XrlPolicyV0p1Client (XrlSender* s)
| XrlPolicyV0p1Client |
~XrlPolicyV0p1Client ()
| ~XrlPolicyV0p1Client |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr CreateTermCB | CreateTermCB |
bool send_create_term (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& policy,
const string& order,
const string& term,
const CreateTermCB& cb
| send_create_term |
Send Xrl intended to:
Create a term in a policy. The term will be the last term in the policy statement.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
policy | the name of the policy. |
order | position of term. |
term | the name of the term. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteTermCB | DeleteTermCB |
bool send_delete_term (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& policy,
const string& term,
const DeleteTermCB& cb
| send_delete_term |
Send Xrl intended to:
Delete a term in a policy.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
policy | the name of the policy. |
term | the name of the term. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr UpdateTermBlockCB | UpdateTermBlockCB |
bool send_update_term_block (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& policy,
const string& term,
const uint32_t& block,
const string& order,
const string& statement,
const UpdateTermBlockCB& cb
| send_update_term_block |
Send Xrl intended to:
Update the source/dest/action block of a term in a policy. Note: if statement is empty, the previous one in that position will be deleted.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
policy | the name of the policy. |
term | the name of the term. |
block | the block to update (0:source, 1:dest, 2:action). |
order | numerical position (local) of statement. |
statement | the statement to insert or delete. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr CreatePolicyCB | CreatePolicyCB |
bool send_create_policy (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& policy,
const CreatePolicyCB& cb
| send_create_policy |
Send Xrl intended to:
Create a policy.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
policy | name of the policy. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeletePolicyCB | DeletePolicyCB |
bool send_delete_policy (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& policy,
const DeletePolicyCB& cb
| send_delete_policy |
Send Xrl intended to:
Delete a policy.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
policy | name of the policy. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr CreateSetCB | CreateSetCB |
bool send_create_set (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& set,
const CreateSetCB& cb
| send_create_set |
Send Xrl intended to:
Create a set.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
set | name of the set. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr UpdateSetCB | UpdateSetCB |
bool send_update_set (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& type,
const string& set,
const string& elements,
const UpdateSetCB& cb
| send_update_set |
Send Xrl intended to:
Replace elements in a set.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
type | the type of the set. |
set | name of the set. |
elements | comma delimited list of set elements. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteSetCB | DeleteSetCB |
bool send_delete_set (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& set,
const DeleteSetCB& cb
| send_delete_set |
Send Xrl intended to:
Delete a set.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
set | name of the set. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddToSetCB | AddToSetCB |
bool send_add_to_set (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& type,
const string& set,
const string& element,
const AddToSetCB& cb
| send_add_to_set |
Send Xrl intended to:
Add an element to a set.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
type | the type of the set. |
set | name of the set. |
element | the element to add. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteFromSetCB | DeleteFromSetCB |
bool send_delete_from_set (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& type,
const string& set,
const string& element,
const DeleteFromSetCB& cb
| send_delete_from_set |
Send Xrl intended to:
Delete an element from a set.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
type | the type of the set. |
set | name of the set. |
element | the element to delete. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DoneGlobalPolicyConfCB | DoneGlobalPolicyConfCB |
bool send_done_global_policy_conf (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const DoneGlobalPolicyConfCB& cb
| send_done_global_policy_conf |
Send Xrl intended to:
Commit the configuration.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ImportCB | ImportCB |
bool send_import (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& policies,
const ImportCB& cb
| send_import |
Send Xrl intended to:
Replace import/export policies for a protocol. Will normally cause a delayed commit.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
protocol | protocol for which policies must be replaced. |
policies | comma separated list of policies. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ExportCB | ExportCB |
bool send_export (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& policies,
const ExportCB& cb
| send_export |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddVarmapCB | AddVarmapCB |
bool send_add_varmap (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& variable,
const string& type,
const string& access,
const uint32_t& id,
const AddVarmapCB& cb
| send_add_varmap |
Send Xrl intended to:
Add a variable to the varmap configuration.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
protocol | the protocol this variable is available to. |
variable | name of the variable. |
type | the type of the variable. |
access | the permissions on the variable (r/rw). |
id | unique id for this var. Scoped by protocol. |
typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const string*>::RefPtr DumpStateCB | DumpStateCB |
bool send_dump_state (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const uint32_t& id,
const DumpStateCB& cb
| send_dump_state |
Send Xrl intended to:
Dump state of policy manager. To be used ONLY for debugging.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
id | which aspect of the internal state to dump. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetProtoTargetCB | SetProtoTargetCB |
bool send_set_proto_target (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target,
const SetProtoTargetCB& cb
| send_set_proto_target |
Send Xrl intended to:
Update the mapping from protocols to their XRL target name.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
protocol | protocol to update. |
target | XRL target for the protocol. |
XrlSender* _sender | _sender |