Source: ../../ospf/external.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
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// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// $XORP: xorp/ospf/external.hh,v 1.13 2006/03/07 01:43:54 atanu Exp $

#ifndef __OSPF_EXTERNAL_HH__
#define __OSPF_EXTERNAL_HH__

 * Storage for AS-External-LSAs with efficient access.
class ASExternalDatabase {
    struct compare {
	bool operator ()(const Lsa::LsaRef a, const Lsa::LsaRef b) const {
	    if (a->get_header().get_link_state_id() ==
		return a->get_header().get_advertising_router() <
	    return a->get_header().get_link_state_id() <

    typedef set <Lsa::LsaRef, compare>::iterator iterator;

    iterator begin() { return _lsas.begin(); }
    iterator end() { return _lsas.end(); }
    void erase(iterator i) { _lsas.erase(i); }
    void insert(Lsa::LsaRef lsar) { _lsas.insert(lsar); }

    iterator find(Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

    set <Lsa::LsaRef, compare> _lsas;		// Stored AS-External-LSAs.

 * Handle AS-External-LSAs.
template <typename A>
class External {
    External(Ospf<A>& ospf, map<OspfTypes::AreaID, AreaRouter<A> *>& areas);

     * Candidate for announcing to other areas. Store this LSA for
     * future replay into other areas. Also arrange for the MaxAge
     * timer to start running.
     * @param area the AS-External-LSA came from.
     * @return true if this LSA should be propogated to other areas.
    bool announce(OspfTypes::AreaID area, Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

     * Called to complete a series of calls to announce().
    bool shove(OspfTypes::AreaID area);

     * Provide this area with the stored AS-External-LSAs.
    void push(AreaRouter<A> *area_router);

     * A true external route redistributed from the RIB (announce).
    bool announce(IPNet<A> net, A nexthop, uint32_t metric,
		  const PolicyTags& policytags);

     * A true external route redistributed from the RIB (withdraw).
    bool withdraw(const IPNet<A>& net);

     * Is this an AS boundary router?
    bool as_boundary_router_p() const {
	return _originating != 0;
     * Re-run the policy filters on all routes.
    void push_routes();

    Ospf<A>& _ospf;			// Reference to the controlling class.
    map<OspfTypes::AreaID, AreaRouter<A> *>& _areas;	// All the areas

    ASExternalDatabase _lsas;		// Stored AS-External-LSAs.
    uint32_t _originating;		// Number of AS-External-LSAs
					// that are currently being originated.

     * Find this LSA
    ASExternalDatabase::iterator find_lsa(Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

     * Add this LSA to the database if it already exists replace it
     * with this entry.
    void update_lsa(Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

     * Delete this LSA from the database.
    void delete_lsa(Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

     * This LSA has reached MaxAge get rid of it from the database and
     * flood it out of all areas.
    void maxage_reached(Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

     * Networks with same network number but different prefix lengths
     * can generate the same link state ID. When generating a new LSA
     * if a collision occurs use: 
     * RFC 2328 Appendix E. An algorithm for assigning Link State IDs
     * to resolve the clash.
    void unique_link_state_id(Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

     * Networks with same network number but different prefix lengths
     * can generate the same link state ID. When looking for an LSA
     * make sure that there the lsar that matches the net is found.
     * @param lsar search for this LSA in the database. WARNING this
     * LSA may have its link state ID field modifed by the search.
     * @param net that must match the LSA. 
    ASExternalDatabase::iterator unique_find_lsa(Lsa::LsaRef lsar,
						 const IPNet<A>& net);

    void set_net_nexthop(ASExternalLsa *aselsa, IPNet<A> net, A nexthop);

     * Start the refresh timer.
    void start_refresh_timer(Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

     * Called every LSRefreshTime seconds to refresh this LSA.
    void refresh(Lsa::LsaRef lsar);

     * Pass this outbound AS-External-LSA through the policy filter.
    bool do_filtering(IPNet<A>& network, A& nexthop, uint32_t& metric,
		      bool& e_bit, uint32_t& tag,
		      const PolicyTags& policytags);

#endif // __OSPF_EXTERNAL_HH__

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