The release of nnARM v1.12(zip).It contain all the source code of nnARM and the top simulation file tb_system.v in the base dictionary.
testbench release with v1.12(zip).In the asm dictionary, you can find all asembly source code that use to test my design. In the bin2asc dictionary, you can find the program that use to convert binary image file to ascii file.
The release of nnARM v1.14(zip). It correct some error in ALU, mainly in BarrelShifter. At the same time, it is the first version that contain a top level synthesable module-- nnARMCore in nnARMCore.v file. many people have ask for this module several times.
The new release of nnARM v1.20(zip). It now can support LDM/STM even in Thumb state.
testbench release with v1.20(zip). Because the entire testbenchs is too large, so I only upload the three new supported testbenchs: block ldm and tblock.
The new release of nnARM v1.21(zip). It now can support Wishbone bus standard.
The new release of nnARM v1.22(zip) that eleminate all tri-state signals.