These tools (with the noted exception of SGMLS - a superb product courtesy of James Clark) have been produced by SGML Systems Engineering to aid in the processes of importing SGML documents into Folio Views 3.0 (FV) and exporting documents from existing infobases as valid SGML instances. These tools are the first in a line of what will hopefully evolve into a suite of tools to provide generalised SGML import/export facilities to/from FV. They should not be regarded at present as offering such generalised functionality, as this was not their design aim. They are offered at present as public domain tools. There are no licence terms or requirements for the tools produced by SGML Systems Engineering. Basically, you may do with them what you want, but I accept no responsibilty for anything! The file LICENCE contains the licence conditions for SGMLS. There is no guarantee that future tools will also be offered in the public domain, or, indeed, that they will ever actually materialise. FILELIST When you unzip the file you should find the following files : flatfile.dtd - a dtd expressing the semantics of a FV 3.0 flatfile views30.ent - entity declarations readme - this file concepts - explains a little of the concepts behind these tools instal - installation instructions and example usage licence - licence conditions for SGMLS sgmls.exe - DOS executable of SGMLS 1.1 (public domain SGML parser) sgmls.doc - documentation file for SGMLS 1.1 fff2sgml.exe - produces an SGML file conforming to the flatfile DTD from a FV 3.0 flatfile fff2sgml.doc - documentation file for fff2sgml cleansgm.exe - cleans up SGML files produced by fff2sgml cleansgm.doc - documentation file for cleansgm sgml2fff.exe - produces a FV 3.0 flatfile from an SGML file conforming to the flatfile DTD sgml2fff.doc - documentation file for sgml2fff CURRENT STATUS These tools are very much, at present, in the testing stage. They have been tested exhaustively on the infobases I have been able to obtain, and perform correctly on these. However, because of the seeming variability between the Folio documentation and what may actually be contained in a flatfile, no guarantees are offered. It is recommended that all data files are first backed-up and archived, and that the tools be run at present only on a standalone PC. Because of the very basic error trapping at present, and the extensive use of pointers, if anything unforseen is encountered in a flatfile, the tools fff2sgml, cleansgm and sgml2fff may do one of four things : a) if the problem is correctable, simply report it in the error file and continue b) stop with a FATAL ERROR message c) loop infinitely (it is recommended that the line counter is left on so that this condition may be detected by seeing the line counter stop) d) hang the machine or, in some really terminal cases, reboot the machine The next release will contain more extensive error-handling capabilities which should alleviate the worst of these problems. How extensive these are will depend a lot upon the feedback obtained from people trying these current tools. So please, whatever your experiences with these, let me know. All bugs, queries or suggestions (all feedback appreciated) should be directed to Bruce Hunter via either Internet ( or Compuserve (100117,1357).