Package: MergeMaid
Description: The functions in this R extension are intended for
cross-study comparison of gene expression array data. Required
from the user is gene expression matrices, their corresponding
gene-id vectors and other useful information, and they could
be 'list','matrix','exprSet'. The main function is
'mergeExprs' which transforms the input objects into data in
the merged format, such that common genes in different
datasets can be easily found. And the function 'intcor'
calculate the correlation coefficients. Other functions use
the output from 'modelOutcome' to graphically display the
results and cross-validate associations of gene expression
data with survival.
Version: 2.0-1
Author: Xiaogang Zhong Leslie Cope
Elizabeth Garrett Giovanni Parmigiani
Maintainer: Xiaogang Zhong
Dependencies: R (>= 1.5.0), survival, Biobase
Suggests: None
SystemRequirements: None
License: GPL version 2 or higher
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