Package: affy
Description: The package contains functions for exploratory
oligonucleotide array analysis. The dependance to tkWidgets
only concerns few convenience functions. 'affy' is fully
functional without it.
Version: 1.5.8-1
Author: Rafael A. Irizarry , Laurent Gautier
, Benjamin Milo Bolstad
, and Crispin Miller
with contributions from Magnus
Astrand , Leslie M. Cope
, Robert Gentleman Jeff Gentry Wolfgang
Huber James MacDonald Benjamin I. P.
Rubinstein Christopher Workman , John
Maintainer: Rafael A. Irizarry
Dependencies: R (>= 1.9.0), Biobase (>= 1.4.22), reposTools
Suggests: tkWidgets (>= 1.2.2), affydata
SystemRequirements: None
License: LGPL version 2 or newer
URL: None available
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