Base class for parsed Finder Messages.
ParsedFinderMessageBase (const char* data, char type)
throw (BadFinderMessageFormat, WrongFinderMessageType) | ParsedFinderMessageBase |
Initializes common header fields of seqno and type from string representation and provides accessors to these values.
~ParsedFinderMessageBase ()
| ~ParsedFinderMessageBase |
uint32_t seqno ()
| seqno |
char type ()
| type |
uint32_t bytes_parsed ()
| bytes_parsed |
[protected const]
uint32_t _seqno | _seqno |
char _type | _type |
uint32_t _bytes_parsed | _bytes_parsed |
static const char* c_msg_template | c_msg_template |
Generated by: pavlin on possum.icir.org on Mon Mar 10 19:34:49 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |