Class | Description |
AddAddr4 | Class for adding an IPv4 address to a VIF. |
AddAddr6 | Class for adding an IPv6 address to a VIF. |
AddInterface | Class for adding an interface. |
AddInterfaceVif | Class for adding a VIF to an interface. |
Addr4Modifier | Base class for IPv4vif address modifier operations. |
Addr6Modifier | Base class for IPv6vif address modifier operations. |
AddressTableBase | Base class for Address Table. |
AddressTableEventObserver | Class for observer for events in AddressTableBase instances. |
ClickSocket | ClickSocket class opens a Click socket and forwards data arriving on the socket to ClickSocketObservers. |
ClickSocketObserver | |
ClickSocketReader | |
ConfigureInterfaceFromSystem | Class for configuring an interface within the FEA by using information from the underlying system. |
FibTableObserverBase | A base class that can be used by clients interested in observing changes in the Forwarding Information Base. |
FilterRawSocket4 | A RawSocketClass that allows arbitrary filters to receive the data associated with a raw socket. |
FilterRawSocket4::InputFilter | Filter class. |
FilterRawSocket4::JoinedMulticastGroup | Joined multicast group class. |
FilterRawSocket6 | A RawSocketClass that allows arbitrary filters to receive the data associated with a raw socket. |
FilterRawSocket6::InputFilter | Filter class. |
FilterRawSocket6::JoinedMulticastGroup | Joined multicast group class. |
Fte | Forwarding Table Entry. |
FteX | |
FtiAddEntry4 | Class to store request to add routing entry to FtiConfig and dispatch it later. |
FtiAddEntry6 | Class to store request to add routing entry to FtiConfig and dispatch it later. |
FtiConfig | Forwarding Table Interface. |
FtiConfigEntryGet | |
FtiConfigEntryGetClick | |
FtiConfigEntryGetDummy | |
FtiConfigEntryGetIPHelper | |
FtiConfigEntryGetNetlink | |
FtiConfigEntryGetRtmV2 | |
FtiConfigEntryGetRtsock | |
FtiConfigEntryObserver | |
FtiConfigEntryObserverDummy | |
FtiConfigEntryObserverIPHelper | |
FtiConfigEntryObserverNetlink | |
FtiConfigEntryObserverRtmV2 | |
FtiConfigEntryObserverRtsock | |
FtiConfigEntrySet | |
FtiConfigEntrySetClick | |
FtiConfigEntrySetDummy | |
FtiConfigEntrySetIPHelper | |
FtiConfigEntrySetNetlink | |
FtiConfigEntrySetRtmV2 | |
FtiConfigEntrySetRtsock | |
FtiConfigTableGet | |
FtiConfigTableGetClick | |
FtiConfigTableGetDummy | |
FtiConfigTableGetIPHelper | |
FtiConfigTableGetNetlink | |
FtiConfigTableGetRtmV2 | |
FtiConfigTableGetSysctl | |
FtiConfigTableObserver | |
FtiConfigTableObserverDummy | |
FtiConfigTableObserverIPHelper | |
FtiConfigTableObserverNetlink | |
FtiConfigTableObserverRtmV2 | |
FtiConfigTableObserverRtmV2::RtmV2Observer | |
FtiConfigTableObserverRtsock | |
FtiConfigTableSet | |
FtiConfigTableSetClick | |
FtiConfigTableSetDummy | |
FtiConfigTableSetIPHelper | |
FtiConfigTableSetNetlink | |
FtiConfigTableSetRtmV2 | |
FtiConfigTableSetRtsock | |
FtiDeleteAllEntries4 | Class to store request to delete all routing entries to FtiConfig and dispatch it later. |
FtiDeleteAllEntries6 | Class to store request to delete all routing entries to FtiConfig and dispatch it later. |
FtiDeleteEntry4 | Class to store request to delete routing entry to FtiConfig and dispatch it later. |
FtiDeleteEntry6 | Class to store request to delete routing entry to FtiConfig and dispatch it later. |
FtiFibMsg | |
FtiTransactionManager | Class to store and execute FTI transactions. |
FtiTransactionOperation | Base class for operations that can occur during an FTI transaction. |
IPv4HeaderInfo | Simple structure used to cache commonly passed IPv4 header information which comes from socket control message headers. |
IPv6HeaderInfo | Simple structure used to cache commonly passed IPv6 header information which comes from socket control message headers. |
IfConfig | Base class for pushing and pulling interface configurations down to the particular platform. |
IfConfigAddressTable | Standard Xorp FEA AddressTable implementation. |
IfConfigErrorReporter | Class for propagating error information during IfConfig operations. |
IfConfigErrorReporterBase | Base class for propagating error information on from IfConfig. |
IfConfigGet | |
IfConfigGetClick | |
IfConfigGetDummy | |
IfConfigGetGetifaddrs | |
IfConfigGetIPHelper | |
IfConfigGetIoctl | |
IfConfigGetNetlink | |
IfConfigGetProcLinux | |
IfConfigGetSysctl | |
IfConfigObserver | |
IfConfigObserverDummy | |
IfConfigObserverIPHelper | |
IfConfigObserverNetlink | |
IfConfigObserverRtsock | |
IfConfigSet | |
IfConfigSetClick | |
IfConfigSetClick::ClickConfigGenerator | |
IfConfigSetDummy | |
IfConfigSetIPHelper | |
IfConfigSetIoctl | |
IfConfigSetNetlink | |
IfConfigUpdateReplicator | A class to replicate update notifications to multiple reporters. |
IfConfigUpdateReporterBase | Base class for propagating update information on from IfConfig. |
IfTree | Container class for Fea Interface objects in a system. |
IfTreeAddr4 | Class for holding an IPv4 interface address and address related items. |
IfTreeAddr6 | Class for holding an IPv6 interface address and address related items. |
IfTreeInterface | Fea class for holding physical interface state. |
IfTreeItem | Base class for Fea configurable items where the modifications need to be held over and propagated later, ie changes happen during a transaction but are propagated during the commit. |
IfTreeVif | Fea class for virtual (logical) interface state. |
InterfaceManager | InterfaceManager is the interface that is exposed by the fea via XRL's. |
InterfaceManagerOperation | Base class for Interface related operations acting on an IfTree. |
InterfaceModifier | Base class for interface modifier operations. |
InterfaceTransactionManager | |
LibFeaClientBridge | Bridge class to intervene between the FEA's interface manager and libfeaclient. |
MfeaDfe | Multicast dataflow entry class. |
MfeaDfeLookup | A class for storing all dataflow entries per (S,G). |
MfeaDft | The MFEA (S,G) dataflow table for monitoring forwarded bandwidth. |
MfeaMrouter | A class for multicast routing related I/O communication. |
MfeaNode | The MFEA node class. |
MfeaNodeCli | The class for MfeaNode CLI access. |
MfeaVif | A class for MFEA-specific virtual interface. |
MfeaVif::JoinedGroups | |
NetlinkSocket | NetlinkSocket class opens a netlink socket and forwards data arriving on the socket to NetlinkSocketObservers. |
NetlinkSocketObserver | |
NetlinkSocketReader | |
NexthopPortMapper | A class for to keep the mapping between next-hop information and a port number. |
NexthopPortMapperObserver | A class for observing changes to a NetlinkPortMapper object. |
NlmUtils | Helper class for various NETLINK-format related utilities. |
PaActionWrapper | Packet filter action. |
PaAddEntry4 | |
PaAddEntry6 | |
PaBackend | Packet filter provider interface. |
PaBackend::Snapshot4Base | |
PaBackend::Snapshot6Base | |
PaDeleteAllEntries4 | |
PaDeleteAllEntries6 | |
PaDeleteEntry4 | |
PaDeleteEntry6 | |
PaDummyBackend | Dummy ACL backend interface. |
PaDummyBackend::Snapshot4 | |
PaEntry | Packet filter entry. |
PaInvalidActionException | |
PaInvalidBackendException | |
PaInvalidSnapshotException | |
PaIpfw2Backend | IPFW2 ACL backend interface. |
PaIpfw2Backend::Snapshot4 | |
PaNfBackend | NF ACL backend interface. |
PaNfBackend::Snapshot4 | |
PaPfBackend | PF ACL backend interface. |
PaPfBackend::Snapshot4 | |
PaSnapshot4 | |
PaSnapshot6 | |
PaTableManager | |
PaTransactionManager | Class to store and execute Packet ACL transactions. |
PaTransactionManager::PaTransaction | PaTransaction is used to hold the Mementoes we request from underlying subsystems to support rollback. |
PaTransactionOperation | Base class for operations that can occur during a Packet ACL transaction. |
ProtoComm | A class for socket I/O communication. |
RawSocket | A base class for raw socket I/O communication. |
RawSocket4 | Base class for raw IPv4 sockets. |
RawSocket6 | Base class for raw IPv6 sockets. |
RemoveAddr4 | Class for removing an IPv4 address to a VIF. |
RemoveAddr6 | Class for removing an IPv6 address to a VIF. |
RemoveInterface | Class for removing an interface. |
RemoveInterfaceVif | Class for removing a VIF from an interface. |
RoutingSocket | RoutingSocket class opens a routing socket and forwards data arriving on the socket to RoutingSocketObservers. |
RoutingSocketObserver | |
RoutingSocketReader | |
RtmUtils | Helper class for various RTM-format related utilities. |
SetAddr4Broadcast | Class to set the broadcast address IPv4 address associated with a vif. |
SetAddr4Enabled | Class to set enable state of an IPv4 address associated with a vif. |
SetAddr4Endpoint | Class to set the endpoint IPv4 address associated with a vif. |
SetAddr4Prefix | Class to set the prefix of an IPv4 address associated with a vif. |
SetAddr6Enabled | Class to set the enabled state of an IPv6 address associated with a vif. |
SetAddr6Endpoint | Class to set the endpoint IPv6 address associated with a vif. |
SetAddr6Prefix | Class to set the prefix of an IPv6 address associated with a vif. |
SetInterfaceDiscard | Class for setting the discard state of an interface. |
SetInterfaceEnabled | Class for setting the enabled state of an interface. |
SetInterfaceMAC | Class for setting an interface mac. |
SetInterfaceMTU | Class for setting an interface mtu. |
SetVifEnabled | Class for setting the enabled state of a vif. |
SgCount | Class that contains various counters per (S,G) entry. |
SocketUserSendCloseEvent | |
SocketUserSendConnectEvent | |
SocketUserSendErrorEvent | |
SocketUserSendRecvEvent | |
VifCount | Class that contains various counters per virtual interface. |
VifModifier | Base class for vif modifier operations. |
WinRtmPipe | WinRtmPipe class opens a routing socket and forwards data arriving on the socket to WinRtmPipeObservers. |
WinRtmPipeObserver | |
WinSupport | |
XrlFeaTarget | |
XrlFtiTransactionManager | Helper class for helping with Fti transactions via an Xrl interface. |
XrlFtiTransactionManager::FibClient | A template class for storing FIB client information. |
XrlIfConfigUpdateReporter | Class for exporting configuration events within FEA to other processes via XRL's. |
XrlInterfaceManager | Helper class for helping with Interface configuration transactions via an Xrl interface. |
XrlMfeaNode | |
XrlPacketAclTarget | Helper class for helping with packet ACL configuration transactions via an Xrl interface. |
XrlPacketAclTarget::PaBrowseState | Used to hold state for clients reading snapshots of the ACL tables. |
XrlRawSocket4Manager | A class that manages raw sockets as used by the XORP Xrl Interface. |
XrlRawSocket6Manager | A class that manages raw sockets as used by the XORP Xrl Interface. |
XrlSocketCommandBase | |
XrlSocketCommandDispatcher | |
XrlSocketServer | |
XrlSocketServer::RemoteSocket | |
XrlSocketServer::RemoteSocketOwner | |
ip | |
ip_opt | |
ip_opt::ip_opt_data | |
ip_opt_data_rr | |
ip_opt_data_sec | |
ip_opt_data_tr | |
ip_opt_data_ts |