Source: ../../libxorp/ref_trie.hh

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// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/ref_trie.hh,v 1.20 2004/06/10 22:41:18 hodson Exp $


#include "ipnet.hh"

// Macros

#include "xlog.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "minitraits.hh"
#include "stack"

#define NODE_DELETED 0x8000
#define NODE_REFS_MASK 0x7fff

 * This module implements a trie to support route lookups.

template <class A, class Payload>
class RefTriePostOrderIterator;

template <class A, class Payload>
class RefTriePreOrderIterator;

template <class A, class Payload>
class RefTrie;

 * @short RefTrieNode definition
 * RefTrieNode's are the elements of a RefTrie.
 * Each node is associated to a Key and possibly a Payload.
 * Nodes with a Payload ("full") can have 0, 1 or 2 children.
 * Nodes without a Payload ("empty") can only be internal nodes,
 * and MUST have 2 children (or they have no reason to exist).
 * Children have a Key which is strictly contained in their
 * parent's Key -- more precisely, they are in either the left
 * or the right half of the parent's Key. The branch to which
 * a child is attached (left or right) is defined accordingly.

template <class A, class Payload>
class RefTrieNode {
    typedef IPNet<A> Key;
    typedef typename MiniTraits<Payload>::NonConst PPayload;

     * Constructors
    RefTrieNode() : _up(0), _left(0), _right(0), _k(Key()), _p(0),
    RefTrieNode(const Key& key, const Payload& p, RefTrieNode* up = 0) :
	_up(up), _left(0), _right(0), _k(key), _p(new PPayload(p)),
	_references(0) {}

    RefTrieNode(const Key& key, RefTrieNode* up = 0) :
	_up(up), _left(0), _right(0), _k(key), _p(0), _references(0) {}

	// assert that the node has been deleted and it's reference
	// count is zero
	if (_p)

     * add a node to a subtree
     * @return a pointer to the node.
    static RefTrieNode *insert(RefTrieNode **root,
			    const Key& key,
			    const Payload& p,
			    bool& replaced);

     * erase current node, replumb. Returns the new root.
    RefTrieNode *erase();

     * main search routine. Given a key, returns a node.
    RefTrieNode *find(const Key& key) ;
    const RefTrieNode *const_find(const Key& key) const {
	return const_cast<RefTrieNode*>(this)->find(key);

     * aux search routine.
     * Given a key, returns a subtree contained in the key, irrespective
     * of the presence of a payload in the node.
    RefTrieNode *find_subtree(const Key &key);

     * Given a key, find the node with that key and a payload.
     * If the next doesn't exist or does not have a payload, find
     * the next node in the iterator sequence. XXX check the description.
    RefTrieNode* lower_bound(const Key &key);

    RefTrieNode* get_left()                       { return this->_left;   }
    RefTrieNode* get_right()                      { return this->_right;  }
    RefTrieNode* get_parent()                     { return this->_up;   }

    bool has_payload() const			{ return _p != NULL;	}
    bool has_active_payload() const
	return ((_p != NULL) && ((_references & NODE_DELETED) == 0));
    const Payload &const_p() const		{ return *_p;		}
    Payload &p()    			        { return *_p;		}

    void set_payload(const Payload& p) {
	if (_p)
	_p = new PPayload(p);
	// clear the DELETED flag
	_references ^= _references & NODE_DELETED;

    uint32_t references() const {
	return _references & NODE_REFS_MASK;

    void incr_refcount() {
	// printf("++ _references = %d\n", _references & NODE_REFS_MASK);

    void decr_refcount() {
	XLOG_ASSERT((_references & NODE_REFS_MASK) > 0);
	// printf("-- _references = %d\n", _references & NODE_REFS_MASK);

    bool deleted() const {
	return ((_references & NODE_DELETED) != 0);

    const Key &k() const			{ return _k;		}

    void print(int indent, const char *msg) const;
    string str() const;

     * helper function to delete an entire subtree (including the
     * root).
    void delete_subtree()			{
	if (_left)
	if (_right)
	// keep the destructor happy
	_references = NODE_DELETED;
	delete this;	/* and we are gone too */

     * debugging, validates a node by checking pointers and Key invariants.
    void validate(const RefTrieNode *parent) const	{
	if (_up != parent) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "bad parent _up %x vs %x",
		    (int)_up, (int)parent);
	if (_up && _k.contains(_up->_k)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "bad subnet order");
	if (_p == NULL && (!_left || !_right)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "useless internal node");
	if (_left)
	if (_right)

     * @return the leftmost node under this node

    bool is_left() const		{ return _up && this == _up->_left; }

    RefTrieNode *leftmost() {
	RefTrieNode *n = this;
	while (n->_left || n->_right)
	    n = (n->_left ? n->_left : n->_right);
	return n;

     * @return the boundaries ("lo" and "hi") of the largest range that
     * contains 'a' and maps to the same route entry.
     * Algorithm:
     * <PRE>
     *		n = find(a);
     * 		if we have no route (hence no default), provide a fake 0/0;
     *		set lo and hi to the boundaries of the current node.
     * if n.is_a_leaf() we are done (results are the extremes of the entry)
     * Otherwise: we are in an intermediate node, and a can be in positions
     * 1..5 if the node has 2 children, or 1'..3' if it has 1 child.
     *	n:		|---------------.----------------|
     *  a:                1    2        3      4     5
     *                       |--X--|         |--Y--|
     *  a:                1'    2'        3'
     *                       |--X--|
     * Behaviour is the following:
     *  case 1 and 1':	lo already set, hi = (lowest address in X)-1
     *  case 2 and 2': set n = X and repeat
     *  case 3: lo = (highest addr in X)+1, hi = (lowest addr in Y)-1
     *  case 3': lo = (highest addr in X)+1, hi is already set
     *  case 4: set n = Y and repeat
     *  case 5:	lo = (highest addr in Y)+1, hi is already set
     * </PRE>
    void find_bounds(const A& a, A &lo, A &hi) const	{
	RefTrieNode def = RefTrieNode();
	const RefTrieNode *n = const_find(Key(a, a.addr_bitlen()));

	if (n == NULL) {	// create a fake default entry
	    def._left = const_cast<RefTrieNode *>(this);
	    def._right = NULL;
	    n = &def;
	lo = n->_k.masked_addr();
	hi = n->_k.top_addr();
	for (const RefTrieNode *prev = NULL; prev != n;) {
	    prev = n;
	    RefTrieNode *x = (n->_left ? n->_left : n->_right);
	    if (x == NULL)
	    if (a < x->_k.masked_addr()) {		// case 1 and 1'
		hi = x->low();
	    } else if (a <= x->_k.top_addr()) {		// case 2 and 2'
		n = x; // and continue
	    } else if (n->_left == NULL || n->_right == NULL) { // case 3'
		lo = x->high();
	    } else if (a < n->_right->_k.masked_addr()) {	// case 3
		lo = x->high();
		hi = n->_right->low();
	    } else if (a <= n->_right->_k.top_addr()) {	// case 4:
		n = n->_right; // and continue
	    } else {					// case 5:
		lo = n->_right->high();
	// ensure destructor sanity check is happy
	def._references |= NODE_DELETED;

     * @return the lowest address in a subtree which has a route.
     * Search starting from left or right until a full node is found.
    A low() const 					{
	const RefTrieNode *n = this;
	while (!(n->has_active_payload())
	       && (n->_left || n->_right))
	    n = (n->_left ? n->_left : n->_right);
	return n->_k.masked_addr();

     * @return the highest address in a subtree which has a route.
     * Search starting from right or left until a full node is found.
    A high() const		 			{
	const RefTrieNode *n = this;
	while (!(n->has_active_payload())
	       && (n->_right || n->_left))
	    n = (n->_right ? n->_right : n->_left);
	return n->_k.top_addr();

    /* delete_payload is a separate method to allow specialization */
    void delete_payload(Payload* p) {
	delete p;

    void dump(const char *msg) const			{
#if 0
	debug_msg(" %s %s %s\n",
		  _k.str().c_str(), _p ? "PL" : "[]");
	debug_msg("  U   %s\n",
		  _up ? _up->_k.str().c_str() : "NULL");
	debug_msg("  L   %s\n",
		  _left ? _left->_k.str().c_str() : "NULL");
	debug_msg("  R   %s\n",
		  _right ? _right->_k.str().c_str() : "NULL");

    RefTrieNode	*_up, *_left, *_right;
    Key		_k;
    PPayload 	*_p;
    uint32_t    _references;

 * Postorder Iterator on a trie.
 * _cur points to the current object, _root contains the search key for
 * root of the subtree we want to scan. The iterator skips over empty
 * nodes, and visits the subtree in depth-first, left-to-right order.
 * The keys returned by this iterator are not sorted by prefix length.
template <class A, class Payload>
class RefTriePostOrderIterator {
    typedef IPNet<A> Key;
    typedef RefTrie<A, Payload> RefTrie;
    typedef RefTrieNode<A, Payload> Node;

     * Constructors
	_cur = NULL;
	_trie = NULL;

     * constructor for exact searches: both the current node and the search
     * key are taken from n, so the iterator will only loop once.
    RefTriePostOrderIterator(const RefTrie* trie, Node *n)
	_trie = trie;
	_cur = n;
	if (_cur) {
	    _root = n->k();

     * construct for subtree scanning: the root key is set explicitly,
     * and the current node is set according to the search order.
    RefTriePostOrderIterator(const RefTrie* trie, Node *n, const Key &k)
	_trie = trie;
	_root = k;
	_cur = n;

	if (_cur) {

    RefTriePostOrderIterator(const RefTriePostOrderIterator& x)
	// printf("copy constructor , new node: %p\n", x._cur);
	_trie = x._trie;
	_cur = x._cur;
	_root = x._root;

	if (_cur)

	if (_cur) {
	    if (_cur->deleted() && _cur->references() == 0) {
		// XXX uglyness alert.
		// printf("erasing node %p from iterator destructor\n", _cur);

     * move to the starting position according to the visiting order
    RefTriePostOrderIterator * begin()
	Node * n = _cur;
	while (n->get_parent() && _root.contains(n->get_parent()->k()))
	   n = n->get_parent();
	_cur = _cur->leftmost();
	return this;

     * Postfix increment
     * Updates position of iterator in tree.
     * @return position of iterator before increment.
    RefTriePostOrderIterator operator ++(int)
	// printf("postfix iterator: node was %p\n", _cur);
	RefTriePostOrderIterator x = *this;
	return x;

     * Prefix increment
     * Updates position of iterator in tree.
     * @return position of iterator after increment.
    RefTriePostOrderIterator& operator ++()
	return *this;

     * Conversion operator
     * Converts into a PreOrderIterator
    operator RefTriePreOrderIterator<A, Payload>() const
	return RefTriePreOrderIterator<A, Payload>(_trie, _cur, _root);

    void next() const
	Node * oldnode = _cur;
	do {
	   if (_cur->get_parent() == NULL) {
	       _cur = NULL;
	       break;             // cannot backtrack, finished
	   bool was_left_child = node_is_left(_cur);
	   _cur = _cur->get_parent();
	   // backtrack one level, then explore the leftmost path
	   // on the right branch if not done already.
	   if (was_left_child && _cur->get_right()) {
	       _cur = _cur->get_right()->leftmost();
	   if (_root.contains(_cur->k()) == false) {
	       _cur = NULL;
	} while (_cur->has_payload() == false);       // found a good node.

	if (_cur)

	// cleanup if this reduces the reference count on a deleted
	// node to zero
	if (oldnode) {
	    if (oldnode->deleted() && oldnode->references() == 0) {
		// XXX uglyness alert.
		// printf("erasing node %p from prefix increment\n", oldnode);

    inline void force_valid() const
	if (_cur && _cur->deleted())

    inline Node *cur() const { return _cur; }

    bool operator==(const RefTriePostOrderIterator & x) const
	return (_cur == x._cur);

    bool operator!=(const RefTriePostOrderIterator & x) const
	return (_cur != x._cur);

    Payload & payload()
	/* Usage note: the node the iterator points at can be deleted.
	   If there is any possibility that the node might have been
	   deleted since the iterator was last examined, the user
	   should compare this iterator with end() to force the
	   iterator to move to the next undeleted node or move to
	   end() if there is no undeleted node after the node that was
	   deleted.  */
	/* Implementation node: We could have put a call to force_valid
           here, but the force_valid can move the iterator to the end
           of the trie, which would cause _cur to become NULL.  Then
           we'd have to assert here anyway.  Doing it this way makes
           it more likely that a failure to check will be noticed
           early */
	return _cur->p();
    const Key & key() const
	/* see payload() for usage note*/
	return _cur->k();

    RefTriePostOrderIterator& operator=(const RefTriePostOrderIterator& x)
	// printf("operator= , old node: %p new node: %p\n", _cur, x._cur);
	Node *oldnode = _cur;
	_trie = x._trie;
	_cur = x._cur;
	_root = x._root;

	// need to increment before decrement, as the decrement might
	// cause deletion, which would be bad if the old Node was the
	// same as the new Node.
	if (_cur)
	if (oldnode) {
	    if (oldnode->deleted() && oldnode->references() == 0) {
		// XXX uglyness alert.
                // printf("erasing node %p from prefix increment\n", oldnode);
	return *this;
    friend class RefTriePreOrderIterator<A, Payload>;

    mutable Node *_cur; /*this is mutable because const methods can
			  cause the iterator to move from a deleted
			  node to the first non-deleted node or
			  end. */

    bool node_is_left(Node* n) const
	return n->get_parent() && n  == n->get_parent()->get_left();
    Key _root;
    const RefTrie* _trie;

 * Preorder Iterator on a trie.
 * _cur points to the current object, _root contains the search key for
 * root of the subtree we want to scan. The iterator does preorder traversal,
 * that is, current node first, then left then right.  This guarantees that
 * keys returned are sorted by prefix length.
template <class A, class Payload>
class RefTriePreOrderIterator {
    typedef IPNet<A> Key;
    typedef RefTrie<A, Payload> RefTrie;
    typedef RefTrieNode<A, Payload> Node;

     * Constructors
	_cur = NULL;
	_trie = NULL;

     * constructor for exact searches: both the current node and the search
     * key are taken from n, so the iterator will only loop once.
    explicit RefTriePreOrderIterator(const RefTrie* trie, Node *n)
	_trie = trie;
	_cur = n;
	if (_cur) {
	    _root = n->k();

     * construct for subtree scanning: the root key is set explicitly,
     * and the current node is set according to the search order.
    RefTriePreOrderIterator(const RefTrie* trie, Node *n,
	const Key &k)
	_trie = trie;
	_root = k;
	_cur = n;
	if (_cur) {

    RefTriePreOrderIterator(const RefTriePreOrderIterator& x)
	// printf("copy constructor , new node: %p\n", x._cur);
	_trie = x._trie;
	_cur = x._cur;
	_root = x._root;

	if (_cur)

	if (_cur) {
	    if (_cur->deleted() && _cur->references() == 0) {
		// XXX uglyness alert.
		// printf("erasing node %p from iterator destructor\n", _cur);

     * move to the starting position according to the visiting order
    RefTriePreOrderIterator * begin()
	while (_cur->get_parent() && _root.contains(_cur->get_parent()->k()))
	    _cur = _cur->get_parent();
	return this;

     * Postfix increment
     * Updates position of iterator in tree.
     * @return position of iterator before increment.
    RefTriePreOrderIterator operator ++(int)
	RefTriePreOrderIterator x = *this;
	return x;

     * Prefix increment
     * Updates position of iterator in tree.
     * @return position of iterator after increment.
    RefTriePreOrderIterator& operator ++()
	return *this;

     * Conversion operator
     * Converts into a PostOrderIterator
    operator RefTriePostOrderIterator<A, Payload>() const
	return RefTriePostOrderIterator<A, Payload>(_trie, _cur, _root);

    void next() const
	Node * oldnode = _cur;

	if (_cur == NULL) return;

	do {
	    if (_cur->get_left()) _cur=_cur->get_left();
	    else {
		bool was_right_child = node_is_right(_cur);
		while (!(_cur->get_right() && !was_right_child) &&
			_cur->get_parent() &&
			_root.contains(_cur->get_parent()->k())) {
		    was_right_child = node_is_right(_cur);
		    _cur = _cur->get_parent();
		if (!was_right_child && _cur->get_right())
		    _cur = _cur->get_right();
		else {
		    _cur = NULL;
	} while (_cur->has_payload() == false);      // found a good node.

	if (_cur)

	// cleanup if this reduces the reference count on a deleted
	// node to zero
	if (oldnode) {
	    if (oldnode->deleted() && oldnode->references() == 0) {
		// XXX uglyness alert.
		// printf("erasing node %p from prefix increment\n", oldnode);

    inline void force_valid() const
	if (_cur && _cur->deleted())

    Node *cur() const { return _cur; }

    bool operator==(const RefTriePreOrderIterator & x) const
	return (_cur == x._cur);

    bool operator!=(const RefTriePreOrderIterator & x) const
	return (_cur != x._cur);

    Payload & payload()
	/* Usage note: the node the iterator points at can be deleted.
	   If there is any possibility that the node might have been
	   deleted since the iterator was last examined, the user
	   should compare this iterator with end() to force the
	   iterator to move to the next undeleted node or move to
	   end() if there is no undeleted node after the node that was
	   deleted.  */
	/* Implementation node: We could have put a call to force_valid
           here, but the force_valid can move the iterator to the end
           of the trie, which would cause _cur to become NULL.  Then
           we'd have to assert here anyway.  Doing it this way makes
           it more likely that a failure to check will be noticed
           early */
	return _cur->p();
    const Key & key() const
	/* see payload() for usage note*/
	return _cur->k();

    RefTriePreOrderIterator& operator=(const RefTriePreOrderIterator& x)
	// printf("operator= , old node: %p new node: %p\n", _cur, x._cur);
	Node *oldnode = _cur;
	_trie = x._trie;
	_cur = x._cur;
	_root = x._root;

	// need to increment before decrement, as the decrement might
	// cause deleetion, which would be bad if the old Node was the
	// same as the new Node.
	if (_cur)
	if (oldnode) {
	    if (oldnode->deleted() && oldnode->references() == 0) {
		// XXX uglyness alert.
                // printf("erasing node %p from iter assignment\n", oldnode);
	return *this;


    friend class RefTriePostOrderIterator<A, Payload>;

    mutable Node* _cur; /*this is mutable because const methods can
			  cause the iterator to move from a deleted
			  node to the first non-deleted node or
			  end. */

    bool node_is_right(Node* n) const
	return n->get_parent() && n  == n->get_parent()->get_right();

    Key		 _root;
    const RefTrie* _trie;

 * The RefTrie itself
 * The trie support insertion and deletion of Key,Payload pairs,
 * and lookup by Key (which can be an address or a subnet).
 * Additional methods are supported to provide access via iterators.

template <class A, class Payload>
class RefTrie {
    typedef IPNet<A> Key;
    typedef RefTrieNode<A, Payload> Node;
    typedef RefTriePostOrderIterator<A, Payload> iterator;
    typedef RefTriePostOrderIterator<A, Payload> PostOrderIterator;
    typedef RefTriePreOrderIterator<A, Payload> PreOrderIterator;

     * stl map interface
    RefTrie() : _root(0), _payload_count(0), _deleted(false)	{}

    ~RefTrie()					{ delete_all_nodes(); }

    void delete_self() {
	_deleted = true;
	if (_root == NULL)
	    delete this;

    void set_root(Node *root) { 
	_root = root; 
	if (_deleted) {
	    delete this;

     * insert a key, payload pair, returns an iterator
     * to the newly inserted node.
     * Prints a warning message if the new entry overwrites an
     * existing full node.
    iterator insert(const Key & net, const Payload& p) {
	bool replaced = false;
	Node *out = Node::insert(&_root, net, p, replaced);
	if (replaced) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "overwriting a full node"); // XXX
	    fprintf(stderr, "net %s\n", net.str().c_str());
	} else {
#if 0
	printf("out->references: %d\n", out->references());
	if (out->deleted())
	    printf("node is deleted\n");
	return iterator(this, out);

     * delete the node with the given key.

    void erase(const Key &k)			{ erase(find(k)); }

     * delete the node pointed by the iterator.
    void erase(iterator i)			{
	if (_root && i.cur() && i.cur()->has_active_payload()) {
            // printf("explicit erase on node %p\n", i.cur());
	    _root = const_cast<Node *>(i.cur())->erase();
	    // XXX should invalidate i ?

     * given a key, returns an iterator to the entry with the
     * longest matching prefix.
    iterator find(const Key &k) const		{
	return iterator(this, _root->find(k));

     * given an address, returns an iterator to the entry with the
     * longest matching prefix.
    iterator find(const A& a) const		{
	return find(Key(a, a.addr_bitlen()));

    iterator lower_bound(const Key &k) const {
#ifdef NOTDEF
	iterator i = lookup_node(k);
	if (i != end())
	    return i;
	return iterator(this, _root->lower_bound(k));

    iterator begin() const
	return iterator(this, _root, IPNet<A>());

    const iterator end() const
	return iterator(const_cast<RefTrie*>(this), 0);

    void delete_all_nodes()			{
	if (_root)
	_root = NULL;
	_payload_count = 0;

     * lookup a subnet, must return exact match if found, end() if not.
    iterator lookup_node(const Key & k) const	{
	Node *n = _root->find(k);
	return (n && n->k() == k) ? iterator(this, n) : end();

     * returns an iterator to the subtree rooted at or below
     * the key passed as parameter.
    iterator search_subtree(const Key &key) const {
	return iterator(this, _root->find_subtree(key), key);

     * find_less_specific asks the question: if I were to add this
     * net to the trie, what would be its parent node?
     * net may or may not already be in the trie.
     * Implemented as a find() with a less specific key.
    iterator find_less_specific(const Key &key)	const {
	// there are no less specific routes than the default route
	if(key.prefix_len() == 0)
	    return end();

	Key x(key.masked_addr(), key.prefix_len() - 1);

	return iterator(this, _root->find(x));

     * return the lower and higher address in the range that contains a
     * and would map to the same route.
    void find_bounds(const A& a, A &lo, A &hi) const	{
	_root->find_bounds(a, lo, hi);
#if 0	// compatibility stuff, has to go
     * return the lower and higher address in the range that contains a
     * and would map to the same route.
    A find_lower_bound(const A a) const		{
	A lo, hi;
	_root->find_bounds(a, lo, hi);
	return lo;
    A find_higher_bound(const A a) const		{
	A lo, hi;
	_root->find_bounds(a, lo, hi);
	return hi;

#endif // compatibility
    int route_count() const			{ return _payload_count; }

    void print() const;

    void validate()				{
	if (_root)

    Node	*_root;
    int		_payload_count;

     * RefTrie's nodes are reference counted, so it's possible to
     * delete all the nodes in the trie, and for the actually routes
     * to remain around until their reference counts go to zero
     * because iterators still point at a node.  If you then delete
     * the trie itself, the nodes will be deleted but the iterator
     * will be invalidated.  Instead delete_self() should be called,
     * which sets _deleted, and only finally deletes the trie when all
     * the nodes themselves have gone away.
    bool        _deleted;

 * add subnet/payload to the tree at *root.
 * @return a pointer to the newly inserted node.
template <class A, class Payload>
RefTrieNode<A, Payload> *
RefTrieNode<A, Payload>::insert(RefTrieNode **root,
			     const Key& x,
			     const Payload& p,
			     bool& replaced)
     * Loop until done in the following:
     * If *root == NULL, create a new RefTrieNode containing x and we are DONE.
     * Otherwise consider the possible cases of overlaps between the subnets
     * in *root (call it y) and x (+ indicates the middle of the interval):
     *   y = (*root)          .|===+===|
     *   x	0	      .|---+---|
     *   x	A       |--|  .    .
     *   x	B             .    .     |--|
     *   x	C             . |-|.
     *   x	D             .    .|-|
     *   x	E  |----------+----------|
     *   x	F             |----------+-----------|
     * case 0:	Same subnet. Store payload if *root if empty, replace otherwise.
     * case A:	allocate a new empty root, make old *root the right child,
     *		make a new node with x the left child. DONE.
     * case B:	allocate a new empty root, make old *root the left child,
     *		make a new node with x the right child. DONE.
     * case C:	repeat with root = &((*root)->left)
     * case D:	repeat with root = &((*root)->right)
     * case E:	*root = new node with x, old *root the right child, DONE.
     * case F:	*root = new node with x, old *root the left child, DONE.
     * In all case, when we exit the loop, newroot contains the new value to
     * be assigned to *root;

    RefTrieNode **oldroot = root;	// do we need it ?
    RefTrieNode *newroot = NULL, *parent = NULL, *me = NULL;

    debug_msg("++ insert %s\n", x.str().c_str());
    for (;;) {
	newroot = *root;
	if (newroot == NULL) {
	    me = newroot = new RefTrieNode(x, p, parent);
	parent = newroot->_up;
	Key y = newroot->_k;
	if (x == y) {					/* case 0 */
	    debug_msg("case 0\n");
	    replaced = newroot->has_payload() & (!newroot->deleted());
	    me = newroot;

	// boundaries of x and y, and their midpoints.

	A x_m = x.masked_addr() | ( ~(x.netmask()) >> 1 );
	A y_m = y.masked_addr() | ( ~(y.netmask()) >> 1 );
	A x_l = x.masked_addr();
	A x_h = x.top_addr();
	A y_l = y.masked_addr();
	A y_h = y.top_addr();

	if (x_h < y_l) {			 	/* case A */
	    debug_msg("case A:  |--x--|   |--y--|\n");
	    Key k = Key::common_subnet(x, y);
	    newroot = new RefTrieNode(k, parent);	// create new root
	    newroot->_right = *root;		// old root goes right
	    newroot->_right->_up = newroot;
	    newroot->_left = me = new RefTrieNode(x, p, newroot);
	} else if (y_h < x_l) {				/* case B */
	    debug_msg("case B:  |--y--|   |--x--|\n");
	    Key k = Key::common_subnet(x, y);
	    newroot = new RefTrieNode(k, parent);	// create new root
	    newroot->_left = *root;
	    newroot->_left->_up = newroot;
	    newroot->_right = me = new RefTrieNode(x, p, newroot);
	} else if (x_l >= y_l && x_h <= y_m) {		/* case C */
	    debug_msg("case C:  |--x-.----|\n");
	    parent = *root;
	    root = &(newroot->_left);
	} else if (x_l > y_m && x_h <= y_h) {		/* case D */
	    debug_msg("case D:  |----.-x--|\n");
	    parent = *root;
	    root = &(newroot->_right);
	} else if (y_l > x_m && y_h <= x_h) {		/* case E */
	    debug_msg("case E:  |----.-Y--|\n");
	    newroot = me = new RefTrieNode(x, p, parent);
	    newroot->_right = *root;
	    newroot->_right->_up = newroot;
	} else if (y_l >= x_l && y_h <= x_m) {		/* case F */
	    debug_msg("case F:  |--Y-.----|\n");
	    newroot = me = new RefTrieNode(x, p, parent);
	    newroot->_left = *root;
	    newroot->_left->_up = newroot;
	} else
	    abort();	// impossible case in RefTrieNode::insert()
    *root = newroot;
    if (*oldroot)
    // (*oldroot)->print(0, "");
    return me;

 * Remove this node, cleanup useless internal nodes.
 * @return a pointer to the root of the trie.
template <class A, class Payload>
RefTrieNode<A, Payload> *
RefTrieNode<A, Payload>::erase()
    RefTrieNode *me, *parent, *child;
    if ((_references & NODE_REFS_MASK) > 0) {
	_references |= NODE_DELETED;
	me = this;
    } else {
	_references |= NODE_DELETED;
	if (_p) {
	    _p = NULL;

	debug_msg("++ erase %s\n", this->_k.str().c_str());
	 * If the node ("me") exists, has no payload and at most one child,
	 * then it is a useless internal node which needs to be removed by
	 * linking the child to the parent. If the child is NULL, we need
	 * to repeat the process up.
	for (me = this; me && me->_p == NULL &&
		 (me->_left == NULL || me->_right == NULL); ) {

	    // me->dump("erase");			// debugging

	    // Find parent and the one possible child (both can be NULL).
	    parent = me->_up;
	    child = me->_left ? me->_left : me->_right;

	    if (child != NULL)		// if the child exists, link it to
		child->_up = parent;	// its new parent

	    if (parent == NULL)		// no parent, child becomes new root
		parent = child;
	    else { // i have a parent, link my child to it (left or right)
		if (parent->_left == me)
		    parent->_left = child;
		    parent->_right = child;
	    // if we're deleting an intermediate node, mark it as
	    // deleted to satisfy destructor sanity checks
	    if (me->has_payload() == false)
		me->_references |= NODE_DELETED;
	    delete me;			// nuke the node
	    me = parent;
    // now navigate up to find and return the new root of the trie
    for ( ; me && me->_up ; me = me->_up)
    return me;

 * Finds the most specific entry in the subtree rooted at r
 * that contains the desired key and has a Payload
template <class A, class Payload>
RefTrieNode<A, Payload> *
RefTrieNode<A, Payload>::find(const Key &key)
    RefTrieNode * cand = NULL;
    RefTrieNode * r = this;

    for ( ; r && r->_k.contains(key) ; ) {
	if (r->_p && !r->deleted())
	    cand = r;		// we have a candidate.
	if (r->_left && r->_left->_k.contains(key))
	    r = r->_left;
	else			// should check that right contains(key), but
	    r = r->_right;	// the loop condition will do it for us.
    return cand;

 * See the comment in the class definition.
template <class A, class Payload>
RefTrieNode<A, Payload> *
RefTrieNode<A, Payload>::lower_bound(const Key &key)
    RefTrieNode * cand = NULL;
    RefTrieNode * r = this;
    // printf("lower bound: %s\n", key.str().c_str());
    for ( ; r && r->_k.contains(key) ; ) {
	cand = r;		// any node is good, irrespective of payload.
	if (r->_left && r->_left->_k.contains(key))
	    r = r->_left;
	else			// should check that right contains(key), but
	    r = r->_right;	// the loop condition will do it for us.
    if (cand == NULL)
	cand = this;

    if (cand->_k == key) {	// we found an exact match
	if (cand->_p) {		// we also have a payload, so we are done.
	    // printf("exact match\n");
	    return cand;
	} else {		// no payload, skip to the next (in postorder)
				// node in the entire tree (null key as root)
	    RefTriePostOrderIterator<A, Payload> iterator(NULL, cand, Key());
	    return iterator.cur();

    // printf("no exact match\n");
    // No exact match exists.
    // cand holds what would be the parent of the node, if it existed.
    while (cand != NULL) {
	// printf("cand = %s\n", cand->str().c_str());
	if (cand->_left && (key < cand->_left->_k)) {
	    return cand->_left->leftmost();
	if (cand->_right && (key < cand->_right->_k)) {
	    return cand->_right->leftmost();
	cand = cand->_up;
    return NULL;

 * Finds the subtree of key.
template <class A, class Payload>
RefTrieNode<A, Payload> *
RefTrieNode<A, Payload>::find_subtree(const Key &key)
    RefTrieNode *r = this;
    RefTrieNode *cand = r && key.contains(r->_k) ? r : NULL;

    for ( ; r && r->_k.contains(key) ; ) {
        cand = r;		// we have a candidate.
	if (r->_left && r->_left->_k.contains(key))
	    r = r->_left;
	else			// should check that right contains(key), but
	    r = r->_right;	// the loop condition will do it for us.
    return cand;

template <class A, class Payload>
RefTrieNode<A, Payload>::print(int indent, const char *msg) const

    if (this == NULL) {
	debug_msg("%sNULL\n", msg);
    debug_msg("%skey: %s %s\n",
	      msg, _k.str().c_str(), _p ? "PL" : "[]");
    debug_msg("    U: %s\n", _up ? _up->_k.str().c_str() : "NULL");
    _left->print(indent+4, "L: ");
    _right->print(indent+4, "R: ");
#endif /* DEBUG_LOGGING */

template <class A, class Payload>
RefTrieNode<A, Payload>::str() const
    string s;
    if (this == NULL) {
	s = "NULL";
	return s;
    s = c_format("key: %s ", _k.str().c_str());
    if (_p)
	s += "PL";
	s += "[]";
    if ((_references & NODE_DELETED) != 0)
	s += " *DEL*";
    s += c_format("\n    U: %s\n", _up ? _up->_k.str().c_str() : "NULL");
    return s;

template <class A, class Payload>
RefTrie<A, Payload>::print() const
    // this is called print - it should NOT use debug_msg!!!
    printf("---- print trie ---\n");
    _root->print(0, "");
    iterator ti;
    for (ti = begin() ; ti != end() ; ti++) {
	printf("*** node: %-26s ",
	if (ti.cur()->has_active_payload())
	else if (ti.cur()->has_payload())
	    printf("PL *DELETED* (%d refs)\n", ti.cur()->references());

#endif // __LIBXORP_REF_TRIE_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Jul 8 23:48:10 2004, using kdoc $.