menu in notebookbar ui (tdf#163679) [Julien Nabet] + fix to temporary variable name [Heiko Tietze] + fix TODO [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + fix translation [Andrea Gelmini] + fix typo [Andrea Gelmini] + fix typo in code [Andrea Gelmini] + fix typo in code (maybe...) [Andrea Gelmini] + fix typos [Andrea Gelmini] + fix UBSan build of ExternalProject_redland [Stephan Bergmann] + fix ubsan, partially revert [Noel Grandin] + fix unchecked dereference [Mike Kaganski] + fix USE_TLS_OPENSSL builds [Stephan Bergmann] + fix wrong / misleading uses of fTools::(more|less|equal) with literal 0 [Mike Kaganski] + fix wrong string ID's for the sensitivity report [Rafael Lima] + fix(invert): Avoid spurious LOK invalidations [Skyler Grey] + fix(invert): Use separate view IDs when inverted [Skyler Grey] + fix(lok): Expose the character encoding dialog [Skyler Grey] + fix(lok): Expose the import options dialog [Skyler Grey] + fix(writer): send document bg color on new theme [Skyler Grey] + fix-up 2 slideshow: provide animations info [Marco Cecchetti] + fix-up slideshow: provide animations info [Marco Cecchetti] + fix: Make the repeat slideshow property independent of the TransitionType [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + fix: repeat slideshow duration display issue [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + fix: send LOK_CALLBACK_CELLFORMULA with LOK formulabar update (cool#10040) [Rashesh] + fix: Skip invalidation if it won't go through (cool#9654) [Skyler Grey] + fixes for "dont use GetItemSurrogates for gathering SvxTabStopItem" [Noel Grandin] + flatten ImpGetScaledGraphic a little [Noel Grandin] + flatten ooxml::Value hierarchy [Noel Grandin] + flatten ScMyStylesImportHelper::AddDefaultRange [Noel Grandin] + flatten SwCollectTableLineBoxes::GetBoxOfPos [Caolán McNamara] + flatten SwFlyFrame::Grow_ [Mike Kaganski] + flatten SwFrame::Grow [Mike Kaganski] + flatten SwSectionFrame::Grow_ [Mike Kaganski] + flatten SwStyleBase_Impl a little (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + flatten XMLParaContext a little [Noel Grandin] + focus document when Esc is pressed in the Gallery/Navigator (tdf#161782) [Rafael Lima] + fods2xlsfuzzer Null-dereference READ (ofz#380107559) [Caolán McNamara] + follow-up fix (tdf#132274) [Oliver Specht] + follow-up fix to Writer zoom options (tdf#132274) [Oliver Specht] + follow-up to f806fc136b3410ec9a1e09320d100c78b33c867b (tdf#137335) [Oliver Specht] + follow-up to fix height of field value (tdf#160621) [Oliver Specht] + following 250e00a51dcf60ac2e028983f5d29c0f68748b38 (JDBC4.3) [Julien Nabet] + force centered alignment for donate button text (tdf#162732) [Caolán McNamara] + force max len for some oss-fuzz fuzzers [Caolán McNamara] + force pending timers to run after marked text changes (tdf#163764) [Patrick Luby] + format in the CTRL+H search affects (tdf#115665) [Jim Raykowski] + FORMTEXT selection changed (tdf#159286) [Oliver Specht] + forward argless ctor to the single arg ctor [Caolán McNamara] + FP PVS: memory leak is possible (tdf#163486) [Bogdan Buzea] + framework: Deduplicate code setting menu accelerator keys [Michael Weghorn] + framework: Drop extra scope for setting accelerator keys [Michael Weghorn] + framework: Move var declaration close to use, drop another one [Michael Weghorn] + freetype: upgrade to 2.13.3 [Xisco Fauli] + freeze hovering mouse above animating gif (tdf#158397) [Noel Grandin] + frozen: upgrade to 1.2.0 [Xisco Fauli] + fully implement the Wasm UNO bridge cpp2uno direction [Stephan Bergmann] + further winget configuration files to complete the setup [Christian Lohmaier] + GCC_HOME no longer needs to be SUBST'ed [Stephan Bergmann] + gen: Use std::vector::at instead of operator[] [Michael Weghorn] + get SolarMutex before calling ImplClearAllFontData [Caolán McNamara] + GetEmptyBrushItem is used readonly [Caolán McNamara] + GetMainViewShell is not trivial [Mike Kaganski, Noel Grandin] + GetMarkStart/GetMarkEnd is hot [Noel Grandin] + GetOrCreateDrawModel should return a ref not a pointer [Noel Grandin] + getTableTypes retrieves only table types of the current database (tdf#130564) [Julien Nabet] + give DocumentEventHolder (aka EventHolder) a key function [Stephan Bergmann] + gpgme: Upgrade to 1.24.0 [Xisco Fauli] + grey Elegant template: autosize for title (tdf#162878) [Laurent Balland] + gtk3 a11y tests: Always use dbus-daemon for the AT-SPI bus [Michael Weghorn] + gtk3 a11y: Don't use combobox role twice for non-editable one (tdf#163684) [Michael Weghorn] + gtk3 a11y: Drop unused DocumentFocusListener class [Michael Weghorn] + gtk3 a11y: Hold reference to the original AtkObject (tdf#155449) [Michael Weghorn] + gtk3 a11y: Simplify gtk3/gtk4 version check [Michael Weghorn] + gtk3 a11y: Use GtkBuilder ID as accessible ID (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + gtk3 a11y: Use OString literals [Michael Weghorn] + gtk3: Don't always focus combobox when its popup closes (tdf#163792) [Michael Weghorn] + gtk4 a11y: Handle when there's no a11y context [Michael Weghorn] + gtk4: fix -Wmaybe-uninitialized [Đoàn Trần Công Danh] + gtk4: Require GTK >= 4.10 [Michael Weghorn] + gtk: Let GetCommandForItem return OString instead of char* [Michael Weghorn] + gtk: Switch param from const char* to const OString& [Michael Weghorn] + GtkBox does not have a child property called left-attach [Caolán McNamara] + GtkToolbar does not have a child property called position [Caolán McNamara] + GUI changes for font-relative first-line indent (tdf#36709) [Jonathan Clark] + hack reordering includes to avoid Windows Yield macro fallout [Stephan Bergmann] + handle CPDB lib in configure/build system [Michael Weghorn] + handle TableRef separator in brackets for Function Wizard (tdf#159343) [Eike Rathke] + harmonise API docs for UserDefinedAttributes a bit (tdf#161347) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + hyperlink dialog: preset only syntactically valid hyperlinks (tdf#162753) [Andreas Heinisch] + hyperlink dialog: trim leading/trailing whitespaces of URLs (tdf#162753) [Andreas Heinisch] + I finally understand why we need that hack [Stephan Bergmann] + i18npool : use new OUtring literals [Arnaud VERSINI] + icon choice control: Drop WB_NOSELECTION (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl a11y: Clean up/simplify selection handling [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl a11y: Don't allow unselecting entry [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl a11y: Don't explicitly unset selection [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl a11y: Don't report selectable state for list/tabbar [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl a11y: Drop extra check [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl a11y: Drop misleading comment [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl entry a11y: Use OAccessibleComponentHelper as base [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Actually set text colors for non-selection (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Always use SvxIconChoiceCtrlPositionMode::AutoArrange [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Consistently use bound rect (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Decouple focus from text/icon drawing [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Don't explicitly call base class impl of method [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Don't modify bound rect to center content (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Draw icon + text at the end (tdf#161355, tdf#161026) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Draw selection within item bounds (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Draw whole entry natively (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop code for non-autoposition mode [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop debug-only mode switch feature (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop EVENTID_SHOW_CURSOR [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop extra drawing of entry bg (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop extra space between items (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop handling for WB_NOHIDESELECTION (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop support for non-single selection modes (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::nMaxVirtWidth [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop tracking selected rects (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop unnecessary cast [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop unused async select handler (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop unused forward-declaration [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop unused GRID_NOT_FOUND define [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop unused WB_NOASYNCSELECTHDL (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop WB_ALIGN_LEFT [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop WB_ALIGN_TOP [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Drop WB_SMART_ARRANGE handling (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Highlight full entry area (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Make use of the extra space (tdf#161659) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Merge two methods (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Natively draw mouse-hover (tdf#161026, tdf#161355, tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: One selection border is enough (tdf#161853, tdf#144981) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: OSL_FAIL -> assert (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Simplify and drop extra local variable (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Simplify list pos handling [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Stop hover-highlight when mouse leaves (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Update doc on WB_* flags [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Use a single member for entry rect (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + icon choice ctrl: Use tab text colors (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + ICU: fix aclocal dependency [Xisco Fauli] + ICU: upgrade to 75.1 [Xisco Fauli] + identical code for different branches (cid#1604132) [Caolán McNamara] + if there editeng backcolor is unknown, assume bg is the doccolor [Caolán McNamara] + if this could happen, then this loop would never end [Caolán McNamara] + ignore marked text generated from Command-` events (tdf#163876) [Patrick Luby] + ignore nested footnotes on ODF import (tdf#163974) [Mike Kaganski] + ignore nested SYMBOL field inside IF field (tdf#161878) [Oliver Specht] + ignore OUStringChar in loplugin:rangedforcopy [Mike Kaganski] + ignore TypedWhichId in loplugin:rangedforcopy [Noel Grandin] + ImplB2DPolygon could do with a move constructor [Noel Grandin] + implement and use Unicode ODBC functions on Windows (tdf#68676, tdf#131238) [Mike Kaganski] + implement Correct Calculation for Histogram Chart (tdf#82716) [varshneydevansh] + implement Custom Font Collections on pre-Windows 10 systems [Mike Kaganski] + implement Sensitivity Report in LpSolve solver (tdf#157519) [Rafael Lima] + implement TableRef API token conversion (tdf#159343) [Eike Rathke] + implemented RTL support for SVG export (tdf#91315) [Jonathan Clark] + implemented Syriac justification (tdf#140767) [Jonathan Clark] + ImplFillExchangeData always derefs its first arg [Caolán McNamara] + import - add zero width space after line break (tdf#162268) [Oliver Specht] + impress Sidebar 'Animation' deck text overlaps (tdf#162392) [Jim Raykowski] + impress/draw: make the SdActionDlg (Interaction...) dialog async [Hubert Figuière] + improve comments (tdf#163486) [Bogdan Buzea] + improve doc for SwFormatPageDesc [Noel Grandin] + improve documentation on key and mouse handlers and listeners. [Moritz Duge] + improve Error Messages with RuntimeException in UNO API (tdf#42982) [Ashok] + improve FindNumRulePtr (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + improve ImpEditEngine::SetParaAttribs a little [Noel Grandin] + improve lifecycle of SdrItemPool [Noel Grandin] + improve LOK tilebench README.md for joining test [Hossein] + improve loplugin passparamsbyref [Noel Grandin] + improve loplugin:dyncastvisibility to check for non-inline key functions [Stephan Bergmann] + improve ODF sheet saving performance [Noel Grandin] + improve perf of lcl_GetUniqueFlyName [Noel Grandin] + improve run-time Currency type support in Basic [Mike Kaganski] + improve style searching in SvXMLStylesContext [Noel Grandin] + improve SvxTabStopItem::hashCode (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + improve tab order in paragraph dialog [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + improve the perf for pool item scanning.. [Noel Grandin] + improve tip of the day (tdf#150698) [Bogdan Buzea] + improve Tip of the day 8/225 (tdf#163183) [Bogdan Buzea] + improve UNO API error reporting (tdf#42982) [Oromidayo Owolabi, Beeram_12] + improve visuals of selected entries in Vertical tabs (tdf#161501) [Rafael Lima] + improve warning msg for slow autoformat (tdf#115474) [Thorsten Behrens] + improvment when reset placeholder in Text field (tdf#160163) [Juergen Funk] + in desktop we want to update all the calc shells for dark/light mode [Caolán McNamara] + in embindtest, also test Any included in Struct [Stephan Bergmann] + in MSVC, non-static constexpr objects are initialized at run-time [Mike Kaganski] + in OUString find functions, assert that fromIndex >= 0 [Noel Grandin] + increase fuzzing max lengths [Caolán McNamara] + increase max rtf len allowed [Caolán McNamara] + increment frame y position (tdf#163003) [Oliver Specht] + inform if there is > 100 master slides (tdf#159860) [Caolán McNamara] + initial focus is in the document when creating a new sheet (tdf#162069) [AhmedHamed] + initial selection of tracked change when Manage (tdf#162337) [Jim Raykowski] + initialization or destruction ordering is unspecified (cid#1557682, cid#1633781) [Caolán McNamara] + initialize sw::DocumentSettingManager::mbNoClippingWithWrapPolygon [Stephan Bergmann] + insert->Comment in Draw/Impress not incrementally numbered (tdf#162245) [Noel Grandin] + inspection of object hangs LO (tdf#108189) [Noel Grandin] + intruduce RenderContext, RenderOptions to remove code duplication [Tomaž Vajngerl] + invalid cast from 'GtkToggleToolButton' to 'GtkToggleButton' [Caolán McNamara] + invalid iterator comparison (cid#1619686) [Caolán McNamara] + invalidate cache if the style is modified (tdf#163831) [Caolán McNamara] + invent --with-extra-cc/cxx-flags [Stephan Bergmann] + it seems that SdrPage must not contain nullptr [Mike Kaganski] + it's not really an error to not have atevent.xml in an autotext [Caolán McNamara] + item-specific instance managers for SwFormatFrameSize and SwFormatVertOrient [Noel Grandin] + ITEM: adapt SfxPoolItemHolder::operator= [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + ITEM: Change SfxItemSet to use unordered_set [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + ITEM: replaced typeid/hash_code with SfxItemType [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + ITEM: secure HashedItemInstanceManager [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + java-WebSocket: upgrade to 1.5.7 [Xisco Fauli] + jsdialog: enable interaction handler without LOKNotifier (cool#9453) [Szymon Kłos] + jsdialog: enable name dialog [Andras Timar] + jsdialog: enable new style dialog [Andras Timar] + jsdialog: support on demand rendering for icon view [Szymon Kłos] + jsdialog: support textWithIconEnabled into Dump icon view [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + karasa Jaga: optimise icons by removing bitmaps (tdf#158939) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + keep around a single configmgr::Components::WriteThread instance [Stephan Bergmann] + keep cell highlighting active during arrow key navigation (tdf#81913) [Andreas Heinisch] + keep gte attribute when saving to ods (tdf#163337) [Xisco Fauli] + keep SessionManagerInhibitor disabled for Emscripten [Stephan Bergmann] + label the "Certificate Manager" with "GPG". (tdf#161909, tdf#133941) [Moritz Duge] + latest VS 2022 Preview is 17.12.0 now [Taichi Haradaguchi] + latest VS 2022 Preview is 17.13.0 Preview 1.0 now [Stephan Bergmann] + layoutInCell vml: don't discard layoutInCell (tdf#153909, tdf#162211) [Justin Luth] + layoutInCell: clean-up unit tests and make some pre-emptive (tdf#162211) [Justin Luth] + layoutInCell: doTextBoxPositioning better (tdf#162211, tdf#158384) [Justin Luth] + layoutInCell: limit vert to cell margin (tdf#162539) [Justin Luth] + layoutInCell: native ODT handling from top of PRINT_AREA (tdf#162304) [Justin Luth] + layoutInCell: use row margin for MSOLayout (tdf#160077, tdf#162211) [Justin Luth] + layoutInCell: vert page->margin, *->top (tdf#91632, tdf#162211, tdf#160077) [Justin Luth] + layoutInCell: vertical escaping with wrapThrough (tdf#137590, tdf#162211) [Justin Luth] + let LinkManager::UpdateAllLinks honor isUntrustedReferer [Stephan Bergmann] + let options dialog determine its own size based on tab pages (tdf#134791) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + let ScDocShell::GetLinkUpdateModeState honor isUntrustedReferer [Stephan Bergmann] + let test operate on temp copy of source document [Stephan Bergmann] + let user choose which animation settings to use (tdf#115688, tdf#161765) [Per99] + libcmis: fix build against boost-1.86.0 [Xisco Fauli] + libffi: Upgrade to 3.4.6 [Taichi Haradaguchi] + libgpg-error: upgrade to 1.51 [Xisco Fauli] + libpagemaker: add missing include [Michael Stahl] + libreoffice Theme Part 0: Read correct colors from qt based VCL_PLUGINS [Sahil Gautam] + libreoffice Theme Part 1.0: Make registry colors accessible from VCL [Sahil Gautam] + libreoffice Theme Part 3: Qt Color Customization (tdf#158943) [Sahil Gautam] + libreofficekitgtk: Add include for SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT [Michael Weghorn] + libxml2: upgrade to 2.13.1 [Xisco Fauli] + libxml2: upgrade to 2.13.3 [Xisco Fauli] + libxml2: upgrade to 2.13.4 [Xisco Fauli] + libxml2: upgrade to 2.13.5 [Xisco Fauli] + libxslt: upgrade to 1.1.42 [Xisco Fauli] + limit to len the number of UTF-16 code units being read [Stephan Bergmann] + linked libraries don't show shource path in Macro (tdf#146800) [Jim Raykowski] + LO crashed on redo of header changes: unit test (tdf#161741) [Justin Luth] + log SetGestureConfig failure. Remove redundant mutex. [Marc Mondesir] + log using LOK_WARN instead of std::cerr [Caolán McNamara] + logically dead code (cid#1608717, cid#1610738, cid#1634806, cid#1606605, cid#1615991) [Caolán McNamara] + lok calc: allow copy hyperlink outside of edit mode [Jaume Pujantell] + lok calc: allow remove and edit hypelink outside of edit mode [Jaume Pujantell] + lok doc sign, create-certs.sh password-less mode: still create a .p12 (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign, hash extract: add signatureTime parameter (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign, hash extract: digest for getCommandValues('Signature') (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign, hash extract: initial getCommandValues('Signature') (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign, hash extract: time for getCommandValues('Signature') (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: add initial serialization of external signatures (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: add password-less mode to create-certs.sh (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: add SfxObjectShell::AfterSignContent() (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: allow injecting sign cert/key during pdf export (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: allow late-init of the sign cert (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: allow sign of macros & the document itself in one step (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: async DocumentDigitalSignatures::ImplViewSignatures() (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: async DocumentDigitalSignatures::signDocumentContent() (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: async read-write DigitalSignaturesDialog (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: avoid storing the sign cert in the model after sign (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: conditionally show the add button in the sign dialog (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: convert the certificate chooser dialog to async (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: extract duplicated code to SfxLokHelper (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: fix import of the private key (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: fix signature status after load (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: handle .uno:SignatureCert/Key/Ca view options (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: implement signature removal (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: make SfxMedium::SignContents_Impl() async (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: never remember previous .uno:Signature params (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: only take sign cert from the view in the cert chooser (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: store signing cert in the view (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok doc sign: update sign status after modify the list of trusted CAs (cool#9992) [Miklos Vajna] + lok: add media (video) info to the presentation info JSON [Tomaž Vajngerl] + lok: add method to allow explicit cleanup of temporary files.o [Michael Meeks] + lok: add SAL_DISABLE_FSYNC environment to disable fsync. [Michael Meeks] + LOK: avoid dark auto color font on dark background [Pranam Lashkari] + lok: avoid excessive progress updates. [Michael Meeks] + lok: Avoid launching an un-necessary thread. [Michael Meeks] + lok: avoid perturbing parent background save process' temp file. [Michael Meeks] + lok: avoid sending jsdialog messages during background save. [Michael Meeks] + lok: calc: fix formulabar after accept formula command [Szymon Kłos] + lok: cleanup WakeUpThread before forking, then re-start. (cool#9082) [Michael Meeks] + LOK: differentiate page kinds in sd::ViewShellBase::setEditMode [Mike Kaganski] + lok: disabled misc shape wipe non supported transition [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + LOK: Do a ".uno:DocumentStatus" "state changed" callback [Mike Kaganski] + lok: elide various unhelpful events during background save. [Michael Meeks] + lok: enable additional transition uno commands [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + lok: enable MiscShapeWipe transition and sub-tras. Heart, FanOutHoriz. [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + lok: enable transition repeat after x property [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + lok: enable Zoom transition and RotateIn sub-trans. type [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + lok: ensure our 'main thread' concept is updated post-fork. [Michael Meeks] + lok: export transition info to getPresentationInfo JSON structure [Tomaž Vajngerl] + lok: expose presentation info and slide render functions [Marco Cecchetti] + lok: fix repeat slideshow after duration issue [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + LOK: fix UI language fallback, e.g. zh-HK -> zh-TW [Andras Timar] + LOK: fixed incorrect Logic point calculation for Map mode [Pranam Lashkari] + LOK: Introduce LOK_CALLBACK_STATUS_UPDATE [Mike Kaganski] + lok: join Webdav Ticker thread. [Michael Meeks] + lok: joinThreads - take down configmgr's write-thread. [Michael Meeks] + LOK: Mention name of unknown command in exception [Aron Budea] + lok: remove code that renders other slide layers to increase speed [Tomaž Vajngerl] + lok: render the whole slide temporary (with bg and master content) [Tomaž Vajngerl] + lok: sc: fix warning autofilter message box [Henry Castro] + lok: sd: slideshow render improvements [Marco Cecchetti] + lok: sd: slideshow render: avoid using nullptr [Szymon Kłos] + lok: sd: slideshow render: some bug fixes [Marco Cecchetti] + lok: sd: slideshow: provide animations info [Marco Cecchetti] + lok: sd: transition information: export fade color [Marco Cecchetti] + LOK: send state of EditDoc for write protection status [Pranam Lashkari] + lok: slideshow: export animations tree as json: some improvements [Marco Cecchetti] + lok: slideshow: export slide duration also when there is no transitions [Marco Cecchetti] + lok: slideshow: not export endless and repeat property per each slide [Marco Cecchetti] + lok: sw: restrict deletions on comment only mode [Jaume Pujantell] + lok: sw: text wrong format on inserted text (cool#6382) [Jaume Pujantell] + lok: sync language in comphelper::LibreOfficeKit on view creation (cool#9309) [Szymon Kłos] + lok: test for getPresentationInfo LOK API function [Tomaž Vajngerl] + LOK: use boolean or disabled payload for EditDoc [Pranam Lashkari] + LOK: Use frozen map instead of a chain of hundreds string comparisons [Mike Kaganski] + lokit: calc: send named ranges as well on calcfunctionlist callback [Rashesh] + LOKit: Enable the "Interaction..." command for Impress. [Hubert Figuière] + LOKit: enable the Distribute command [Hubert Figuière] + LOKit: Enable the Execute Interaction command for Impress [Hubert Figuière] + LOKitSearchTest.cxx: use CPPUNIT_TEST_FIXTURE() [Xisco Fauli] + looks like Emscripten LO doesn't need explicit --norestore --nologo [Stephan Bergmann] + loplugin:casttovoid [Stephan Bergmann] + loplugin:constantparam [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:dllprivate: Extend for new qtbase macro [Michael Weghorn] + loplugin:methodcycles [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:noexceptmove (macOS, LLVM 20 trunk libc++) [Stephan Bergmann] + loplugin:ostr in sc [Pranam Lashkari] + loplugin:ostr in sw [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:ostr in sw/../core [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:ostr in sw/qa [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:ostr in various [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passparamsbyref [Stephan Bergmann] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in avmedia..canvas [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in basic [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in chart2..connectivity [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in comphelper [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in cui..dbaccess [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in editeng [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in forms..framework [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in lotuswordpro..pyuno [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in sc [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in sd [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in sfx2 [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in svl [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in svtools [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in svx [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in sw [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in tools [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in ucb..xmlsecurity [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in ucbhelper [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in unotools [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in vcl [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref in xmloff [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:passstuffbyref make some small improvements [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:redundantcast [Stephan Bergmann, Noel Grandin] + loplugin:redundantcast fix crash [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp [Stephan Bergmann] + loplugin:reftotemp in basctl,basegfx [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in basic [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in canvas [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in chart2 [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in codemaker..connectivity [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in cppcanvas..cui [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in dbaccess..editeng [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in drawinglayer..framework [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in helpcompiler..i18npool [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in libreofficekit..oox [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in pyuno..sax [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in sc [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in scripting..uui [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in sd [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in sfx2 [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in slideshow [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in sot..svl [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in svx [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in sw [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in vcl [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in writerperfect [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:reftotemp in xmloff [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:singlevalfields [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:staticconstexpr (macOS) [Stephan Bergmann] + loplugin:unnecessaryvirtual [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:unusedenumconstants [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:unusedenumconstants update for new clang AST node [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:unusedfields [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:unusedmethods [Noel Grandin] + loplugin:virtualdead [Noel Grandin] + lower priority of Skia flush timer (tdf#163945) [Patrick Luby] + lxml: do not apply replace-setuptools-with-distutils on macosx [Xisco Fauli] + lxml: ignore warnings when calling setup [Xisco Fauli] + lxml: ignore warnings when calling setup.py build too [Xisco Fauli] + lxml: upgrade to 5.3.0 [Xisco Fauli] + m_aPixelSize should be in pixels, but GetPrefSize depends on GetPrefMapMode [Caolán McNamara] + macOS a11y: Report accessibilityIdentifier (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + macOS: Replace direct access to SalFrame::maGeometry (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + make --disable-emscripten-proxy-to-pthread configurable [Stephan Bergmann] + make 2 buttons in the date form control translatable (tdf#162139) [Julien Nabet] + make a failed seek for libtiff poison the stream (ofz#69874) [Caolán McNamara] + make an exceptin message more informative [Stephan Bergmann] + make convert*Angle strict [Mike Kaganski] + make CPDB work with --enable-cpdb --disable-cups [Michael Weghorn] + make cycling from first to last tab configurable (tdf#160580) [Mike Kaganski] + make date/time single-arg constructors explicit [Noel Grandin] + make EditSelection single-arg constructor explicit [Noel Grandin] + make extended tooltip translatable [Ming Hua] + make help button in FW has a fixed width [AhmedHamed] + make joinThreadsIfIdle return false if it cannot join [Caolán McNamara] + make labels more intuitive in "Duplicate Records Dialog" (tdf#85976) [Sahil Gautam] + make Managed Changes panel fill remaining vertical space [Jim Raykowski] + make MSVC /analyze a configure option [Noel Grandin] + make Multiplex do what it claims [Mike Kaganski] + make OleEmbeddedObject locking stricter [Mike Kaganski] + make pop-up on Encrypt With GPG Key modal [Sarper Akdemir] + make query set ins mode dialog async [Caolán McNamara] + make quotes warning clearer for conditional format dialog [Pranam Lashkari] + make rendering more flexible, render fields in separate layer [Tomaž Vajngerl] + make replacement graphic management more atomic [Mike Kaganski] + make ScAccWinFocusLostHint and siblings final classes [Noel Grandin] + make ScRange single-arg constructor explicit [Noel Grandin] + make SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem hashable [Noel Grandin] + make SfxGrabBagItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SfxInt16Item hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SfxStateCache handle Items correctly (tdf#162666) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + make SfxStringItem hashable [Noel Grandin] + make showing GPG keys only an explicit functionality (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + make Slide Properties Dialog in Impress Async (cool#7710) [Sven Göthel] + make slideshow objects' debugging semi-transparency and shift conditional [Mike Kaganski] + make some of the SfxStringItem subclasses hashable [Noel Grandin] + make some single-arg constructors in starmath explicit [Noel Grandin] + make sure the standard palette gets selected in a clear profile (tdf#162104) [Rafael Lima] + make sure to anti-alias fonts on Windows, when required [Mike Kaganski] + make sure to have a graphic here [Mike Kaganski] + make sure VCLXPopupMenu has unique RTTI [Stephan Bergmann] + make SvxAdjustItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxB3DVectorItem hashable [Noel Grandin] + make SvxBoxItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxBrushItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxColorItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxDoubleItem hashable [Noel Grandin] + make SvxEscapementItem hashable [Noel Grandin] + make SvxFirstLineIndentItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxGraphicItem hashable [Noel Grandin] + make SvxGrfCrop hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxLineSpacingItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxMarginItem hashable [Noel Grandin] + make SvxRightMarginItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxTabStopItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxTextLeftMarginItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SvxULSpaceItem hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SwFormatDrop hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SwFormatPageDesc hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SwFormatPageDesc single-arg constructor explicit [Noel Grandin] + make SwGammaGrf hashable (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + make SystemDependentData mechanism type-based [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + make SystemWindow::mbIsDeferredInit private [Mike Kaganski] + make the autotext shortcut warning dialog async [Caolán McNamara] + make the Themes category available in tight additions [Heiko Tietze] + make this more direct (cid#1608226) [Caolán McNamara] + make tools::Time ctor taking sal_Int64 private [Mike Kaganski] + make UStringLess single-arg constructor explicit [Noel Grandin] + make window's default mouse position a large negative [Mike Kaganski] + make With statement only evaluate its argument once (tdf#132064) [Mike Kaganski] + make writerfilter redlines more type-safe [Noel Grandin] + make XFCellListener single-arg constructor explicit [Noel Grandin] + makefile simplification: cleanup template packaging mess [Christian Lohmaier] + makefile simplification: replace $(call gb_AutoInstall_get_target,foo) [Christian Lohmaier] + manage names dialog: check if formula is a valid print range (tdf#140394) [Andreas Heinisch] + map LO_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_PATH to CURLOPT_CAPATH [Caolán McNamara] + map->unordered_map (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + mariadb-connector-c: upgrade to 3.3.13 [Xisco Fauli] + measure with font used in the csv grid (tdf#157486) [Caolán McNamara] + mention that keys/certs preselection is for ODF only (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + menuBarManager: dispatch with KeyModifier Shift/Ctrl/Alt (tdf#146769) [Justin Luth] + merge CntUnencodedStringItem into SfxStringItem [Noel Grandin] + merge creating variable and assigning it [Caolán McNamara] + merge ImplInit into ctor [Mike Kaganski] + merge init into ctor [Mike Kaganski] + merge these lines [Caolán McNamara] + missing gb_Library_use_libraries,embindtest [Stephan Bergmann] + missing includes [Stephan Bergmann] + missing initialization of ScTable::mbTotalsRowBelow [Stephan Bergmann] + missing move assignment operator (cid#1364016) [Caolán McNamara] + missing test dependencies [Stephan Bergmann] + missing test dependency [Stephan Bergmann] + more exhaustive org.libreoffice.embindtest.Struct [Stephan Bergmann] + more useful to have an EMSCRIPTEN_EXTRA_SOFFICE_PRE_JS [Stephan Bergmann] + move "Protect" section to "Position and Size" tab (tdf#149085) [Kira Tubo] + move .ui -> VCL respone code mapping to handleActionWidget (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + move break inside conditional statement to match macOS code [Patrick Luby] + move CreateTextObject code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move CryptTools from oox to comphelper so we can reuse it [Tomaž Vajngerl] + move declares to first uses [Caolán McNamara] + move Draw* code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move ensureDocumentFormatted from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move fetching svl::SharedString inside ScQueryEvaluator::compareByString [Caolán McNamara] + move GetDocPosTopLeft code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move GetLanguage code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move GetLineBoundaries code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move GetLineHeight code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move GetLineLen code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move GetLineNumberAtIndex code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move GetParaBounds code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move GetScriptType code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move GetText code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move global item pool to own source file [Noel Grandin] + move Headings from "Text Styles" to "Document Structure" (tdf#153722) [Kira Tubo] + move InsertParagragh code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move InsertView/RemoveView code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move loadThemeImage from FixedImage to BuilderBase (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + move m_vIndices to SwNode (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + move MapToO3tlLength and FieldToO3tlLength to respective enums' headers [Mike Kaganski] + move mnemonic to logical, unique place [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + move PostKeyEvent code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move Read/Write code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move RemoveAttribs code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move RemoveParagragh code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move RTF control word data to where it's used, and make it constexpr [Mike Kaganski] + move SetControlWord code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move SetDefTab code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move setLanguageToolConfig out of extern "C" zone [Caolán McNamara] + move SetPaperSize code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move SetPolygon code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move SetText code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move test to svl and extend it (tdf#131562) [Xisco Fauli] + move testTdf160301 from ww8export to ww8import [Adam Seskunas] + move the check out of the loop [Mike Kaganski] + move UItest to CppUnittest (tdf#43693, tdf#37341) [Xisco Fauli] + move UndoAction* code from EditEngine to ImpEditEngine [Noel Grandin] + move UniqueID to tools and rework to increase counter in constructor [Tomaž Vajngerl] + move variables into their usage scope [Mike Kaganski] + move vcl::DeleteOnDeinit to tools [Noel Grandin] + move VclBuilder::handleMenu{,Child} to WidgetBuilder (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + move VclBuilder::handleObject to WidgetBuilder base (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + move {sat-IN} locale data to {sat-Olck-IN}, follow-up (tdf#154987) [Eike Rathke] + MSAN: Use-of-uninitialized-value [Caolán McNamara] + mso formats: line(vert) or char(hori) forces layoutInCell (tdf#162551) [Justin Luth] + mso import NOT-layoutInCell: effectively are wrap-through (tdf#162612) [Justin Luth] + mso-format layout: no smallcaps applied to numbering (tdf#43767) [Justin Luth] + Nature_Illustration template: replace background jpg [Laurent Balland] + NAVIGATOR: In Content Navigation View buttons to (tdf#163411) [Jim Raykowski] + need more FIND details (tdf#163100) [Jim Raykowski] + new loplugin:reftotemp [Noel Grandin] + new loplugin:staticconstexpr [Noel Grandin] + NFC cleanup duplicate entry in clang/buriedassign.cxx [Justin Luth] + NFC cleanup duplicate entry in framework/IwyuFilter_framework.yaml [Justin Luth] + NFC cleanup duplicate entry in IwyuFilter_sc.yaml [Justin Luth] + NFC cleanup duplicate entry in sc/IwyuFilter_sc.yaml #2 [Justin Luth] + NFC edundo.cxx: remove unused bRet [Justin Luth] + NFC ensure style modify signaled if parent changed (tdf#134204) [Justin Luth] + NFC prep for move TextBoxIsFramePr into SwTextBoxHelper (tdf#143899) [Justin Luth] + NFC sw fmtcol.cxx: expression was always false [Justin Luth] + NFC sw fmtcol.cxx: use better naming for "old" and "new" [Justin Luth] + NFC sw textfld.cxx: make rDoc an actual reference [Justin Luth] + NFC writerfilter: move code into SetLineSpacing function (tdf#125469) [Justin Luth] + NFC ww8graf.cxx: mark never-changing, important variables as "const" [Justin Luth] + no broadcast on ObjectChange when in destruction [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + no longer need this svtools/drawinglayer hack [Noel Grandin] + no need for a template here [Noel Grandin] + no need to cache GraphicAttr in SdrGrafObj [Noel Grandin] + no need to call FormatDoc() after calling CheckIdleFormatter() [Noel Grandin] + no need to clone in OOXMLPropertySetValue::getProperties (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + no need to CloneAsValue() here (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + no need to copy the data, only to limit the size of bytes copied later [Mike Kaganski] + no need to create another cursor here (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + no need to do lookup here [Noel Grandin] + no need to do UNO_QUERY here [Noel Grandin] + no need to dynamic_cast so much in AccessibleTableShapeImpl [Noel Grandin] + no need to dynamic_cast when using GetItemSurrogates [Noel Grandin] + no need to heap allocate the collector [Noel Grandin] + no need to heap allocate these [Noel Grandin] + no need to heap-allocate it [Mike Kaganski] + no need to take a copy of the getProcessComponentContext return value [Noel Grandin] + no need to use a mix of pimpl and normal fields for SwXFrame [Noel Grandin] + no need to use dynamic_cast here [Noel Grandin] + no need to use dynamic_cast in SwDrawContact::GetTextObjectsFromFormat [Noel Grandin] + no need to use SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C macro in CXX [Mike Kaganski] + no need to use std::unique_ptr in GetPartialTextArray [Noel Grandin] + not restoring ostream format (cid#1619687) [Caolán McNamara] + notebookbar: Drop PriorityHBox::GetHiddenCount [Michael Weghorn] + notebookbar: Drop unnecessary static_cast [Michael Weghorn] + notebookbar: Pass menu button as parent for its menu [Michael Weghorn] + notebookbar: Simplify logic to detect whether hidden children [Michael Weghorn] + notify change unless all properties are handled #1 (tdf#134204) [Justin Luth] + notify change unless all properties are handled #2 (tdf#134204) [Justin Luth] + notify change unless all properties are handled #3 (tdf#134204) [Justin Luth] + nRead is just an alias for m_cbSTDBaseInFile, clarify that [Caolán McNamara] + null deref seen in SdXImpressDocument::getPostIts [Caolán McNamara] + null pointer dereferences (cid#1634809) [Jonathan Clark] + O[U]String overloads that return view for rest parameter [Noel Grandin] + ODF 1.4 Add support for xy and polar handle new attributes (tdf#162691) [Xisco Fauli] + ODF 1.4 extrusion-metal-type (tdf#162686, tdf#162687) [Regina Henschel] + ODF 1.4: Add ODFVER_014 and ODFSVER_014 [Xisco Fauli] + ODF 1.4: add ODFVER_014_TEXT constant [Xisco Fauli] + ODF 1.4: Add schema [Xisco Fauli] + ODF 1.4: fix import (tdf#162687) [Xisco Fauli] + ODF 1.4: schema: rename to OpenDocument-v1.3* [Xisco Fauli] + odfexport: drop isExported [Xisco Fauli] + odk, oox, pyuno: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + ODT->DOC: use layoutInCell for para-oriented fly (tdf#157637) [Justin Luth] + ofz: sc-html "ClusterFuzz Unreproducible" reset [Caolán McNamara] + ofz: sc-rtf "ClusterFuzz Unreproducible" reset [Caolán McNamara] + ofz: Timeout in schtmlfuzzer [Caolán McNamara] + ofz: Undefined-shift [Caolán McNamara] + ofz: ww2 "ClusterFuzz Unreproducible" reset [Caolán McNamara] + on macOS the "cp" command does not have a "-T" option [Patrick Luby] + on this error dialog there is 'Abort' button, not 'Cancel' (tdf#162921) [Andras Timar] + on Windows exclude cropmarkers.svg from scaling (tdf#153421) [Regina Henschel] + OnCalculate sheet event is fired before, not after recalculation [Eike Rathke] + ONLINE: Add Invert document background color command. [Gülşah Köse] + ONLINE: Fix multi user dark mode link color problem [Gülşah Köse] + ONLINE: Insert slide to specific position [Gülşah Köse] + only allow modifiers for mouse scrollwheel events (tdf#151423) [Patrick Luby] + only apply fix for if there is a palette (tdf#161833, tdf#162062) [Patrick Luby] + only call GetViewBindings once [Mike Kaganski] + only need to get the local time once (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + only set header flags once (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + only set parent style name if necessary [Noel Grandin] + only use -Wv:18 in Visual Studio 2019 [Mike Kaganski] + oox, drawingml: use more bLineShape in Shape::createAndInsert() [Miklos Vajna] + oox: export fill on graphic object (tdf#163803) [Jaume Pujantell] + ooxmlexport: drop isExported (part 1) [Xisco Fauli] + ooxmlexport: drop isExported (part 2) [Xisco Fauli] + operands don't affect result (cid#1618764) [Caolán McNamara] + optimise GetDataEntries a little [Noel Grandin] + optimise ScTable::dumpColumnRowSizes a little [Noel Grandin] + optimize a bit [Mike Kaganski] + optimize a bit: only create std::locale once in parseDudenResponse [Mike Kaganski] + optimize JsonToPropertyValues a bit [Mike Kaganski] + optimize rows height calculation a bit [Mike Kaganski] + optimize SystemWindow layout a bit [Mike Kaganski] + optimize taking powers of 10, and move to the only place it's used [Mike Kaganski] + optimize this a little (ofz#70815) [Caolán McNamara] + optimize TokenMap and AttributeList in oox and xo [Mike Kaganski] + optnewdictionarydialog.ui: Define focusable widgets in order (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + other: Bubbles too near disappear in a Calc chart (tdf#79450) [Kurt Nordback] + output what languages are handled by LanguageTool [Caolán McNamara] + overflowed array index read (cid#1606961) [Caolán McNamara] + overflowed constant (cid#1608561, cid#1607822, cid#1606594, cid#1606767, cid#1606906, cid#1607100, cid#1607161, cid#1607965, cid#1608224, cid#1606699, cid#1607692, cid#1608005, cid#1606943, cid#1607347, cid#1608272, cid#1608387, cid#1608125, cid#1606973, cid#1606613, cid#1607205, cid#1607133, cid#1607883, cid#1618706, cid#1606810, cid#1607680, cid#1606710, cid#1607805, cid#1607362, cid#1606686, cid#1607080, cid#1606633, cid#1606889, cid#1607067, cid#1608418, cid#1606690, cid#1608328, cid#1606656, cid#1607833, cid#1606997, cid#1607257, cid#1606989, cid#1607790, cid#1607175, cid#1607478, cid#1608032, cid#1607376, cid#1608265, cid#1606790, cid#1606697, cid#1607243, cid#1607989, cid#1608244, cid#1606833, cid#1607998, cid#1607087, cid#1606852, cid#1607842, cid#1607751, cid#1607168, cid#1607919, cid#1608165, cid#1608014, cid#1607834, cid#1606705, cid#1608578, cid#1608502, cid#1607652, cid#1606864, cid#1607049, cid#1607622, cid#1606629, cid#1606953, cid#1607691, cid#1607142, cid#1608098, cid#1606758, cid#1607748, cid#1607208, cid#1607687, cid#1607360, cid#1607670, cid#1608062, cid#1607729, cid#1608133, cid#1606791, cid#1606970, cid#1606757, cid#1606631, cid#1606581, cid#1607427, cid#1608476) [Caolán McNamara, Noel Grandin] + overflowed integer argument (cid#1606728, cid#1608226, cid#1607798, cid#1607017, cid#1606637, cid#1607047, cid#1606920, cid#1607430, cid#1607844) [Noel Grandin, Caolán McNamara] + overflowed return value (cid#1608078, cid#1607163, cid#1607224, cid#1607242, cid#1202814, cid#1607586, cid#1607788, cid#1607476, cid#1608341, cid#1607160) [Caolán McNamara, Noel Grandin] + p is already checked against m_pColorConfig.get in outside condition [Caolán McNamara] + PA: Public Attribute (cid#1606653, cid#1607639, cid#1606721, cid#1607081, cid#1608090, cid#1607209, cid#1608386, cid#1607381, cid#1607756, cid#1607206, cid#1607483, cid#1607022, cid#1607131, cid#1607041, cid#1606722, cid#1608542, cid#1606775, cid#1608459, cid#1608290, cid#1606535) [Caolán McNamara] + package : no need to use OUString here. [Arnaud VERSINI] + package : reduce varaible scope and use string_view [Arnaud VERSINI] + package: add test file (tdf#162944) [Michael Stahl] + package: clarify comment [Michael Stahl] + package: fix loading AES-GCM encrypted macros from ODF (tdf#162841) [Michael Stahl] + package: fix recovery of zip entry local header with ... (tdf#163818) [Michael Stahl] + package: m_nMagicalHackSize appears superfluous [Michael Stahl] + package: remove superfluous assert [Michael Stahl] + package: try to detect Zip64 via version (tdf#162944) [Michael Stahl] + package: ZipPackage: add additional check for entries STORED with [Michael Stahl] + page background image follows scrolled view (tdf#161983) [Noel Grandin] + paint pictures completely also with contour wrap (tdf#161233) [Oliver Specht] + PaintSwFrame is always called with a nullptr for pPrintData [Noel Grandin] + parameterize lower case PRODUCTNAME in odk/config/setsdkenv_windows.bat [Stephan Bergmann] + part 2: In optaccessibilitypage.ui, align the Comboboxes. (tdf#161765) [Per99] + partial take back of (tdf#160252, tdf#162692) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + partially Quickfind sidebar: make better use of (tdf#160540) [Jim Raykowski] + partially revert "loplugin:unusedmethods" to fix --enable-cpdb build [Michael Weghorn] + pass by reference for ShouldDownscaleIconsAtSurface [Noel Grandin] + pasting paragraphs with lists changed again (tdf#163340) [Oliver Specht] + pAttr is always dereferenced, use a reference here [Caolán McNamara] + PDF export: avoid the popup rectangle with zero size (tdf#162955) [Tibor Nagy] + PDF export: disable export of form fields as PDF forms by default (tdf#153040) [Miklos Vajna] + pdf: add initial test for PDF 2.0 (check using PDFium) [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: add m_nPDFA_Version to simplify PDF/A versions [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: Don't emit metadata for /Info, allow XMP for PDF >= 1.4 [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: initial PDF 2.0 and PDF/A-4 support [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: move EncHashTransporter into own files [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: move encrypt code into emitEncrypt, add PDFStructureWriter [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: move encryption methods into PDFEncryptor files [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: move some encryption code into PDFEncryptor class [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: move stream/string encryption into PDFEncryptor [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: PDF dialog set the default member var. values in header file [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: remove CHECK_RETURN macro from code [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pdf: wrap more encryption specific code into PDFEncryptor [Tomaž Vajngerl] + pencil template: replace pictures with shapes [Laurent Balland] + perf: improve ScFlatUInt16RowSegments::dumpAsString() [sopy] + piano template: replace pictures with shapes [Laurent Balland] + pic element is required here, after all (tdf#163064) [Mike Kaganski] + pie-of-pie and bar-of-pie chart data labels are misaligned (tdf#161230) [Kurt Nordback] + pluralize command name to reflect its effect beyond the current cell (tdf#162476) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + pMark is the same as *ppMark, so static_cast followed by dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] + pNew is only possible if there is a pRedLine [Caolán McNamara] + png_fp_sub Integer-overflow (ofz#372757014) [Caolán McNamara] + pointer to local outside scope (cid#1609651) [Caolán McNamara] + port CRMDatabase from Java to C++ [Adam Seskunas] + port test from Java to CppUnitTest (tdf#123293) [Xisco Fauli] + port test to CppunitTest_sw_autocorrect (tdf#55693) [Xisco Fauli] + postgresql: fix arm64 build [Xisco Fauli] + postgresql: Upgrade to 14.12 (master only) [Xisco Fauli] + postgresql: Upgrade to 14.13 [Xisco Fauli] + postgresql: upgrade to 14.14 [Xisco Fauli] + postgresql: upgrade to 14.15 [Xisco Fauli] + PPTX Chart with datamodel rendered incorrectly (tdf#153182) [Noel Grandin] + prefer simple HTML format over RTF while pasting clipboard content [Oliver Specht] + prefer the per-ViewShell rendering data for default document bg color [Caolán McNamara] + present drawable immediately (tdf#163945) [Patrick Luby] + preserve settings saving in csv import dialog (tdf#160582) [Gabriel Masei] + pressing enter in read-ony Table of Content (tdf#112932) [Jim Raykowski] + prevent 'Failed to dispatch .uno:None' message [Andras Timar] + prevent accessibility check from locking up the UI [Noel Grandin] + prevent lambda from allocating on heap (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + prevent rtl::Reference -> css::uno::Reference -> rtl::Reference implicit path [Mike Kaganski] + printersetupdialog.ui: Define focusable widgets in order (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + proper feedback needed when resizing a frame... (tdf#159543) [Sahil Gautam] + properly implement cppu::throwException for Emscripten [Stephan Bergmann] + propose clipboard content only for option internet (tdf#162753) [Andreas Heinisch] + propose clipboard content only for options internet and mail (tdf#162753) [Andreas Heinisch] + pull some code out of hot loop [Noel Grandin] + pull today DateTime out of loop [Eike Rathke] + put back the mkdir [Stephan Bergmann] + put the font test before the script test [Caolán McNamara] + PVS V1043 global object variable is declared in header (chart2) (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS V1043 global object variable is declared in header (eeitem.hxx) (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS V1043 global object variable is declared in header (include/) (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS V1043 global object variable is declared in header (sc) (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS V1043 global object variable is declared in header (starmath) (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS V1043 global object variable is declared in header (svddef.hxx) (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS V1043 global object variable is declared in header (sw) (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS V1043 global object variable is declared in header (xdef.hxx) (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS: V614 Uninitialized variable used (tdf#163486) [Bogdan Buzea] + PVS: argument name is the same as one class member (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Array overrun is possible (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS: call GetItemSet() once (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: check can be simplified (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: check GetMenu() (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: check GetView (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: check getViewShellBase (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: check mpViewSh (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: check pDrawView (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: check pTabWinTmp (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: check stream read instead of EOF (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: condition is always true (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: container is empty (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: deprecated function (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: dereferencing of a potential null pointer (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: disable FP Array overrun is possible (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + PVS: duplicated items (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: enum type as bool (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: exception thrown by pointer (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Expression can be simplified (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Expression is always false (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Expression is always true (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: fix assert (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: fix copy&paste error (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Identical blocks (tdf#163486) [Bogdan Buzea] + PVS: Identical branches (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli, Bogdan Buzea] + PVS: identical conditional expressions (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: identical sub-expressions (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Initial and final values of the iterator are the same (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: It's odd that this function always returns one and the same value. (tdf#163486) [Mike Kaganski] + PVS: missing while loop iterator (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: nullptr dereference (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable. (tdf#163486) [Mike Kaganski] + PVS: parameter is always rewritten (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: pointer not released in destructor (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: recurring check (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Redundant code. (tdf#163486) [Bogdan Buzea] + PVS: redundant nullptr check (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: reference may become invalid (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: remove break (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: Remove forgotten else block (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: simplify expression (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: simplify while loop (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: The same value is assigned twice (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: The variable was asign the same value. (tdf#163486) [Bogdan Buzea] + PVS: The variable was assign the same value. (tdf#163486) [Bogdan Buzea] + PVS: Two similar code fragments were found (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: unused nested loop (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V1048 The 'bRet' variable was assigned the same value [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V1048 The 'bTestAllowed' variable was assigned the same value. [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V1048 The 'nConcurrency' variable was assigned the same value. [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V547 Expression '!aHandlePropVec.empty()' is always true. [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V547 Expression '!aPropertyStates.empty()' is always true. [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V547 Expression 'aUnoArgs.empty()' is always false [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V547 Expression 'bComplete' is always true. [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V547 Expression 'bNoDictionaryAvailable' is always false [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V560 A part of conditional expression is always true [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: variable is assigned but not used (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: variable is assigned values twice successively (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: variable is used after being declared (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: variable is used after it was moved (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + PVS: variable was assigned the same value (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + python3: Add lib/importlib/readers.py (tdf#162798) [Xisco Fauli] + python3: easy_install no longer exists on macosx [Xisco Fauli] + python3: fix macosx installer [Xisco Fauli] + python3: silence distutils deprecated warning [Xisco Fauli] + python3: silence distutils deprecated warning (take 2) [Xisco Fauli] + python: upgrade to 3.10.14 (master only) [Xisco Fauli] + python: upgrade to 3.10.15 [Xisco Fauli] + python: use is None/is not None instead of == None/!= None [Julien Nabet] + PyUNO bridgetest: adapt to alias removals in unittest module and [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + pyuno,unotest,xmlsecurity: copy GPG test files for UITtest [Michael Stahl] + pyuno: fix deprecated warnings [Xisco Fauli] + pyuno: re-enable pytest_ssl on mac [Xisco Fauli] + qa: use SetODFDefaultVersion everywhere [Xisco Fauli] + qt a11y weld: Apply ATK/a11y properties (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y weld: Convert accelerator for labels (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y weld: Handle "accepts-tab" text view property (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y weld: Set "buddy" (mnemonic widget) (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y weld: Set GtkBuilder ID as widget's accessible ID (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y: Defer QWindow creation until frame gets shown [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y: Destroy QWindow when popup gets hidden [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y: Don't report "Unknown" for unsupported props (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y: Don't report window role for non-top-level (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y: Map BLOCK_QUOTE role to new Qt equivalent [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y: Map TEXT_FRAME role to QAccessible::Pane (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + qt a11y: Report accessible ID (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + qt opengl: Drop superfluous check [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld a11y: Implement getting/setting a11y name/desc (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Actually set link button URI as URI (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add a QtInstanceFrame (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add a QtInstanceLevelBar (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add a QtInstanceLinkButton (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add a QtInstanceProgressBar (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add a QtInstanceTextView (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add basic handling for "GtkScrolledWindow" (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add child layouts to grid (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add extra QWidget parents for layouts (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add initial combobox handling (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add initial QtInstanceLabel implementation (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add initial SpinButton support (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add initial support for dialog and label (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add layout/widget for extra msg dialog controls (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add new layout to parent layout (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add QtInstanceBuilder skeleton (tdf#130857) [OmkarAcharekar] + qt weld: Add QtInstanceCheckButton (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add QtInstanceDrawingArea basics (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add QtInstanceEntry (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add QtInstanceImage skeleton (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add QtInstanceNotebook skeleton (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add QtInstanceRadioButton (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Add QtInstanceTreeView skeleton (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Allow null func for async dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Always set non-empty link target (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Assert in more unimplemented methods (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Assert in unimplemented methods (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Assert in unimplemented QtInstanceContainer methods (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Avoid unnecessary OUString copy (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Call handlers when tab page changes (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Close dialog on button click (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Convert GTK to Qt accelerator/mnemonic (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Create QGridLayout for "GtkGrid" (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Create QGroupBox for "GtkFrame" (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "About LO" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "Enter Safe Mode" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "Export as EPUB" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "License Information" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "New Dictionary" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "Printer Settings" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "Security Options" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "Switch to override" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "Tip of the Day" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for "Word count" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for Calc "Select Source" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for chart "Insert Axes" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for Math "Alignment" dlg (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for password dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for print progress dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Declare support for sw "Rename Object" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Do GUI things in main thread (tdf#162696) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Don't expect packing props on implicit grid (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Don't set negative min width/height (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Drop accidently added empty files (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Ensure dialog button box is last in layout (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Evaluate + set grid item row/col span (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Evaluate grid positions (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Extract setting label props (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Fix condition for not implemented combobox case (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Handle combobox entries from .ui file (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Handle entry for editable comboboxes (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Handle help ID (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Hold SolarMutex in QtInstanceButton::buttonClicked (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Ignore placeholders (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement combobox entry sorting (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement combobox text selection (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement focus-related methods (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement ID handling for combobox entries (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement newly added 'escape_ui_str' (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtBuilder + use it for first msg dialog (tdf#130857) [OmkarAcharekar] + qt weld: Implement QtBuilder::set_response (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceBuilder::weld_button (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceBuilder::weld_container (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceBuilder::weld_widget (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceButton::set_from_icon_name (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceComboBox::insert_separator (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceComboBox::insert_vector (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceComboBox::set_entry_completion (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceComboBox::{g,s}et_active_id (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceContainer::move (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceDialog::response (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceEntry::set_message_type (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceImage::set_from_icon_name (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceImage::set_image (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceNotebook logic (tdf#142608, tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::get_approximate_digit_width (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::get_clipboard (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::get_preferred_size (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::has_child_focus (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::is_active (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::weld_parent (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::{g,s}et_sensitive (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::{g,s}et_size_request (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::{get,is}_visible (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWidget::{show,hide} (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWindow::get_resizable (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWindow::has_toplevel_focus (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement QtInstanceWindow::present (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement simple drawing in QtInstanceDrawingArea (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Implement {s,g}et_tooltip_text (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Leave dialog response codes unchanged (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Let QtInstancDialog subclass QObject (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Make link buttons focusable + handle activation (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Make opt-in for now (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Move button clicked logic to QtInstanceDialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Move button response prop to QtInstanceDialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Move logic to find native Qt parent to helper (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Move runAsync logic to QtInstanceDialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Notify about weld::Entry text/cursor changes (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Pass parent to QtInstanceBuilder (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Prefer custom handler for dialog buttons (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Return actual msg dialog ret code (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: SAL_WARN and assert on unsupported widget type (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Set actual positions for layouts inside grid (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Set button image set in .ui file (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Set dialog title and modality (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Set visibility based on "visible" prop (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Set widget layout and add to parent layout (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Set widget tooltip defined in .ui file (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Show help when help button clicked (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Signal container focus on window (de)activation (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Signal when current combobox item changes (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Signal when radio button gets toggled (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Simplify QtBuilder::applyGridPackingProperties (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Support "Footnote/Endnote Settings" dlg (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Support "GtkSeparator" (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Support "LibreOffice Help Not Installed" dlg (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Support Calc "Insert Cells" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Support hiding plain text in entry (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Support sw "Table" -> "Insert" -> "Rows" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Take SolarMutex in QtInstanceLinkButton::linkActivated (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Use "p" prefix for pointer param name (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Use native "Save Document?" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Use native widgets for "Rename Sheet" dialog etc. (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Use native widgets for "Restart LO" dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt weld: Use QDialog* as param for findButtonBox (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt/kf: Drop obsolete -DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Add "Sign with default certificate" to QtFilePicker [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Add SolarMutexGuard in QtInstance::CreateFrame etc. [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Drop X11 condition for session/screensaver inhibition [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Have just a single toQString(const OUString&) [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Just ignore request to set frame to invalid screen number [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Let GetQtInstance return ref instead of pointer [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Make screenNumber() a QtFrame method [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Move logic for move event handling to QtFrame (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Move logic for QPaintEvent handling to QtFrame (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Move logic for resize event handling to QtFrame (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Move pixmap helper to new include/vcl/qt/QtUtils.hxx (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Move resolution calc to static helper method [Michael Weghorn] + qt: No longer use SalFrame::maGeometry in QtFrame at all [Michael Weghorn] + qt: QtFilePicker: Use modern connect syntax, port from deprecated signal [Michael Weghorn] + qt: QtFrame: Use getters instead of SalFrame::maGeometry (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Query screen on demand in QtFrame [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Rely on toolkit for frame positions, drop menubar hack (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Remove "5" from render backend name [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Run whole QtFrame::Show in main thread [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Update vim headers/trailers [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Use modern connect syntax in QTimer [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Use modern connect syntax in QtInstance [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Use more qobject_cast instead of dynamic_cast [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Use nullptr instead of Q_NULLPTR [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Use QList::at instead of operator[] [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Use QList::indexOf instead of reimplementing logic [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Use qobject_cast in QtFilePicker [Michael Weghorn] + qt: Use qobject_cast to cast to QtMimeData [Michael Weghorn] + quickfind sidebar enhancements (tdf#160543) [Jim Raykowski] + range based for loop cannot be used in SfxBroadcaster.cxx (tdf#145538) [Adesola Samuel] + raptor: Use --without-www [Xisco Fauli] + re-calculate the available space before calling lcl_RecalcSplitLine [Mike Kaganski] + re-organise the skia makefile [Noel Grandin] + read ase palette with Lab colormodel (tdf#135561) [Julien Nabet] + read count doesn't need to be a class member [Caolán McNamara] + read of uninitialized bool [Stephan Bergmann] + README.md: add Python baseline [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + README: mention PVS-Studio [Xisco Fauli] + reapply "Prevent cursor invalidation if the cursor position doesn't change." [Gülşah Köse] + reason_pdf no longer exists [Caolán McNamara] + record external/zxing patch as sent upstream [Stephan Bergmann] + reduce allocations in ZipFile (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + reduce boilerplate code for type-specific ItemInstanceManagers [Noel Grandin] + reduce code duplication in SwpHints [Noel Grandin] + reduce console noise [Mike Kaganski] + reduce cost of dynamic casting in SdrMarkView::CheckSingleSdrObjectHit [Noel Grandin] + reduce dynamic_cast and SolarMutex overhead in sw UNO layer [Noel Grandin] + reduce indentation [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + reduce number of GetItem calls [Noel Grandin] + reduce number of PropertySetInfo objects (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + reduce number of SvxTextEditSourceImpl listeners on SdrModel [Noel Grandin] + reduce number of SvxUnoShape listeners on SdrModel [Noel Grandin] + reduce OUString ref-counting in writerfilter [Noel Grandin] + reduce re-alloc in ImpEditEngine::GetSelected (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + reduce size of sample file (tdf#149865) [Xisco Fauli] + reduce some rtl_uString_acquire/rtl_uString_release pairs [Caolán McNamara] + reduce time spent in RecalcPageNums when importing PDF [Noel Grandin] + reduce time spent iterating styles (tdf#100894) [Noel Grandin] + reduce use of dynamic_cast in marks [Noel Grandin] + ref: Refine conditionaleasydialog.ui (TDF#157930) [Olivier Hallot] + refactor basic methods representing constants [Mike Kaganski] + refactor Calc->getPartInfo & use JsonWriter. (cool#7406) [Gökay Şatır] + refactor Converter to separate parsing from unit conversion (tdf#36709) [Jonathan Clark] + refactor focus handling in `LevelHdl` and `SwTokenWindow` [Darshan-upadhyay1110] + refactor for clarity [Mike Kaganski] + refactor ImpCurrencyToString for simplicity [Mike Kaganski] + refactor impl_packLocalizedProperties [Mike Kaganski] + refactor ODBC functions code for clarity [Mike Kaganski] + refactor SbxValue::Format [Mike Kaganski] + refactor SwView::InsertGraphicDlg for clarity [Mike Kaganski] + refactor VclBuilder: Extract template base class (tdf#130857) [OmkarAcharekar] + refactor VclBuilder::handlePacking/applyPackingProperties (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + regain the SvxCharacterMap "pre-run" logic in async mode [Caolán McNamara] + RegisterAnswer is never passed null [Caolán McNamara] + regression tests for non-breaking ZWJ (tdf#114160) [Jonathan Clark] + reimplement GetSystemDateTime using std::chrono [Mike Kaganski] + reindent mailmerge.py to use 4 spaces instead of tabs [Julien Nabet] + reinstate margin paddings on default Comment Style [Kira Tubo] + reintroduce OUString::replaceAt taking an OUString to LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY [Mike Kaganski] + related: Ability to Delete all images in Writer (tdf#156926) [Jim Raykowski] + related: Fix change manager dialog context popup menu (tdf#161811) [Jim Raykowski] + related: fix tooltip-text translatable context assignments (tdf#160817) [Jim Raykowski] + related: Make tools::PolyPolygon iterable (tdf#145538) [Yuki Joou] + related: remove unnecessary comments (tdf#158803) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + remaining GCC -Wcast-function-type issues [Stephan Bergmann] + remove archaic xmerge [Caolán McNamara] + remove bExitWasCalled-handling from confgimgr::Components dtor [Stephan Bergmann] + remove call to getCatalogSeparator where return is ignored [Caolán McNamara] + remove character formats and styles on style apply (tdf#162326) [Oliver Specht] + remove commented out code [Noel Grandin] + remove commented out includes [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + remove dead code [Noel Grandin] + remove dead comment [Noel Grandin] + remove duplicate vnd.stardivision.writer-global MimeType [Chris Mayo] + remove duplicated include [Bogdan Buzea, Andrea Gelmini] + remove duplicated includes [Andrea Gelmini] + remove exec bits on docx file [Andrea Gelmini] + remove exec bits on pdf file [Andrea Gelmini] + remove exec bits on rtf file [Andrea Gelmini] + remove hashCode from SvxBorderLine [Noel Grandin] + remove leftover work-in-progress line [Stephan Bergmann] + remove now unneeded osl/diagnose.h [Gabor Kelemen] + remove now useless include in package [Arnaud VERSINI] + remove obsolete rtfexport testFdo44174 (tdf#158977) [Justin Luth] + remove one layout operation (i) (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + remove one layout operations (ii) (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + remove one layout operations (iii) (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + remove one layout operations (iv) (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + remove one layout operations (v) (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + remove OSubComponent from OConnection [Noel Grandin] + remove OSubComponent from OStatementBase [Noel Grandin] + remove OSubComponent from RowSet [Noel Grandin] + remove OutDevSupportType::TransparentRect [Noel Grandin] + remove RecalcObjOrdNums in DoTextBoxZOrderCorrection [Noel Grandin] + remove redundant attributes from configuration schema XML files (tdf#148161) [Bogdan Buzea] + remove redundant Open and Save buttons in notebookbar (tdf#157230) [Kira Tubo] + remove Restore Defaut from sidebar custom menu (tdf#105131) [Olivier Hallot] + remove some dead code [Noel Grandin] + remove some dead code in DrawDeviceBitmapEx [Noel Grandin] + remove unnecessary null checks [Noel Grandin] + remove unused BColorModifierStack from VclProcessor constructor [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + remove unused define(s) from C/C++ files (tdf#152299) [Bogdan Buzea] + remove unused import from uitest (tdf#132293) [Ashok] + remove useless semicolon [Andrea Gelmini] + remove wasm-qt-mandelbrot demo [Stephan Bergmann] + removed duplicated includes [Andrea Gelmini] + removed exec bits on rtf file [Andrea Gelmini] + rename "Pen Width" to "Pen Thickness" (tdf#161914) [Bogdan Buzea] + rename fQuadDist to pointDistance (tdf#147906) [HakimOttey] + rename some ConversionHelper functions [Mike Kaganski] + rename wasmcallgen -> wasmbridgegen [Stephan Bergmann] + render master and slide content separately (drawinglayer render) [Miklos Vajna] + render objects that are in an animation as a separate layer [Tomaž Vajngerl] + render slide layers with VCL / drawinglayer primitives [Tomaž Vajngerl] + reorder to avoid useless assignments immediately reassigned [Mike Kaganski] + repair certdialog columns with VCLPLUGIN != gtk3 (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + replace 'Show All' and 'Hide All' in the Comments category (tdf#147864) [Sujatro Bhadra] + replace HTML template and idxexample (tdf#161173) [Laurent Balland] + replace IllegalTypeException with RuntimeException (tdf#42982) [HakimOttey] + replace include guards with #pragma once in header files (tdf#143148) [ZOK] + replace list on paste (tdf#163340) [Oliver Specht] + replace reserve with resize (ofz#71490) [Caolán McNamara] + replace sal_uLong with tools::Long (tdf#114441) [HakimOttey] + replace unnecessary #include with forward declaration [Patrick Luby] + report the reason why a frame couldn't grow (tdf#162614) [Mike Kaganski] + reportdesign: Use NC_ to create a TranslateId [Michael Weghorn] + ReqIF: avoid 'type' attribute in 'ul' elements [Mike Kaganski] + request extra height for field value entry (tdf#160621) [Oliver Specht] + request GPG keys exclusively for chooseCertificatesImpl (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + require kashida after Seen, even before a final Yeh (tdf#163105) [Jonathan Clark] + RES_CHRATR_HIGHLIGHT does not need surrogate support [Noel Grandin] + RES_PAGEDESC does not need to be a surrogate pool item anymore [Noel Grandin] + resave with latest glade [Caolán McNamara] + resave with newer Glade version [Jim Raykowski, Bogdan Buzea, Moritz Duge] + reset default cell padding in RTF (tdf#162198) [Oliver Specht] + reset m_bEnd after use to quit lcl_workerfunc [Caolán McNamara] + resize SVG pin icons to 24x24 and clean them up (tdf#163086) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + resolves tdf148513 - Illustration for line break options [Heiko Tietze] + resource leak (cid#1633319, cid#1616506) [Caolán McNamara] + restore an accidentally dropped line in the Skia patch [Mike Kaganski] + restore disable ooxmlimport unit test (tdf#158977) [Justin Luth] + restore disabled rtfexport2 testFdo44176 (tdf#158977) [Justin Luth] + restore some missing kashida opportunities (tdf#163105) [Jonathan Clark] + restore WakeUpThread::joinThread [Caolán McNamara] + resume Writer template (tdf#108034) [Laurent Balland] + return 'const Value*' from Sprm::getValue (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + return SwDrawFrameFormat from SwContact::GetFrameFormat [Noel Grandin] + return SwTableBoxFormat from SwTableBox::ClaimFrameFormat [Noel Grandin] + return SwTableBoxFormat from SwTableBox::GetFrameFormat [Noel Grandin] + return SwTableLineFormat from SwTableLine::GetFrameFormat [Noel Grandin] + REVERSE_INULL in condformatdlgentry (cid#1620560) [Julien Nabet] + revert "add an autotext 'common' directory like templates/common" [Caolán McNamara] + revert "boost::unordered_map to std::unordered_map in configmgr::Partial" [Stephan Bergmann] + revert "do not show OpenType features if the font has "morx" table" (tdf#163213) [Julien Nabet] + revert "doc import layoutInCell: vert page->margin, *->top" (tdf#91632) [Justin Luth] + revert "don't expand combobox when grid expands" (tdf#162015) [Heiko Tietze] + revert "Fall back to old bootstrap.ini [Win32] section, for backwards compatibility" [Stephan Bergmann] + revert "fix and simplify the ItemInstanceManager mechanism" [Noel Grandin] + revert "Import - add zero width space after line break" (tdf#162268) [Oliver Specht] + revert "improve perf of lcl_GetUniqueFlyName" [Noel Grandin] + revert "libxml2: upgrade to 2.13.1" [Xisco Fauli] + revert "LOK: Introduce LOK_CALLBACK_STATUS_UPDATE" [Mike Kaganski] + revert "Make Delete Rows/Columns labels more descriptive" (tdf#136003) [Sahil Gautam] + revert "mso import NOT-layoutInCell: effectively are wrap-through" (tdf#162612) [Justin Luth] + revert "Overflowed constant" (cid#1607805) [Noel Grandin] + revert "present drawable immediately" (tdf#163945) [Patrick Luby] + revert "PVS: Array overrun is possible" (tdf#163486) [Julien Nabet] + revert "Replace the static ">="... (tdf#162938, tdf#61313) [Xisco Fauli] + revert "select first entry in dropdown by default" [Heiko Tietze] + revert "Use vertical tabs in 'Format cells' dialog" (tdf#162552, tdf#99528) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + revert "Use vertical tabs in list style dialog" (tdf#99528, tdf#161351) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + revert "vml import: add AS_CHAR images... (tdf#100037, tdf#162926) [Justin Luth] + revert "vml import: set fly-anchored AS_CHARs... (tdf#100037, tdf#162926) [Justin Luth] + revert "Workaround a non-antialiased output on one of Windows buildbots" [Mike Kaganski] + revert "writerfilter: shape vertRelation is FRAME (tdf#162211, tdf#160077) [Justin Luth] + revert commit 2fe53b2e436cb236b2dc121ceec4f22de49a13a8 [Patrick Luby] + revert commit f4c2c7c79cfe4464ac596afda37b8904d06969db (tdf#163734) [Patrick Luby] + rework and improve uitest (tdf#125051) [Xisco Fauli] + rhino: upgrade to 1.7.15 [Taichi Haradaguchi] + rRedlTable is rDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineTable() [Caolán McNamara] + RTF: Pasting/loading hyperlink imports font color and underline (tdf#163967) [Oliver Specht] + rtfexport: drop isExported [Xisco Fauli] + run msguniq .. | msgfmt in a subshell to help out wsl1 [Christian Lohmaier] + SalFrame: Replace direct uses of maGeometry member (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + SalGraphics does not need virtual freeResources() [Noel Grandin] + SalLayout::InitFont doesn't do anything [Caolán McNamara] + sanitize width in SwTextFormatter::FeedInf (tdf#162746) [Mike Kaganski] + SbClassModuleObject never take a non-null arg [Caolán McNamara] + sc a11y: Send focused event when switching sheets (tdf#161444) [Michael Weghorn] + sc a11y: Set a11y name for border style button in sidebar (tdf#161648) [Michael Weghorn] + sc add "Summary below data" option for Subtotal dialog (tdf#162262) [Balazs Varga] + sc comments loaded incorrectly in xlsx (tdf#157851) [Pranam Lashkari] + sc improve sheet protection (tdf#160404, tdf#160535, tdf#160536) [Balazs Varga] + sc: Add simple unittest for ScriptForge [Xisco Fauli] + sc: Add UItest (tdf#161462, tdf#163275, tdf#118226) [Xisco Fauli] + sc: added date condition option in conditional format manage dialog (tdf#162475) [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: autofill: send to-be-deleted cell addresses [Bayram Çiçek] + sc: change how .uno:FreezePanesColumn/Row get the index [Jaume Pujantell] + sc: display all the conditions of same ranges in conditional format manager (tdf#162475) [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: enable keyboard shortcut for CharColor and CharBackColor (tdf#34804) [Justin Luth] + sc: fix crash in ScModelObj::initializeForTiledRendering() [Aron Budea] + sc: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + sc: Fix repeat char format code inaccuracy (tdf#160786) [Jonathan Clark] + sc: fix revert conflict [Xisco Fauli] + sc: fixed crashing on conditional format entry selection [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: fixed incorrect conditional format list usage [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: give warning about condition input in easy condition dialog [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: LOK: automatic text color was based on doc color instead background [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: maintain calc function list per language [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: make SelectRange dialog async [Rashesh] + sc: make sure autofilter color area is caluculated [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: manage conditional format with simpler dialog (tdf#162475) [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: now conditions can be edited from easy conditional format dialog (tdf#162475) [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: now formula conditions can be managed from condition format manager [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: prefill easy condition dialog with editing condition data [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: prefix members of ScEnginePoolHelper [Xisco Fauli] + sc: preview style in easy format dialog (tdf#162475) [Pranam Lashkari] + sc: Resave checkwarningdialog.ui with glade 3.40 [Michael Weghorn] + sc: simplify boolean checks by removing redundant comparisons [codewithvk] + sc: use SAL_RET_MAYBENULL() in GetViewBindings [Xisco Fauli] + sc_scriptforge_test: Add unittest (tdf#163219) [Xisco Fauli] + sc_subsequent_export_test4: Add unittest (tdf#163554) [Xisco Fauli] + sc_subsequent_filters_test4: Add unittest (tdf#162093) [Xisco Fauli] + sc_ucalc: Add similar test for columns (tdf#153437) [Xisco Fauli] + sc_uicalc: Add unittest (tdf#162087) [Xisco Fauli] + schema: update to ODF 1.4 OS [Xisco Fauli] + scp2 template generation: don't duplicate make's job in the script [Christian Lohmaier] + scp2: simplifiy language snippet creation rules [Christian Lohmaier] + ScQueryEvaluator::compareByString now never has non-null pValueSource2 [Caolán McNamara] + ScriptForge (Database) DMin, DMax return strings or dates [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge (Dictionary) support case-sensitive keys [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge (scriptforge.py) fine tune getattr/setattr() [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge (SF_Array) Sort an empty array [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge (SF_Calc) Typos [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge (SF_Utils._Valudate) Improve robustness [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge (SF_Writer) TextRange implementation [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge (SFDialogs) Closure of non-modal dialogs [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge (SFWidgets) new ContextMenu service [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge - Optimize process synchro between Python & Basic [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge - Upgrade to version 25.2 [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge Fix With blocks (tdf#163219) [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge New IsAlive property [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge Revisit error handling in user scripts [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + ScriptForge session.ExecuteCalcFunction error handling [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scriptforge.py - clarify pipe mode [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scriptforge.py - improve debugging mode [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scriptforge.py - Platform & TextStream [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scriptforge.py Color args in exception.PythonShell() [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scriptforge.py Connect via pipe [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scriptforge.py Improve properties performance [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scriptforge.pyi - Fix typo [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scriptforge.pyi - Typo [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + scripting: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + ScTable::SetOptimalHeight: optimize if all rows ManualSize (tdf#163872) [Justin Luth] + sd ooxml import: fix shape size if spAutofit is set (tdf#156857) [Balazs Varga] + sd: add CppunitTest_sd_lokit_search [Xisco Fauli] + sd: enable keyboard shortcut for CharColor and CharBackColor (tdf#34804) [Justin Luth] + sd: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + sd: function to return a presentation info in a JSON document [Marco Cecchetti] + sd: Hide the document opening process when opening linked (tdf#76981) [Tibor Nagy] + sd: lokit: add notes to presentation info [Henry Castro] + sd: not modified when leaving an empty placeholder (tdf#121741) [Justin Luth] + sd: not TopViewShell if mbFormShellAboveParent (tdf#95852) [Justin Luth] + sd: opening linked presentation in slideshow mode (tdf#76981) [Tibor Nagy] + sd: opening linked presentation in slideshow mode (part2) (tdf#76981) [Tibor Nagy] + sd: slideshow render interface and implementation [Marco Cecchetti] + sd: Switch DBG_ASSERT to assert [Michael Weghorn] + sd: Text box expands or shrinks on left or right or (tdf#162571) [Balazs Varga] + sd_annotation_tests: Add unittest (tdf#161899) [Xisco Fauli] + sdext replace OUStringLiteral with new OUString literal [Arnaud VERSINI] + sdext,pdfimport: Clip fills (tdf#86211, tdf#108813, tdf#101611) [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] + sdext,pdfimport: clipToStrokePath: Set line join (tdf#148526) [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] + sdext,pdfimport: Expand path to contour (tdf#148526) [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] + sdext,pdfimport: Parse clipToStrokePath (tdf#148526) [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] + sdext,pdfimport: rendering::PathJoinType to B2DLineJoin (tdf#148526) [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] + sdext,pdfimport: Write clipToStrokePath (tdf#148526) [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] + sdext.pdfimport: Fix tilingPatternFill crash (tdf#162887) [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] + SDPRCairo: Add support for InvertPrimitive2D [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + SDPRCairo: enhance CairoPixelProcessor2D [Armin Le Grand (Collabora)] + SdrGrafCropItem needs its own SfxItemType [Noel Grandin] + search for outline node only if index is for the current chapter (tdf#153636) [Andreas Heinisch] + securityoptionsdialog.ui Define grid children in order (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + select first entry in dropdown by default [Caolán McNamara] + self assignment (cid#1618664) [Caolán McNamara] + send statechange info after .uno:TableCellBackgroundColor [Darshan-upadhyay1110] + SequenceAsHashMap::contains can be const [Mike Kaganski] + set fill style to solid on fill color selection (tdf#163805) [Pranam Lashkari] + set master slide name at creation time [Noel Grandin] + set stylesheet parent at creation time [Noel Grandin] + setParentStorage is always called with an empty reference [Caolán McNamara] + sfx2 store: refuse to overwrite read-only files (tdf#161876) [Miklos Vajna] + sfx2, solenv, sw: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + sfx2/qa: remove unused code [Xisco Fauli] + sfx2: Drop duplicate MACOSX check [Michael Weghorn] + sfx2: fix crash in SfxObjectShell::IsHelpDocument() [Miklos Vajna] + sfx2: move DocumentProperties from Java to CppUnittest [Xisco Fauli] + sfx2: move rdf java test to CppUnittest [Xisco Fauli] + sfx2: port checkRDFa from Java to CppUnittest [Xisco Fauli] + sfx2: SfxRedactionHelper: actually use font for layout (tdf#161775) [Michael Stahl] + sfx2: Synchronously set control state in file picker on all platforms [Michael Weghorn] + sfx2: unused returns [Xisco Fauli] + SfxScriptOrganizerItem should not subclass SfxStringItem [Noel Grandin] + SfxStyleSheetBase::GetHelpId return sal_uInt32 [Caolán McNamara] + SHGFI_EXETYPE doesn't need SHFILEINFOW [Mike Kaganski] + show Alt_Shift_P as shortcut key for Page Style (tdf#151941) [Aditya Sahu] + show correct PopUp when SlideShow running (tdf#163124) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + show key type in CertificateViewer. (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + show NSS cert DB path (MOZ profile) in password dialog (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + show where the certs in the CertificateChooser are from (tdf#161909) [Moritz Duge] + sidebar: move apply to all slides above repeat settings [Szymon Kłos] + silence -Werror,-Wdeprecated-declarations (macOS 15.0) [Stephan Bergmann] + silence Arguments in wrong order (cid#1619417, cid#1616198) [Caolán McNamara] + silence bogus Copy-paste error (cid#1607572) [Caolán McNamara] + silence bogus Overflowed integer argument (cid#1607249, cid#1606900) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Check of thread-shared field evades lock acquisition (cid#1554972) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Copy-paste error (cid#1607240) [Caolán McNamara] + silence COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE (cid#1558041) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Data race condition (cid#1606874, cid#1607341, cid#1608064) [Caolán McNamara] + silence deliberate documented Infinite loop (cid#1608417) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference null return value (cid#1603626, cid#1603616) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Different smart pointers managing same raw pointer (cid#1555404) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Improper use of negative value (cid#1610241) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Overflowed array index read (cid#1606751, cid#1608509, cid#1606961, cid#1608100, cid#1606844) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Overflowed array index write (cid#1608081, cid#1607947, cid#1606819) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Overflowed constant (cid#1607658, cid#1607710, cid#1606639, cid#1607456, cid#1607037, cid#1606736, cid#1608598, cid#1607412, cid#1607383, cid#1607992, cid#1607193, cid#1608157, cid#1606837, cid#1606697, cid#1608288, cid#1606823, cid#1615230, cid#1606904, cid#1608421, cid#1607751, cid#1608393, cid#1607898, cid#1606927, cid#1608267, cid#1607226, cid#1608060, cid#1607672, cid#1607414, cid#1607096, cid#1607928, cid#1608491, cid#1608044, cid#1607727, cid#1607217, cid#1607838, cid#1608231, cid#1608184, cid#1607580, cid#1607126, cid#1608177, cid#1608255, cid#1606594, cid#1607024, cid#1607290, cid#1606552, cid#1607858, cid#1608322, cid#1608289, cid#1606699, cid#1607355, cid#1607403, cid#1607238, cid#1607713, cid#1606973, cid#1607343, cid#1607535, cid#1607347, cid#1607446, cid#1607525, cid#1608301, cid#1607865, cid#1607909, cid#1607551, cid#1608219, cid#1607845, cid#1606821) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Overflowed integer argument (cid#1606987, cid#1608204, cid#1606650, cid#1608408, cid#1608572, cid#1608021, cid#1607312, cid#1607564, cid#1608296, cid#1606638, cid#1607270, cid#1607396, cid#1607774, cid#1607042, cid#1607030, cid#1607035, cid#1606687, cid#1615990) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Overflowed return value (cid#1606752, cid#1608274, cid#1608218, cid#1607908, cid#1607638, cid#1607013, tools#1608074, cid#1607313, cid#1608576, cid#1607569, cid#1608367, cid#1607974) [Caolán McNamara] + silence some bogus -Werror=array-bounds etc. also with GCC 14 and -std=c++20 [Julien Nabet] + silence Uncaught exception (cid#1607641) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1607108) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Unchecked return value (cid#1633173, cid#1608405, cid#1608601, cid#1633189, cid#1608145) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Unintended sign extension (cid#1609596) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Untrusted loop bound (cid#1608295) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Use of auto that causes a copy (cid#1555513, cid#1554774) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Using invalid iterator (cid#1620559, cid#1603615, cid#1545549, cid#1555445, cid#1545304, cid#1609597) [Caolán McNamara] + simplify [Noel Grandin] + simplify a bit [Mike Kaganski] + simplify a bit using newer registry API [Mike Kaganski] + simplify a use of convertTwipToMm100 a bit [Mike Kaganski] + simplify and flatten a bit [Mike Kaganski] + simplify bookmark name calculation [Noel Grandin] + simplify BSTR construction from OUString a bit [Mike Kaganski] + simplify checking for "running under unit/ui test" [Noel Grandin] + simplify comparison for basegfx::fTools (tdf#160084) [Sohrab Kazak, Bogdan Buzea] + simplify comphelper::query_aggregation [Mike Kaganski] + simplify default ImpScan usage [Mike Kaganski] + simplify error handling in CSysShExec::execute [Mike Kaganski] + simplify even more [Mike Kaganski] + simplify GDIMetaFile::ReplaceAction [Noel Grandin] + simplify GetObjectRectangles function with JSonWriter. [Gökay Şatır] + simplify IMark hierarchy (1) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (10) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (11) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (2) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (3) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (4) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (5) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (6) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (7) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (8) [Noel Grandin] + simplify IMark hierarchy (9) [Noel Grandin] + simplify initialization of font name vector in vcldemo [Ashok] + simplify logic in DoTextBoxZOrderCorrection [Noel Grandin] + simplify m_xNumFormatAgg use [Mike Kaganski] + simplify makeAnnotationBookmark [Noel Grandin] + simplify SalGraphicsImpl::Init [Noel Grandin] + simplify solar.h a bit [Mike Kaganski] + simplify some uses of convertTwipToMm100 [Mike Kaganski] + simplify StylePool API (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + simplify SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::RepaintSelectedEntries (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + simplify SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetCursor_Impl (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + simplify SvxShapeCollection::dispose [Noel Grandin] + simplify the "mode" argument of SwTextFrame::AdjustFollow_ [Mike Kaganski] + simplify tools::Time code [Mike Kaganski] + simplify use of close_dialog_through_button: allow button by name [Mike Kaganski] + simplify use of connectivity::OConnectionWrapper [Mike Kaganski] + simplify using WeakImplHelper / ImplInheritanceHelper [Mike Kaganski] + simplify using WeakImplHelper and OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperVar4 [Mike Kaganski] + simplify WrapPolygon [Mike Kaganski] + simplify X11SalGraphics::DeInit [Noel Grandin] + skip adding a tooltip to internal links in all cases (tdf#163383) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + slideshow: add flag to skip animation rendering [Tomaž Vajngerl] + slideshow: add removeAllShapes to the LayerManager [Marco Cecchetti] + slideshow: add transitionDuration and highResDuration properties for impress [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + slideshow: change transition drawing view to icon view [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + slideshow: enable comb transition [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + slideshow: enable mics shape transition [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + slideshow: Enable venetian transition for impress [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + slideshow: improve grammar for repeat slideshow in sidebar [Javiya Vivekkumar Dineshbhai] + slow rendering of filled polygon (tdf#160345) [Noel Grandin] + sluggish scrolling after saving and changing text color (tdf#161562) [Noel Grandin] + solenv/bin/uiex: more helpful error message for context issues [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + solenv: gdb: adapt ItemSetPrinter to unordered_map [Michael Stahl] + some missing "block untrusted referer links" for form controls [Stephan Bergmann] + some missing readme PRODUCTNAME parametrization [Stephan Bergmann] + some PRODUCTNAME parametrization in SDK .html files [Stephan Bergmann] + sort comments by time or position [Mohit Marathe] + spec how many / which values are in remainder of-Pie chart (tdf#161090) [Kurt Nordback] + special-case applying autoformat to whole rows (tdf#124341) [Mike Kaganski] + speed up complex doc with lots of footers/headers [Noel Grandin] + speed up DefaultItemInstanceManager [Noel Grandin] + speed up getInnerFieldmarkFor some more with bisectional and reverse search [Bjoern Michaelsen] + speed up menu construction at app startup [Noel Grandin] + speed up O(n^2) loop in UpdateFieldContents [Noel Grandin] + speed up spreadsheet with lots of cond formatting (tdf#163667) [Noel Grandin] + speed up spreadsheet with lots of cond formatting (II) (tdf#163667) [Noel Grandin] + speed up style tree creation (tdf#100894) [Noel Grandin] + speed up XLS load (tdf#161210) [Noel Grandin] + speed xls load (tdf#161210) [Noel Grandin] + speed xls->ods convert part 1 (tdf#152104) [Noel Grandin] + speed xls->ods convert part 2 (tdf#152104) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline (11) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline (12) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline (5) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline (6) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline (7) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline (8) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline (9) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline(13) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline(14) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline(15) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline(16) (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup doc with lots of redline(4) II (tdf#144208) [Noel Grandin] + speedup lcl_FillAnnotationStartArray [Noel Grandin] + speedup lcl_storeAnnotationMarks [Noel Grandin] + speedup ODS with large merged range (tdf#161986) [Noel Grandin] + speedup saving large XLS file with lots of query formula [Noel Grandin] + speedup saving large XLS file with lots of query formula(2) [Noel Grandin] + speedup sorting of marks in markmanager [Noel Grandin] + split out this html parsing hunk as a separate NewLine method [Caolán McNamara] + split this hunk into a standalone function [Caolán McNamara] + starmath: prefix members of SmSymbolDialog [Xisco Fauli] + starmath: Use field color for SmEditTextWindow background [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + stop hiding of child windows when dragged to a different screen [Patrick Luby] + structurally dead code (cid#1608175) [Caolán McNamara] + style names cropped in Stylist in Writer's Sidebar (tdf#163731) [Noel Grandin] + StyleSheetUndoAction stylesheet param should be a reference [Noel Grandin] + suitable label printer paper size not auto-selected (tdf#154959) [Caolán McNamara] + support invertIfNegative for bar and bubble chart (tdf#90733) [Kurt Nordback] + support setting writer comment contents from simple-html [Caolán McNamara] + surround printed struct/exception members with {...} [Stephan Bergmann] + svgio: simplify and rename to make it easier to understand [Xisco Fauli] + svl_qa_cppunit: Add unittest (tdf#48706) [Xisco Fauli] + svtools a11y: Set underline/mnemonic char for "Restart" dialog [Michael Weghorn] + svx: adjust the values for impress/draw ruler to work with LOKit [Tomaž Vajngerl] + svx: calculate fill color with transparency (tdf#163467) [Pranam Lashkari] + svx: fix typo [Xisco Fauli] + svx: fixed textbox text always black on dark theme [Pranam Lashkari] + svx: ImpChainLinkProperties cleanup [Tomaž Vajngerl] + svx: move lok's NotifyKit in the ruler to the SvxRuler super-class [Tomaž Vajngerl] + svx: prefix members of Camera3D [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of E3dCubeObj [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of E3dScene [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrObjEditView [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrPageView [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrPolyEditView [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrSnapView [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrUndoGroup [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrUndoMoveObj [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrUndoObjOrdNum [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrUndoObjSetText [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrUndoReplaceObj [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SdrUndoSetPageNum [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SvxB3DVectorItem [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SvxGrfCrop [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of SvxNumberingPreview [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of Viewport3D [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of XPolygon [Miklos Vajna] + svx: prefix members of XPolyPolygon [Miklos Vajna] + svx: Resave applystylebox.ui with glade 3.40 [Michael Weghorn] + svx: Resave fontnamebox.ui with glade 3.40 [Michael Weghorn] + svx: Resave fontsizebox.ui with glace 3.40 [Michael Weghorn] + svx: unused return [Xisco Fauli] + svx: use a reference here [Xisco Fauli] + svx: Use field color for WeldEditView bg (tdf#163397) [Michael Weghorn] + svx_unit: Add unittest (tdf#161724) [Xisco Fauli] + SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry: Drop means to manually set neighbours (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + SvxPresetListBox: contextmenu must affect item under mouse (tdf#157467) [Justin Luth] + sw a11y: Add a11y names for bg settings in side bar [Michael Weghorn] + sw a11y: Don't prevent zooming into print preview when AT active [Michael Weghorn] + sw a11y: Don't resend obsolete table selection events [Michael Weghorn] + sw a11y: Drop unnecessary const_cast [Michael Weghorn] + sw a11y: Introduce helper method to cast to SwTextFrame [Michael Weghorn] + sw a11y: Send table selection-changed event for correct object [Michael Weghorn] + sw a11y: Simplify Reduce nesting when getting hyperlink [Michael Weghorn] + sw a11y: Use slightly less cryptic var names [Michael Weghorn] + sw content controls, drop-down: remove when obsolete (tdf#157952) [Justin Luth] + sw content controls: fix DOCX export of empty dropdown list item (tdf#161771) [Miklos Vajna] + sw doc model xml dump: add SwFormat::dumpAsXml() [Miklos Vajna] + sw doc model xml dump: show parent of char styles [Miklos Vajna] + sw doc model xml dump: show parent of para styles [Miklos Vajna] + sw doc model xml dump: show start node of footers [Miklos Vajna] + sw doc model xml dump: show start node of headers [Miklos Vajna] + sw doc model xml dump: SwStartNode::dumpAsXml() is never called for tables [Miklos Vajna] + sw fmtcol.cxx: fix copy/paste error [Justin Luth] + sw hide whitespace: fix increased page size on new para at doc end (tdf#156218) [Miklos Vajna] + sw HTML export: fix empty field content on copy (tdf#160583) [Miklos Vajna] + sw inline heading: add Inline Heading frame style (tdf#48459) [László Németh] + sw inline heading: apply it on the selected words (tdf#48459) [László Németh] + sw inline heading: fix bad NC of the new frame style (tdf#48459) [László Németh] + sw inline heading: fix DOCX paragraph layout interoperability (tdf#131728) [László Németh] + sw inline heading: fix missing/broken DOCX export (tdf#131728) [László Németh] + sw inline heading: fix XHTML export (tdf#163874) [László Németh] + sw inline heading: new frame style: fix DOCX export (tdf#48459, tdf#131728) [László Németh] + sw inline heading: use HTML text, not lo-res bitmap export (tdf#163873) [László Németh] + sw lok: async readonly dialog when pressing delete key on protected content [Miklos Vajna] + sw lok: handle the AnyInput() callback during idle layout (cool#9735) [Miklos Vajna] + sw lok: take LOK vis area into account when deciding idle layout (cool#9735) [Miklos Vajna] + sw page number wizard: fit into existing margins (tdf#161646) [Justin Luth] + sw RTF paste: don't empty headers/footers (tdf#160139) [Justin Luth] + sw smart justify: fix hyphenated single portion lines (tdf#163720) [László Németh] + sw smart justify: fix size resolution for SwBidiPortion (tdf#163575) [László Németh] + sw textbox: map a shape's wordwrap=no to the frame's width type (tdf#162075) [Miklos Vajna] + sw unit test: cursor position after paste (tdf#157129) [Kira Tubo] + sw unit test: cut preceding space w/ redline (tdf#139631) [Kira Tubo] + sw unit test: replace string mix font style (tdf#62603) [Kira Tubo] + sw/qa: simplify a bit [Xisco Fauli] + sw/qa: use getSwDoc() more [Xisco Fauli] + sw/qa: use getSwDocShell() when possible [Xisco Fauli] + sw/qa: use more getSwDocShell() [Xisco Fauli] + sw: add .uno:DeleteContentControl command [codewithvk] + sw: add an assert not to use default items (tdf#162911) [Michael Stahl] + sw: add Comments Panel in sidebar [Mohit Marathe] + sw: add icons in sidebar's comment widget [Mohit Marathe] + sw: add missing get_url_for_data_file to the unit test (tdf#159102) [László Németh] + sw: add new command to make a response comment root [Jaume Pujantell] + sw: Add some whitespace expansion to kashida justification (tdf#163105) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: add update button to a11y check sidebar when using LOKit [Tomaž Vajngerl] + sw: Added base text group feature to Asian Phonetic Guide (tdf#107184) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: Added base text mono feature to Asian Phonetic Guide (tdf#156543) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: ApplyParagraphMarkFormatToEmptyLineAtEndOfParagraph (tdf#162268) [Michael Stahl] + sw: C6011: Dereferencing NULL pointer 'pVSh' [Xisco Fauli] + sw: Conform doc grid advance layout for DOC/DOCX import (tdf#161145) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: Dereference before null check [Xisco Fauli] + sw: do not paint hidden frames' borders [Michael Stahl] + sw: document SwVbaParagraphs [Miklos Vajna] + sw: downgrade SAL_WARN on every mouseover to SAL_INFO [Michael Stahl] + sw: drop DECLARE_FODFEXPORT_TEST macro [Xisco Fauli] + sw: drop macros [Xisco Fauli] + sw: enable keyboard shortcut for CharColor and CharBackColor (tdf#34804) [Justin Luth] + sw: enable unit test again with extended test document (tdf#159102) [László Németh] + SW: exctract document structure [Attila Szűcs] + sw: extract SwDoc::ForEachCharacterItem() from Underline/ColorItems [Miklos Vajna] + SW: extract transform charts (using dialog code) [Attila Szűcs] + sw: extract/transform document structure 2 [Attila Szűcs] + sw: fix "Stack empty" error in tagged PDF export (tdf#159895) [Tibor Nagy] + sw: fix assert due to invalid nEndPos in SwAutoCorrDoc::ChgAutoCorrWord() [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix broken anotations on save to docx (tdf#163092) [Jaume Pujantell] + sw: fix comment sidebar crash in generic backend [Mohit Marathe] + sw: fix crash after autocorrect inserts hyperlinks (tdf#162911) [Michael Stahl] + SW: fix EOL in transform Document Structure [Attila Szűcs] + sw: fix hiding of flys in hidden sections [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix hiding/unhiding section via condition [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix indent [Xisco Fauli] + sw: fix iterating columned sections in SwSectionFrame::SwClientNotify() [Michael Stahl] + sw: Fix kashida justification affected by zoom level (tdf#162639) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: fix missing includes for the SwXStyle header [Miklos Vajna] + sw: fix painting of row frame with rowspan > 1 cell (tdf#163032) [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix problem with 0-height text frames after unhiding section [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix RTL as-char anchored textbox positioning (tdf#152142) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: fix RTL as-char textbox compat flag special case (tdf#152142) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: fix SwTextNode::MoveTextAttr_To_AttrSet() [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix the export of comments as PDF annotations (tdf#162359) [Tibor Nagy] + sw: fix typo in SwLayAction::InternalAction() [Miklos Vajna] + sw: fix uninitialized read in SwContentTree::IsDeletable() [Miklos Vajna] + sw: fix wrong order of PDF ToC, if headings put in text frames (tdf#95239) [László Németh] + sw: Fixed RTL/LTR toolbar buttons not updating (tdf#134166) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: formatting: paragraph style also applies to para marker (tdf#162268) [Michael Stahl] + sw: get rid of discardDumpedLayout [Xisco Fauli] + sw: get rid of parseDump [Xisco Fauli] + sw: give warning when comment cannot be deleted in comments panel [Mohit Marathe] + sw: HTML import: apply existing hard formatting at insert position [Michael Stahl] + sw: IgnoreHiddenCharsForLineCalculation (tdf#162268) [Michael Stahl] + sw: Improve Tibetan layout performance (tdf#92064) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: invalidate "Area" properties so sidebar updates (tdf#163812) [Justin Luth] + sw: layout: fix crash in SwSectionFrame::MakeAll() [Michael Stahl] + sw: layout: fix page breaks when unhiding a hidden section [Michael Stahl] + sw: layout: fix problem with WIDOW_MAGIC in sections (i#94666) [Michael Stahl] + sw: layout: fix unhiding section containing multiple page breaks [Michael Stahl] + sw: layout: hidden formatting is ignored on cell end marker (tdf#162268) [Michael Stahl] + sw: Make it optional for moved text to be displayed as green (tdf#162566) [Matthew Kogan] + sw: make show option work in comments panel [Mohit Marathe] + sw: move these tests where they belong [Xisco Fauli] + sw: No longer clear AddExtLeading for doc files with grid (tdf#85435) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: no need to pass a bool as a reference [Xisco Fauli] + sw: notify when para style inherited a new property (tdf#134204) [Justin Luth] + sw: PVS: identical sub-expressions (tdf#163486) [Xisco Fauli] + SW: random ID for new content controls [Attila Szűcs] + sw: redline changes may try to set broadcast on non PostIt fields [Pranam Lashkari] + sw: reduce usage of DECLARE_SW_ROUNDTRIP_TEST [Xisco Fauli] + sw: remove duplicated check [Xisco Fauli] + sw: remove long commented out code [Xisco Fauli] + sw: replace hardcoded strings with SwResId to improve localization [Mohit Marathe] + sw: Resave renameobjectdialog.ui with glade 3.40 [Michael Weghorn] + sw: reset view options after export as graphic (tdf#156505) [Justin Luth] + sw: Return early in SwAccessibleParagraph::getHyperLink [Michael Weghorn] + sw: show "wait" pointer while accessibility check is running [Tomaž Vajngerl] + sw: show rdf:type as labels on bookmark boundary marks (tdf#163309) [László Németh] + sw: simplify code by checking pointer directly [Xisco Fauli] + sw: simplify code by using UnoApiTest [Xisco Fauli] + sw: simplify SwShellCursor::Show() [Miklos Vajna] + sw: test for fix overshrank lines with hyphenation (tdf#160170) [László Németh] + SW: Transform DocStruct: Added Log warnings [Attila Szűcs] + SW: transform document structure [Attila Szűcs] + sw: uitest for c519de2296 [Xisco Fauli] + sw: unused return [Xisco Fauli] + sw: use calcLayout() everywhere [Xisco Fauli] + sw: Use ext leading for text grid spacing on DOC import (tdf#129808) [Jonathan Clark] + sw: use ForEachCharacterItem() in SwDoc::ForEachCharacterBoxItem() [Miklos Vajna] + sw: use ForEachCharacterItem() in SwDoc::ForEachCharacterBrushItem() [Miklos Vajna] + sw: use frozen in SwXText::convertToTable() [Miklos Vajna] + sw: use SAL_RET_MAYBENULL in GetDocShell() [Xisco Fauli] + sw: use SAL_RET_MAYBENULL in GetTableBox() [Xisco Fauli] + sw: view settings for testHiddenSectionPageDescs [Michael Stahl] + sw: Writer layout for font-relative first-line indent (tdf#36709) [Jonathan Clark] + sw_autocorrect: Add unittest (tdf#92029, tdf#57640, tdf#158051, tdf#42893) [Xisco Fauli] + sw_ooxmlexport21: Add unittest (tdf#161631) [Xisco Fauli] + swap info texts of connector end point (tdf#157222) [Regina Henschel] + swap tooltips for stepped line types of line chart (tdf#157811) [Theppitak Karoonboonyanan] + SwContentIndex owner pointers [Noel Grandin] + swdr: enable keyboard shortcut for CharColor and CharBackColor (tdf#34804) [Justin Luth] + switching PageKind without switching EditMode retains current page [Caolán McNamara] + SwModelTestBase: add getSwTextDoc and use it everywhere [Xisco Fauli] + SwModelTestBase: assert SwDoc inside getSwDoc() [Xisco Fauli] + SwModelTestBase: drop isExported [Xisco Fauli] + SwModelTestBase: remove duplicated code to print execution time [Xisco Fauli] + SwModelTestBase: remove obsolete comment block [Xisco Fauli] + SwModelTestBase: Remove unused executeImportExport [Xisco Fauli] + SwNavigator expose main functions for selected entry (tdf#160817) [Jim Raykowski] + SwNavigator: Add a function to delete all content of a content type [Jim Raykowski] + SwNavigator: Improve the page change control [Jim Raykowski] + SwNavigator: update content functions toolbar (tdf#160817) [Jim Raykowski] + SwRedlineHint is dead [Noel Grandin] + TableRef item specifier may occur standalone (tdf#162093, tdf#162087) [Eike Rathke, Regina Henschel] + take encoding defined for font into account (tdf#122716) [Mike Kaganski] + tdf# 162326 reset paragraph list attributes on style apply [Oliver Specht] + tdf155447 gtk3 a11y: Report accessible ID for drawing area [Michael Weghorn] + TempFileFastService should implement ByteReader/ByteWriter [Noel Grandin] + temporarily skip unit tests on native arm64 build [Balazs Varga] + test added (tdf#134902, tdf#159027) [Oliver Specht] + test calling directly from JS a UNO method implemented in JS [Stephan Bergmann] + test fixes for CJK systems (tdf#161533) [Jonathan Clark] + test setuptools is imported on mac (tdf#161947) [Xisco Fauli] + test(invert): ensure background-invert separation [Skyler Grey] + test: Merge SwAccessibleTestBase and AccessibleTestBase [Xisco Fauli] + test: Refactor pixel assertion [Skyler Grey] + test: send document bg color on new theme [Skyler Grey] + testtools, uitest, unotest: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + testtools, wizards, xmlsecurity: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + text drawing boxes don't redraw with a new text autocolor choice [Caolán McNamara] + these bogus -Wdangling-reference still hit with current GCC 15 trunk [Stephan Bergmann] + these can be const [Caolán McNamara] + these can be static [Noel Grandin] + this can be protected instead of public [Caolán McNamara] + this sensitivity mapping isn't used [Caolán McNamara] + this should iterate over the thesaurus languages, not the spelling ones [Caolán McNamara] + this special case handling is redundant [Mike Kaganski] + those XTest::is... methods return boolean, not any [Stephan Bergmann] + thread deadlock (cid#1606754) [Noel Grandin] + throw more useful exception from OPropertySetHelper::getPropertyValue [Noel Grandin] + tidy up some unnecessary this use [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#68339, ofz#70815) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout on unreasonably narrow header/footer area (ofz#68994) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout when fuzzing (ofz#68761) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout, don't need this copy (ofz#70815) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout, reduce this limit for fuzzing (ofz#70815) [Caolán McNamara] + tipofthedaydialog.ui: Move checkbox out of button box (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + toggle ToC/Index Title (tdf#148320) [Sohrab Kazak] + track comments in the Navigator also by focus (tdf#152297) [Jim Raykowski] + TRANSFER_ACCESSINGROOT is unused [Noel Grandin] + translate German comment (tdf#39468) [Johnny_M] + translate rest of German comment (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + treat divs as requiring a new block/para [Caolán McNamara] + treeview not maximized in the StyleList (tdf#163484) [Noel Grandin] + try avoid "vector erase iterator outside range" in Windows build [Julien Nabet] + try to apply indents a bit saner [Mike Kaganski] + try to fix crash in JunitTest_svx_unoapi [Noel Grandin] + tsan: data race [Noel Grandin] + tsan: fix data race in o3tl::cow_wrapper [Noel Grandin] + tsan: ImplB3DPolygon cannot have mutable state [Noel Grandin] + tsan: make oslPipe thread-safe [Noel Grandin] + turn a macro to a function [Mike Kaganski] + turn org.libreoffice.embindtest.Test from singleton to service [Stephan Bergmann] + two programatically composed UI strings not suitable (tdf#161919) [Jim Raykowski] + typo GapWidthSequence instead of GapwidthSequence (tdf#162136) [Julien Nabet] + typo mnClipRecurstionCount->mnClipRecursionCount [Julien Nabet] + typo: bDuplicatRows->bDuplicateRows [Julien Nabet] + typo: THROUGHT -> THROUGH [Justin Luth] + UBSan CppunitTest_editeng_borderline etc. need more RTTI now [Stephan Bergmann] + UBSan CppunitTest_sw_writerfilter_misc needs the SwXFootnotes now [Stephan Bergmann] + UBSan CppunitTest_sw_writerfilter_misc needs the SwXStyleFamilies now [Stephan Bergmann] + UBSan CppunitTest_sw_writerfilter_misc needs the SwXTableRows now [Stephan Bergmann] + UBSan CppunitTest_sw_writerfilter_misc needs the SwXTextFieldMasters now [Stephan Bergmann] + UBSan SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 needs SvpGraphicsBackend RTTI [Stephan Bergmann] + UI tests: use a dedicated desktop on Windows [Mike Kaganski] + unassign cursor on SdrObjEditView to avoid crash (cool#9352) [Jaume Pujantell] + unchecked dereference of UNO_QUERY result [Mike Kaganski] + unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1610240) [Caolán McNamara] + unchecked return value (cid#1603803, cid#1618766, cid#1555801, cid#1603804) [Caolán McNamara] + under Application::IsOnSystemEventLoop, do nothing in Application::Reschedule [Stephan Bergmann] + undo and track changes not restoring characters (macOS) (tdf#157130) [Noel Grandin] + undo nits: NeedsClearRedo is private + prioritize TopLevel (tdf#161741) [Justin Luth] + undo: delay ClearRedo until Undo finishes (tdf#161741, tdf#161705) [Justin Luth] + unexpected loss in focus in the "Manage Changes" (tdf#162018) [Jim Raykowski] + unexpected loss in focus in the "Manage Changes" window (tdf#162018) [Jim Raykowski] + unguarded read (cid#1557158, cid#1557316) [Caolán McNamara] + unify/Port to use VCLUnoHelper for AWT <-> VCL conversions [Michael Weghorn] + UNINIT (cid#1620326) [Julien Nabet] + UNINIT_CTOR (cid#1620328) [Julien Nabet] + UNINIT_CTOR in textview (cid#1620556) [Julien Nabet] + uninitialized pointer field (cid#1618667) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1607231, cid#1609760, cid#1634865, cid#1619460, cid#1607629, cid#1494598, cid#1616505, cid#1604129, cid#1633842) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar variable (cid#1620316) [Caolán McNamara] + unintended sign extension (cid#1616925) [Caolán McNamara] + UniqueID class that generates and stores a uniqueID for an object [Tomaž Vajngerl] + unit test for sw: WW8: don't loop on tables in footnotes (tdf#71749) [Adam Seskunas] + unnecessary temporary OUString in ZipFile (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + uno API to set solver settings at the sheet level (tdf#160062) [Rafael Lima] + UnoApiTest: check mxComponent right after loading [Xisco Fauli] + UnoApiTest: rename load to loadFromURL and use it everywhere [Xisco Fauli] + unotools: Use existing OUString::fromUtf8 instead of local helper [Michael Weghorn] + unoxml: introduce CPPUNIT_ASSERT_STATEMENT_EQUAL [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: move checkRDF from Java to CppUnittest [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: move checkRDFa from Java to CppUnittest [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: move checkSPARQL from Java to CppUnittest [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: move testXDocumentBuilder from Java to CppUnittest [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: move these two tests where they belong [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: port checkCVE_2012_0037 from java to CppUnittest [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: port testXNamedNodeMap_AttributesMap from java to c++ [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: port testXNodeList_ChildList from java to c++ [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: port testXNodeList_NodeList from java to c++ [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: port testXProcessingInstruction from java to c++ [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: port testXText from java to c++ [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: port testXXPathAPI from java to c++ [Xisco Fauli] + unoxml: port testXXPathObject from java to c++ [Xisco Fauli] + unset what's selected when we clear the paper size box [Caolán McNamara] + unused return value [Mike Kaganski] + unused value (cid#1607932) [Caolán McNamara] + update "Sign with default" checkbox in FileDialogHelper_Impl::preExecute [Michael Weghorn] + update Blue Curve template [Laurent Balland] + update Blueprint Plans template [Laurent Balland] + update Candy Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update ColumnValueSet (and others) to use push/pop (tdf#137525) [RMZeroFour] + update comment to refer to 'GetLangOfChar' intead of 'GetLang' [Caolán McNamara] + update DNA Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Focus Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Forestbird Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update git submodules [Caolán McNamara, Olivier Hallot, Batmunkh Dorjgotov, Pierre F, Stéphane Guillou, Kira Tubo, László Németh, Julien Nabet, Dione Maddern, Alain Romedenne, DaeHyun Sung, Christian Lohmaier, Sahil Gautam, Stanislav Horacek, Ilmari Lauhakangas, Bogdan Buzea, Theppitak Karoonboonyanan, Xisco Fauli, Heiko Tietze, Eike Rathke, Andrea Gelmini, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos, Michael Weghorn, Martin Srebotnjak] + update Grey Elegant Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Growing Liberty Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Highlight Overlay when window is resized (tdf#159348) [Rafael Lima] + update Inspiration Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update language-subtag-registry to 2024-11-19 [Xisco Fauli] + update Lights Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Metropolis Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Midnightblue Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update modeline in license header and vim footer [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + update Nature_Illustration Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update page preview on changed printer settings (tdf#161538) [Oliver Specht] + update pdfium to 6536 [Miklos Vajna] + update pdfium to 6656 [Miklos Vajna] + update pdfium to 6764 [Miklos Vajna] + update Pencil Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Piano Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Portfolio template [Laurent Balland] + update preprocessed_command with the end result of the path checks [Mike Kaganski] + update printer info before getting default printer (tdf#162289) [Michael Weghorn] + update Progress Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Sunset Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update the reference rdbs to libreoffice- [Stephan Bergmann] + update to skia m116 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m118 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m119 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m120 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m121 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m122 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m123 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m124 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m125 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m126 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m127 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m128 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m129 [Noel Grandin] + update to skia m130 [Noel Grandin] + update tsan suppressions [Noel Grandin] + update Vintage Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Vivid Impress template [Laurent Balland] + update Yellow Idea Impress template [Laurent Balland] + updated getPackageName2PathMap [Barry-Thomas-Paul: Moss] + updated vim footers in vcl/qt6/*.cxx [lovatico21] + upgrade raptor to 2.0.16 [Taichi haradaguchi] + use #pragma once instead of include guards (tdf#143148) [Lue_lueita, Oromidayo Owolabi, lynn_edem, Mohamed Ali, Muluh MG Godson, JaxkDev] + use '#pragma once' in include/vcl/builder.hxx [Michael Weghorn] + use a better approach to determine RedlinData (tdf#161717) [Jim Raykowski] + use a matching type here [Mike Kaganski] + use a shared_ptr for SbiBreakpoints pBreaks as well [Caolán McNamara] + use all_of / range-based for loops (tdf#153109, tdf#145538) [Sohrab Kazak] + use better types here [Mike Kaganski] + use better upstream solution (ofz#71606) [Caolán McNamara] + use bNewFontLists of true to refetch new font lists [Caolán McNamara] + use C++20 contains() instead of find() and end() (tdf#158237) [Zainab Abbasi, Jack Honour] + use concrete UNO type in ControlContainerBase [Noel Grandin] + use configured bullet symbol when clicking bullets button [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + use const [Xisco Fauli] + use ConvertStringToHTML for the URL too [Caolán McNamara] + use default implementation for drawEPS [Noel Grandin] + use default implementation for hasFastDrawTransformedBitmap [Noel Grandin] + use DeleteOnDeinit for EditEngine pool [Noel Grandin] + use double in SpaceDistribution [Noel Grandin] + use double in SwFntObj::DrawText [Noel Grandin] + use double in SwScriptInfo::Compress [Noel Grandin] + use emrun with explicit "--hostname" for testing [Moritz Duge] + use ESelection::NoSelection() instead of manually setting values [Tomaž Vajngerl] + use extended upstream solution (ofz#71606) [Caolán McNamara] + use final upstream fix (ofz#70966) [Caolán McNamara] + use final upstream merged fix for this boost issue [Caolán McNamara] + use font family name as the value of BulletFontName property (tdf#135335) [Ashok] + use frozen::make_unordered_set to skip the number of elements [Tomaž Vajngerl] + use gb_StaticLibrary_WORKDIR and gb_Library_DLLDIR more consistently [Christian Lohmaier] + use gb_SUPPRESS_TESTS to control inclusion of embindtest.js [Stephan Bergmann] + use generic clipboard when running UI tests [Noel Grandin] + use good old string literals in assertXPath and friends [Mike Kaganski] + use HB data while selecting kashida insertion positions (tdf#163105) [Jonathan Clark] + use hypot in place of sqrt to avoid overflow (tdf#147906) [Sakura286] + use IllegalTypeException Error with message (tdf#42982) [HakimOttey] + use insert function instead of for loop (tdf#163738) [Chris Gill] + use IsRunningUnitTest / IsRunningUITest consistently [Mike Kaganski] + use IsRunningUnitTest / IsRunningUITest in vclplug_win, too [Mike Kaganski] + use less dynamic_cast in svx table stuff [Noel Grandin] + use less dynamic_cast when broadcasting BulkDataHint [Noel Grandin] + use less dynamic_cast when broadcasting SfxHint [Noel Grandin] + use less dynamic_cast when broadcasting SfxHint in sc [Noel Grandin] + use less dynamic_cast when broadcasting SfxHint in sw [Noel Grandin] + use less exception throwing for flow control [Noel Grandin] + use local var to simplify code in MsLangId::getScriptType [Noel Grandin] + use MacrosTest::IsValid to check certificates [Mike Kaganski] + use more ASSERT_CHANGE_REFCOUNTED_ITEM [Noel Grandin] + use more comphelper::ByteReader (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO class in chart2 [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO class in SdXImpressDocument [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO class in ValueSetAcc [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO classes in comphelper [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO classes in connectivity [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO classes in scripting [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO classes in unotools [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO in basic [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO in extensions [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in CDocument [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in comphelper [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in connectivity::ado [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in DOM::CElementListImpl [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in editeng [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in file::OConnection [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in file::OStatement_Base [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in framework [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in librdf_NamedGraph [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in odbc::OStatement_Base [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in package [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in sax [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in stoc [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in svl [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in SwAccessibleEvent_Impl [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in SwXCellRange [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in SwXDocumentIndex [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in SwXTextTable [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in toolkit [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in ucbhelper [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in vba::ColumnsEnumWrapper [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in vcl [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO type in writerfilter [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in chart2 [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in connectivity [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in dbaccess [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in filter [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in forms [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in fpicker [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in OStorage [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in ProgressBarWrapper [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in reportdesign [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in sc [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in sd [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in sfx2 [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in StatusIndicator [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in svx [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in sw [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in SwAccessibleContext [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in SwAccessibleHyperTextData [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in ucb [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in unoxml [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in various [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in WeakRefWrapper [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in XFrameImpl [Noel Grandin] + use more concrete UNO types in xmloff [Noel Grandin] + use more GetItemSurrogatesForItem (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + use more getters/setters instead of direct member access [Mike Kaganski] + use NDEBUG to show/hide m_bDeleted [Oliver Specht] + use notifyEach [Stephan Bergmann] + use o3tl::sorted_vector in DefaultItemInstanceManager [Noel Grandin] + use of auto that causes a copy (cid#1554879, cid#1607830, cid#1634638, cid#1555962, cid#1558011, cid#1555177, cid#1556801, cid#1556572, cid#1608435, cid#1607340, cid#1607843, cid#1555119, cid#1557889, cid#1556239, cid#1606955, cid#1616049, cid#1634480, cid#1615138, cid#1634585, cid#1608558, cid#1555260, cid#1557551) [Caolán McNamara] + use OInterfaceContainerHelper4 per listener class for type safety [Mike Kaganski] + use one 'find' instead of three [Mike Kaganski] + use OUString here, to avoid allocations [Mike Kaganski] + use pragma once in animationnodehelper.hxx (tdf#143148) [Marc Mondesir] + use pragma once in BitmapAlphaClampFilter.hxx (tdf#143148) [Chris Sherlock] + use pragma once in BitmapConvolutionMatrixFilter.hxx (tdf#143148) [Chris Sherlock] + use pragma once in svx (tdf#143148) [Deepanshu Sharma] + use pragma once instead of include guards (tdf#143148) [Sloane Vaznova, MelvinYG, LeSci-0x1, Abrar Emad, Rosh, Muluh MG Godson, folandidi, richtrimble, Harris Popal, Ashok, Abraham Samuel Adekunle, zdavis] + use pragma once instead of include guards in svx directory (tdf#143148) [Usman Akinyemi] + use proper CharClass for uppercase, follow-up (tdf#122718) [Eike Rathke] + use range based for loop in textsh1.cxx (tdf#145538) [Adesola Samuel] + use range based for loops (tdf#145538) [MelvinYG, Zainab Abbasi] + use row&column address for autofill preview popup [Bayram Çiçek] + use SAL_INFO/WARN instead of f/printf (tdf#130924) [Keldin Maldonado (KNM)] + use sal_int32 instead of sal_uLong (tdf#114441) [Ashok] + use SAL_WARN instead of OSL_FAIL (tdf#43157) [Gabor Kelemen] + use SAL_WARN_IF here instead [Caolán McNamara] + use SAL_WARN_IF instead of OSL_ENSURE (tdf#43157) [Gabor Kelemen] + use snprintf to output full double precision of expected/actual values [Mike Kaganski] + use some hackery to bring bullet combobox height down (tdf#161662) [Caolán McNamara] + use StaticWhichCast (tdf#140226) [Oromidayo Owolabi] + use std::size instead of SAL_N_ELEMENTS in editeng (tdf#147021) [Tuukka Orava] + use std::size() or std::ssize() instead of SAL_N_ELEMENTS() (tdf#147021) [Deepanshu Sharma] + use std::u16string_view for VclBuilder::get param (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + use the correct color for Formula Bar in calc. [Sahil Gautam] + use the new linker on macOS (introduced in XCode 15) [Christian Lohmaier] + use the rtf dict for the calc rtl fuzzer [Caolán McNamara] + use the same early return as the other ::dispose cases in this file [Caolán McNamara] + use tools::Duration / DateTime to avoid use of boost [Mike Kaganski] + use TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION to get exception details [Caolán McNamara] + use unique_ptr to pass ownership of ZipEntry [Mike Kaganski] + use unordered_map in SfxItemPropertyMap (tdf#161846) [Noel Grandin] + use value-initialization instead of conditional compilation [Mike Kaganski] + use WeakReference to CWinClipboard instead of pointer [Mike Kaganski] + use XDatabaseMetadata3 in Firebird + implement getFunctions (tdf#105112) [Julien Nabet] + using a moved object (cid#1634867) [Caolán McNamara] + using C++20 contains instead of find() and end() (tdf#158237) [Sohrab Kazak] + using invalid iterator (cid#1603806, cid#1545929) [Caolán McNamara] + using the mouse wheel to change tabs in the (tdf#120748) [Jim Raykowski] + uui lok: avoid showing the password dialog for now (cool#9956) [Miklos Vajna] + uui: Drop empty GtkSizeGroup from password.ui (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + uui: improve Authentication dialog [Michael Stahl] + valgrind: dhat is no longer experimental [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] + validation list is always displayed in ascending order (tdf#162459) [Noel Grandin] + variable field dialog page resize (tdf#160621, tdf#162702) [Oliver Specht] + VBA QA new unit test for IF THEN statement [Alain Romedenne] + vcl a11y: Don't report parent window for top-levels [Michael Weghorn] + vcl a11y: Report "top-level"'s frame again [Michael Weghorn] + vcl builder : no need to use OUString here [Arnaud VERSINI] + vcl lok: add an AnyInput() callback (cool#9735) [Miklos Vajna] + vcl pdf : use frozen unordered_map instead of frozen map [Arnaud VERSINI] + vcl,filter: replace about 5 hard-coded JPEG PDF export qualitys [Michael Stahl] + vcl: add "fillWithData" function to BitmapTools - used in lok [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: add font effects to mtf dump [Thorsten Behrens] + vcl: add more GIF metadata to GraphicFormatDetector [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: Allow DBus-based session inhibition without requiring X11 [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: clean-up and refactor GraphicFilter::ImportUnloadedGraphic [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: consider font family type for glyph caching (tdf#162280) [Miklos Vajna] + vcl: convert PDFiumLibraryTest to CPPUNIT_TEST_FIXTURE [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: Don't select SalInstanceTextView text on focus (tdf#150397) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Don't use out param in addition to return value [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop "value_type" typedefs in PPD classes [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop always null PrinterUpdate::pPrinterUpdateIdle [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop indirection via lcl_get_desktop_environment [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop logically dead "PrinterUpdate::nActiveJobs > 0" code [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop MATE <= 1.10 session inhibit support [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop obsolete CUPS version check [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop outdated icon choice control comment (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop SvtIconChoiceCtrl::DrawEntryImage (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetEntryText (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetColumn (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::HideDDIcon (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop unnecessary indirection for icon choice control (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop unused SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetColumn (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Drop unused SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Erase listbox bg when redrawing on mouse move (tdf#163225) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: fix crash in findAnnotations() [Miklos Vajna] + vcl: Fix precision loss laying out right-aligned text (tdf#153966) [Jonathan Clark] + vcl: Fix sporadic non-subpixel label cutoff (tdf#162603) [Jonathan Clark] + vcl: fix testTdf129085 [Michael Stahl] + vcl: flatten Animation.cxx functions [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: flatten BitmapMosaicFilter::execute() [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: flatten BitmapPopArtFilter::execute() [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: flatten BitmapReadAccess functions [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: flatten functions in BitmapEx.cxx [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: inch-size.emf is actually PICT format, rename to inch-size.pct [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: just return a BitmapEx() in BitmapDisabledImageFilter::execute() [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: make BitmapArithmeticBlendFilter variables constant [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: make Calendar constructor initializer functions more clear [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: Make TabitemValue position-aware (tdf#161501) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Merge ImpTextView into TextView [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Merge PrinterUpdate code into SalGenericInstance [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: migrate BitmapArithmeticBlendFilter to use BitmapFilter class [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: move bitmap filter headers into vcl/bitmap global header directory [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: Move BuilderBase to an own header (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Move logic into SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::DrawFocusRect (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Move UTF-16 toBool helper to it's local non-UTF16 equivalent [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: move variables closer to first usage in BitmapEmbossGreyFilter::execute() [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: move variables closer to first use in BitmapFilterStackBlur functions [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: Move weld::Window::{g,s}et_modal to weld::Dialog (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Pass vector by const ref instead of pointer (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Protect SalFrame::maGeometry access (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Remove graph. reader context from {Imp}Graph and GraphicReader [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: remove GraphicDescriptor::ImpConstruct [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: remove OSL_ENSURE from BitmapEx functions (tdf#43157) [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: remove partial GIF image loading [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: remove partial JPEG image loading [Tomaž Vajngerl] + vcl: Return unique_ptr in weld::Dialog::weld_content_area [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Return unique_ptr in weld::MessageDialog::weld_message_area [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Set CUPS "sides" option for duplex mode (tdf#161152) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Simplify NotebookbarTabControlBase::ImplActivateTabPage a bit [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Simplify SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcTextRect (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Simplify SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetEntryTextMode (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: support for Windows ITaskbarList3 interface [Vasily Melenchuk] + vcl: test BitmapAlphaClampFilter [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: translate German comments in control/calendar.cxx (tdf#39468) [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: Use const ref instead of pointer (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: use correct var prefixes in BitmapScaleConvolutionFilter [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: Use cups_option_t** param instead of void** [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Use existing SalFrame::GetWidth (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Use getter to get frame geometry (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Use nNewPos consistently [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Use OUString literals in SalGetDesktopEnvironment [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: Use range-based for (tdf#161853) [Michael Weghorn] + vcl: variable refactoring BitmapConvolutionMatrixFilter::execute() [Chris Sherlock] + vcl: WhitespaceToSpace() spurious -Werror=maybe-uninitialized (gcc14) [Julien Nabet] + vcl: WMF export: remove special case of Dx in EXTTEXTOUT (tdf#161775) [Michael Stahl] + vcl_pdfexport: Add unittest (tdf#160401) [Xisco Fauli] + VclBuilder: Abstract tab control check from VCL details (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VClBuilder: Avoid casting by using PopupMenu directly [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Avoid unnecessary work for empty prop (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Avoid using vcl WindowType to detect toolbar (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Complete moving XML parsing to base classes (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Drop unused "GtkMenuBar" support (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Drop UStringPair in favor of StringPair [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Extract helper for interface domain (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Extract helper to finalize value (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Extract helper to start parsing UI file (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Extract helpers to insert combo/list box items (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Extract helpers to set prio/EnumContext (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Extract setMnemonicWidget helper + call from base (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Make extractEntry a static helper (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Make extractVisible a static helper (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Make MenuAndId a template (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move "packing" parsing to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move 2 static methods to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move Adjustment bookkeeping to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move class/id/custom prop extraction to helper (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move collectProperty to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move extractActive to BuilderBase (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move extractIconName to BuilderBase (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move extractResizable to BuilderBase (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move extractTooltipText to BuilderBase (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move handleActionWidget to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move handleAtkObject to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move handleItems to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move internal child visible logic to base (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move list store handling to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move locale handling to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move m_bLegacy to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move m_sHelpRoot member to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move mnemonic-widget bookkeeping to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move size group parsing to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Move TextBuffer bookkeeping to base class (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Pass UI dir/root to BuilderBase (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Reduce var scope (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Rename ParserState -> VclParserState (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Reuse existing helper method (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Split XML parsing + applying tab child props (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Turn extractOrientation into static helper (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Use existing toBool helper (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Use existing VclBuilder::get (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VclBuilder: Use OUString instead of OString (tdf#130857) [Michael Weghorn] + VCLUnoHelper: Align AWT <-> VCL helpers with convert.hxx impl [Michael Weghorn] + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + version COVERITY conditionals [Caolán McNamara] + VS natvis: improve css::uno::Any handling [Mike Kaganski] + VS natvis: improve handling of SwFlowFrame derivatives [Mike Kaganski] + vs-ide-integration: set correct solution / project platform [Mike Kaganski] + WaE: C6011 Dereferencing NULL pointer warnings [Xisco Fauli] + WARN about swallowed exceptions [Stephan Bergmann] + warning C6011: Dereferencing NULL pointer 'pArgs' [Mike Kaganski] + warning C6011: Dereferencing NULL pointer 'sNewPath' [Mike Kaganski] + we can drop cached text check workaround [Caolán McNamara] + we can remove a SharedString copy now [Caolán McNamara] + we don't need a virtual here [Caolán McNamara] + we don't need to constantly fetch SvtCTLOptions::GetCTLTextNumerals [Caolán McNamara] + we're not interested in using an empty reply [Caolán McNamara] + when a shape is selected, send other shapes' rectangles. [Gökay Şatır] + when split is forbidden, avoid useless calculations [Mike Kaganski] + when upgrading from Find toolbar search to (tdf#162580) [Jim Raykowski] + win a11y: Assert creating MSAAService succeeds [Michael Weghorn] + win a11y: Drop "Enable AT Tool support" from options UI [Michael Weghorn] + win a11y: Move (Impl)InitAccessBridge logic to only caller [Michael Weghorn] + win a11y: No longer read/write registry key [Michael Weghorn] + win a11y: Stop using setting to indicate AT support [Michael Weghorn] + win: Drop local var assigned to but never read [Michael Weghorn] + win: Move SetMaximizedFrameGeometry to WinSalFrame (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + win: Move UpdateFrameGeometry to WinSalFrame (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + win: Prefer integers instead of strings for OS version comparison [Michael Weghorn] + win: Replace some direct access to SalFrame::maGeometry (tdf#160837) [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Add missing include in acccommon.h [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Add skeleton IAccessible2_2 implementation (tdf#91739) [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Bridge focusable state as is [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Check reference in CAccHyperLink::get_startIndex [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: clang-format AccComponent.h [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: clang-format CAccEditableText sources [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: clang-format CAccHyperLink [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: clang-format CAccHypertext [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: clang-format CAccRelation [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Clarify + reduce variable scope [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Consistently assert COM obj creation succeeds [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Create AccObject for parent as necessary (tdf#91739) [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Don't set a11y name that gets overwritten right away [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Don't use "m" prefix for local vars [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop "//special query" comments [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop "using namespace css::accessibility::AccessibleRole" [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop "using namespace css::accessibility::AccessibleStateType" [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop AccObject::ImplInitializeCreateObj [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop AccObjectWinManager::GetRole [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop always default AccObject::InsertChild pos param [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop always null param from AccObject ctor [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop CAccComponentBase::GetXInterface [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop CAccEditableText::GetXInterface [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop CAccHyperLink::GetXInterface [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop CAccImage::GetXInterface [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop CAccValue::GetXInterface [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop COM indirection to get other CMAccessible's XAccessible [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop commented code and duplicate comment [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop duplicate check for a11y context [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop duplicate handling for focusable state [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop extra check in AccObjectWinManager::InsertAccObj [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop extra pointer vars, just use the ref [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop extra screen reader check to enable a11y bridge (tdf#160982) [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop misleading comment [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop special a11y name handling for paragraph/block quote [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop superfluous AccObject::m_pIMAcc null checks [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop superfluous check in CAccTable::get_accessibleAt [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop suspicious fallthrough case [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop unnecessary try/catch [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop unused AccObject::getListener [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop unused CAccComponentBase::get_locationOnScreen [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop unused CAccComponentBase::grabFocus [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop unused default params for AccObject ctor [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop unused defines [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Drop unused includes + "using namespace" [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Ensure IAccessible for relation target exists (tdf#91739) [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Explicitly map UNO to IA2 relation type [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Implement IAccessible2_2::get_relationTargetsOfType (tdf#91739) [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Just assign the reference [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Just assign the Reference [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Just assign the reference [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Just assign the Reference [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Just use ref instead of having extra pointer var [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Mention Accessibility Insights for Windows in README [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Merge CAccComponent{,Base} [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Move AccObject::GetExpandedState logic to only caller [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Move var decl to first assignment [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Move var declaration to where it's assigned [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Only require action iface for the actual object [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Prefix and rename CAccValue member [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Query new a11y name instead of passing it around [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Query XAccessibleAction iface on demand [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Rename CAccEditableText::{pRXEdtTxt -> m_xEditableText} [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Rename CAccHyperLink::{pRXLink -> m_xHyperlink} [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Rename CAccImage::{pRXImg -> m_xImage} [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Rename UNO_MSAA_UNMAPPING to MSAA_NO_STATE [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Replace deprecated IA2_EVENT_TEXT_CHANGED [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Report accessible ID as "id" obj attribute (tdf#155447) [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Retrieve a11y name on demand [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Retrieve default action description on demand [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: sal_Bool -> bool [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Send IA2_EVENT_TEXT_UPDATED when text changes [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Simplify AccObject::GetExpandedState [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Simplify AccObject::GetMSAAStateFromUNO with early return [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Unify handling for editable/readonly state a bit [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Unify handling to set action description [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Update comment now that IAccessible2 PR was merged [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Use enum class for navigation direction [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Use sal::systools::BStr::newBSTR here, too [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Use standard naming prefixes in CAccComponentBase [Michael Weghorn] + wina11y: Use UNKNOWN as fallback for a11y role [Michael Weghorn] + windows Taskbar: use progress bar feature (ITaskbarList3) [Vasily Melenchuk] + winget configuration files for installing Visual Studio Community 2022 [Christian Lohmaier] + workaround a non-antialiased output on one of Windows buildbots [Mike Kaganski] + workaround loplugin:cppunitassertequals [Noel Grandin] + writer2latex is long gone [Caolán McNamara] + writerfilter line spacing: don't convert PROP to PROP [Justin Luth] + writerfilter TOC: import "no page number" flag (tdf#162916) [Justin Luth] + writerfilter: don't discard layoutInCell (tdf#162211) [Justin Luth] + writerfilter: only copy page background vml fill (tdf#161349) [Justin Luth] + writerfilter: RTF import: fix problem with first table in section (tdf#160553) [Vasily Melenchuk] + writerfilter: support negative exact and atLeast (tdf#125469) [Justin Luth] + writerfilter: use "auto" for not-provided lineRule (tdf#125469) [Justin Luth] + wsl-as-helper: fix paths to module/Makefile in builddir!=srcdir case [Christian Lohmaier] + wsl: avoid another case of redirection / piping [Christian Lohmaier] + ww8export: drop isExported [Xisco Fauli] + xls/x export: don't force wrap-text for imported single-line (tdf#158460) [Justin Luth] + XML external entity processing enabled (cid#1616070, cid#1608302, cid#1608462) [Caolán McNamara] + XML_ERR_FATAL not ending parse (ofz#70675) [Caolán McNamara] + xmloff import: always provide ControlBorder property (tdf#156707) [Justin Luth] + xmlsec: upgrade to 1.3.6 [Xisco Fauli] + xmlsecurity: Add UItest (save GPG encrypted ODF) [Moritz Duge] + xmlsecurity: add unit test with docx that can only be opened with repair [Michael Stahl] + XTopWindowListener is unused here [Mike Kaganski] + dictionaries + add license statement and update hyphenation rules [Batmunkh Dorjgotov] + add Thai thesaurus (tdf#150433) [Theppitak Karoonboonyanan] + adjust Thai spell check dictionary (tdf#163657) [Theppitak Karoonboonyanan] + fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + lightproof: undo some import order changes advised by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + python: use is None/is not None instead of == None/!= None [Julien Nabet] + remove "por cada" cacophony in pt-BR grammar check [Olivier Hallot] + update Danish dictionaries to v2.8.140 [Xisco Fauli] + update Mongolian dictionary [Batmunkh Dorjgotov] + upgrade Mongolian dictionary to 2024.11.08 [Xisco Fauli] + help + (comment 11) extra spaces with copy/paste in Writer (tdf#128595) [Pierre F] + . explicit "Delete comment" for Calc Navigator (tdf#161401) [Pierre F] + about Skia (tdf#137680) [Olivier Hallot] + adapt help accordingly (vd. core commit e372b38) (tdf#162476) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + add description of \w and \W to regex page (tdf#163012) [Olivier Hallot] + add documentation for "database table references" (tdf#162275) [Dione Maddern] + add Help page for Comments sidebar panel in Writer (tdf#163053) [Dione Maddern] + add help page for Design sidebar deck (tdf#162504) [Dione Maddern] + add help page for login/password dialog (tdf#149220) [Olivier Hallot] + add help page for Page sidebar deck [Dione Maddern] + add help page for Sidebar Quick Find (tdf#162273) [Dione Maddern] + add Help page on Sidebar settings [Olivier Hallot] + add hid bookmark for TOC Entries dialog (tdf#153917) [Dione Maddern] + add image to record change list. (tdf#144206) [Pierre F] + add links and missing content to Styles Deck help page (tdf#162504) [Dione Maddern] + add missing file [Olivier Hallot] + add note on "Custom" limitation. (tdf#153345) [Pierre F] + add outline to status bar and reorder items (tdf#153732) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + add wildcards to Find &Replace Help page (tdf#103587) [Olivier Hallot] + adjust FACT. (tdf#162044) [Pierre F] + allow localization of XLOOKUP example [Stanislav Horacek] + apply english grammar [Alain Romedenne] + AutoRecovery and backup on by default (tdf#152463, tdf#144511) [Pierre F] + backtranslate a confusingly worded string [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + basic MiD() method has 2 different signatures [Alain Romedenne] + better placeholder string for command line example (tdf#69192) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + blank cells vs. empty string. (tdf#144986) [Olivier Hallot] + calc split and freeze cannot be used at the same time (tdf#127338) [Pierre F] + calculation_accuracy, obsolete example with dates and times. (tdf#162332) [Pierre F] + change "Group" to "Group Shapes" (tdf#155153) [Bogdan Buzea] + clarify + link. (tdf#155459) [Pierre F] + clarify conditional formatting example (tdf#162559) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + clarify DAYS() (tdf#158215) [Pierre F] + clarify Instr(). (tdf#139840, tdf#129436) [Pierre F] + clarify SUBTOTAL example. from https://ask.libreoffice.org/t/autofiltre-sous-total-nb-si/107742/7 [Pierre F] + cleanup Local. (tdf#154595) [Pierre F] + CLI graphic export option Help page (tdf#162529) [Olivier Hallot] + completion of CHAR and CLEAN functions [Olivier Hallot] + consolidate help pages for the Styles Sidebar deck into one page [Dione Maddern] + create help page for Number Format pane (tdf#162504) [Dione Maddern] + create help pages for Properties sidebar panels (tdf#162504, tdf#152161) [Dione Maddern] + dashes in word count. (tdf#62799) [Pierre F] + description of ERROR Value as argument of T() (tdf#158180) [Pierre F] + disambiguate hid2file.js, chart legend dups (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, CustomAnimation (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, DBNew* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, Distribute Rows (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, DistributeColumns (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, DrawGraphicMenu (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, DuplicatePage (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, GridFront (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, InsertAuthor (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, InsertCtrl (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, InsertFrameInteract (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, InsertTimeField (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, mail merge (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, misc (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, Page/Column (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, paste special (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, Print preview (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, RTL/LTR (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, SaveGraphic (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, Scripts (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, Select Row/Col (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, SelectAll (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, ShowGraphics (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, Style menu (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, TableBoundaries (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, uno:ScrollBar (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, uno:SheetMenu (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, writer bookmarks (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js, ZoomOptimal (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js,CMIS setup (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js,Grow/Shrink (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + disambiguate hid2file.js,header/footer (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + document python comparison operators for UNO objects [Olivier Hallot] + document word count tooltip in navigator (implemented in 7.0 (tdf#63967) [Pierre F] + don’t localize file extensions [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + drop help for removed "Support assistive technology tools" option [Michael Weghorn] + drop of case sensitivity for function UNIQUE (tdf#162587) [Olivier Hallot] + drop removed 'eventtesting' cmd line option [Caolán McNamara] + fix "Edit > External links" for DRAW and IMPRESS (tdf#163886) [Olivier Hallot] + fix @@nowidget@@ HID for Go to Page dialog [Stéphane Guillou] + fix Alt text of image [Olivier Hallot] + fix bad link [Olivier Hallot] + fix Bad link for Base Table Row height (tdf#150760) [Olivier Hallot] + fix bad link in Content tree [Olivier Hallot] + fix broken links on Insert Table Help pages [Olivier Hallot] + fix broken links to Navigator and Navigation Toolbar help pages (tdf#156332) [Dione Maddern] + fix dup in sbasic/shared/vba_objects.xhp [Julien Nabet] + fix empty heading in 'Edit module' help page [Dione Maddern] + fix example for COUPDAYS. [Olivier Hallot] + fix grammar (tdf#155459) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + fix param separator of several functions (tdf#162025) [Olivier Hallot] + fix some "d'oh! you found a bug!" [Olivier Hallot] + fix some "D'oh! you found a bug!" [Olivier Hallot] + fix some "D'oh! you found a bug" [Olivier Hallot] + fix switch for regular expressions. [Olivier Hallot] + fix term in TOC help page [Olivier Hallot] + fix to IF Basic statement syntax diagram (tdf#161883) [Alain Romedenne] + fix to If statement syntax diagram (tdf#162470) [Alain Romedenne] + fix typo (tdf#162275) [Andrea Gelmini, Ilmari Lauhakangas] + functions AND and OR in array context. (tdf#162379) [Olivier Hallot] + ghost ref to OO.o [Alain Romedenne] + help page for HandleDuplicateRecords dialog (tdf#85976) [Sahil Gautam] + help: Adjust path for Open/Save buttons in Tabbed UI (tdf#157230) [Kira Tubo] + helpers: fix issues found by Ruff linter [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + housekeeping Help page on Similarity command. [Olivier Hallot] + HYPERLINK tip. (tdf#134896) [Pierre F] + impress Format menu update (tdf#102265) [Olivier Hallot] + ISO in WEEKSINYEAR. (tdf#152986) [Pierre F] + labels changed in Settings of Footnotes and Endnotes dialog (tdf#140347) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + misc fix scalc/01/data_form. (tdf#158426) [Pierre F] + misc. href typo (lines 65, 71) [Pierre F] + misc. simplify sentences (Basic Function call) [Pierre F] + missing link to BASIC programming guide in wiki [Alain Romedenne] + more (simple) regex examples + fix note on paragraph limitation. (tdf#38261, tdf#159607) [Pierre F] + more tweaks in XHP DTD [Olivier Hallot] + more typos and mute translation [Olivier Hallot] + MsgBox not a Statement. (tdf#162447) [Pierre F] + mute L10N for embedvar [Olivier Hallot] + mute L10n of + typos [Olivier Hallot] + mute L10n of embedded contents. [Olivier Hallot] + mute L10n on [Olivier Hallot] + name= attribute is not supported in HTML5 for [Olivier Hallot] + new arguments in ScriptForge.Exception.PythonShell() method [Alain Romedenne] + note on Cannot toggle edit mode on New (unsaved) Documents. (tdf#128836) [Pierre F] + NPV() example. (tdf#131140) [Pierre F] + OnCalculate sheet event is fired before, not after recalculation [Eike Rathke] + organizer -> General in Help pages [Olivier Hallot] + place find toolbar in 02 folder. [Olivier Hallot] + place fontwork toolbar in 02 folder. [Olivier Hallot] + place mediaplay toolbar in 02 folder. [Olivier Hallot] + POWER(). (tdf#121398) [Pierre F] + precisions on Option Explicit statement (tdf#134503) [Olivier Hallot] + protect section in Writer object properties moved to (tdf#149085) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + readability/maintainability factorization (tdf#121697) [Pierre F] + refactor - no changes [Olivier Hallot] + refactor file, no changes [Olivier Hallot] + reference a more recent version of MS Office (tdf#154017) [Pierre F] + relevant help information for Impress Insert Table (tdf#118588) [Dione Maddern] + removal of hard-coded split window shortcut [Heiko Tietze] + remove BasicIDE screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove Calc screenshots. [Olivier Hallot] + remove colons from headings (tdf#140347) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + remove dbaccess screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove ddesktop screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js Standard filter (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js WIZARDS (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:DeleteColumns (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:DeleteRows (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:InsertColumns (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:InsertMenu (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:InsertRows (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:LoadStyles (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:Sort* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:ViewMenu (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:ZoomIn (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:ZoomOut (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, .uno:ZoomPlus/Minus (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, bad hid (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, Bad hid/ (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, DBACCESS_HID* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, epub (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, EXTENSIONS* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, NewTableDialog (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, pdf export (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, Print dialog (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, SC_HID* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, SD_HID* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, SFX2_HID* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, signature (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js, WindowList (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js,uno:Align* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove dup's in hid2file.js,uno:CellVert* (tdf#162607) [Olivier Hallot] + remove empty paragraph at line 78 [Dione Maddern] + remove formula screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove mention of removed GetLocale BASIC function (tdf#160197) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + remove modules/dbreport screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove modules/schart screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove modules/smath screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove sfx screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove svt screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove TOTD duplicate page [Olivier Hallot] + remove unnecessary comma and add missing article [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + remove uui screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove vcl screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + remove xmlsec screenshots (not used) [Olivier Hallot] + removed exec bits on png files [Andrea Gelmini] + removed exec bits on PNG files [Andrea Gelmini] + removed exec bits on png files [Andrea Gelmini] + rename "Pen Width" to "Pen Thickness" (tdf#161914) [Bogdan Buzea] + reorder LO Options contents tree [Olivier Hallot] + resize icon in page. (tdf#162847) [Olivier Hallot] + revert "Remove modules/smath screenshots (not used)" [Olivier Hallot] + review Calc Define database range Help page [Olivier Hallot] + review Writer Status Bar Help page (tdf#162628) [Olivier Hallot] + revisit Writer Navigator Help page. [Olivier Hallot] + similarity search examples (tdf#129492) [Olivier Hallot] + split BASE + BAHTTEXT (tdf#143846) [Pierre F] + split CHAR + CLEAN. + helper (tdf#143846) [Pierre F] + split CODE() + CONCATENATE() (tdf#143846) [Pierre F] + split DECIMAL() + DOLLAR() (tdf#143846) [Pierre F] + split EXACT FIND FIXED LEFT LEN LOWER (tdf#143846) [Pierre F] + split LEFTB LENB MIDB RIGHTB (tdf#143846) [Pierre F] + split PROPER REPLACE REPT RIGHT SEARCH ... (tdf#143846) [Pierre F] + split syntax paragraph for MID() function / statement. [Pierre F] + tagalog add filter dialogs + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add hyperlinkinternetpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add hyperlinkmailpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add hyperlinknewdocpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optaccessibilitypage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optactlpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optadvancedpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optasianpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optfltrlpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optgeneralpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add opthtmlpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optlanguagepage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optsecuritypage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add optviewpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add pageformatpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add screenshot for effectpage and hyperlinkdocpage [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog add slantcornertabpage + refresh [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog Add swriter screenshots, remove unused [Olivier Hallot] + tagalog: add screenshot colorpage colorpickerdialog [Olivier Hallot] + tweaks for text function for navigation [Olivier Hallot] + tweaks for text function for navigation (2) [Olivier Hallot] + tweaks for text function for navigation (3) [Olivier Hallot] + typos [Olivier Hallot] + update BASIC now() help page. (tdf#162791) [Olivier Hallot] + update help for Status Bar's Combined Display (tdf#162627) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + update help page for "Edit Module" (tdf#162403) [Dione Maddern] + update Help per renamed label, Change image resolution (tdf#145161) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + update help text to match UI (tdf#115884, tdf#133941, tdf#161909) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + update instructions for enabling remote control in Remote User Guide (tdf#162483) [Dione Maddern] + update menu item path to Field Hidden Paragraphs [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + update sdraw screenshots [Olivier Hallot] + update simpress screenshots [Olivier Hallot] + update smath screnshots, add new languages [Olivier Hallot] + update svx screenshots [Olivier Hallot] + update to make file [Alain Romedenne] + update writerperfect screenshots [Olivier Hallot] + use same names of XMATCH arguments as in UI [Stanislav Horacek] + VBA objects & properties & methods (WiP) (tdf#161495, tdf#149786) [Alain Romedenne] + VBA supported objects [Alain Romedenne] + translations + add Tagalog (tl) translations [Christian Lohmaier] + add translation files for Santali (Ol-Chiki) (sat-Olck) [Christian Lohmaier] + update translations for 24-8/master [Christian Lohmaier] + update translations for master [Christian Lohmaier] + update translations for master / 25.2 alpha1 [Christian Lohmaier] + update translations for master/25.2.0 alpha1 [Christian Lohmaier] + updated Slovenian translation [Martin Srebotnjak]