Source: ../../libxipc/finder_msgs.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.
// $XORP: xorp/libxipc/finder_msgs.hh,v 1.4 2003/03/10 23:20:23 hodson Exp $
#include "libxorp/xorp.h"
#include "libxorp/exceptions.hh"
#include "xrl.hh"
#include "xrl_error.hh"
* Base class for FinderMessage classes.
class FinderMessageBase {
* Construct a message. Initialized string representation with
* filled in header fields. Child constructors add their own
* payload representation.
* @param seqno The sequence number to be associated with the message
* @param type The message type.
FinderMessageBase(uint32_t seqno, char type);
virtual ~FinderMessageBase();
* String render method. This method provides
const string& str() const { return _rendered; }
// String manipluated by base and child classes to provide serializable
// representation.
string _rendered;
static const char* c_msg_template;
friend class ParsedFinderMessageBase;
* Finder Message class for Xrl transport.
class FinderXrlMessage : public FinderMessageBase {
FinderXrlMessage(const Xrl& xrl);
inline uint32_t seqno() const { return _seqno; }
uint32_t _seqno;
static const char c_type = 'x';
static uint32_t c_seqno;
static const char* c_msg_template;
friend class ParsedFinderXrlMessage;
* Finder Message class for Xrl Response transport.
class FinderXrlResponse : public FinderMessageBase {
FinderXrlResponse(uint32_t seqno, const XrlError& e, const XrlArgs*);
static const char c_type = 'r';
static const char* c_msg_template;
friend class ParsedFinderXrlResponse;
* Exception for badly formatted message data.
struct BadFinderMessageFormat : public XorpReasonedException {
BadFinderMessageFormat(const char* file, size_t line, const string& why)
: XorpReasonedException("BadFinderMessageFormat", file, line, why)
* Exception for mismatched finder message type.
struct WrongFinderMessageType : public XorpException {
WrongFinderMessageType(const char* file, size_t line)
: XorpException("WrongFinderMessageType", file, line)
* Base class for parsed Finder Messages.
class ParsedFinderMessageBase {
* Constructor
* Initializes common header fields of seqno and type from string
* representation and provides accessors to these values.
ParsedFinderMessageBase(const char* data, char type)
throw (BadFinderMessageFormat, WrongFinderMessageType);
virtual ~ParsedFinderMessageBase();
uint32_t seqno() const { return _seqno; }
char type() const { return _type; }
uint32_t bytes_parsed() const { return _bytes_parsed; }
uint32_t _seqno;
char _type;
uint32_t _bytes_parsed;
static const char* c_msg_template;
* Parses finder protocol messages into Xrls.
class ParsedFinderXrlMessage : public ParsedFinderMessageBase {
* Constructor for received Xrl messages.
* Attempts to extract Xrl from data.
* @throws BadFinderMessageFormat when bad packet data received.
* @throws WrongFinderMessageType if message is not a Finder Xrl message.
* @throws InvalidString if the data within the Xrl Message could not be
* rendered as an Xrl.
ParsedFinderXrlMessage(const char* data)
throw (BadFinderMessageFormat, WrongFinderMessageType, InvalidString);
const Xrl& xrl() const { return *_xrl; }
Xrl* _xrl;
* Parses finder protocol messages into Xrl responses.
class ParsedFinderXrlResponse : public ParsedFinderMessageBase {
* Constructor for received Xrl Response messages.
* Attempts to extract Xrl Reponse from data.
* @throws BadFinderMessageFormat when bad packet data received.
* @throws WrongFinderMessageType if message is not a Finder Xrl Response
* Message.
* @throws InvalidString if the data within the Xrl Response
* message could not be rendered as an Xrl.
ParsedFinderXrlResponse(const char* data)
throw (BadFinderMessageFormat, WrongFinderMessageType, InvalidString);
const XrlError& xrl_error() const { return _xrl_error; }
XrlArgs* xrl_args() const { return _xrl_args; }
XrlError _xrl_error;
XrlArgs* _xrl_args;
Generated by: pavlin on on Mon Mar 10 19:34:49 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |