Project Name: RSA Processor


RSA ( Rivest Shamir Adleman )is crypthograph system that used to give a secret information  and digital signature . Its security based on Integer Factorization Problem (IFP). RSA uses an asymetric key.

RSA was created by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman in 1977.

Every user have a pair of key, public key and private key.

Public key  (e) . You may choose any number for e with these requirements, 1< e <Æ(n), where Æ(n)= (p-1) (q-1)  ( p and q are first-rate), gcd (e,Æ(n))=1 (gcd= greatest common divisor).

Private key (d).  d=(1/e) mod(Æ(n))

Encyption (C) . C=Mª  mod(n),                               a = e (public key), n=pq

Descryption (D) . D=C° mod(n),                             o = d (private key) 





Design Stages:



Maintainers and Authors :

*      Wishnu A.P.                            

*      Sebastian Lee

*     Mahmud G  




[email protected]_NOSPAM