Source: ../../libxipc/xrl_atom.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the Xorp LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the Xorp LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.
// $Id: xrl_atom.hh,v 1.3 2003/03/10 23:20:27 hodson Exp $
#ifndef __XRLATOM_H__
#define __XRLATOM_H__
#include <string>
#include <vector>
//#include "config.h"
#include "libxorp/c_format.hh"
#include "libxorp/exceptions.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv4.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv4net.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv6.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv6net.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipvx.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipvxnet.hh"
#include "libxorp/mac.hh"
#include "xrl_atom_list.hh"
enum XrlAtomType {
xrlatom_no_type = 0,
// ... Your type's unique enumerated name here ...
// Changing order above will break binary compatibility
// ...Don't forget to update xrlatom_start and xrlatom_end below...
// Bounds for enumerations
xrlatom_start = xrlatom_int32, // First valid enumerated value
xrlatom_end = xrlatom_binary // Last valid enumerated value
inline XrlAtomType& operator++(XrlAtomType& t)
return t = (xrlatom_end == t) ? xrlatom_no_type : XrlAtomType(t + 1);
* @return name of atom corresponding to type.
const char* xrlatom_type_name(const XrlAtomType&);
class XrlAtom {
// Exceptions
struct NoData : public XorpException {
NoData(const char* file, int line) :
XorpException("XrlAtom::NoData", file, line) {}
struct WrongType : public XorpException {
WrongType(const char* file, int line,
const XrlAtomType& actual, const XrlAtomType& expected) :
XorpException("XrlAtom::WrongType", file, line),
_actual(actual), _expected(expected) {}
const string why() const {
return c_format("Atom type %s (%d) expected %s (%d)",
xrlatom_type_name(_actual), _actual,
xrlatom_type_name(_expected), _expected);
XrlAtomType _actual;
XrlAtomType _expected;
struct BadName : public XorpException {
BadName(const char* file, int line, const char* name) :
XorpException("XrlAtom::BadName", file, line), _name(name) {}
const string why() const {
return c_format("\"%s\" is not a valid name", _name.c_str());
string _name;
XrlAtom() : _type(xrlatom_no_type), _have_data(false) {}
// type but no data constructors
XrlAtom(XrlAtomType t)
: _type(t), _have_data(false) {
XrlAtom(const string& name, XrlAtomType t) throw (BadName)
: _type(t), _have_data(false) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, XrlAtomType t) throw (BadName)
: _type(t), _have_data(false) {
XrlAtom(const string& name, XrlAtomType t, const string& serialized_data)
throw (InvalidString);
XrlAtom(const char* name, XrlAtomType t, const string& serialized_data)
throw (InvalidString);
* Construct an XrlAtom from it's serialized character representation.
* Be careful not confuse this with the unnamed string atom constructor
* XrlAtom(const string&).
explicit XrlAtom(const char*) throw (InvalidString, BadName);
// int32 constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const int32_t& value)
: _type(xrlatom_int32), _have_data(true), _i32val(value) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, int32_t value) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_int32), _have_data(true), _i32val(value) {
// bool constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const bool& value)
: _type(xrlatom_boolean), _have_data(true), _boolean(value) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, bool value) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_boolean), _have_data(true), _boolean(value) {
// uint32 constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const uint32_t& value)
: _type(xrlatom_uint32), _have_data(true), _u32val(value) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, uint32_t value) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_uint32), _have_data(true), _u32val(value) {
// ipv4 constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const IPv4& addr)
: _type(xrlatom_ipv4), _have_data(true),
_ipv4(new IPv4(addr)) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, const IPv4& addr) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_ipv4), _have_data(true), _ipv4(new IPv4(addr)) {
// ipv4net constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const IPv4Net& subnet)
: _type(xrlatom_ipv4net), _have_data(true),
_ipv4net(new IPv4Net(subnet)) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, const IPv4Net& subnet) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_ipv4net), _have_data(true),
_ipv4net(new IPv4Net(subnet)) {
// ipv6 constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const IPv6& addr)
: _type(xrlatom_ipv6), _have_data(true),
_ipv6(new IPv6(addr)) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, const IPv6& addr) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_ipv6), _have_data(true), _ipv6(new IPv6(addr)) {
// ipv6 net constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const IPv6Net& subnet)
: _type(xrlatom_ipv6net), _have_data(true),
_ipv6net(new IPv6Net(subnet)) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, const IPv6Net& subnet) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_ipv6net), _have_data(true),
_ipv6net(new IPv6Net(subnet)) {
// IPvX constructors - there is no underlying IPvX type
// data is cast to IPv4 or IPv6.
XrlAtom(const char* name, const IPvX& ipvx) throw (BadName)
: _have_data(true)
if (ipvx.is_ipv4()) {
_type = xrlatom_ipv4;
_ipv4 = new IPv4(ipvx.get_ipv4());
} else if (ipvx.is_ipv6()) {
_type = xrlatom_ipv6;
_ipv6 = new IPv6(ipvx.get_ipv6());
} else {
// IPvXNet constructors - there is no underlying IPvXNet type
// data is cast to IPv4Net or IPv6Net.
XrlAtom(const char* name, const IPvXNet& ipvxnet) throw (BadName)
: _have_data(true)
if (ipvxnet.is_ipv4()) {
_type = xrlatom_ipv4net;
_ipv4net = new IPv4Net(ipvxnet.get_ipv4Net());
} else if (ipvxnet.is_ipv6()) {
_type = xrlatom_ipv6net;
_ipv6net = new IPv6Net(ipvxnet.get_ipv6Net());
} else {
// mac constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const Mac& mac)
: _type(xrlatom_mac), _have_data(true),
_mac(new Mac(mac)) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, const Mac& mac) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_mac), _have_data(true),
_mac(new Mac(mac)) {
// text constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const string& txt)
: _type(xrlatom_text), _have_data(true),
_text(new string(txt)) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, const string& txt) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_text), _have_data(true),
_text(new string(txt)) {
// list constructors
explicit XrlAtom(const XrlAtomList& l)
: _type(xrlatom_list), _have_data(true),
_list(new XrlAtomList(l)) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, const XrlAtomList& l) throw (BadName)
: _type(xrlatom_list), _have_data(true), _list(new XrlAtomList(l)) {
// binary
XrlAtom(const char* name, const vector<uint8_t>& data)
: _type(xrlatom_binary), _have_data(true),
_binary(new vector<uint8_t>(data)) {
XrlAtom(const char* name, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_bytes)
: _type(xrlatom_binary), _have_data(true),
_binary(new vector<uint8_t>(data, data + data_bytes)) {
XrlAtom(const vector<uint8_t>& data)
: _type(xrlatom_binary), _have_data(true),
_binary(new vector<uint8_t>(data)) {
XrlAtom(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_bytes)
: _type(xrlatom_binary), _have_data(true),
_binary(new vector<uint8_t>(data, data + data_bytes)) {
// ... Your type's constructors here ...
// Copy operations
inline XrlAtom(const XrlAtom& x) {
inline XrlAtom& operator=(const XrlAtom& x) {
discard_dynamic(); copy(x); return *this;
void copy(const XrlAtom& x);
// Accessor operations
inline const string& name() const { return _atom_name; }
void set_name(const string& n) throw (BadName) { set_name (n.c_str()); }
string str() const;
const string type_name() const;
const string value() const;
inline const bool& has_data() const { return _have_data; }
inline const XrlAtomType& type() const { return _type; }
// The following accessors may throw accessor exceptions...
const bool& boolean() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const int32_t& int32() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const uint32_t& uint32() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const IPv4& ipv4() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const IPv4Net& ipv4net() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const IPv6& ipv6() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const IPv6Net& ipv6net() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const IPvX ipvx() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const IPvXNet ipvxnet() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const Mac& mac() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const string& text() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const XrlAtomList& list() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
const vector<uint8_t>& binary() const throw (NoData, WrongType);
// ... Your type's accessor method here ...
// Equality tests
bool operator==(const XrlAtom& x) const;
// Binary packing and unpacking operations
inline bool packed_bytes_fixed() const;
size_t packed_bytes() const;
size_t pack(uint8_t* buffer, size_t bytes_available) const;
size_t unpack(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes);
static bool valid_type(const string& s);
static bool valid_name(const string& s);
inline static XrlAtomType lookup_type(const string& s)
{ return resolve_type_c_str(s.c_str()); }
inline void discard_dynamic();
inline void type_and_data_okay(const XrlAtomType& t) const
throw (NoData, WrongType);
void set_name(const char *n) throw (BadName);
static XrlAtomType resolve_type_c_str(const char*);
ssize_t data_from_c_str(const char* c_str);
inline size_t pack_name(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_boolean(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_uint32(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_ipv4(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_ipv4net(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_ipv6(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_ipv6net(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_mac(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_text(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t pack_list(uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes) const;
inline size_t pack_binary(uint8_t* buffer) const;
inline size_t unpack_name(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes)
throw (BadName);
inline size_t unpack_boolean(const uint8_t* buffer);
inline size_t unpack_uint32(const uint8_t* buffer);
inline size_t unpack_ipv4(const uint8_t* buffer);
inline size_t unpack_ipv4net(const uint8_t* buffer);
inline size_t unpack_ipv6(const uint8_t* buffer);
inline size_t unpack_ipv6net(const uint8_t* buffer);
inline size_t unpack_mac(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes);
inline size_t unpack_text(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes);
inline size_t unpack_list(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes);
inline size_t unpack_binary(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes);
XrlAtomType _type;
bool _have_data;
string _atom_name;
union {
bool _boolean;
int32_t _i32val;
uint32_t _u32val;
IPv4* _ipv4;
IPv4Net* _ipv4net;
IPv6* _ipv6;
IPv6Net* _ipv6net;
Mac* _mac;
string* _text;
XrlAtomList* _list;
vector<uint8_t>* _binary;
// ... Your type here, if it's more than 4 bytes use a pointer ...
} ;
// XrlAtomSpell is a placeholder class for Xrl mapping
// It used to hold the name:type of an atom whose value we
// wish to refer to.
class XrlAtomSpell {
XrlAtomSpell(const XrlAtom& xa, const string& spell) :
_xa(xa), _spell(spell) {}
XrlAtomSpell(const string& name,
const XrlAtomType& type,
const string& m)
: _xa(XrlAtom(name, type)), _spell(m) {}
inline const string& atom_name() const { return; }
inline const XrlAtomType& atom_type() const { return _xa.type(); }
inline const XrlAtom& atom() const { return _xa; }
inline const string& spell() const { return _spell; }
const XrlAtom _xa;
const string _spell;
#endif // __XRLATOM_H__
Generated by: pavlin on on Mon Mar 10 19:34:49 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |