XrlFeaClickV0p1Client (XrlSender* s)
| XrlFeaClickV0p1Client |
~XrlFeaClickV0p1Client ()
| ~XrlFeaClickV0p1Client |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableClickCB | EnableClickCB |
bool send_enable_click (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& enable,
const EnableClickCB& cb
| send_enable_click |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable/disable Click FEA support.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
enable | if true, then enable the Click FEA support, otherwise disable it. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StartClickCB | StartClickCB |
bool send_start_click (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const StartClickCB& cb
| send_start_click |
Send Xrl intended to:
Start Click FEA support.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StopClickCB | StopClickCB |
bool send_stop_click (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const StopClickCB& cb
| send_stop_click |
Send Xrl intended to:
Stop Click FEA support.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableDuplicateRoutesToKernelCB | EnableDuplicateRoutesToKernelCB |
bool send_enable_duplicate_routes_to_kernel (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& enable,
const EnableDuplicateRoutesToKernelCB& cb
| send_enable_duplicate_routes_to_kernel |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable/disable duplicating the Click routes to the system kernel.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
enable | if true, then enable duplicating the Click routes to the system kernel, otherwise disable it. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableKernelClickCB | EnableKernelClickCB |
bool send_enable_kernel_click (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& enable,
const EnableKernelClickCB& cb
| send_enable_kernel_click |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable/disable kernel-level Click FEA support.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
enable | if true, then enable the kernel-level Click FEA support, otherwise disable it. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableKernelClickInstallOnStartupCB | EnableKernelClickInstallOnStartupCB |
bool send_enable_kernel_click_install_on_startup (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& enable,
const EnableKernelClickInstallOnStartupCB& cb
| send_enable_kernel_click_install_on_startup |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable/disable installing kernel-level Click on startup.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
enable | if true, then install kernel-level Click on startup. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetKernelClickModulesCB | SetKernelClickModulesCB |
bool send_set_kernel_click_modules (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& modules,
const SetKernelClickModulesCB& cb
| send_set_kernel_click_modules |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the list of kernel Click modules to load on startup if installing kernel-level Click on startup is enabled. The file names of the kernel modules are separated by colon.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
modules | the list of kernel Click modules (separated by colon) to load. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetKernelClickMountDirectoryCB | SetKernelClickMountDirectoryCB |
bool send_set_kernel_click_mount_directory (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& directory,
const SetKernelClickMountDirectoryCB& cb
| send_set_kernel_click_mount_directory |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the kernel-level Click mount directory.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
directory | the kernel-level Click mount directory. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetKernelClickConfigGeneratorFileCB | SetKernelClickConfigGeneratorFileCB |
bool send_set_kernel_click_config_generator_file (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& kernel_click_config_generator_file,
const SetKernelClickConfigGeneratorFileCB& cb
| send_set_kernel_click_config_generator_file |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the external program to generate the kernel-level Click configuration.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
kernel_click_config_generator_file | the name of the external program to generate the kernel-level Click configuration. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableUserClickCB | EnableUserClickCB |
bool send_enable_user_click (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& enable,
const EnableUserClickCB& cb
| send_enable_user_click |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable/disable user-level Click FEA support.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
enable | if true, then enable the user-level Click FEA support, otherwise disable it. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUserClickCommandFileCB | SetUserClickCommandFileCB |
bool send_set_user_click_command_file (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& user_click_command_file,
const SetUserClickCommandFileCB& cb
| send_set_user_click_command_file |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the user-level Click command file.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
user_click_command_file | the name of the user-level Click command file. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUserClickCommandExtraArgumentsCB | SetUserClickCommandExtraArgumentsCB |
bool send_set_user_click_command_extra_arguments (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& user_click_command_extra_arguments,
const SetUserClickCommandExtraArgumentsCB& cb
| send_set_user_click_command_extra_arguments |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the extra arguments to the user-level Click command.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
user_click_command_extra_arguments | the extra arguments to the user-level Click command. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUserClickCommandExecuteOnStartupCB | SetUserClickCommandExecuteOnStartupCB |
bool send_set_user_click_command_execute_on_startup (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& user_click_command_execute_on_startup,
const SetUserClickCommandExecuteOnStartupCB& cb
| send_set_user_click_command_execute_on_startup |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify whether to execute on startup the user-level Click command.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
user_click_command_execute_on_startup | if true, then execute the user-level Click command on startup. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUserClickControlAddressCB | SetUserClickControlAddressCB |
bool send_set_user_click_control_address (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv4& user_click_control_address,
const SetUserClickControlAddressCB& cb
| send_set_user_click_control_address |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the address to use for control access to the user-level Click.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
user_click_control_address | the address to use for control access to the user-level Click. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUserClickControlSocketPortCB | SetUserClickControlSocketPortCB |
bool send_set_user_click_control_socket_port (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const uint32_t& user_click_control_socket_port,
const SetUserClickControlSocketPortCB& cb
| send_set_user_click_control_socket_port |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the socket port to use for control access to the user-level Click.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
user_click_control_socket_port | the socket port to use for control access to the user-level Click. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUserClickStartupConfigFileCB | SetUserClickStartupConfigFileCB |
bool send_set_user_click_startup_config_file (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& user_click_startup_config_file,
const SetUserClickStartupConfigFileCB& cb
| send_set_user_click_startup_config_file |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the configuration file to be used by user-level Click on startup.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
user_click_startup_config_file | the name of the configuration file to be used by user-level Click on startup. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUserClickConfigGeneratorFileCB | SetUserClickConfigGeneratorFileCB |
bool send_set_user_click_config_generator_file (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& user_click_config_generator_file,
const SetUserClickConfigGeneratorFileCB& cb
| send_set_user_click_config_generator_file |
Send Xrl intended to:
Specify the external program to generate the user-level Click configuration.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
user_click_config_generator_file | the name of the external program to generate the user-level Click configuration. |
XrlSender* _sender | _sender |